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Jake, do something with the Treaty when you get time, please.
Nobody wants all of the effort that went into the treaty and the heartache surrounding it to be for naught. I've had to deal with a GM leaving and my backup GM being brained just to keep a Lorath plot running.
Drive to Arizona and duct tape Doc to a chair and force him to JP if you have to.
As the author of 106, I'd like to note that it shouldn't be considered passed until Wes decides what to do with the Empress' veto and moves it to the proper forum.
Cool. Now that that's that, the steward is meant to be a played position handled by someone without a senator character. Can you give some more information on the player behind your "family man," Jake?
Yamamoto Mori was a character created when Doshii and I were roleplaying through Kotori's apprenticeship to Yuumi (as an inside joke, we also both refered to him as 'Petunia-man', since I had a hard time memorizing his name).
"Here we are, my lady." The minder opened the door. It opened to an office that was like any typical Star Army office, except for its larger size. Yuumi was no where inside, but there was a glass door at the back. Inside the room itself were four desks, facing each other in two columns of two apiece, people hammering away at inputs for volumetric terminals. One was yammering loudly at someone over a headset.
*headscratch* I never got the impression that Doshii was trying to dodge this, only that he meant to keep Yuumi free to do other things. Using a member of her staff to accomplish that was what I thought was the plan.
Possibly, although there's a huge learning gap for a sea creature to learn the ways of humanoids. While dolphins and whales may be smart, keep in mind they've lacked technology and written language.
After I submit the Project Cetacean and it get's approved possibly. Of course, if we already have a senator for what ever planet they are on, we don't do multiples.
It's cool as long as it's played true to Yamatai's culture.
According to the Constitution, YE 35 is an election year for the Premier. Is anyone interested in running against Yuumi? If not, we can probably just say no one else ran for the position.