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OOC [OOC] YSS Freedom Discussion

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Re: [OOC] Freedom JP Scheduling

Ok, I've said before that I can make it to the JPs, I'm just going to be late, which sucks, but meh, what are you gonna do.

Well if we're changing nights, I can do Sundays. I can make saturday work, but eh, that can easily fall through. Can't do Tuesday or Thursday, and Monday and Friday are the same as wednesday, as in I can do stuff after 9:00 CST.
Re: [OOC] Freedom JP Scheduling

I really don't know at the moment. Life is just hitting me really hard so I haven't really been active online much at all. It'll probably keep this bad until, at the VERY least, next month.

Anyway, this last Wednesday, I was hanging out with my parents so I couldn't have gotten to a computer anyway.
Re: [OOC] Freedom JP Scheduling

Starting January 20th, Tues-Thur will be flat out impossible, with sat-Sun being the only fairly safe bets for me. I'm still trying to find a new job, so no guarantees on anything but my no-show dates yet.
Re: [OOC] Freedom Discussion

Should I assume this plot is to be considered dead? I'm available again, if that changes anything.
Re: [OOC] Freedom Discussion

Yep, Wes moved it to Inactive last Wednesday...
Re: [OOC] Freedom Discussion

I think so; I had to cancel the last four JPs because of basically no attendance. I'd still be willing to do some JPs. I'm also looking at ideas for a "Part 2" reboot with new players and such.
Re: [OOC] Freedom Discussion

Anyone else who is willing to go on, could you reply? Lets at least check and see what the others think.
Re: [OOC] Freedom Discussion

Hey I was and am still willing, Yaiba's wanting to give the Mishhu some payback
Re: [OOC] Freedom Discussion

Yeah sorry bout last week. I keep getting timezones confused. Irritating, because I like this plot quite a bit.
Re: [OOC] Freedom Discussion

Well, we have three people willing to continue at least. Four if Wes wants to play one. And while I'm fine with going on with three or four, I'm not sure how the rest of you feel, and how we would explain the missing characters without more or less starting over. I think it's up to Wes on this one. If you want to start over with a few more guys coming in, we can go for it.
Re: [OOC] Freedom Discussion

Want to try for next Wednesday then?
Re: [OOC] Freedom Discussion

You know I'll be there. ;)
Re: [OOC] Freedom Discussion

The YSS Eucharis has come to find the YSS Freedom survivors. If you want your Freedom character to get rescued, you can start posting in this thread:


What's happened to your character in the meantime? That's up to you! You could be captured or still hiding in the jungle, or with the tribals. You can also team up with other Freedom players to have your characters together.

Please post! This is your chance to retrieve your characters!
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