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[OOC] News Discussion


Inactive Member
Miss Strangelove:

Talk about OOC news-forum related stuff here.

Edit: Faction GMs that have not yet come up with broadcasting stations (I've given you two days!) please do so at your nearest convenience.


Wow, that's new.

Anyways, what about CNN? (Comms Network for Nepleslians)

Soldier Side:

Yeah, I was also wondering why the Nepleslian news stuff wasn't in your list lol.


If we're having IPG censoring, IPGNews.

If not, I suggest the InterNEP Broadcasting Station(IBS)

Also, the Aethersperm News (AN), news on the lives of the band members, stock updates on Aethersperm investments, statements on Aethersperm owned locations, press releases on Aethersperm merchandise, secret updates on Dizzy Dinkaid's latest breast enhancements, Jon-Jon's latest girls, Information on Aethersperm tours, and all the while blasting Aethersperm music.


Or the Communications Network for Nepleslians (CONEN, spoof on Conan the Barbarian).

Miss Strangelove:

I actually PMed the head GMs of all the major factions in SARP. Uso hasn't replied yet, so I didn't take the liberty of making a Nepleslian organization without his permission. I'll go harass him on IRC if it makes you feel any better.


News items are not topics up for discussion. If you have a comment, post it in the OoC discussion section.


Oops... Is it possible for Will to buy a Lorath Hand Cannon?


Yes, yes it is possible...

and hrm... I hope Andrew gets that Yūgumo Cluster bit up soon, so I could make a thread for merchandise orders.

Miss Strangelove:

Question: What should we do with other stuff, like Tomoe's advertising? Should advertising/personal ads have its own subforum to avoid clutter?


Let's just see what people post for the moment. After a while of using this forum, we'll see what the niches are and categorize them.

I mean, it's a little too new for us to know yet.

Soldier Side:

So... this is for ALL of the Public Communication Networks?


I think so... Anyhow, WOOT! I can add to Will's revolver collection, especially after my recent purchase of 2 HHG High Hybrid Guns... You can never have too many handguns.


Might I point out that the news forum was initially created to respond to the need of people coming on the forum and knowing about what was going on in their universe. If you involve too much self promotion, then there reallywill be clutter and the very objective and benefit of the News forum could very well be partly put to waste.



*Steps out the door of the News Forum, slowly shutting it behind him*


Also, news is inherently short. That's a key purpose of it: to squeeze that which is massive into a bite-sized morsel of key information.

Although the recent lorath news article is probably really impressive, I can't afford to sit down and read all of that. As they say, just the facts, ma'am. It's the same thing in real life: most people just read the first or second sentences of an article before they move onto the next or stop reading it altogether.

Don't question me or Jake on this, ya'll! WE IS TRAINED IN IT!

Doshii Jun:

Now see, that's the shitty thing about audio/visuals. Most of the time on TV, the sentences are short and sweet, and the news briefs are really quick. But radio tends to draw it out and use better writing, so it FEELS long when you type it out.

This is why newspapers win.


According to Sekiko Elysia's premier news service is:

HVE - Heavenly Voice of Elysia.


We need a shopping channel. I can run it, if y'all want.


I was thinking of putting on a Nepleslian Radio/News station, which does its reports in a tabloid style with a focus on action that's out of the ordinary.
It'd also do reports on where riots are around town, and what to bring if you want to tag along.

For now, It's just in my plot as a generic news team.
Damn I'm good a pre-empting things...


About Wes' statement about slow posting;

Well, the issue is that we need events to post. Things have been a tad slow for the Lorath at the moment so news posts will be slow to come. I'm not sure about everyone else though. The moment there is a breakthrough in events, a post shall be made.


Not much going on in general, really. Only thing I can think of is Kennesswe (Or... However.) but thats still in progress.

Only way this forum would get more use is if you do random things, like reports about pirates or about major things on various planets...
Re: [OOC] Discussion

I'd like to have the NCD - NovaCorp Communication Department. I think I can come up with enough material to keep it going.

Whether that is too corporate is up to my peers.
Re: [OOC] Discussion

Zakalwe said:
I'd like to have the NCD - NovaCorp Communication Department. I think I can come up with enough material to keep it going.

Whether that is too corporate is up to my peers.

I'll add it to the list once I prod Andrew for my mod-ly powers back.


Perhaps each network should be required to have a person responsible for its upkeep and have posting requirements - something like at least 1 post per network per week. I see a lot of networks but very little posting.

In regards to Wes' above post: Keep in mind most plotships don't move nearly as fast as the Sakura. Every OOC week only averages about 0.2-0.5 IC days on your average plot. If each network were to post each week it might simply result in unwarranted spam which might turn off news readers since events don't happen all that quickly; I recommend simply letting each network post only when something significant happens.
Re: [OOC] Discussion

Mod powers are restored.
Re: [OOC] Discussion

You do realize the citizens of Jiyuu are the ones who selected to have the Bakufu as their government. Anyway its all in fun, IC right :)
Re: [OOC] Discussion

Oh, I know. But hey, plenty of people in Iran like Ahmadinejad, and that doesn't stop us from bitching about him. *grins*

The problem we're going to run into very quickly is one of, "Andrew controls citizenry X, Jake controls citizenry Y," aaaaand we're going to get nowhere. But, eh, we'll just have to keep going for now.

This is what happens when righteousness takes hold in the populace, perhaps.
Re: [OOC] Discussion

Jesus, Kim, set the bar high, why don't you? That's a hard poll to top. I can't stop laughing.
Re: [OOC] Discussion

The high approval ratings and results in favor of the Bakufu on Jiyuu seem rather ridiculous and unfair to me, mostly because the results reflect what that faction's controllers want them to reflect (their faction, their prerogative, I guess. It’s just very unrealistic).

Why not poll members of the 5th, seeing as they should be representative of what the general populace thinks. Then, at least, the poll won't seem so totally rigged. However, if I'm the only one concerned about how absurd this whole thing is, don't.
Re: [OOC] Discussion

Mm. The GMs control the NPCs, remember. And those folk are NPCs. So there is a significant vote control. While I do agree a little that the players probably should vote too...

... But as a whole, that IS the PC opinion if I remember correctly, too.

On a related note... Maybe we should have the people who control the senator for blah area of the Yam empire do up News things for that section of the Yam empire.

Ninja edit: Neps too, for Nepple stuff.
Re: [OOC] Discussion

raz said:
The high approval ratings and results in favor of the Bakufu on Jiyuu seem rather ridiculous and unfair to me, mostly because the results reflect what that faction's controllers want them to reflect (their faction, their prerogative, I guess. It’s just very unrealistic).

Why not poll members of the 5th, seeing as they should be representative of what the general populace thinks. Then, at least, the poll won't seem so totally rigged. However, if I'm the only one concerned about how absurd this whole thing is, don't.

Considering that the major faction that opposed such just got arrested enmasse for treason, aside from the ones killed in battle, I wouldn't find it that odd. The current situation on Jiyuu and so forth is rather like the U.S. after Sept. 11...only the government stopped things in a fierce battle, preventing the majority of civilian deaths. The same government has personally saved their tails in recent months and years from Tentacle Monster hordes. The numbers might be a little high, more realistically maybe in the 80% area...but not necessarilly.
Re: [OOC] Discussion

To be fair, Raz, the poll numbers are ridiculous, but it's on purpose. Andrew and I basically have a little war going on. That protests with thousands and thousands of people break out on Jiyuu a couple hours after a supposedly secret Senate vote is also pretty ludicrous, but that's how things are going right now, with Andrew maneuvering his area one way (he loves his plotting), and me (by default?) maneuvering Yamatai another way (Plotting? What's that?).

At least, that's how I see it. Andrew?
Re: [OOC] Discussion

My logic was thus for setting the polls high- The leaders of the Bakufu have repeatedly saved the citizens of Jiyuu from death at the hands of the SMX. They are sitting there watching their sisters go forth into battle and come out victorious while they might see news reports on the 1XF doing something that might not have anything to do with them.

Truly, the civilian citizens of the Yuugumo cluster are getting to see the bakufu work for them, protect them, and help them get on their feet again after some nasty treatment at the hands of the other fleets at Pisces station. Being stuffed into cargo holds does taint ones' opinion.

Now, I'll be putting up a poll for the 5XF folks as well BUT just because you are working for the 5XF doesn't mean that you consider Jiyuu of the Yuugumo Cluster your home. Thus, you're opinion wouldn't quite apply for this poll unless you did indeed consider the Yuugumo Cluster home.

Think of it as visiting a State but since you are not a resident, your opinion on how they chose to run things there does not count. I'm surprised that no one jumped on the actually wording of my 2nd poll question- since it is slanted.

Also- who's to say WHO of the Yuugumo Cluster civilians were actually polled- for all we know it could've only been members of the Bakufu pledge families who of course, are going to be heavily biased towards the Bakufu's success. =)

I'm just taking into account just how many tricks pollers actually use to get the stats and results that they want for how I skew my numbers.
Re: [OOC] Discussion

*nods* Very cool, Kim; that's what I had hoped was going on. Perhaps Yamatai shall do the same ...
Re: [OOC] Discussion

I hope you liked my "Roxanne bangability" polls. ;) I posted something about my feelings on the whole matter and asking for people to consider their residency in the 5XF forum.

I figure, if we got people's interest in the off screen politics, we should give them a chance to harass their Senators about stuff like we can do with our actual Senators. =D
Re: [OOC] Discussion

Except now, the probability of the senators listening is within the realm of possibility!
Re: [OOC] Discussion

Senator Kurokawa- hot or obnoxious? said:
Hot- 20
Obnoxious- 20
Both- 60

Who's more doable - Senator Tange or Senator Kurokawa? said:
Tange - 40
Kurokawa- 40

Both at once- 20%

No offense, Kim, but I'm actually quite disgusted. I thought the "News" section is supposed to be strictly professional journalism, not Yamataian tabloids.

I mean, you can't even claim that this is propaganda.

And people wonder why Yamatai doesn't get taken seriously. :(

[edit: Sorry. My braces is making me cranky.]
Re: [OOC] Discussion

Seriously cranky.

It was humorous. Could it be put in the OOC instead? Probably. But does anyone really think that those two parts of the poll were in utter seriousness?

I'll put it this way: we should not expect professional journalism. Hell, I didn't even write professional journalism, and besides Tom I'm the only journalist here. Each faction puts up propaganda, each faction puts out press releases, most of the news outlets aren't even meant to be professional. Maybe they're not supposed to be talking about which senator to bang, but dude, it was just a joke.

I don't think Kim's set any precedent here. It made me laugh, and frankly, a little bit of laughter ain't bad. If Yamatai doesn't get taken seriously, it isn't the fault of a joke.
Re: [OOC] Discussion

I agree with Yangfan.

It made the report lose any sense of legitimacy.
Re: [OOC] Discussion

I had initally included the last 2 questions thinking, "You know, I have seen actual news broadcasts talking about what songs Bush has on his Ipod. There are reports about ducks being ousted from a pond near a government building. Heck, they even like to broadcast the bad parenting of Britney Spears. Why not a goofy poll about how attractive the Senators are?"

I also thought that some people do elect their representatives on a more superficial level. Don't people talk about just how handsome JFK was or how pretty Jackie was? Or how handsome Bill Clinton was? Or how people are going to vote for Hiliary Clinton because she is a woman? Or Obama because he is an African American? So wouldn't such a poll possibly exist just because some people are really just that superficial?

I felt, that in a society so liberal with their sexual relationships that they wouldn't frown on such a poll since they feel so liberated in their sexuality that viewing their legal representatives in such a light wouldn't be such a degrading thing. I also figured that adding such questions to a political poll would catch the pollers' attentions to it and thus grab a different demographic of the area that was polled.

I do realize that polls are generally taken from a small portion of an area and the pollers manipulate their wording of the questions to get the answers they want. From these numbers, it would be safe to speculate that this is what happened here- the group polled was most likely a younger, working class group of Nekos that aren't quite in tune with all of the politic issues going on or are rather just indifferent. Quite frankly, numbers are genrally lies unless they are set on fact- but this sort of questions aren't, they are heavily slanted opinion.

Apparently, this was an error in judgement on my part and I apologize for adding such things to a poll. I was trying to make it a more light hearted report than the other reports about the incident to show that maybe it is okay to have an odd sense of humor about the whole scenerio.

Since this seems to have gotten under people's skin, I have removed the offending questions. I might just start up a tabloid to keep things more light hearted. At least Jake still loves me. ;-;