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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Okay seeing as we didn't get to do a pre-mission briefing I need to go over some stuff OOC so you know what the plan is and can act accordingly IC.

Assault Team is made up of: Kosuka, Kei, Yuri, Nimura, Kai, Yoroko, Takuma.

Support Team: Nyton, Sumaru, Tom, Rin, Mara, Sanjuro, Ichigo, Aoiko.

The Assault Team's focus will be to act as the attack force, literally mowing down enemies out of everyone's way. They will lead the way to rescuing the prisoners. Their goal will also be to protect Takuma long enough to let him hack into the base's main computer. Disabling of defenses and the Aether Canceller are important along with obtaining intel on Eve's plans. Since Takuma is also supposed to keep his head down more he will carry the bazooka which will only be necessary in case of harder targets the rest of the team cannot disable.

The Support Team's job is to give a little extra fire support to the Assault Team enroute to the prisoners. Once found the Support Team will break off from the Assault Team and escort the rescued prisoners back to the Hoshi. If the Sekkou is functional the tech crew of the team will work on trying to get it flight capable to provide us with extra firepower. Mara will carry the bazooka in this team just in case they encounter a hard target while seperated from the Assault Team.

Each team's leader will be in a C model and route all communications between teams and ships.

That should be a decent enough overview. Any further question on roles can be asked here.
*gasp!* Fred... he hath lied to me! He said Rin was on the assault. Oh well.

Anyway, this mission sounds like awesome fun.
Is it assumed Tom and the sprites have some kind of equipment in their armors to work on mechanical (ship) parts, or should we roleplay putting stuff on our armors?
Those would essentially be work kits taken or assembled from what you have in the damage control stations... though with any luck, the Sekkou would have its own still onboard.

However, the Sekkou might not the only thing which would need some tinkering in this mission. It's however you like it.
*claps hands together* Bridge people, I don't mean to sound pushy, but I'm going to need more contributions out of you.

May I appeal upon you to try and write up a post a day, if situation allows? At least until the mission gives a chance for the power people to shine? I'd greatly appreciate your help in making the plot flow in a more active fashion.

For example, right now, I was waiting in the hope of giving Miyoko a chance to be posted for.
I'm sorry to inform you guys that I no longer have the morale to roleplay in Star Army any more. It's become more of a chore than a pleasure and my belief is that roleplaying should be fun.

I feel bad about waiting so long before coming to this decision, but that time away helped but that has helped me sort myself out. I'll still come in and check up on you guys and gals, but this is pretty much the end of the long haul for me.

It has been an honor to roleplay with you all.
I'll make a repeat on my request that the people involved with controlling Miharu and Hoshi try to get a post in a day. I understand you have lives, families and other past times but this is where you can be the most pivotal, and that frequent posting will allow the power armor people to get to the meat of the action sooner.

For Miharu, this means I need Doshii Jun and Kel.

For Hoshi, I need Nyton, Kim and Lin. Hoshi is on its own now, so, there's stuff for you to do.

So please, I need a little more effort from you for the coming days. Keep in mind that the clock is ticking for Kim and Nyton as well.

Precision for Kel:
When Miharu is split off from Hoshi, it loses out on some of the assets Hoshi could provide the ship.

One is one less aether generator, so, the recharge rate of the capacitors slows to 75% of normal. Another is the maximum number of generated weapon pods going from 36 to 24. Lastly, it has only 4 particle cannons left instead of 6 - since Hoshi separating took away the rear turrets that were in fact Hoshi's.

I've made edits on your post, going on the assumption that Miyoko wanted to split fire between the Ayame carrier and the ships it carried (they were still docked).
Okay. After chatting with one of my sidekicks, here's an update on things.

~ I expect daily posts right now from people whom have their characters in a position in which they can be active. I've said it two times before. This is the third and last time.

~ People in such a position have a race period of two days to post. If they have not posted and that I was waiting on their input, I will briefly treat them as NPCs and act for them so to keep the plot going at a faster pace.

For example, I don't want to post for Kel's character, Miyoko, but this is the third day so if Kel doesn't come around and post, I'll have to do it for him for the sake of keeping things moving.

~ The player of Aoiko, Lin/Leigh, has failed to participate adequately in this plot and her character will henceforth be considered an NPC. Nyton can feel free to post for her, or I can once I come around to posting today.


Bear in mind that the players for Nyton (Blas) and Sora (Kim) are going to be leaving us fairly soon and may not have very good internet access or much time to participate afterwards. The reason I've been trying to sensibilize people to post was not only to get the armor team on planet faster (and so rescue some of the Yuurei's lost people there) but also have Blas/Kim make the most of the time they had left.
That's why you have escape pods. =P

I've read, though I'm not quite yet to the point of replying.

On Yukari/Miyoko's side, they both did pretty well at a pivotal moment.

Using a feint then the CFS to skim into a safe and effective firing position on such short notice is something you could only expect from SARP's best navigators; fortunately, Yukari is quite certainly that.

Miyoko's lack of hands-on experience with the weapons may have robbed her the opportunity to target the Obakemono's Legacy cannon (there was plenty of foreshadowing for it, doing so might have saved Miharu if Yukari had followed Kotori's not-quite-adequate prompt to dodge using thrusters), but on the other hand the decision to core the Ayame cruiser, capitalizing on the structural damage she dealt earlier, could prove decisive.

Not having used the weapon pods on the 200 Lamia power armors that had launched earlier could be fatal once they recover from the subspace detonator effect. Miharu's shields are still down.

My opinion was that despite Hoshi's capability to use particle cannons outside a planet's atmosphere (from the post, it looks like Hoshi was just about to enter it but didn't quite; Coming about definitely decided that) might not have been such a good tradeoff.

If Hoshi would have served as bait and had the Ketsuekis go in pursuit, it would have been able to reinforce rear shielding for extra endurance and the shuttles and fighters would have had more agility in the atmosphere to make even with the Ketsueki weapon pods

In addition, the planet did have a planet-to-orbit cannon... but it was only good for targets in orbit and relatively useless once the target had made atmospheric entry (the weapon was warming up, which was why it had not attacked so far). Hoshi being where it is... I can use it now.

Basically, all the factors above sort of indicate that Nyton inadvertantly chose to fight on terms favoring the twin Ketsuekis corvettes.

So, yes. My next post will probably hurt.
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