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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

For future reference (and as a nod to the disjointed status of the wiki): Everyone's current ranks are on the Miharu page. Since I don't heavily police you guys into updating your character pages, I focus on keeping the Miharu page accurate.

Since you ask though, I'll correct Tom's.
Tom's rank was written wrong?

Eep. That's mostly my fault. I thought my last wiki update of Miharu had been complete enough, aside from me being lazy with the three new sprites. My bad.
No, Tom's was right on the Miharu page. I made sure. It's his character page that was wrong, which was what I fixed.
Since IRC is unable to work for me at my school due to its uber firewall, I will be on YIM if anyone needs to contact me between 3PM-5PM or 3PM-7PM on Mondays and Thursdays.
Really why do I keep forgetting about this site completely? It utterly baffles me. If I had to guess its because work kills my mood to do anything RP-related... I'm not even sure if anyone knows I still exist ;

*Bookmarks site and sticks it on the bloody Firefox toolbar thingy*
Alright so I wasn't forgotten!
I'll have to post tomorrow after work though. My mom is being a jerk and is making me go to bed.
Yes I live with my mom stfu >:

Post coming Friday hopefully. I have to read everything and then find some way to kind of stick Yuril into this whole thing... Blargh I hate you work.

I lied. I got a post done. I think its tacky but I found it hard to fit Yuril into all this given my long absence and all...
I thought your post was fine Kriss....one question though: Yuril eats in the closet? (Wardroom vs wardrobe) jk, just giving you a hard time
I'm working on my post and in the same time detailing a bit of things in regard to plot roles so that I'm sure that everyone can have something interesting to do.

Sorry for the delay, my next post should hopefully come up in the near future.

Doshii, could you go and give a poke to Blas? I haven't seen him lately.
I've been busy as of late. Really busy. That and things I've been working on are taking a lot longer to complete.
Thanks for popping by Blas. If we get more active, are you going to be able to post or would you prefer Nyton to be semi-NPCish offscreen?
Blas, can you post Nyton in? Doshii had Nyton and Kotori discuss over planning (you can make up an issue if you wish). It's likely Kotori would have had sent him ahead and told him she'd join up shortly.
Well that was longer then I had expected to be.

Though I like to see how Sumaru's first real encounter with Nyton will turn out.
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