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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Kim, Kel:

I'm autoing you guys to the shuttle and such, and I apologize. I'm trying to get these players going and onto the plotship, as they've been waiting.
Alright this is what laptops are all about. Tomorrow I'm heading out to Ft Bliss and will be out of touch for a bit. On the bright note though I will have some wifi connection to the internet and with this new piece of hardware added to my arsenal that means I will be able to SP on the site, maybe the occassional chat bit. So with that I better get busy finishing up my packing.
bit of info....
shitsureishimasu is like a polite form of 'excuse me' and 'forgive my rudeness' both at the same time. Usually used to superiors (go figure).
Big kudos to Koku and Yoroko for the JP. Nice stuff!

As you can tell, Fred's been busy with his job lately, and considering how hard a worker we all know Fred to be, it's a small wonder why he's not been around. As such, I'm going to try and wrap up the interview thread soon and get us on our way.

Also, as far as awards go — we'll have some, but they'll be minor, and expect no promotions this time. Those will come with our next assignment (if we survive it!) But, you'll be getting a spending bonus in lieu of that, so feel free to spend a little this shoreleave.

Questions? PM me da yo.
Jake, I've been around. I've just been completely unable to catch either you or Blas on IRC lately. I wanted to try and get a JP going. Blas wanted to visit a clothing store and I suck at that, so, I was hoping to enlist your help.

I visit everyday. I'm busy, but not that busy. I was actually wondering why you weren't showing up anymore on relay chat.

I can do awards. This just isn't the right time for it yet. Otherwise, yeah, you're mostly on the money with the expectations you outlined.

Thanks for posting.
It must be our timing then. I don't get on until fairly late in the evening. I see Jake at that time too but sometimes its around the same time frame I'm on.

As far as visiting a clothing store, Nyton's trip could easily be shortened since he already knows what he's getting. He could just put in an order on ship and have it ready for pick up upon arrival. I thought it was Kotori who wanted to do the shopping about. His side trip is just to be more properly attired upon visiting Kosuka.
Ah, I gotcha, Fred. I'd seen you pop in, but I figured you hadn't had time to get together good posts for the Miharu. S'cool.

For the past few days, I have been in IRC less, admittedly, though I try and get on later in the night, as Blas said. I've been working on an ongoing story, so my time has shifted, too.

Are you sure you still want to do the awards? I know it's time-consuming, so that's why I said I would do it, to save you the trouble. But if you're OK with'em, they're all yours.

Blas, I'll start that thread on the clothing store today. That work OK?
*sees Fred is on* FREHHHHHHHD.

I'll be on again in 90 mins. Gotta clean up for work, then go to work.
Sure. *waves*


I think the stumbling point is me not listening to my own advice: Miharu is an SP plot along with occasional JPs. I shouldn't be waiting for JPs. ^_^;

I'm okay with having Kotori autoed down. They likely took the other shuttle and went down to the spaceport, caught one of the jeeps at the military base and had someone drive them around. I think that's how Wes does it anyhow. She probably went down unarmed and is wearing one of her mandarin dresses.

Jake, are you going to be okay describing where Kosuka dwells when she is off duty. You made passing references to it, but I was uncertain of if you had a well-established mental image of it or not.
Her abode's more or less part of the official "barracks" on the palace grounds. I've never established whether she has a home off the palace grounds, but if she does, it'd probably be an apartment or something in Ketsurui no Iori. It can be there instead of the palace; I'm already firming up an image of it in my head.

Regardless, I'll get that damn clothing store thread up.
I apologize to everyone in advance. The photogs are giving me a bachelor party tonight. Fuck. Seeya.
Sorry for my drop in posting. I've been dropping back my time on site and online for various reasons but mostly to get the heck out of the house while it's actually nice outside.
I thought so too.
Finally, exams are done. I plan on taking the summer off of school to work more and relax from all the studying.

So theoretically, I should be available more.
Theoretically since I'm on sick leave from work due to surgery I should actually be able to set aside some time to start RPing in SARP again...
Granted Yuril hasn't been written off as dead. xD;
No one was really written off so far except Zakalwe's character Sato. Serizawa is coming dangerously close to being written off too, though I haven't done so yet. Likely when Miharu is ready to move on.
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