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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I reminded myself of the scene from When Harry Met Sally.

Anyways, we're going to the field tomorrow so I won't have anymore laptop access. All in all though, WLC has been fairly easy but I'm ready to go home. I can't wait to be done. Talk to you all later.
Freeman's in the back of the kitchen making his "speical sauce."
If no one feels like posting (communicating to another player, going thorugh the motions of eating, thinking, whatever), I will move the plot forward.

Considering I was planning to fast forward through the day, assuming the crew 'worked' to fix the ship or catch up with what needed doing, if you want to have something done in Day 4, it'd be a good idea to try to get it done before I hop to the next day.
Sorry for being slow. I was kept busy by my broken copy of photoshop, which insists on crashing on me every 15 minutes. Had to put up with at least a two douzen crashes the last day or two in order to finish some poster art for a friend. >.<
That's fine - you aren't the only character around, after all.


OKAY, since we have Yagen waiting to join the ship, I'm opting to fast-forward to the next day and narrate what the crew will do overall for the next day and leave it to you guys to interpret on the morrow.

You have until tonight to post in Day 4 or try to argue here to change my mind.
Kel, La-La! (...I wish our nickname changer would have picked one that didn't end with a punctuation mark ^_^; ) if you two want to sneak a JP at the end of Day 4 about how it turned out once Miyoko went back to the medlab, feel free to PM it to me and I'll include it in the locked thred.

Today starts Day 5. We have new players to pick up.
The Anri-class Deep Space Repair Ship YSS Amorous would be happy to help the Odori no Umi out with its technical capabilities. It could be there in a few hours, I think.
My apologies for not posting again yesterday (Tuesday). It was a K-day, and our Valentine's Day, so we spent it together. Again, my apologies.
Wes, have you been paying attention to the going ons in Tsuyosa?

The Miharu and the few SA ships left have hidden in a place sensors could not function so they'd avoid detection. There's apparently a communication blackout made in the system which doesn't allow Supra-FTL communications to work beyond the confines of the star system. We can't even access the PANTHEON network. Even Yui with her NH-23 body has no idea of what is going on with us.

Heck, we're all presumed missing in action on the news.

So, no... we can't really call the Amorous and no one really knows where we are. Besides, you'd think the Amorous would be plenty busy with the 1st XF going out to attack the Mishhu.
Wheeee. Being the only one to be able to double/triple/quadruple post in here is really nice - rights of the GM and all. I can abuse it and make nifty news updates whenever I want! XD

Of course, this is going to especially hurt my post count one I delete this thread at the end of Mission 1 to star over with a fresh one. Why, my post count my go below my dastardly rival, Doshii Jun.



Yagen and Midknight, you both can come in and play your characters disembarking from a shuttle in the Miharu's port multi-function bay (that's left on the map). Someone will be coming in shortly to greet you.

Keep in mind that your characters have worked on the same ship for a day or two. Also remember you are aware of what happened at Taiie and that your ship was crammed with refugees. You apparently had a swell commanding officer too. ~_^
The sole fiber-optic cable between the city where I live and the rest of civilization was severed this morning. Repairing it will apparently require them to shut down one of the most important highways in the state, so they can't even give us an estimate of how many days it'll take to fix. In the meantime, the internet access is incredibly slow and unreliable at best, and it's often inaccessible altogether for hours at a time. If I seem to disappear, feel free to NPC Miyoko around as needed.
So much the better! I'm glad, in any case.

Welcome, you two new people! Took you long enough! *gives Yagen a wink* Kel now will take good care of you, I'm sure.

Everyone was given something to do, I believe... so, get to posting! If there are any questions or that you complete your assigned task, feel free to ask your superior officer for more (superior officers are either Masako, Nyton, Tom or Yukari - depending on the field you work in).

Masako is actually the one in charge of the preparation for the mission. Nyton is supervising and lending a hand. They should all be either in the sensor dome or the starboard power armor bay - first poster of that group gets to decide where.

Tom and he rest of the techs ought to be in the subdeck patching up things - namely the fold drive. You guys can start with posting too.

<center>* * *</center>

Midknight, good start. However, you're spelling your race wrong.

It's written 'Yamataian'. Ya-ma-ta-ian. Like Yamatai, but add 'an' at the end.