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OOC [OOC] SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

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Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

I'm still here. Shinji's sitting about twiddling his thumbs either in the Ygg or the Leviathan...
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

waiting for shaun? wha? I've been waiting on you dude. I think the towing part is suppose to be in the thread Toshiro linked in the taxi thread.
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

Life's beginning to catch up with my and I may have to move/retire/store Shinji soon. If/when that happens, I'll be sure to tell you guys.
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

Thanks for letting us know.

Also Fay has had some medical issues lately, hence why he hasn't posted. However, he is back online and should start posting again soon.
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

Sorry, you guys. I'll post in both Azorean threads in a bit. Thanks for your patience. ^^;;
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

All active players in this plot have had their player and character data moved to "user:" and "character:" namespaces if they haven't already.

Dead weight players have been dropped from the active roster.

Driker and anyone else with an insufficient or non-existent character wiki, you have until March 15th to fix your wiki, before it becomes mandatory (site-wide rule). After that, I will not permit you to make IC posts, and will delete any made.
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

Please start posting. Fay is back, after all.

Driker, if you do not have your bio up to snuff by the 15th, Sojourner will need an alternate CO.
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

As warned, Shaun and Eve have their right to IC participation revoked until a proper Wiki page is made.

Ken, you're in charge of Leviathan ATM...perhaps Shaun should relapse from that illness, and eve gives up command to tend to him?
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

Those who aren't with Toshi an Lyshana in the ocean need to get posting here:


Ken, your orders after making sure the Azorean vessel safely lands are still to explore Kenichi's Star.

For those unaware, Driker went AWOL again and timed out on his mandatory wiki edits. Ken is interim CO of the Leviathan.
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

Would I automatically be with you Tosh? Since Ken is on the other ship?
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

You'd be with Ken. Toshiro ordered all hands onto the Leviathan back when it looked like the system would be Nep firebombed.
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

*sigh* Who all is alive here? If you are, please post in the Leviathan thread. Something, Anything!
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

People? Post here or in the Leviathan thread in this subforum or be considered AWOL.

A already know Kylen and LBD are around and what Soresu's situation is. It needn't apply to them.
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

Sorry, I've been too busy to keep up with all the stuff I started back when my life consisted of SARP every afternoon. As much as I loved playing this plot, I can't continue it for a while. Feel free to NPC Shinji or just drop him off at the next port opportunity.

Once again, Sorry, I had a great time, but I can't keep it up. I feel bad for having to let you guys down. Good luck!
Re: (OOC) SRSS Yggdrasill Plot Discussion

I understand. Thanks for letting us know, and good luck in whatever it is you are doing now.
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