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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

They only work on the Accelerated Plasma Rifle? Wow there's like 4 grenade launchers and only 3 rifles that I counted. Oh well, the atmospheric plasma rifle on its own it is then. I can't believe the Atmospheric one can't use it. Kinda silly if you ask me. Oh well its what we got to work with.

BTW, Jake nice work on that sprite. How'd you make it? I've been thinking about toying around with that concept.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

When I was talking to CB he mentioned using a Aether Beam Rifle is a very bad idea as, even if you hit, you'll end up shooting a hole right through the Miharu. XD

True or false?
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

It's because I stole the launcher and I haven't got conversions yet. That comes later -- after we realize how much they suck. Gives our techs something to do briefly.

The avatar is purely Kokuten's work.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

krisslanza said:
When I was talking to CB he mentioned using a Aether Beam Rifle is a very bad idea as, even if you hit, you'll end up shooting a hole right through the Miharu. XD

True or false?

Aether Beam Rifles aren't as effective in my plotship as their damage rating leads them to be. I usually consider both the single beam and the sword mode to have high penetration values... but the machinegun mode should only make ugly pockmarks.

Understandably, yes, the risk is there to damage the ship itself and cause an hull breach in the event of extensive damage - but if I must be honest a missile volley is much more likely to cause that than the aether beam rifle.

The advantage that the saber-rifles have is that they have better odds of hurting zesuaium armor. Otherwise, I don't consider them to be that much better weapons than the plasma rifles.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Ah I see. Useful stuff for me to know... First time actually doing fighting in a ship so taking a long time to post, to get all the info I need first so I don't go embarrassing myself...

Since, sadly, Yuril knows a lot and would naturally be very good at things, but she's hampered by my own inexperience...
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Better to make mistakes now when you`re in a simulation than in a real fight. That's mostly why were having this: so you can have a better idea of what works, what doesn't and thus have better chance of surviving and excelling in situations where you will truly be put to the test.

As for all the buttloads of technical knowledge around... no matter how much you study, you'll always miss something. The best way to make do, typically, is to get used to knowing things over exposure.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

I apologize for not posting recently. Last week was full of college bureaucracy, prepping for my first computer parts purchase, and staffing at Nekocon.

I'll catch up on my reading and see if I can post.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Are you guys really sure you wish to stick with the nomenclature chosen in the briefing for the purpose of the simulation?

You have two fire teams, one support team and one auxiliary team. I still think it's very odd to have - for example - Knight 2, Pawn 3, Bishop 2 and Rook 2 in the same team.

It just seems to be more practical to have - again, for example - all Fire Team 1 be Knights, all Fire Team 2 be Rooks, all members of the Support team be Bishops and all the auxiliary team be Pawns. I don't know about you guys, but it's still looking very confusing from where I sit.

Default callsigns seemed more like the thing to use when no time was available to assign some for missions. Right now, you do have that sort of time, as you sort of knew what teams to make in the first place. I just mean to point out it might make a whole lot more sense.


Seriously, I wouldn't raise the point if I did not find it confusing.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

I'll put a post here and in the wiki clarifying the callsigns Yukari gave them to make it easier, if that helps you guys.
Taisa Ketsurui Kotori: Black Zero, or just Zero (0)

Black Queens:

Shoi Kohosei Ketsurui Sora: Queen One (Q1)
Nitô Heisho Sanjuro Ashitaka: Queen Two (Q2)
Ittô Hei Serizawa Ichi: Queen Three (Q3)

Black Bishops:

Shoi Nyton Claymere: Bishop One (B1)
Nitô Heisho Takuma Kimura: Bishop Two (B2)

Black Knights:

Santô Juni Kurohoshi Masako: Knight One (K1)
Ittô Hei Asher Orkin Westwood: Knight Two (K2)
Santô Hei Mizuno Yoroko: Knight Three (K3)
Santô Hei Nakamura Kai: Knight Four (K4)
Santô Hei Tsukade Yuril: Knight Five (K5)

Black Rooks:

Santô Juni Tom Freeman: Rook One (R1)
Santô Hei Sato Naoko: Rook Two (R2)

Black Pawns:

Shosa Suzuka Yukari: Pawn One (P1)
Jôtô Hei Saito Miyoko: Pawn Two (P2)
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Thanks. That helps. I now have a quick place to reference to (which is forum based, not wiki - yay!)
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

I like the callsigns the way they are now. It's easier for me to grasp as it would be like what would be used in today's military. They're not so much to divide the units people are in but rather the role they play in the unit. When you're on the radio, you can tell who or what the person is just by the callsign so you don't do things like confuse the commander for the commander's driver or something to that effect.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

They're actually meant to be more like police callsigns, if that helps -- I went by type of unit (power armor pilot, tech, etc.) and then a number, as JDar notes.

In the town I work in, "King" means K-9 unit, and one officer goes by King 2. Adam units are detectives I think, Bravo? for SWAT, so on and so forth.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Sorry guys ... I can't post tonight. Something at work is taking up my thinking space.

Keep posting for now; Yukari will catch up. Kel, take Hinoto with you and go so you can post something.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Doshii Jun said:
Keep posting for now; Yukari will catch up. Kel, take Hinoto with you and go so you can post something.

... go where? Miyoko's following Sora, who's waiting for Yukari to open the door.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread


I think this is where we pay for being a fifteen player plotship with just one person calling the shots ^_^;

Ordinarily, this can be somewhat mitigated by me getting slaves (moderators) to help even out the workload. I'm not sure I want to have more people serving me, though - Jake seems to think it's a grueling experience... I don't want more people to start sympathizing with him... I might get a slave rebellion! ^_^;
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

All you gotta do is keep all the weapons away from the slaves, then if they rebel, you have all the weapons!
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

but then when one of the slaves die they have instant meatshields and bludgeons.....so you see, preventing the rebellion is winning it.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Hey guys is it just me or did all the pictures in the wiki with the layout of the ship suddenly go broken? Oh and for this battle, we doing the same routine as last time? Everyone posts one turn of action before we post another?
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Just do stuff for now. I'll mention when I'll start enforcing combat pace.

And this is where I go "the fuck? Wes, where have my maps gone?" I'll give him some time to give me an idea of why they just vanished. If he can't fix this on his end by tomorrow night, I'll see about reposting the maps in StarChan.

T_T the 3d renders of the ship went away too!

After checking some more... actually a whole lot of images vanished. We don't have the badge for the Miharu anymore. I think everything not actually uploaded to the site got wasted.

...scratch the uploading to starchan - I think the reason we lost our images was because StarChan can't be accessed anymore in the first place. Even my Kotori artwork on her bio page vanished. This is an attack which even reached the Ketsurui imperial clan... it must not go unpunished!