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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Jolly good ol' chap. I'll be right on that there when I get back from SHOPORAMA today!

Digital camera and juicer here I come! :D

Oh, and guys, leave me some helpful advice so I don't but you in a Cyclone or something. :D
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

I'm no expert on Yamataian armors, but Sanjuro is also quite a tall, lanky fellow. I figure he'd be a part of the Daisy-chain. :mrgreen:
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Well as far as IC knowledge to specifications, Tom did hear Nyton lay out who would be in the support and auxiliary teams.

Support Team: Yukari, Sora, Saito, Sato, Mara, Hinoto, Ichigo, Nimura

Auxiliary Team: Nyton, Tom, Takuma, Serizawa

Fire team leaders were announced to be Masako and Asher. It was also implied that their dedicated Armor pilots would be in the Fire Teams as well. Unfortunately, I made an error in the lineup and put Tom in the Auxiliary when Masako had stated he would be in her Fire Team. So that might make for an interesting last second correction.

For Armor layout Nyton said that Auxiliary Team would be in the Daisy M6-1B. Yukari said that she and Hinoto would be in Daisy M6-1C models. The Fire Teams were going to have two Mindys a piece and the Support Team would have two Mindys in reserve. Ideally Kurohoshi and Westwood would be in Mindys along with one other member of their Fire team and one member in a Daisy.

As for the loadout, that never got fully discussed. Since they're going to be fighting inside the ship against Armors the Fire teams should have one Mindy in Balanced configuration and one in Shrike mode. As for the Daisys I suppose the standard payload will do. I was doing a little research in the wiki on maybe using the hand held weapons feature to the Daisy and read the GP-5 Maser was supposed to highly effective specifically against Nekos which is what they are technically fighting in this sim. That might be reading a little too much into it though.

Anyhoo, that's about all that I got.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

*Looks at the overloaded armory*

If that's the case, I think we just may have enough firepower.

*Looks at the armory again*

Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Since I have no clue how large the teleportation units are, can I just assume every Mindy gets one?

I assume the shockwave won't be a problem considering we'll all be in armors?

Damn it, half the stuff in the Miharu armory wiki has no links so I have no clue what they do... grrr.

Please edit my post as needed when I put it up. I'm a bit frusturated, and don't really have a clue what I'm doing. :?:
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

The Balanced model Mindy setup has a teleportation unit standard, the Shrike doesn't.

According to the inventory there's only 8 Aether Beam rifles, 6 of which would naturally go to the Mindys. The Daisy M6-1B normally have the more powerful accelerated plasma rifles standard. I counted 6 grenade launchers for the plasma rifles which would be an excellent addition. There are also 6 Black Spiral type positron rifles available but I cannot find any information on how powerful they are and whether they are any better than the plasma rifles. I'm not sure how good they are but if they work like what I remember from the battle with Black Spiral then they would make a great primary weapon to the Daisy with the plasma rifle as a secondary.

Also there's support drones which given the tight quarters would be useful. They can go around corners without exposing the user to danger which is something I notice very few pilots seem to remember to use. Personally I love them and survive off of them. They also can emit a small laser beam that is not very powerful but can also be useful given the situation.

I don't know about missle pods though, that might be too severe given the area but I wouldn't rule out their use.

There is also an assortment of explosives and other weapons normally used for infantry purposes that can be utilized. While they won't damage a Mindy they can at least create distraction and noise to alert our side to an enemy's location. ("I'm setting booty traps!" "Booby traps?" "That's what I say! Booty traps!")

All in all we don't have a lot of aether to go around. Mostly plasma rifles and those positrons which I'm still not completely sure about. Where's the info on those guns??

ADD ON: After reading Tom's post, which wasn't perfect but altogether not a bad layout, he left Kimura completely naked. :o
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Thanks for trying Tom. I'll cover what you did so you can learn from it in the future. As you guessed, there were roughs spots but I think we can manage with that:

The mindy teleport unit usually just occupies the back slot. Mindy II power armors have right and left shoulder slots, a back slot and two lower leg slots to mount equipment.

The Mindy II Balanced Configuration actually includes the teleportation unit in the Back position and leaves a weapon rack free. Packing an aether saber-rifle with it is fine.

The Mindy II Shrike Configuration packs extra ammunition for the shoulder gauss cannons which I consider replaced by the teleportation module. Seeing there is no room on the shoulders for the aether saber-rifle, Westwood's holding it handheld.

The Mindy II Death Blossom configuration usually comes with a barrier shield which is in this case replaced by a teleportation module seeing both occupy the dorsal slot. They have no weapon rack, so they must hold their saber-rifles in their hands.

~ Fire Team 1 only has 2 members? If this doesn't suit you guys, you better reorganize ealy on.
~ The Mindy II with the saber rifles can use them for a bit to attack while leaving their forearm capacitor power high to use the forearm shields to defend themselves. Usually a Mindy II pilot has to manage that short-lived power offensively or defensively - or make do with a mix of both. Alternatively, the saber-rifles could have been given to some Daisies so that they might have been temporarily onpar offensively with the Mindy II power armors: the Mindy II pack aether weaponry (charged beam, machinegun, beam sword) by default.
~ The amount of mini-missiles the Mindy II in Death Blossom configs pack puts a lot of firepowers in their hands - the tricky part is that they might be stuck using them indoor and damage the insides of the ship on any miss.
~ About the Black Spiral positron rifles: they are very hazardous to use where there is atmosphere. Since it fires positrons (anti-matter), contact with air (which is gaseous matter) will make the shot explode... inside your rifle's barrel, destroying the weapon and causing harm to the wielder in the process. They are best suited for use in vaccuum.
Those mostly behave like a Mindy aether-rifle in pulse mode, with the same battery consumption, 5km effective range and DR 8 damage with shield-piercing properties.

Roll with what Tom gave you guys. If you want to do more, well, nothing stops you inside the simulation from trading weapons, asking for new loadouts to the 'armorer' (then AI controlled through simulated neko sprites) or picking out stuff from the armory itself. You dispose of everything the ship has as long as you remain within the bounds of it being a power armor simulation.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Miyoko, Naoko, and Sanjuro are unaccounted for.

There are only 2 Daisy M6-1Cs available so I assume Takuma is in a 1B since the statement was 'like everyone else'.

How hard is it to attach the grenade launcher to the plasma rifle? I'm gonna make a call for everyone to grab one and we're gonna see if we can kill the atmosphere in the unoccupied rooms so we can use the positron rifles as well.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Good eyes, Blas. I edited my own post in accordance.

Ask Jake about the grenade launcher bit. He designed it.

* * *

Well, firstly, Yuril would never have fitted in the simulation suit with a sword strapped to her belt.

Secondly, Yuril's sword - while retrievable in the last place Yuril put it - is not likely to be very effective against enemy power armor: you'll break it before actually managing to put a dent in zesuaium armor, despite the extra brawn of your power armor. Even the zesuaium katana/wakizashi set Kotori has in her quarters is of very limited effectiveness against power armor.

Fred's advice: swords are anti-personnel weapon, and a short ranged weapon type to boot. Rely on them only if you are desperate or have no choice - not out of desire to pursue the coolness factor of wielding swords.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Too bad coolness factor isn't a viable weapon eh? :P
Oh well. Guess I'll rely on good ol' fashion PEW PEW and stuff like that then.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Miyoko, Sanjuro, and Naoko's position in the sim is also not accounted for. WHich bay are they in?

Hey Jake how tough is it to put that grenade launcher onto the plasma rifles? ;p

Oh yeah to further discourage going melee with these enemy Mindys, they have big spikey things that can tear through our armor easy. Not fun so keep your distance. But they don't know that yet, do they? lol
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Miyoko, Sanjuro, and Naoko's position in the sim is also not accounted for.

I figured since they weren't really mentioned to Tom, they weren't part of the simulation.

I took the crewlist from the Miharu and drew upon that to outfit those in the simulation. I guess it worked out ok...

The wiki really didn't provide a newbie outfitter like me any information regarding where things went on the armors or how many "spots" each armor had for equipment (Dorsal, frontal, rear, etc, nada), so it made it difficult to work with teleportation units and attachments.

A 3d layout of each armor and open slots for equipment would be nice to have, like they put in video games, so people can visualize what goes where. Would be a great help to peeps like me. :)
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Not a bad idea Tom. I'm working to make things easier for the players around... so, I'll see what I can do to make up a reference for that.

Better have this problem in a simulation than a real fight, after all.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

I picked a good day to go to a game. I gotta get to work ...

Their are launchers for the accelerated rifles and the LASRs, I thought, but not the plasma weapons. I'll check later. Sorry all!

EDIT: The grenade launchers are for the ACCELERATED PLASMA RIFLE ONLY. We can't use them on the other weapons. However, they're of the quick-attach variety -- seconds will suffice.