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OOC [OOC] NSS Nerkat

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Nova, Gamer is just a Yamataian player in a Nepleslian GM position. It's a completely different mindset, actually, so it can be difficult to suddenly change over.
Actually, not really.

Almost annoyingly, Nep and Yam are more or less the same damn thing. Different tech.

Apparently, though, I've not been a good penguin on the IRC and there also be complaints of my GMship. Tsk.

IC stuff will be up in a few hours.
I guess I'm on the job, but hey... I was planning for it anyway.

GM posts will very every 24 hours, or as I see fit. I'd only ask that you keep it to one post between my posts, though.
Okay, in that case Exhack, is officially recognized.
Well, the Nerkat is in a pretty tight situation, it could probably use some heavy air support, Reilly.
Could we find something for Reilly to do in the meantime? Maybe sweep down from the skies and relief the team?

Due to multiple issues, GameroftheGame is hereby removed from GM status until further notice. This plot will be managed by the Nepleslia GMs until a new GM steps up (Koenig808, you interested?).

Sorry for any disruption this causes.

--The Administration

Can Moonman and I be informed of the reasoning behind this decision, perhaps via PMs and whatnot?

Also, for all Nepleslian players, please read this (from the state of Nepleslia announcement):

If there are problems, please talk to us, because we're based in Nepleslia and try to pay attention to everything that goes on here. The fact that something of this degree has occurred without either of us knowing means that stuff went above the heads of the two people who are supposed to be handling these situations. So, in the future, send your concerns to Moonie and myself.

Wes and Andrew don't need to have the extra weight on their shoulders because they're dealing with all the other stuff as well.

Riley, you may yet have oppotunities at the end of the mission. To resolve this situation quickly, I will be calling in reinforcements this week and ending the mission quickly.

Contact me over PM if you want to have a moment's gratification shooting things with a gun pod.
Can Moonman and I be informed of the reasoning behind this decision, perhaps via PMs and whatnot?
Take a look at the staff forum.

. The fact that something of this degree has occurred without either of us knowing means that stuff went above the heads of the two people who are supposed to be handling these situations.
OOC Chain of command -- something we should figure out sometime. The way I saw things so far was:

Wes and Andrew (Admins/Head GMs)
Plot GMs

Going by your comment, it'd be:
Wes and Andrew (Admins/Head GMs)
Faction Leader(s)
Plot GMs

Again this is something we should work out in the staff forum and then post for the players.
Dun worry, only Exhack, Tai-lar (Albeit mainly because of the Akarmaru), I think Fay, and I were about.

Tis hardly your fault.
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