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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Okay, well, you guys start heading for the sensor dome now so the plot can progress. I want to avoid it getting sluggish. ^_^;
"Text messages and voice messages can be converted into telepathic messages, though the unit cannot create its own encryption methods as Yamataians and Nekovalkyrja can,"
Why not? >,>
Doshii's addition of codes being able to be initialized and switched out by the MEGAMI appeared like something reasonable.

Better to say 'all communications on channel 3' and then go 'Crap! They're on to us! everyone switch to channel 7!' is better than saying 'okay, we need to communicate at the IP address'.
I figured it didn't have the computing power to randomize encryption codes like a Yamataian or Nekovalkyrja brain can do. But if it does, hey, yay for editing!
Posted the first part of the briefing. I'll cut there to allow for other people to post reflections and perhaps ask questions to which Kotori will answer. I'll follow up on it tomorrow.
Hey, I just wanted to say I really like the briefing. With a few minor adjustments and map images, it'd make a great "class" for Star Army Training.
Speaking of briefing... this one's nearly done on the level of backstory. I know its been a few days now, but these details, I feel, had to be covered to at least give perspective on the situation. I know Nyton wanted to know badly about that and that Masako, Yukari and Mizuho could use the details.

Kotori should eventually get to telling the crew what her plans are... but I need to make a few more posts. I hate monologuing for long stretches without allowing some room for insertions or to allow a character to think on things a bit (face it, thinking on it as it comes in bite size pieces is better than trying to take it all in at the end).
Sorry about the timing in my post -- where half an hour went for her, I have no idea. If it's a problem for anyone, I can change it so it works better with other PCs.
Ideally, Tom should be the one to make the MEGAMI answer Yukari... as, well, I have no clue of where Tom would be at the time. ^_^:
*nods* That's what I'm counting on. Sorry, didn't mean to confuse ... it was a long night. Couldn't sleep for shit.
I'm finding myself in a rather sticky position. Mizuho, Nyton and Tomi - all people whom seem to know what they are doing - want to study and find reference material for what regards their assignment.

I gave my best shot at making the briefing as detailed as I could... but most of that stuff was gleaned from my own reading around and my character's experience on the Sakura. There are some informations and threads regarding the information you guys seek, but I can't easily just make it up and put it on a platter.

What I could do, I suppose, is save you the trouble of looking for some of the more important information you need... but it still means lots and lots of backreading. Thanks to the Miharu being sort of affiliated to SAINT, we can assume to have IC access to a lot of stuff, so, pretty much everything you could come on the forum that would look secret could be obtainable knowledge (except for big scandals such as the Kohana/Kenji Ashigari murder, for example).

I plan on building a roleplaying reference thread as an aid where I will group up the links to the threads you'd have an advantage of reading over - the Miharu is a new ship - a fresh start in itself - but a lot of what goes on in it has built up from events on the YSS Celia, the YSS Ongaku, the YSS Nozomi and the YSS Sakura. I might eventually add other nifty things like how armor operation goes (with how damage displays operate, target designations, etc...) but it's going to take some time to set up.

I mean, I'm still struggling to complete the Miharu's description - I need to draw the bridge because explaining it textually is pretty hard. I hope to have the Miharu done for the next in-character day. As for the references... you'll have to dig around on your own for the moment.

Sorry ^_^;

<center>This document is under construction</center>

Xenobiological References:

Nekovalkyrja species description
Odds are you've already seen this. You might want to pay special attention to the NH-25 models (Infact the Type 9 Mishhuvurthyar Hybrids), the NH-27 models (the Black Spiral uses mostly these), the NH-18 and NH-28 NIWS (both nekovalkyrja weapon models whom see use) and the NH-29 (the standard nekovalkyrja type used in the Star Army - Kotori herself is one of the rare stealth variants). Permissible in-character knowledge.

Nekovalkyrja Topics
Lists some questions asked about the nekos in general. This could help on the level of portrayal and toward knowing what to expect from nekos - since they form 90% of the Star Army of Yamatai's personnel, anyone serving in it should be relatively familiar with this.

Mishhuvurthyar species description
Overview of the Mishhuvurthyar, including notes on appearance, mannerism, culture and organisation. Recommended In-Character Knowledge.

What types of Mishhuvurthyar are there?
A comprehensive look on the type Mishhuvurthyar types known in the SARP. Permissible In-Character knowledge.

Technical References:

Ketsurui Fleet Yard Starships
Ships typically used by the Star Army of Yamatai. The Black Spiral Faction also fields some of these vessels. Recommended In-character knowledge.

Mishhuvurthyar Vessels
Ships commonly used by the SMX. Recommended In-Character knowledge.

Power Armor Ratings
Contains good information on most power armor types in use in the Star Army Roleplay. Recommended in-character knowledge for those people with a thing for power armor (especially pilots and armorers).

Historical References:

YSS Nozomi plotship -

Impending Conflict
Though the thread includes details on the activation of the first NH-28 Nodal Integrated Weapon System and why someone should avoid speaking on the phone with a Dark Mishhuvurthyar, the point of interest is the YSS Nozomi's battle against ships of the 35th and 36th Warfleets, subverted by Mishhuvurthyar mental domination. Permissible In-Character knowledge.

Mindy Excursion
A good look on how boarding a KFY power armor goes (the Mindy is a fleshcore model) as well as the basics for operating it. Recommended In-Character knowledge to all combat oriented character, permissible for others serving in the Star Army of Yamatai since YE 27.

Roleplaying References (on the YSS Miharu):

Character Death -
  • In the basic rules of the StarArmy site, there in one regarding roleplaying on this forum that one party may not deal lasting or permanent damage on another's intellectual property (your player character) without prior consent being given.

    Within my operation as Game Master of the YSS Miharu, I amend the above rule with the following: I may inflict lasting harm up to character death with no advance warning and probably relentlessly if the situation warrants it (for example, if your character is caught up in a section of the Miharu shattered apart by a Aether Shock Cannon, you will most likely be dead instantly). I will do so freely as long as one condition is maintained: the character has a reasonably accessible Soul Transfer Backup of himself done at the time.

Power Armor Condition Reports -
  • Power Armor protection evaluation is on a small 3d display which shows the different sections of the armor in green. When the armor is hit and that its protection is judged to decrease, it goes from green to light green, yellow, orange, light red and finally red. Black indicates that part of the armor is destroyed. Black in the helmet or chest/torso regions is obviously very bad.

    The Daisy power armor is unique in that as long as a section does not reach a 'light red' level of damage, it will most likely be able to regenerate some of its armor cover slowly (60 minutes from light green to green, 90 minutes from yellow to light green, 120 minutes from orange to yellow)all on its own thanks to its yamataium alloy and internal hemosynthetics.

    Actual system damage goes from Class-D (malfunction), Class-C (light damage), Class-B (heavy damage) to Class-A (Nonfunctional). AIES units generally find a way to have a damaged components be compensated for if it's not too banged up or has multiple elements like a gravimetric engine or the AIES - that's usually the case for Class-D and sometimes Class-C; light damage can generally be taken care of in the field with limited resources; heavy damage needs a technician worth his KS and the proper tools and spare parts; Class-A are lost causes and need to be replaced.

Target Designations-
  • The Miharu Fire Control System for both MEGAMI-IES (main hull), COMPACT-IES (auxiliary ship) and ARMOR-IES (all attached power armors) all refer to neutral or hostile units with numerical designation under reference to the Zodiac system in the following order:
    • Aries
    • Taurus
    • Gemini
    • Cancer
    • Leo
    • Virgo
    • Libra
    • Scorpio
    • Ophiuchi
    • Sagittarius
    • Capricorn
    • Aquarius
    • Pisces
    For example, should the Miharu be fighting against a Xianthrafruglu Gunship with pods and mecha, it may classify the Gunship as Aries 1 and the pods and mecha as Taurus 1 through 20.

    In isolated battles, this system will usually hold up. In fleet battles, the FCS will restrict itself to putting ships of the same classes or same battlegroups together and make subgroups such as Gemini 'warship' subgroup being for 9 gunships and the Gemini 'mecha' subgroup for the 180 or so pods and mechas.

    For friendly units, organisation will follow squadron names for warships and wing names for power armors or mecha; or will simply attach power armor squadron names to their respective ships with an attached numerical - lower for higher ranked soldiers, with the soldier's rank and name added if already known or situation permits that data feed.

    For example:
    Azalea Squadron 03, or
    NG-X1-362 YSS Oniyuri

    Black Knight Leader, or
    NJ-X1-00 Mindy/01 Taii, Ketsurui Kotori

Ship Operating Modes -
  • Cruise Mode: Normal operating condition for the YSS Miharu.

    Tactical Alert: Increased state of readiness for the ship. Involves priming the variable weapon pods for launch, charge of the weapon capacitors.

    Battlestations: Designates an actual state of emergency in which the ship or crew is endangered, immediately impending emergencies, or combat situations.
No it's cool. I was actually building up my own file from all the back log using the search function. I wanted to show you the whole file and I guess ask which parts would actually be 'in' the file and what would not due to being super privelaged you had to be there details of information, know what I mean? But yeah so far I've been digging around and while I've gotten a good amount I still have a lot to go through and that's just finding stuff with Naraku. Haven't even begun to build up a pre-Nar/Eve era info.
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