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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I can't be sure for yamataians... but remember that nekos do not sweat or excrete body oils in the manner we do.

Furthermore, for future reference: NH-29 nekovalkyrjas are very energy efficient. Masako had no meals before, so her being ravenous after training makes sense... but once a NH-29 is fed, she should be able to last a long time.

That doesn't mean that resting and eating regularly is not good. However, the NH-29 is really not winded as easily as the previous neko types (except the NH-27) and barely suffers any discomfort from skipping meals. I think you could reasonably picture having three times the stamina of a well-built, healthy human; with being able to only eat one meal per day on a non-strenuous activity cycle.

That is, unless Wes has any more precisions to offer.
I know you guys have been needing this for a while, so I'm working on it. It's not done yet, but the info there so far is accurate:

Stats for the Scorpio-Class Star Fortress

If you have something to add to it (or you want me to add), let me know!
About Scorpio base:

Guys, I wanted you to know that while I'm very willing to allow you to roam about and intereact with each other, I actually have no events planned or clear cut idea of what exactly is where in Scorpio Base. Wes' new page should help some, but if you feel like doing something, just go and try to do it (realistically, please).

I'm willing to support you, but right now, things are mainly character driven. If you want the plot to proceed, its simple: I'll have people go to bed and start out on the next day.

The Gym idea is viable. There should be a place abord the station with that, at least for the benefit of the few yamataians on board.
I was thinking of heading towards the concourse section and checking out the shops, maybe making a few purchases, eating at a cafe, etc. I think maybe I'll just do a quick fast forward past the cleaning up and getting ready part for Nyton, Masako, James, and Leutre. There really shouldn't be much necessary aside from what they're wearing and that can be done after they reach the concourse. Unless there was something the others wanted to write out their character doing in their quarters while they prep.
Alright. Just make sure you guys keep moving (a.k.a. I want at least one post per day from you people) - Like I said, character development is good and all, but I'd like to avoid having things slow down.

Oh... by the way, your characters just ate. Simple, but filling food. I doubt restaurants will hold much immediate appeal.
Yeah but that was just some filling finger foods. I'm talking about after they've been walking around for a while and worked up another appetite. ;p
We don't want to let this drag out but I don't want to rush things so I propose this: Four seperate 'travel scenes' each with a different conversation, and each convo consisting of four posts, one from each character adding something to the conversation along the lines of the subject. Kind of like one of those montage scenes where people talk but things shift along quickly. I figure I'll go ahead and post the start of one.
If it helps any -- Yukari and Tom are halfway through a JP now. Once we finish that, those two will be roughly done, except for SPs.
To those whom may be interested: https://stararmy.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=36945#36945

That thread holds the specifications for the Miharu. Its not complete, but its steadily getting more and more detailed. You can look at it and drop comments as I tweak it the more and more toward its final version. At any rate, there are interior floorplans... which was what I wanted to complete before writing up the ship in details for consistancy's sake.
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