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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Anyone around the area of the Crew Quaters? I'm gettin' kinda' bored idling Asher around, and I just want to make sure before I send him in the direction of the Mess Hall.
Actually, does anyone need to do anything else at all? Some might be taking naps, some others might be working on power armors, some will grab some chow and others are going to monitor stuff and others will screw around in the engine room.

Predictably enough, yes, something will happen eventually after I skip a couple of hours. Yes, there should be action and stuff for you power armored people to do - plenty. Miharu is an action/adventure plot and I think we've idled enough with downtime and planning. Does anyone have any objection to moving on (at the worst you can just narrate over what your character did last after the fast-forward).
A fastforward would be fine by me. If Miyoko and Leutre actually have a conversation, we'll just do it over a small JP and have you stick it in later... but that seems unlikely, since it's been almost 3 days since Leutre's last response.
I have no qualms with a fast forward....we should probably start picking up the pace due to talks about moving to YE 30 this summer. I honestly can't do much more character development because no one seems interested in character with getting to know Masako. :\
Yeah sure, there's really not much else going on. Eat a little food, walk a little distance, prep things. Done and done.
I will be wrapping up the Miharu plot and discontinuing my participation in the Star Army Roleplay. I'll be spending the next couple of days rereading over what was done and working on the medals you've all learned as well as a plausible conclusion narrative.

Despite the unfortunate circumstances, you guys may want to start asking around to see if any plotships might have room for you guys if you plan sticking on the site - for some of you, you have alternate characters so this shouldn't be a problem. For others, you'll have to get in touch with other GMs and see if they can accomodate you.
Miharu players!

We need to first give our props to Fred. Hear hear for the best damn GM we've had in a while.

Next -- plans are already underway to figure out where we go next. This doesn't have to be the end of our crew! Submit ideas here for where we go next, and perhaps we can keep up the high level of quality play we've already established.
Indeed Fred, it's been a privledge to have roleplayed with you. You brought my cute little Masako out from the depths of dead plotships she was under.

Only...the Miharu is now the fifth plotship Masako has been on to go under. o_o is she cursed?

Anyway....my suggestion is a plot ship that is unlike the rest. A frontline skirmisher, not a scout, not a battleship, but a skirmisher. You hit the enemy where it's weakest and run. It'd probably be heavy combat on missions with a little bit of character development when not running a combat mission.
Abwehran Commander said:
Anyway....my suggestion is a plot ship that is unlike the rest. A frontline skirmisher, not a scout, not a battleship, but a skirmisher. You hit the enemy where it's weakest and run. It'd probably be heavy combat on missions with a little bit of character development when not running a combat mission.

Yes. Preserve the Miharu crew by sending them all somewhere else together instead of having a diaspora. I'm 100% for that. I've spent 5 goddamn months trying to make even the most tenous of connections on Miyoko, and I'll be damned if she loses them all now.
I'm with you, keep the crew together. Masako's tried so hard to come out of her little shell, it would just break her little heart for the crew to disperse like the Confidence. And Masako crying makes me cry.
Damn and well, fucking A damn. Well this to me feels like a personal loss to have Fred leave. Dude I was loving the plot, the ride, pretty much well everything. Hell, I felt like I'd finally found a real good home for my char, the good and the bad both intentional and unintentional. I liked your GM style best.

I guess now all we can do is plan for the future. Yeah I'd hate to lose out and get scattered. At the same time there's still the fact that we have a plot to finish out so there might be certain issues caused at the conclusion but we can find some way to regroup. We'll see then. We'll just have to see. Don't be surprised though if Nyton has to part ways if he has to. He has something of an ambition to pursue and if Kotori is no longer around then he's going to have to redirect himself if he wants to stay Nepleslian.
Kotori said:
I will be wrapping up the Miharu plot and discontinuing my participation in the Star Army Roleplay.
Why?? If this is over the YE 30 issue, I've already stated that I'll give you as long as you want to get to YE 30, even if the other ships advance ahead.

Leaving the Miharu midway makes NO SENSE for you Fred, especially considering that it had almost no problems. You're abandoning your friends who relied on you for trvial reasons. That OOC junk over in the other forums doesn't matter to you. This is your plot and inside it you don't have to worry about Chris or technology debates or even new role-players.