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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Crap. Wes, I am completely to blame; that was my edit and I should've done it when I wasn't as tired. I also could've eliminated Tom's double spacing but neglected to. My apologies.

When using an ellipsis: the correct form is to have one space on both sides. So it should look like this -- ... -- not...like that. Also note that some literary styles permit this -- . . . -- though that is generally frowned upon in many periodicals because of space use.

However, the comma rule is a great one to bring up. I notice it a lot with many people's posts.

Look at the sentence after you've typed it. When it contains a quotation, examine how you attribute it just like Wes said. There are times when a period can be used, others when it shouldn't.

"That is a lovely hat," Yukari said/replied/stated/shouted/stuttered/
mumbled/warked/etc. "It would fit well on my rack."
^ When using a verb that involves speech, a comma almost always best. The quoted material is part of the sentence in this case, using the verb of the attribution.

"That is a lovely hat." Yukari smiled and touched it with delicate fingers. "It would fit well on my rack."
^ Here, the quoted material stands alone. Note that the next actions are not speech-related.

Some authors would argue these are strict rules and verbs that imply mouth movements (smiled, grinned, etc.) or involve sounds (giggled, sobbed, quibbled, so on) could be used with the comma rule, like so:

"That is a lovely hat," Yukari smiled/giggled. "I want it on my rack."

Mouth movements as you can see don't make sense. However, some sounds do work, sobbed being the best example.

Oh -- and while I'm at it.

Using "pauses"

Writers generally have three grammatical tools available to them when using a pause: the comma, the dash, and the ellipsis.

From what I've read here, commas are rarely used as pauses, which is common in writers who use a lot of dialogue. There's no harm in this, but consider the following sentence:

"My mastah, uses me for examples, and I hate it," Yukari said with a sniffle.

With dashes:

"My mastah -- uses me for examples -- and I hate it," Yukari said with a sniffle.

With ellipses:

"My mastah ... uses me for examples ... and I hate it," Yukari said with a sniffle.

Notice the different pauses that come to mind when you use these. A lot of you might think you know this already, but it's good to keep in mind. Also note the grammar; the first sentence would probably lose the first comma.

One rule I bend constantly involves stuttering. Hyphens, in general, are okay for stuttering, but the correct form (in American English, at least) actually uses commas.

"Th-th-there is everything wrong with my mastah!" Yukari wailed.

"Th, th, there is everything wrong with my mastah!" Yukari wailed.

Again, notice the speed you interpret the quotation. The second one is very jerky, while the top one is much more staccato. Just something to keep in mind.

Okay, that's enough from me.
Finally got my internet up. Had a bit of a blow out due to massive storms here the past few days. Hopefully I haven't missed anything.
We can JP as early as tonight, 8:30 PM EST. It really depends on who is interested - I'll be online around then.

edit: I'm drooping with fatigue and we're missing a few people, so, I think I'm going to sign out for the night. I'm feeling very zombie and uninspired right now (honto ni gomenasai)
Sorry I missed the JP time. I already had plans for all of today and wasn't able to make time for it. Probably didn't help that I found out the time when I glanced at the forums on my way out.

I'll do my best to be around for the next JP, though.
Just as a heads up, I'll be taking a week-long vacation. I'm headin' back to chill with the folks up in California, so attendance may be a little spotty due to me not being at home. I'll be bringing a laptop with me so perhaps I'll be online every now and then.
Just a heads up that two weeks from now Annie and I are going to be off in MD for our wedding ceremony and then a weeklong honeymoon trip (Aug 24-Sep 4).
I need to tend my schoolwork until the end of august. then, school will be over, but I'll have to divest myself of my computer, which will limit my access to the internet/instant chat for the next two weeks.

Poor Miharu plotship... having such a shaky start ^_^;
Well, while we're on the topic of shaky starts, until the end of August I'll be away from my computer for almost every day. Ironically, once college starts back up at the end of the month, I'll have a lot more time to invest in the plotship.
Okay so anything this weekend? Maybe a last shot before all of us get really busy with stuff and go away for long periods?
I have a deadline for Monday the 21st. Very bad timing for me - things are pretty hectic here ^_^;

Again, I apologize. School is important though and it's nearly over too.
Fred, if you want, I can try and wrangle everyone together for something. If you want. Nyton and Yukari can handle the training.
This coming Friday up to Sunday, I'll be free at least until 12:00 noon EST. Just ifgured I'd throw that out.
Doshii,you might want to get Wes to help you with this, seeing that he probably would be the best person out of anyone to portray Project Inoue and how the new power armors are to be presented (this might give him the opportunity to make a Yuuko cameo and hint at the Mindy 2A).

Kotori can be stuck with deskwork; it wouldn't be too surprising, seeing she still has to work on officer qualification and get her logistics straightened out for her new ship.

As for me, well, I can give you an idea of how this hiatus is affecting me: my days are filled with work to the brim... enough so that I sometime feel I'm cramming in so much I'm going to regurgitate from it. I'm stuck trying to fill a workload I had 2 weeks to do inside 2 days for an evaluation and then 4 more days to polish things up before the final handout.

I'm in over my head ^_^;
Er, I'm off tommorow (Wed) and thursday, but I've got Sakura JPs both nights and a possible Celia JP before the Sakura one on Thursday. Tommorow I plan to take my little brother Zach bowling and to Best Buy and Barnes and Noble during the early afternoon. He's really looking forward to it.
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