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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Wes said:
or even new role-players.

Wait, what does that make me then?

And falling back to the previous discussion! I havn't even been able to develop a proper Yamataian character yet! Things were at least going well for Asher so far on the Miharu. Well, at least I thought they were going well for him on the Miharu. I was beginning to get used to the setting and everything, and now we're going to disband? Shucks...
Kokuten said:
Wait, what does that make me then?

And falling back to the previous discussion! I havn't even been able to develop a proper Yamataian character yet! Things were at least going well for Asher so far on the Miharu. Well, at least I thought they were going well for him on the Miharu. I was beginning to get used to the setting and everything, and now we're going to disband? Shucks...

Actually, Jake/Doshii, Matt/Abwerhan, Kel, FM, and I came up for a pretty neat idea for a Miharu contingency plotship which we're hammering out at the moment. Don't chalk up the crew as gone yet!
I SAW THAT. *laughs*

We're going to try and keep things together as best we can. Just don't expect the same larger campaign that Fred is able to weave; the basic idea right now is something more episodic, so we can manage easier.
You guys got yourselves a two months reprieve in which I will operate (as in GM) the Miharu as normal.

You can thank Wes, whom took the effort of negociating through two evenings with me.

Just give me a bit to switch back from 'disgruntled jerk' mode to 'uberleet GM' mode.
Take all the time you want, uberl337 GM.

However, we expect compensation ... in the form of sprites. Or pics of the girl in REC.
By the way, Joint Post sessions are not forbidden or anything on the Miharu. Unlike Wes, I do not submit a schedule for JPs, but rather wait for players to ask me to make JPs (when I was participating on the Sakura, I was the one whom kept bugging Wes for JPs - so, I assume that if no one bugs me, there's no interest).

I'd like to point out, however, that the Miharu has people from several timezones, making this a wee bit more difficult to execute (for attendance). Also, we have... 10 player characters, I think? That's pretty hard to manage for just me and it could create situations where I have to narrate situations and narrate things responses for specific people and perhaps skip/forget/avoid stuff for some other people.

This is why I generally prefer going for a fast single post rate instead of JPs. For single posts, I'm not as pressed to type fast, which means I can make higher quality replies. JPs do have their silver lining for the immediacy and responsiveness for a written roleplay (that spontaneity, I expect, is the one reason why JPs are popular).
What about trying for JPs once a week, like you proposed in the schedule thread? The idea just kind of died off, but it seemed like people were interested.
Propose a day and a time and get people to discuss it. If there's a reasonable consensus about how many can attend depending on the situation we'd go for (the boarding operation, for example), then we'll go for it.

As a rule of thumb, I'm generally available everyday at 8 PM EST (GMT -5). So go, ask around in the schedule thread: I don't run around after players - I merely make myself available for them.
Schedule Update

Times I'm available:

(all times are Eastern)
Monday and Thursday: 12 PM - 2 PM, 4 PM - 1 AM
Tuesday: 4 PM - 3:30 AM
Wednesday: 12 PM - 1 AM
Friday: 10 AM - 2 PM, 4 PM - 3:30 AM
Saturday: All day.
Sunday: Until 1 AM.
(Miharu's wiki: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=st ... yss_miharu)

Hey people!

On October 3rd, 2007... SARP got hacked. We pretty much had someone go and purge all user accounts, ending up with a lot of posts which were unattached from their users. It was messy and stuff.

Next day, we have this forum more or less running. Which is nice. However, we lost most of our content, so, we have to restore it.

The priority is, of course, to get things running for Mission 2 as soon as possible. The restoration effort is important, but secondary to roleplaying and having fun and all.

We still have the other forum archived over here for the moment. We never took the time to straighten things up last time we were recovering from a forum hop -- so, I want to get it done this time around.

Here's how I want it to go:
In regard to the Prologue, Mission 1 and the Interlude, we'll put all the days within the same thread... meaning there should be only one Prologue thread, one Mission 1 thread and one Interlude thread. Each thread will start with a table of content post which will link to the start of any significant milestone in the thread proper to make it easy for people to revise or look back on earlier events.

I also want the formatting done right, this time around. Here's how we go:

- Normal text is for the usual narrative.
- Italics are either for inner thought dialog, or to use to denote shipnames (usually, casually saying a ship name doesn't need an italic... but SS Meng Po and YSS Miharu would)
- Text brackets like "these" are used for spoken dialogue.
- Text bracket with italics like "this" is for telepathic conversations.
- Text bracket with bold and italic like "This" usually turn up with forceful telepathic messages; it happens often with the Mishhuvurthyar.

Also, don't forget to transfer your order threads to the new forum.
Roleplaying References (on the YSS Miharu):

Character Death -
  • In the basic rules of the StarArmy site, there in one regarding roleplaying on this forum that one party may not deal lasting or permanent damage on another's intellectual property (your player character) without prior consent being given.

    Within my operation as Game Master of the YSS Miharu, I amend the above rule with the following: I may inflict lasting harm up to character death with no advance warning and probably relentlessly if the situation warrants it (for example, if your character is caught up in a section of the Miharu shattered apart by a Aether Shock Cannon, you will most likely be dead instantly). I will do so freely as long as one condition is maintained: the character has a reasonably accessible Soul Transfer Backup of himself done at the time.

Power Armor Condition Reports -
  • Power Armor protection evaluation is on a small 3d display which shows the different sections of the armor in green. When the armor is hit and that its protection is judged to decrease, it goes from green to light green, yellow, orange, light red and finally red. Black indicates that part of the armor is destroyed. Black in the helmet or chest/torso regions is obviously very bad.

    The Daisy power armor is unique in that as long as a section does not reach a 'light red' level of damage, it will most likely be able to regenerate some of its armor cover slowly (60 minutes from light green to green, 90 minutes from yellow to light green, 120 minutes from orange to yellow)all on its own thanks to its yamataium alloy and internal hemosynthetics.

    Actual system damage goes from Class-D (malfunction), Class-C (light damage), Class-B (heavy damage) to Class-A (Nonfunctional). AIES units generally find a way to have a damaged components be compensated for if it is not too banged up or has multiple elements like a gravimetric engine or the AIES - that's usually the case for Class-D and sometimes Class-C; light damage can generally be taken care of in the field with limited resources; heavy damage needs a technician worth his KS and the proper tools and spare parts; Class-A are lost causes and need to be replaced.

Target Designations-
  • The Miharu Fire Control System for both MEGAMI-IES (main hull), COMPACT-IES (auxiliary ship) and ARMOR-IES (all attached power armors) all refer to neutral or hostile units with numerical designation under reference to the Greek alphabet in the following order:
    • Small units (fighters, PA by squadron; scouts singular)
    • Alpha
    • Beta
    • Gamma
    • Delta
    • Zeta
    • Eta
    • Theta
    • Iota
      Medium units (gunships, freighters, escorts)
    • Mu
    • Nu
    • Xi
    • Pi
    • Rho
      Large units (capital vessels or ship squadrons)
    • Epsilon
    • Kappa
    • Lambda
    • Omicron
    • Upsilon
      Super units
    • Sigma
    • Omega
      Programmable units (user- or squadron-selected)
    • Tau
    • Phi
    • Chi
    • Psi

    For example, should the Miharu be fighting against a Xianthrafruglu Gunship with pods and mecha, it may classify the Gunship as Mu 1 and the pods and mecha as Alpha 1 through 20.

    In isolated battles, this system holds up well. In fleet battles, the FCS will group vessels by battlegroup and make subgroups: For example, "Epsilon" group for a nine-gunship squadron and the E-Alpha 'mecha' subgroup for the group's 180 or so pods and mechas.

    For friendly units, organisation will follow squadron names for warships and wing names for power armors or mecha; or will simply attach power armor squadron names to their respective ships with an attached numerical - lower for higher ranked soldiers, with the soldier's rank and name added if already known or situation permits that data feed.

    If units are friendly but not Star Army-affiliated, they are given color designations.

    For example:
    Azalea Squadron 03, or
    NG-X1-362 YSS Oniyuri

    Black Knight Leader, or
    NJ-X1-00 Mindy/01 Taii, Ketsurui Kotori

    Red Leader, or
    Red Freighter 05

Ship Operating Modes -
  • Cruise Mode: Normal operating condition for the YSS Miharu.

    Tactical Alert: Increased state of readiness for the ship. Involves priming the variable weapon pods for launch, charge of the weapon capacitors.

    Battlestations: Designates an actual state of emergency in which the ship or crew is endangered, immediately impending emergencies, or combat situations.
Miharu, 1st survey

This is the long awaited survey for the players of YSS Miharu - or at least intended for those whom participated to Mission 1 (anyone else can answer, but the former are the ones I want the most input from).

Miharu's an experimental plotship in more ways than just design - it's also my first - so, this survey is pretty much my way of getting the pulse out of the community in regard to some interrogations (and to get Wes off my back as to me having a survey done for his audit thingie! XD )

So, all you have to do is answer the questions below with what you think; you also can skip questions if you have no answer which comes easily to mind - this is feedback, not torture (the torture is the plot, with all the pretty ghost mishhu under my command ready to disembowel your characters, HU HU HU!). You don't need to be particularly polite or hold back - your opinion is more important, seeing that if I don't know how you think or how you feel that I can't skew things a bit more in favor of them being better for the people whom matter: you guys.

Supposedly, you should answer me by sending the answers over PMs. I suggest you do so.

  • 1. You created a character and ultimately, he/she made its way into my plot. Maybe it was the first plot he/she joined, maybe hopping on the Miharu was a continuity of his/her career. Whatever the case may be, you likely have a finer handle on whom your character is and how he/she fleshed out. What do you think of your character now?

    2. Okay, so, you've told me how you felt your character's fleshed out. Now, is there anything concrete you'd like to tell me about how you'd like your character to grow; goals you'd like to fill - both in the long and short term?

    3. How was Miharu's first mission? Except for the obvious "Ugh, it took us a year", was there anything actually good that came out of it and your participation in it?

    4. By this point, you likely expect that Miharu will continue on trying to hunt the nekovalkyrja psionic Eve along with her small rogue army of defected star army nekos. We'll likely go for more cloak-and-dagger stuff, along with the occasional skirmish with gun's blazing, turrets blasting and such. Somewhere along the line, we might even get to something 'epic', as I like to call it. What's your take on this, though? Anything you'd like to change, focus more attention on and such? Any concerns you'd wish to express?

    5. What would be your input on the way I arbitrate and managing things as a Game Master for the Miharu? Anything you believe I should tweak or improve on - or stuff that you think I might be anal over (such as our now notorious 'day tracking') but that doesn't matter as much in the eyes of the people I service, the players?

    6. Miharu is a single post plot most of the time. This allows us to have people from many time zones participate without too much conflict (I'm sure you've noticed setting up JPs with our current playerbase is hardly a cakewalk) but it gives us a slower pacing than plots like the NSS Alliance and the YSS Sakura-line plots. However, this isn;'t a question about pacing so much as how many people this plot handles. Do you feel we have enough player characters? Should we have more, considering it's easier to manage more people in single post plots (Miharu can have up to 30 characters on it, I believe). So, your thoughts?

    7. How about the sprites? We have four, with three more on the way, and a custodian. I tried going for a lesser number of generic sprite in order to use a smaller number of sprites with 'faces' so we could relate a bit more to them. What would be your opinion on your player characters dramatically younger NPC sidekicks?

    8. Any players come to mind for standing out and helping make the Miharu a better plot? I know I have people in my playerbase helping me out sometimes, but I could be taking them for granted or something. Let me know whom deserves a friendly clap on the shoulder.

    9. I hate deadweight player characters. What would be your suggestion as to how to deal with them? when you a PC be considered deadweight? Do I keep them around as torchbearers (D&D's term for absent players whom accompagny the group, but serve no important function and are generally out of harm's way), or should I find more painful ways to dispose of them in spectacular, gory means suitable for splatter horror videos?

    10. Any character you think is not getting enough attention/love and whom could use more spotlight? With different rankings on the ship, I'd be lying if I claimed some people are not as proemminent and key as some others... but that doesn't mean I don't want to give a chance for everyone to shine.

    11. Any character you believe might actually not be all that interesting, or not developping so well, despite the going ons? I know this is an opportunity to bash at flaws of other player characters, but please keep whatever comments be within the realm of constructive criticism.

    12. I hate the wiki, but I started to sort of manage with it (actually, Wes bribed me with Kotori art, but meh). What about you? Do you like the wiki? Should we make more extended use of it for the Miharu? Any suggestions as to what to do?

    13. Good stuff happened in our plot so far. Anything that comes to mind as some of your favorite moments in the roleplay? Instances when things were really cool?

    14. I don't especially encourage sex on the Miharu, but I'm not against it happening if there's some reason leading to it that we can identify to. Tom and Yukari's relationship is one such example. What are your thoughts on the matter?

    15. How do you think we handle ourselves in action scenes? Your opinion on the pacing, the circumstances of the conflicts we ran into and that wierd dice rolling idea of mine? Do you feel my handling of them is fair/okay, given that I have little against killing player characters or even the plotship itself should the playerbase do things wrong? My goal is to allow you guys to make a difference, but am I coming short of my goal with my approach?

    16. You guys have just had your vacation time, but before then, you were stuck on my plot for a good while. What's your opinion on downtime in the Miharu plot? How does the action and drive in the plotship compare to your opportunities to have your character wind down or have some free time to do character development not related to the plot itself, but to your character and how he handles his relationship with the rest of the crew?

    17. Miharu was my first ship design, an experimental one and one I inteded to test out a lot of things with. How do you feel about it? Anything you particularly like about her? Anything you feel is lakcing? When I build other ships to be her successors (because Miharu is not a mass-produced model, she's a show vessel meant to be streamlined), what would your suggestions be so that I may be able to outdo myself?

    18. Okay, this is totally self-interest on my part: you ought to have had read about her and have had some contact with her by now, so, how do you feel about Kotori?

    19. Perhaps you've noticed, but at some point along the way, I stopped writting how Kotori felt or thought and instead just left it to body mannerism and expressions to have people divine why she acts the way she does and how she thinks. What is your opinion on this approach of mine?

    20. What are your thoughts on the other plots in the Star Army Space Roleplay?

    21. How do you feel I handle the NPC antagonists as a GM? I've made no secret about me thinking that "even bad guys wanted to win", but such things lead to events such as the destruction of Wes' Sakura and Plumeria plotship - which were (mwuahaha) destroyed.

    22. The best known antagonist I came to use was the Mishhuvurthyar interpreter Melisson, which was first introduced in the SMX's failed attempt to make an alliance with the Lorath and then she proceeded to become a more visible figure when the black black flagship were first encountered by the YSS Sakura, as well as her subsequent attacks on Taiie and so on. What do you think about her? Any tips you'd like to give her as to how to better conquer the universe (careful, answering that last question might not be healthy for your characters! ~_^ ).

    23. Any opinion on my claim that Miharu is a five mission plot? That I seem to have some things planned out ahead?

    24. Any other concerns you'd like to express yourself about that I might've missed? Questions you think I could add to a future survey? Stupid question I should just have left alone?

    25. Any question that you'd like to ask me about how the plot goes or where my future project may be leading me? If you have questions, throw them at me and if it doesn't force me to spoil future events, I may provide tasty tidbits for you to know.