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RP Concluded [OOC] YSS Genesis Chat

Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Feel free to post whenever you have an opening. We're planning to kick the plot into gear soon, so you probably have limited time for socialization.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Shotjon, Tani knows how lame the joke was, it was a layered joke. But then again her not realizing that might be funnier in the long run. I guess I should ask, what do you think?
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Well whether have Tani thought the joke was funny or not, Shinon definitely though she meant it serisouly. Well of course it would be a little more funny if she was a little clueless, at least I though you were going for that feel.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Woops. Looks like this was the one plot I forgot to stick an 'I'm back!' post in.

Back now; had some medical issues that have been resolved for the most part. I'll wait a little bit and make a post.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Welcome back!
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Made a weak post just to feel involved. Hope it doesn't annoy anyone too much.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Kai said:
Feel free to post whenever you have an opening. We're planning to kick the plot into gear soon, so you probably have limited time for socialization.

^I was preparing for this.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

ahh I see I hope I didn't offend then, I was just worried that it went quiet for 4 or 5 days
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Hell, you maybe right to keep posting. I just didn't want to get a conversation blown apart by a high-percision timeskip.

But Kai did say he was very busy.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Yes, do keep going, please. I apologize for not jumping in and clarifying this sooner. It's not going to be a gigantic, full blown timeskip, not right off the bat, at least. We're just officially getting the ship under way, and getting everyone ready to go.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Yes, please keep posting; we won't be timeskipping yet, just making something happen, so, converse away. it may be interrupted but not cut off.

And yes, I'm very busy, I work 40 hours a week and have an Essay I should probably be writing due next monday....
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Sorry for the delay in posting.
Will post tomorrow! Eventhough I told ShotJon today, too much other things that got my priority!

Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Geeze, I should say sorry too! I let myself get swamped with way too many things as of late. XD
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat


I'm so sorry SSharp, it's my fault! I didn't do a good job keeping track of the player groups.

Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Allrighty, just letting you guys know- I will be trying to put up another post in the next couple of days. Try to wrap up conversations, because I think I may have to wrap up the chapter and start anew to get us moving properly again.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Holy crap. I just realized I forgot Lam, like, three pages ago. Let me make a (belated) response to you, Lam.
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