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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Do you mean because he's an engineer, because of his loud mouth, his shy personality, or because Elisa likes him?

...You know you're in trouble when you can think up four separate ways why you should die on a Star Army ship. >.>
Elisa said:
"Come to Sakura. I need an engineer who understands me. ^_~"

Leutre: On one hand, a female that actually seems interested in me! Yay! On the other hand, she also seems like the kind of person who would kill me in my sleep. Decisions, decisions...

Asher Orkin Westwood said:
"Who are you again?"

Leutre: *Screams and lunges at Asher with a fork in hand*
News flash:

My father has cancer. I don't know what the specifics are yet, but I might be a little bit less available than I'd typically be on the weekends.

Just wanted to make that known.
Leutre Veressis said:
Leutre: On one hand, a female that actually seems interested in me! Yay! On the other hand, she also seems like the kind of person who would kill me in my sleep. Decisions, decisions...

Elisa: I don't kill people I like. I molest them and scar them for life, sure, but I don't kill them.
Kotori said:
My father has cancer.
:( I wonder if it's just this time of year...it seems like there's a lot of death/serious illness of older people going around right now. The Miharu's playerbase has seen a lot of deaths over its somewhat short lifespan as well.

I hope your dad gets through this okay and lives a longer, increasingly awesome life.
Hodgkin's lymphoma is a curable cancer, but the news still sort of hit like a sledgehammer.

My father is 52 and apparently should survive with proper treatment. It shouldn't hinder my daily life in the least - I just might take more time visiting family in my next weekends instead of staying at home, having no life, struggling to master that fsking wiki and destroying spam posts.

What complicates things is that I practically had given up on the relationship between me and my father - I leave messages to wish him a happy birthday and a merry christmas and all I get is rotten silence; he couldn't care to reply... and then his mortality knocks at his conscience and he's apologizing to me and saying he lost my phone number and was scared of calling me back because he feared I would reject him.

I'd have every right to reject him! It's too late, I'm grown up now and he was barely ever there! Helping me pay my school debt won't fix that - I'm not even sure I want to accept his money on that level to discourage the idea that he can bribe his way into my good graces...

Anyhow, his call sort of (foolishly) revived my hopes that he and I could somehow get along... so, I'll give it another try. I'll probably end up being bitter and disappointed for my effort -- but I guess I'll be ever-naive in that regard, dammit.
Well, at least something good could possibly come of the situation. It's a shame it took uncontrolled cellular reproduction to knock some sense into him. I mean, who wouldn't want to hang out with Fred as a son? ^_^
I hope that everything comes together for you and your father. Cancer is a terrible, terrible disease, but it is beatable and I wish the best for your father and family as they cope with this.
On one hand you have the right to be angry at your father. So that can't be called wrong.

On the other hand if you don't take this chance (and it's still iffy especially if there is a long history) you could regret not at least making every attempt. There's nothing wrong with hoping for a relationship with your father even if it doesn't happen. Plus just because he has a high chance for surviving this cancer, it doesn't mean that something won't happen further along down the line. To him or you. Life is finite and uncertain.

It doesn't mean you two have to get along all daddy/son as if nothing ever happened before. That would still have to get worked out. But at the same time it should no longer be a barrier towards open communication between you two.

I say good for you to make that effort. Don't regret it if it doesn't come up all roses and don't get discouraged if things get a little rocky. These things take effort but it'll be well worth it. Very good human relationships usually are.
Day 4, Abridged
In YE 29, war was beginning.
Kotori: What happen?
Miyoko: Someone set up us the supernova.
Yukari: We get signal.
Kotori: What?
Yukari: Main screen turn on.
Kotori: It's you!
Melisson: How are you gentlemen!! All your Taiie system are belong to us. You are on the way to destruction.
Chujo Matokai: What you say?!
Melisson: You have no chance to survive, make your time! Ha ha ha!

... somebody had to do it.
*laughs* That was pretty good.

Doshii Jun's latest post, especially in contrast with Nyton's, was pretty funny too.