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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I quoted it here so it wouldn't be entirely lost if you wanted to reuse some parts later ^_^;
Sorry about the misunderstanding. Power to my building was out for about two hours and it just came back up, which is why I haven't posted a corrected version.

I'm just going to chalk that up him not being experienced with the Daisy coupled with the fatigue. Yeah, that's the ticket. Fatigue and unfamiliarity.
Wes made an OoC mention in the prologue that Zesuaium doesn't melt (I dunno why, but Doshii gets cranky when he sees Wes do an OoC comment, so I deleted it and brought back the issue here).

I know that zesuaium isn't susceptible to heat, but on the other hand, torrents of plasma or the like apparently does deal some harm to a zesuaium surface. Taking that into account, how best to describe it?

I don't consider beam attacks, even large ones, to deliver even damage considering there's movement involved, so, a surface might not be evenly exposed. Also, that sort of damage, unless applies very precisely in a narrow zone, would result in effectively in smooth depressions (I'm thinking accelerated erosion, like water does to rocks).

Now, how to describe that? I my head, a plate of armor hit with aetheric, projected energy or the like would adopt a half-melted look in the area that was struck.

If anyone has better suggestions as to qualificative words to apply to this (and a bunch of them so I don't have to repeat the same words over and over - which would be boring), I'm very receptive. I just wanted to point out I went for figurative descriptions rather than realistically accurate.
I'm a cranky bastard when it comes to that stuff. RARRRR!

Masako was hit with the bigger plasma carbines of the Phalanx, right? Since Zesu doesn't melt or vaporize, the only thing it could do is flat break.

But Zesuaium doesn't do that ...

Well, we could say it vaporizes. It simply isn't there anymore -- damage is done to it with little effect, but small dimples appear in the shield. It looks like someone punched styrofoam or something.

But Zesuaium doesn't do that either ...

... If we assume plasma damages it at all, which the setting page suggests it can't really, it would "erode." I assume that means it slowly wears away, getting thinner and thinner.

Honestly, I'd just say the shield got knocked off. Easier.
Think swiss cheese.
Doshii Jun said:
Swiss cheese with dents or swiss cheese with holes? 'Cause I was thinking dents.
With holes; not all penetrate.
But what if it's a continuous attack? What if the impact point isn't focused (a continuous beam on a moving target) or if it's a detonation that'd affect a wider area?

That's why I was making the erosion reference.

Oh, also, Masako's shield was hit by the Super Phalanx C's projected plasma, the stuff that comes from the palms and feet of the armor. I'm sort of inclined to taking inspiration from styrofoam, like Doshii suggested. I guess reading lots battletech novels rubbed off on me ^_^;
Rawr. Double post.

Ammunition left-

Most of you are using a LASR armor piercing magazine in your LASRs. Nyton's on his last clip.
Kotori: All mini-missiles used, railgun ammo depleted.
Nyton: All mini-missiles used. All SLAG magazines used. 3 LASR Hollow point magazines left.
Tom: All mini-missiles used. 1 LASR SLAG magazines, 3 LASR Hollow point magazines and 1 LASR armor piercing magazines left.
Masako: 20 offensive APHEI mini-missiles. 2 LASR SLAG magazines, 3 LASR Hollow point magazines and 1 LASR armor piercing magazines left.
James: 18 offensive APHEI mini-missiles (I think). 1 LASR SLAG magazines, 3 LASR Hollow point magazines and 1 LASR armor piercing magazines left.
Morita: 20 offensive APHEI mini-missiles. 2 LASR SLAG magazines, 3 LASR Hollow point magazines and 1 LASR armor piercing magazines left.
Yukari: Began battle with a 100 round hollow point LASR II magazine with a large 200 round AP LASR II magazine taped on her left thigh. (Harpies don't have ammo holders )

This might help ^_^
Yukari's been using the 200-rounder. Bugger on the lack of magazine storage, I think I wrote in she had one thigh pocket, but neglected to mention where it came from. Bugger.

Tom has a plasma rifle, doesn't he?
Yup, should be the case. He was aiming it back to cover Yukari while she carried him away.
Guys, anyone whom posted an inventory should take care of relocating it to your character sheet instead.

Also, as a reminder, if any of you have schedule updates, don't forget to post them up.
I made some edits to the last post:

-Changed "pannel" to "panel." (spelling fix)
-CHanged "Revise" to "Review" since that was the correct word. Kotori wants the guys to review (look over again) the law, not to revise (edit and rewrite) it.
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