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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Wow, well I won't pretend I know any of the goings on in the GM world as far as with Fred and such. After reading his departure earlier today I kinda hoped I'd return this evening to find things resolved. Anyways, sure you got my help. I can throw in what I can just remember I got the family at home needing attention.

Still, what a shame. I really liked the character of Kotori. Some people may have had issues with her and Fred but I'm going to miss them.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

In all honesty, I think this entire situation is rather stupid and the parties involved should hammer out a resolution that reestablishes whatever was working before.

I'm not sure if Jake or Blas wanted this responsibility handed to them out of the blue like this, but it's destabilizing to the plot and demoralizing to the players to see their GM up and leave like that.

Give peace a chance, fellas.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Wow, this weekend was so odd for me. One of my mom's dogs snapped and bit Vic before I left on friday; 2 of the other dogs got out and my car's brake line might have burst. o.o But I had a blast at AUSA and... I actually got "best in class" for my character in the LARP. It just seems wierd that outside of the time I spent at the con this weekend- it's all screwed up. :/

I hope that something can get resolved involving this incident.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Blas and I have the plot notes for what Fred was planning, so the plot can be finished. If the players want, Tom, Blas and I can talk to Fred again. But the chances of him coming back are unlikely.

It's up to you guys.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

I have to be honest, I really enjoyed reading the plots that fred gm'd and looked forward to having fred for a gm(nothing against others though), and it was kinda fun for the short but brief time before this occured. I would love it if he came back, a lot. I don't know all of what went on, and like others have expressed it's his decision and I am not going to criticize him for doing what he feels is right, but Fred, it would be great to have you as my gm. I'll have no hard feelings no matter your choice, but heh if you could come back....it would be awesome.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

In all cases, we must see grimmest outcome and we must be ready for it. Fred was a good GM, he did what could to play fairly to his players and he threw in a good funny or two. He took awhile to get things done, and that was usually the only downside to it all. He was my first Yamataian GM in the SARP, taking Asher in little less than a year ago in the plot. His plot gave me my first Power Armor combat experience, the pride of earning medals and a promotion. The Miharu means a lot to me, not in just that it is fairly developed and organized plot, but it developed one of my favorite characters. I grew up as a player in this plot, seeing my weaknesses and correcting them. Though the fact remains, Fred's gone, and we are left in the wake of his leaving.

Despite what I have so far to do in preperation for my own plot, I'm willing and ready to help you guys. If you need my support, you only need to drop an IM or a PM. Let's finish this, and finish it strong.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

While my time on the Miharu has been relatively short, I've always respected Fred as a senior member of the site as well as a capable GM and roleplayer.

However, the fact of the matter is that Fred should be here because he wants to be here...not because we want him to stay. We should take that into consideration; it wouldn't be right to push him to come back to something he does not enjoy doing. I have full confidence that Doshii and Blas can handle things from here on out, but as Koku said before many of us are willing to lend support when needed.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Blas: You wanna handle the targets of Sora's and Yukari's teams, as well as the ship?

Then I can handle Asher's team, Masako's team and Nyton's? Unless you want a fireteam to have fun with too.

As much as I'd like to do it all, I can't handle this. It's already taking me too long, and I have a fiancee I'd like to pay attention to. How about we make a pact -- as long as our women don't hammer us, we can keep at it. You've got a baby spitting on you, so I can take the extra team. *grins*
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

just realized that toms last post was internal, not spoken....fixing my post to reflect....sorry about that.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

K's grandfather died today. He was in his late 80s.

We'll be going down at some point, though I don't know when. K was close to her grandfather, and this has been an especially bad month for us, so this is my way of saying I might be absent for a few days in the future, and not at the top of my game. My apologies in advance; I'll try and warn you when I leave.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Oh man, my thoughts, prayers and condolences to you and K. Let me know if you two need a little something else on top of that, I remember I lost my grandparents about this time last year too.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Update: K's family down in SoCal has decided to put off a Celebration of Life for now. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers; K's doing a little better now. I will be available for the coming weeks, at least. Again, I'll update when things change.

Also, the PM poll is complete. I will address SA staff in the near future; expect no immediate changes. Thanks for being so responsive everyone; it helped quite a bit.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread


Staff post complete, much rejoicing can now be had. Welcome back, Fred.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread


Nyton or someone, can I have a quick layout of where everyone is at the moment so I can see what Tom's next action should be?
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Ouch is right. I thought the missle detonation would've been much further away then that.

Anyways here's an image I've made of the current situation.

The two purple dots are Alphas 3 and 4. Masako's dot is the one right next to a purple since one landed on top of her. I'm thinking the wall that the other is slumped on is the one the dot is shown next to.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Gah. I actually had it completely reversed in my head ... but I like yours better. So Blas has it right.
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