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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Asher: "Well you'd need a 'Superior X Gene' in the Nekos to balance out with the 'Superior Y Gene' in the Nepleslians first. Wait, where would that leave the Yamataians?"
Doshii Jun said:
Just ... Kotori made such a horrible assumption. It's hilarious.

Well, Kotori is 2 years old and she's never been to Nepleslia. ~_^

Sometimes she's brilliant and all, but other times she just comes off as painfully young. That's what having a mature mindset while having leapfrogged over your childhood will do to you.
Blas, Nyton's going to have to duck out soon, right? If we're cut off before you can have him do something else, I'll just NPC him and have him relax/eat and study some of his Naraku-worship material in his room.

I understand we have a few characters without players: there's James Dige, Chigusa Amagasaki and Ryszard Nishimura. Those are now NPCs and are best ignored - though I understand for Kokuten that it might be more difficult in Ryszard's case. Right now, let's just assume those three were rounded up with the twin neko technicians and are out doing extra-vehicular activity to help fix the ship.
Yeah I know. Well, I can still plug in today, maybe just a tiny bit tomorrow, and maybe maybe in the early morning of Sunday one last tidbit. But well, yeah don't really count on it much. My departure on Sunday is at 1300 so I do have a good bit of time in the morning it's just that that's it and I'll likely be spending those 'see you later' moments with Annie so I should probably reach a good solid end by tonight, no later than tomorrow.

Arg and then it's two weeks of 'hey did my character get killed? did he at least do cool things while I was away?' lol
Well, look at the bright side. Nyton has a ST backup. If he dies, most of what he forgets is-

Wait, Nyton's last ST backup was back on the Sakura (you know, part of all that qualitytime he spent with Miles). Come to think of it, so's Kotori's. Ugh, that's bad! XD
No his last one was on the Miharu just after Scorpio base. But he's got his memory recorder to fill him in on any details he may have missed between his last ST and death. Provided the unit is still intact....

Gah. Sorry Doshii, accidentally used her first name. The crew roster lists some crew members names first-then-last, and others last-then-first, but it doesn't indicate which is which. We should really have some default order to avoid confusion. >.<
Oh shit. Yeah ... meh. I actually thought it was totally in-character.

For future reference -- any characters with JAPANESE names should be surname first (Suzuka Yukari). But it's okay; Yukari's not pissed or anything.
I'm going on vacation, by the way. I'll have Net access tomorrow night, but I'll be online in a spotty fashion.

X-posted to Goban.
Alright this is it. I'm going to my drop off point soon.

For Nyton's NPC actions he'll drop off his stuff at his room, eat wherever the food gets set up, return to his room and get his personal weapons together, and take it easy for a little while until it is time to return to duty.

I'll be back by the 15th. Wish me luck, keep Annie in prayers while I'm away, etc etc.
Okay, so... we have Tom, Kokuten and Leutre around... with most of the others slowed down by other stuff (Kel and Abwehran commander are probably swamped with job/school; La-La, Nyton and Doshii Jun are out vacationing or something).

Right now, I'm feeling a certain slow-down due to the non-action scene and the lack of some of the players... but I'm a bit helpless to do anything about it - the usual fix is to fastforward things (I'd skip to the next day) but with some of the player base missing, it's probably not a good idea.

I can't have Kotori join you right away because I need to leave a realistic gap of time to allow her to change... but nevertheless, I wanted to encourage those players around to keep interacting with one another. I can content myself with a slow progression of 1 post a day, but I'd want to at least have a post a day.

Also, seeing that we are undergoing a sort of lull and that I'm not as busy as I could be (regarding the time I devote to Star Army, I mean - I have plenty enough work!), if there's anything about the plotship that you'd like to bring up, point out or discuss, feel free to.
Greetings from the front!

Nah, just training. They gave us some free internet time for passing our written exam. I'm working hard and doing well. Things here are stressful but all in all WLC ain't bad. I'm having some fun and learning stuff. The people here are pretty cool and the instructors don't treat us like little kid privates. I even get called Sergeant. ;p Well everybody does here.

Anyways just leaving a quick note and mailing folks. Take care all. I'll be back in eleven or so more days.
We miss you Blas! Best of luck in <s>PLDC</s> WLC!
Kokuten just flat out ignore Leutre's presence. Yes, he's still in the wardroom. I think.

Leutre: I feel so unloved. I'm just going to sit in the corner now. T.T
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