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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Fred the Destroyer said:
What's 300?

A comic and, more recently, a movie, about the battle of Thermopylae. The movie's gotten huge intarweb hype. It is approximately the manliest thing ever created.

That'd be a good Cluster Flux thread, having certain SRP characters acting like Firefly characters.

Actually, I think Leutre could fill in several roles; He's a headstrong individualist, a half-insane explosives maniac, a spunky technican, and a man of religion. And I'm sure he could be the classy whore for Saito if he ever struck up a relationship (she's totally a dominatrix at heart).
Scourge of the Tech Forum said:
"Claymere-Juni, should you be killed in the line of duty... you have no objection to being reborn in a yamataian body?" Miharu's MEGAMI asked.
This has Miles Gunn written all over it, lol.
No, actually, the way Miharu sees it... if Nyton dies, his body expires. any attachment to it becomes unimportant. If Miharu restores Nyton from his ST backup data, he owes her and the Star Army his continued survival. Accepting a yamataian body from that point would insure the continuity of his career in the Star Army of Yamatai without a hitch and the body would be based on his genetic material anyways.

Miharu could certainly regrow a geshrin-type body if he insisted on not being a yamataian... but the end result would be the same. The new body would not be his original body, so, the attachment to the previous is irrelevant since she'd be giving him a new chance at life.

<center>* * *</center>

In retrospect, if the Miles Gunn situation would have had happened aboard the Miharu, she'd have gone for making a soul backup of the Doctor instead of a transfer and then worked on to preserve his life as long as she was able until he'd, well, die.

If Miles would have proven unreasonable and untrusting, she'd have perhaps tried to actually create a Yamataian Miles to have him take a try at saving his original body. If the original body would have failed to survive because there simply hadn't been any way of saving it... well, there would have been little the new Miles could have blamed the Miharu for.
Heh...that and if Nyton went crazy, there would be Masako to restrain him. XP

In other news, I believe Masako is currently the richest Neko around with a current balance of 88489 KS.

P.S.: The NPCs are up on the wiki now.
Layla said:
Leutre found himself growing bored at the long dialog between Nyton and MEGAMI. Why does he always have to be such an ass?

I nominate this for the "Leutre is made of win" award.
Very nice rendition. I can see a want for the choker but I thought she only wore it if not on duty.

As for Nyton going crazy, now why do you say that? True dying's a bitch but he would try to rationalize it out first.

And if a murderous rampage is his only conclusion then why be sloppy and slug it out? All he'd have to do is call a meeting, wait for everyone to gather together, and then when everyone is in close proximity let off a string of explosives while he excused himself from the room. Any survivors would then be picked off by a spray of gunfire just outside and behind the doorway followed up by some grenades.

But I don't really see anything productive coming out of that.

BTW, Annie and I are moving into the new place so my internet may be down a couple of days. I'm hoping my new provider is able to be up and running as early as tomorrow but if not then you'll know why I've been silent. Our new home is amazing. It's as good, maybe even better then Air Force base housing. And they got some good budgets for housing. All I know is Annie is happy with it and for that I am so grateful.
The art looks great, I really like how the shading/lighting is done.

By the by, I completely missed Kels post so, lawledit.
Kokuten said:
He stopped and paused, suddenly realising how much taller everyone was too him now...

Actually, at 5' 2", he's still taller than Miyoko... and Mizuho... and Masako. ... all of the M-vowel-consonant-vowel-consonant-O girls! Nekos: A lot of butt-kicking in a very small package.
Maybe it's cause he's distracted by the two guys out-heighting him by an entire foot.

And in context, Miyoko would still appear to be a taller person to Asher, since they are now almost eye level.
*Asher cuts off a few more inches, going down to 4'9".*

<Asher> Good Morning, ma'am!

<Masako> ...

<Asher> ... Ma'am...?

<Masako> *Watermelon Maul*
Doshii Jun said:
It's missing the choker.
Nothing positive to say at all, huh?
I don't like the way the rank pin and the patches have been added. They look too 2-dimensional.

However, I really dig the hands.
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