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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

This is what makes it aaaalllll worthwhile.
Datajockeys are breakable, and since it's so thin it can be snapped up until it came be put together in a sizable shape for insertion.

So yeah, Sanjuro may feel a little pain.
Guys, Kotori's had her meeting.

Miharu is just above Yamatai and that means you can do stuff in the planet now before we get going. If you want to, you should try to get JPs going to such effect (Doshii is actually a better choice than I for arbitrating anything down on planet if you need someone). This essentially means breaking up the current gathering somehow, and I'm not quite sure how to do it.

Doshii, you started this. How do you want this to go?
Honestly, the way I would do it is pretty standard — Kotori can announce it via PA, or in-person, that we've arrived at Yamatai and everyone has a few days of leisure time. To make up the differences in time, and start everyone on a new day, I'd suggest everyone kind of drink/sing/be merry one more night on the Miharu, then wake up and hit the planet for the couple days we have.

Then we can break into our respective groups or whatever.
I've been informed we have a bit of a time paradox. So perhaps we can skip Kotori's telling everyone "WE'RE HERE!" moment and have the party generally dissolve into drinking, sleeping and other extracurricular activities. We can all wake up the next day.
Doshii Jun said:
... the party generally dissolve into drinking, sleeping and other extracurricular activities.

There was not one part of that part of the sentence I didn't like.
Blas, Fred: Bravo, good sirs, bravo. Damn fine writing there. I was captivated. And nice editing! I like that some posts were combined with others; it was jarring at first, but eventually it flowed like a story should.

Expect me to steal this tactic in the future.
It appears we're moving on as far as the party stuff goes. We've lost steam, which is OK. I'll post an ending thing tonight.
Congratulations on finishing Mission 2! It was a great read and I'm proud of you guys!

Wes, I more or less split mission 2 in two so we could catch up with the happenings of the setting. Most of what we had to do we probably still will, as Mission 3. We didn't really do anything except find the bad guys, and that was after a mostly failed attempt from me at trying to have the science personnel do something that I couldn't help them figure out how to do it.

I don't see too much cause for pride here.
Fred, sometimes it's more gracious to just take a compliment with a smile, and keep your beating-yourself-up inside.

We did good, everyone. Now we need to get things ready for Mission 3.
I apologize for my lack of skill in making whiny sound effects. Kyaa just seems convenient.

edit: Also, I have no ideah how a hangover feels, but I imagine it to be painful. I am looking it up on wikipedia now though...unfortunatly, there isn't a clear cut system for how painful something is. If anyone has any advice/insight it'd be welcome, even though the hangover will probably end soon.
Wait a minute ... Nyton's going to try and hide a GP-12A? That seems ... unlikely. You mean a GP-12B? That's still unlikely ...
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