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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Y'know, now that I think about it, how about Sora take the fourth the spot rather than Mara. She doesn't need to be in the med bay until we get rescue prisoners so I think she would get better screen time on the bridge.
Kyoki has a good point. Can Nyton arrange to have the sprites swapped around to those whom are active characters (for example, Yuzuki is currently not an 'actively played' sprite).
I'm getting lost here especially when I don't see the name on the wiki. I totally missed Rin when I was working on the lineup.
You're right, she hasn't been added.

Kyoki, take care of that, seeing we brought it up? You just have to add Rin's name under Miu's and make sure her name links to your character bio.

Blas, the list Nyton made is something like three pages back from where we are. Is doing a name swap going to be okay? We can just have Yuzuki do something else, like being armorer on the Hoshi or something.
Not a problem. I was scrounging for names as it was at the time. Adding Rin is fine and does free up one more person to standby on the Hoshi.
Heads up, I got a huge text dump of a Sora and Sumaru JP that takes place after this scene, eight pages after being edited.

So if we can get things moving quickly Nyton, we don't have to worry about continuity errors. No rush, just a heads up.
No problem, I'm thinking a little chit chat and then Nyton will bring up taking care of any other prebattle items. That should lead up to an opening to be excused.
I guess we're just gonna say Miyoko got the training time in with Nyton in offscreen time, since Blas and I never got a chance to act it out?
Actually, you can pretend you had it, and try to get the JP done after. The older thread is still open.
Kel, Lin, Kim; I'd appreciate you posting for your respective characters soon. Odds are you three will have to be more active for the first leg of the mission.
I is back from Pittsburgh and much more awake. =) I'll try to get a post for you soon. =)

EDIT: Did Sora get a promotion to Chui when I wasn't looking?
Ah dang, I rechecked and she's only Shoi. For some reason I misread and thought Sora had been a Chui this whole time. Oh well, it'll get straightened out later. Probably happen eventually anyways.
Also, is Miyoko still just on sensors for this battle, or sensors and weapons?

Edit: Nevermind, finally found the post that mentioned it.
Yeah, it's just the tactical station. Kotori and Miharu are effectively the ones handling sensor operation. Same for Hinoto on board hoshi.

Why? Playing parakeet to a GM is boring.
I threw in an opening in the Rise and Shine chapter for Nyton and Saito to try and do the training again. We'll see if we can hit on that.
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