Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP [OPEN RP] Candy Festival of YE 43

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When Sanda returned the paper, Lane took it quickly and delicately. He refolded it and sealed it away in his pocket as she fixed her outfit to sit down. He avoided eye contact at all times, reddening a little more when Sanda flared her skirt out behind her to sit down comfortably. Whatever you do, don't stare (he warned himself). Women hate it when you stare! They always assume you're undressing them with your eyes. It's not polite to stare! Be polite-!

He nearly missed her introduction. His gaze carefully fixated on her face, red eyes trained to look nowhere else.

"It's nice to meet you, Miss Hoshi," Lane replied. "My name is Lane Ruskin."

His voice was small and calculated, and he quickly looked away as she removed her boots to rub sore feet. His head was on fire while his hands dropped below freezing. Why was he freaking out? He didn't even know this woman. He was just being nice, right? So why was he so nervous? His gaze doubled back as he registered her spurt of Spanish and processed her next question. What kind of job was he looking for?

"Well..." Lane paused. Did he have an ideal job in mind? He wasn't sure, and couldn't convince himself there was anything he was really looking for in particular. A genuine and nervous pair of eyes met Sanda's gaze, unhindered by irrational fears, "I guess... I guess I'm looking for a job that will hire me. I don't really have a preference."

He smiled sheepishly, unsure how she would react. She was pretty, when he thought about it. No! Stop! Get those thoughts out of your head, right now! His eyes averted again. She was just being nice. She probably had a couple drinks, or something. No one ever wanted to talk to him on purpose. They only stared and talked about him, not to him. This was a fluke. The whole night was a fluke-

"Are you, uh... Joining the festivities?" It felt like a stupid question, but he hated dead air and awkwardness more than anything. Sooner or later she'd say goodbye, and he could slink home as usual. Like he wanted that to happen anyhow...

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"Please my friends call me Sanda. Ms Hoshi makes me feel old and I'm only 25." She smiled, trying to put the kid at ease.

Sanda watched pale young man with a mixture of amusement and agony. Amusing to see him try so hard to be polite and not check her out. Sanda new she was beautiful and her intricate lighting tattoos that ran down her arms and legs were hard not to ignore the way they caught the light and sparkled as if there was real electricity running through her body. It truly was a work of art that she enjoyed showing off. But it was also painful to see the guy so nervous that he could hardly speak. She really didn't have much patients for overly timid people. She suddenly laughed out loud as she remembered her friend Kwabba. Kwabba had also been so timid she could only speak if she were playing an instrument. Sanda smiled fondly at the memory of her friend. She wondered where the Music Bug was now?

Lane began to speak and it pulled Sanda back to the present. Although his answer about looking for any job that would hire him made her think that he must have lived a pretty sheltered life. "That's... good." Sanda managed. Gosh this kid reminds me so much of music bug. She thought.

After an awkward silence that almost convinced Sanda to just bail Lane asked if she was joining the festivities. She smiled at that, "Yes, I've spend several hours at the party already." She looked down at her dress. "I don't usually wear outfits like this but I thought I'd get out of my comfort zone a little and go full out." She laughed. "I even dyed my hair for it." She looked at him again. Smiling a friendly smile. "It feels good to get out and let off some steam every now and then but just now I needed some air so I headed down a quieter street." She almost added, where I met you but thought it was obvious enough.

"Are you planning on joining the fun? I mean if your interview fell through why not go have some fun." Sanda asked.

Shout out to my boy @hyralt . What is it with Sanda finding timid and shy people who were created in a lab by overly protective scientist? 🤣
@Cowboy Maybe it's a sixth sense, or a predisposition? Also I have no idea who "Music Bug Kwabba" is but she sounds super nice. @hyralt maybe the timid people need to unite lol?

Lane nodded quickly when Sanda asked him to speak casually, as well as call her by her first name. He could do that. He stuffed fiddling hands between his thighs to corral his nerves.

He jolted in his seat when Sanda burst into brief laughter, and red eyes quickly scanned their surroundings. What was so funny? He missed it! An eager gaze turned back to Sanda, trailing down her facial tattoo before seeing a glint of light on her back. Curiosity made Lane lean backwards, ever slightly, to see the continuation of the tattoo down her back.

It teased him through veneer and other sheer sections of costume, dancing in and out of darkness and concealment. He then noticed how the tattoo broke off to coil around her arms. It were as if she were made of marble, and every crack beneath her skin revealed the soft, blue light. A light that felt real, surprisingly warm, and welcoming to him. Lane became confused by his thoughts, and it caused his eyes to avert elsewhere. Just in time for her answer, and when she turned to face him he met her gaze.

"It's a nice outfit," Lane commented. He suddenly felt uncomfortable in his own clothes. He methodically grabbed small areas of cloth to adjust how they sat on his person. She then asked him a question he wasn't anticipating. An invitation to participate? To Lane, from Sanda? He had to be hallucinating.

"I mean, Gemma wasn't expecting me to be back for an hour, at least." His hands slipped out from his thighs, one hand clasping his other wrist as if feeling for a watch. He didn't own a watch, but it was something Richard used regularly on his person. Lane assumed watches made people responsible with their time. He liked feeling responsible. He didn't want to decline her offer, since she'd shown no signs of betraying his trust. But he also didn't know if it was a good choice to make. Didn't people get themselves in trouble if they overindulged in festivities?

Trouble. That singular word sparked wild suspicion within the porcelain man. A soft gaze cast down to the ground, hardening as his thoughts began to spiral. What if this whole interaction was trouble for him? What if she knew exactly who he was, and how he got here? What if she'd been following him, waiting for this moment of vulnerability? Sweat began accumulating on his neck and back. Why was she so comfortable approaching and talking to him? That had to be it. She was a soldier, undercover, and he was her latest mission. And now, with his name out there, she probably had some secret comms unit looking into his entire past-!

He bolted up from his seat, turned towards her, bowed feverishly fast, and apologized for his change of heart.
"I'm sorry, I have to go. It was nice meeting you, and I hope you have a pleasant night."

He didn't wait for Sanda to respond. He turned towards the road he came from and walked away briskly. He didn't realize how suspicious he'd made himself out to be, only fearful of what damage he may have already caused. For once, he wanted to be in the middle of the crowd. Just in case Sanda decided to pursue. It would hopefully give him good enough cover to slip away, and never make that mistake again.
"Thank you." Sanda replied to the complement of her dress. "It's a nice change to the uniform I normally wear." Sanda was of course speaking of her Star Army duty uniform that she had almost exclusively worn since the day she enlisted. She did feel almost naked out of uniform, or rather naked without the weight of her weapons. This dress did leave much room for a couple of side arms or blades, but like the good Nepleslian girl she was she still managed to conceal her straight silver blade high up on her thigh just under the dress.

For just a moment Sanda thought Lane was about to open up. She felt kind of sorry for him. Obviously he was having a bad day and on a day like today Sanda like to see people enjoying themselves. She was about to suggest that if he had an hour to kill maybe he'd escort her back to the festival and kill an hour eating some candy and watching the show. But before she could get the words out up he popped and excused himself.

Sanda sat on the bench with a confused yet thoughtful look on her face. "Bueno, eso fue inesperado." She said to no one in particular. Her thoughtful look turned to a frown. That was quite rude. Leaving a lady all alone to fend for herself. Not that she needed protection mind. As a Ranger she could and had fought many a battle and could easily take care of herself. It was the principal of the thing. For a moment longer she stared in the direction Lane had went with the eyes a hawk might look at a rabbit. She quickly put her half-boots back on and took off after the young man.

Sanda was a tall girl and could cover a lot of ground very quickly without appearing to do so. She was also a tracker, so even in a crowd of people all wearing costumes and such she quickly picked out her quarry. For someone who didn't like being around people he seemed to be sticking to the more crowded parts for the street. Sanda easily slipped through the less crowded parts of the street and moved to intercept.

She positioned herself so that Lane would have no choice but to walk past her. As he did so, Sanda called out. "You know Mr. Ruskin, it's very rude to leave a lady unattended like that. All alone at a bus stop. What if someone had attacked me?" Sanda cut her laugh short as she could tell from his deer in the headlights look that the poor boy was shocked that she was standing where she was. Going to bolt any second. Sanda thought. She smiled and said quiet enough so that only he could hear. "Look, I don't know your story but you seem like a nice guy to me. You remind me a lot of an Anthro girl I used to know. She was supper shy, so shy she at first she could only speak to me if she was playing an instrument. Great musician. Anyway we became very good friends, I even consider her my sister." Sanda smiled at the memory of her first interactions with Music Bug as she called her.

From where Sanda was standing she could see across the street an outdoor cafe that was serving candy and drinks to people under colored hanging lights. A couple of Nekos were just starting to get up from a table that would become available in just a moment. She glanced back at Lane. "You said you had an hour before you were suppose to be back, right? Come and have some candy and a drink with me. We can just sit and talk for a while." She chuckled, "Or maybe you can just sit and listen and I can do all the talking."
The word "uniform" rang in Lane's head as he wove through the crowd. Uniform only meant one thing in his mind, and for him it confirmed his fears. How in the world was Gemma going to take all this? Would they have to leave? He'd been so careful up until tonight! Why was it all crashing down around him now? Lane's eyebrows cinched together while his mouth drew into a line. His breathing siphoned quietly through his nose, and his steps quickened. That was way too close for comfort.

He looked around as he excused himself past others. No sight of her. He let out a sigh in relief and refocused on his goal. When he finally returned to the alley he emerged from, he took another couple glances at the crowd before disappearing. As he walked through the dark corridor, his vision adjusted to observe the light at the other side. He fixed his jacket and smoothed out his pants as he strolled, relieved nothing came of the encounter with the undercover soldier. Tense features relaxed as he made his way towards the other side and into the light.

He paused right before emerging from the dark corridor, carefully observing the environment before merging with it. Coast was clear. He stepped into the open and rounded the corner, unaware of a woman leaning against the outside of the concrete structure. Their eyes connected and Lane nearly ate his lungs. Shock had him stumble backwards and fall onto his rear. He scooted away from Sanda and rose hastily as she pushed off the infrastructure and walked toward him. Her remarks, while convicting, didn't seethe with anger like he anticipated. It didn't take away the worry and guilt overwhelming him. He wasn't cornered in a physical sense, but her observations froze his feet in place. He felt it only right to fess up to the experienced warrior.

"I'm sorry," he blurted out. He would've continued had she not cut him off. He reminded her of someone else she met recently. Confusion trickled in behind his anxious stare, and he straightened his posture. An anthro girl? What was an "anthro?" Lane shut his gaping jaw and considered his next words very carefully. "Look, uh, S-Sanda, I really-"

He wouldn't finish his sentence. A nod of her head had him look behind him with curiosity. A bar he'd seen several times before, open for the night. He listened to her words while he observed in real time. As she spoke, two Nekos paid for their meal and stood up from their two-seated table. Lane's arms, which were bent upward towards his chest this whole time, drew closer together as his fingers intertwined. He shifted interlocked hands back and forth, as if it helped him make a decision. Was it worth declining? Was it worth making another break for it, only to have her follow him again? And if she was what he thought she was, he'd lead her right to where Gemma lived. He wasn't sure his caretaker would ever forgive him. But if it meant taking one for the team and turning himself in to protect her, he'd do it. He only wished he knew what he'd be turning himself in for.

"Okay," he conceded. He allowed her to lead the way, fixing his attire as he followed after. He'd never shoved a gulp down with this much difficulty before. He felt the sweat accumulating again. He became colorless again, gaze staring ahead as he numbly followed Santa into the bar, pulled the seat back for her (as it was a self-seating kind of place), and sat in the chair across from her. He didn't speak a word and he didn't meet her gaze. And when a nice, female server approached the table he looked at the woman through his peripheral vision.

"Oooh, lovely costumes today, friends!" The cheery disposition put a knot in Lane's stomach. The server was dressed as an old fashioned @Cowboy, or a cowgirl in technical terms. She continued without a hitch, "What would you lovely folks like to start the night off?"
Sanda smiled, genuinely pleased that Lane did run and seemed willing to sit for a while and talk. "Why thank you." Sanda said as Lane pulled out a chair for her. When the waitress came Sanda ordered what she had had earlier in the evening, a chocolate and Rum. "What kind of chocolate would you like? We have Dark, White, Milk, Salted and Mint." "Ooo, Mint chocolate and rum? That sounds amazing. I'll have that!" She glanced at Lane and saw how uncomfortable he looked so she added so that the waitress wouldn't pry, "Just a water for my friend right now. I think he had a little too much candy this evening."

As the server went to get their order, Sanda studied her young friend a moment then said, "An Anthro is a humanoid, but looks more like an animal then human. There are several on the ship I'm stationed on. One girl resembles a dog, another a tiger. My shy friend looked like a giant ant. She had four arms and a giant butt. She was quite a talented musician however. I called her 'Music Bug'." Sanda smiled at the memory.

The waitress soon returned with their order as well as a bowl of pretzels. Sanda thanked her and took a sip of her drink. "Oooo... Mmmm... That is good." She took another sip, savoring the sweet chocolate, the cool mint and the fire of the rum. Sí, de hecho eso fue bueno. Sanda eyed her 'date'. The poor kid looked more like a corpse than a living human being. It didn't bother the tattooed woman though, she had had worse dates.

"I'm curious about who you are, but I get the feeling that you probably don't want to talk about that so I'm not going to pry." Sanda said as she stretched her arms out and got comfortable in her chair. "Like I said before, if you just want to sit there I'm more than happy to just sit here in silence or do all the talking." She smiled as she took another sip. "I'm on shore leave, which means no fighting, no responsibilities and no idiotic crew mates." She laughed at that, it felt so good to get away.

Sanda got the distinct impression that whenever she mentioned something to do with the military Lane seemed to go tense and got a 'fight or flight' look in his eye. She decided to change the subject. "I was born on Nepleslia although I don't remember much of it. When I was six my parents sent me and my older sister to Yamatai because of the civil war between the Reds and Greens, my parents being Red sympathizers. I've never heard from them since. My older sister, who was 12 at the time raised me as best she could, but I was quite a handful." She paused as she looked at Lane. She had a feeling he understood how it felt to be different. "In school I was twice the size of my classmates and was the only kid to have a face tattoo. Needless to say, kids picked on me. Or rather attempted to. I was not one to be picked on without retaliation." She shook her head as she remembered those rebellious days.
"One mint chocolate rum for the Missus," repeated the waitress, her perky voice unnerving Lane further. It was clear his social skills were lacking, as he shrunk away from the peppy server. She cheerily turned to him next, "What about you, mister, what can I get ya?"

Thankfully, Lane wouldn't have to answer. Sanda kindly interceded and ordered a drink for him. Lane's eyes cast downward as the women spoke, another small gulp forced down his throat. When Sanda explained why water sufficed, a dancing glance of the waitress' eyes invited a theory to appear. A sly smile narrowed the server's eyes playfully. She thought she knew what Sanda meant.

"Coming right up," came a teasing voice. She departed from the table and Lane visibly relaxed. He was lost in his own world for a moment, his heartbeat skyrocketing as he tried to calm down. He was momentarily deafened by the blood rushing through his ears. He nearly missed Sanda's explanation of an anthro, and perked up when he sensed her move.

"What?" He stared blankly, his pulse quieting as she explained what an anthro was. She then went into detail about how she knew a couple herself, and gave perhaps too much information concerning the shy friend mentioned previously. All the while, Lane looked on with a dumbfounded gaze. He didn't remember asking what an anthro was out loud. Did he? Confusion averted his gaze in serious recollection. Just in time for the server to return with drinks.

"Here we go, lovelies." The waitress set the serving disk on the table and handed off each drink. As Lane thanked her she finally made eye contact with the pasty man, and she marveled at a particular feature. "My goodness, your eyes! They are very vibrant! You must be wearing contacts or something. Sometimes I wonder what people really look like under all that makeup. Let me know if you two need anything else!"

Lane subconsciously brought a hand to rest under his lower eyelid. So many questions rolled through his mind, but only one comment surfaced: "I'm not... wearing makeup..." The waitress was out of earshot, and a defeated sigh dropped Lane's raised hand into his lap. He conceded to the atmosphere of the night and slid his water glass closer. He wrapped his lips around the submerged straw as Sanda picked up conversation.

She mentioned her job again. Lane's eyes fixated on a random object within view. She was quick to catch on to his discomfort and changed the subject again. However, before she continued speaking, Lane's urge to fess up and turn himself in became unbearable. It felt like his only option, his last resort. A brief glance downward visualized what handcuffs would look like on his wrists. He already felt the cold of the metal tingling his nerves.

"Listen, Sanda, I really should-"

He either didn't speak loud enough, or she was so deep in thought he didn't get through. He conceded to her new monologue, and listened quietly as she rambled about her past. However, the quick mention of Nepleslia piqued Lane's interest. He knew about that place, kind of. Red eyes widened as he focused on her and drank in her story. She was relocated here as well, so it seemed. And she dealt with the same things he did, growing up. The bullies, the stares; only, she seemed like she made quick work of them and set her boundaries at a young age. Something Lane was no so successful in emulating. Unlike her, he was not very intimidating or imposing. Being threatened by young Ruskin was like being threatened by a tree branch. It hurt, but only when someone else swung it around.

"I'm from Nepleslia too," Lane's eagerness died down quickly. "I think I am. I know Gemma and Richard lived there. And I know they brought me here to live with them. But I don't remember being there. To be honest, I don't remember much of my life before the age of five."

It felt dangerous taking this much, especially about his past. Yet at the same time, it also felt incredibly relieving. To simply talk about his life without fear or worry. But perhaps he was being too trustful again. A mouth previously willing to talk clamped shut, Lane biting down on his lower lip. Eyebrows twisted upward as he looked outside, distracting himself. His hands gripped as much fabric as his pants would allow. He felt his heartbeat rising again, and his ears flushed red. Should he do it? Should he get it over with?

"Sanda-" his voice, full of fear, grew choppy and brittle. His breathing intensified as he dared to be honest, "I'm afraid of you. I'm waiting for you to detain me, or something-" His voice began to waver and wetness reflected in his eyes. His pulse skyrocketed again, "I'm... in trouble... and I don't know why... but I'm a problem for you."

Sanda smiled encouragingly as Lane actually began to speak. Although she was a little surprised to hear he was Nepleslian too. He definitely was not your typical Nepleslian. Although maybe the reason his eyes were red was because they were cybernetic implants. Sanda's left eye was like that, although she had chosen to go with a model that looked like her real eyes.

But almost as soon as he began to open up Sanda saw his mouth shut tight and Lane biting down on his own lip. She braced herself for him to run again but he didn't. Instead he began to say all kinds of things that didn't make much sense to her but confirmed her earlier suspicions that he didn't like military figures because he seemed to think that he had done something wrong. She kept her composer although she wanted to laugh out loud at his unfounded worry.

When Lane finally seemed to run out of steam for the moment Sanda set her elbows on the table and steeped her fingers together before resting her chin on her hands. She looked over Lane a moment with a smile on her face then raised a tattooed eyebrow. "Your afraid of me? Now why should you be afraid of me?" She asked. In her head she agreed with him. She was someone to be very afraid of if you were fighting her. She was a Ranger after all. The best of the best. She had fought in several battles and skirmishes and had killed, well more people than she cared to count. She was a soldier and she enjoyed being a soldier.

"Lane." She said calmly, a reassuring smile still on her face. "I told you. I'm on leave. I'm here to have a good time. And even if I wasn't on leave. I'm not a police officer, I'm a soldier. I don't detain people. So please, take a deep breath. The only thing we're doing here is having a drink and enjoying the festivities." She hoped she had set his mind at ease. She took another sip of her drink and closed her eyes as she savored the flavor.

After Sanda had given him what she figured was enough time to take a breath and compose himself, she asked, "Now you have piped my curiosity. I'm must say I'm dying to know what you think you might possibly have done that would leave you fearing I would detain you. If you don't want to tell me though that's your business. Like I've said, I'm on leave." She leaned back in her chair and eyed Lane, wondering if he would share or not.
Over time, as she calmly responded and remained composed, his gaze slowly met hers. While tears threatened to spill from glossy eyes, they hadn't yet. She reassured him, twice, that it was neither her current duty nor her intention to bring him in. She only wanted to get to know him and hear his story. His hands tightened their grip, impossibly turning whiter than usual.

Lane then did something he never believed he could ever do. He spilled his guts in front of her. Something about that curious and caring gaze moved him. Something about her assurances, despite only meeting her tonight, convinced him. He told her all he knew, and he began with his childhood.

He told her about how he struggled to make friends, and was bullied like she was. He told her how he ended up changing his time spent outside, because even a little sun exposure burned him badly. He told her how Gemma instructed him to hide whenever military forces were close by. And he emphasized how under no circumstances he was allowed to interacted with the Star Army.

He continued his story from there. He told her how all of his knowledge and teaching was academic. He told her about how Gemma raised him in a homeschooling manner, for his protection. And he also told of a growing tension between himself and Gemma, how her fears began to clash with his desire to explore the city he lived in and get out of their micro-apartment.

As he rambled on, frustration began to mount in his voice. It was clear his living situation frustrated him, and he talked about how difficult it was to get Gemma to allow him to job hunt. While he didn't know the official term for it, Gemma habitually gaslighted the young man into obeying her. It frustrated him when she told him how to think and feel about certain things, when he reached a stage of his life where he craved the independence. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally too.

Once his monologue died down, he finally looked at Sanda after staring at the tabletop to keep composure. Her face changed. He felt relieved, emancipated by revealing his story. But as the guilt of telling all clouded his emotions, a balled up hand naturally rose to cover his mouth. What was all this going to cost him?
Sanda wasn't sure what she was expecting from Lane but a complete outpouring of his life wasn't high on the list. She listened closely and silently as he vented, afraid that any questions or comments would derail his train of though. She began to wonder if this Gemma was on the run, that was why all the secrecy. It didn't sound like Lane had done anything to warrant his fear of being detained by the military.

It was a lot for Sanda to process and she wasn't sure how to respond at first. When Lane suddenly brought his hand up to cover his mouth with a look of guilt on his face Sanda was quick to reassure him. "Thank you Lane for sharing your story with me. I feel honored that you would trust me." She reached forward and took his hand away from his mouth. Gently she laid it on the table and gave it a light squeeze. She then looked him in the eyes and said, "Lane, I'm a soldier, a Ranger. I've got a personal code that I follow. On the battle field I'm often fighting for my life. In a life and death situation, you don't often have the luxury of getting to know someone real well before you trust them with your life. Most of the time, I put my life in someone else's hands simply because they are wearing the same uniform as I am. Because I know whoever is wearing this uniform has my back. Now those live and death moments happen very quickly. You have to learn to trust your instincts. Over time, those instincts become so much a part of you that you can almost just look at a person and know if they would have your back or not." She smiled and gave his hand another light squeeze. "You have trusted me so whatever trouble you may be in, I've got your back."

Sanda let go of his hand leaned back in her chair. She was still smiling but she wanted to give Lane a moment to collect his thoughts and take in what she had said and even respond if he felt so inclined. She did want to know more about Gemma however but wasn't sure how Lane would respond to direct questions or criticization of them woman who obviously raised him. Instead she asked, "Lane, why do you think Gemma is so worried about the military and wants you to stay at home?"
Lane didn't register Sanda leaning towards him until her hand wrapped gently over his knuckles. For whatever reason her gentle approach processed differently in his mind. He thought she was grabbing his hand to arrest him, and he willingly brought the other hand up to surrender fully. Only, she didn't reach for handcuffs. She didn't say those lines he'd heard in police shows (a bad enough influence on his psyche). When he realized she was only holding his hand reassuringly, like Gemma did to calm him down, his free hand braced against the table, fingers curling over the side.

She thanked him for opening up? Disbelief began to crowd out his fears. His facial features drew together suspiciously. People weren't normally like this, they couldn't be. In Lane's mind, he wasn't supposed to be the recipient of kindness or grace. That was reserved for normal people, regular people. But that mood and mindset was swept away the moment Sanda told him she had his back. He'd never heard that string of words before, said in that manner. For some reason, whenever she said it, it felt like a real and honest promise. Receding tears returned quickly. When she squeezed his hand again, a couple of those tears fell. He forced his emotions down and brought his free hand to his face, wiping away lingering wetness.

Sanda drew away and he brought his outstretched hand off the table. She reclined against her seat while Lane remembered his drink. He pulled the condensation-laden glass back towards his person and drank some water. It was very refreshing after that draining moment, and he was grateful she ordered it for him. While he should've seen it coming, he wasn't prepared mentally for Sanda's direct questions. Especially when they were about Gemma.

Suddenly Lane felt like he messed up. It wasn't so bad talking about himself, telling his life story to a stranger. But to talk about someone else, without their knowing? It seemed horrible, gossipy, and utterly disrespectful. A chill ran up Lane's spine and he winced in response. Yet as soon as he dreaded answering her question, he also gained a strange bout of confidence. Mostly because he had no grounds on which to incriminate his caretaker.

"I'm not sure. She's never given any reason as to why. I never personally had an issue with the military. I mean, Richard's already enlisted in the Star Army, but she doesn't get too upset with him," accusation changed the flavor of his tone. "The most he gets is: 'You could've taken a different job. You didn't have to join the Star Army.' But Richard gets upset when she insults him like that. Sometimes he fires back at her and says things like: 'At least I have a job."

Vindication trickled through Lane's words as he mimicked his uncle's jabs. He would never admit it out loud, but Lane sometimes smiled when Uncle Richard snapped at Gemma. And then he immediately felt like an ungrateful little turd for getting any satisfaction out of their arguments. Lane thoughtlessly stirred his water glass with the light, metal straw as snippets of those arguments rolled through his mind. His face frowned the more he dwelled on it.
Sanda felt touched that Lane was so moved by her kindness. Sanda was a nice person although some of her crewmates might argue that point. Lately she had had to be tough and almost uncaring with some of them. It was a rough time for her. Promotion time was coming up soon and Sanda wanted to show her officers that she was a good soldier. She also carried herself to a high standard and expected others who wore a uniform to do the same. Some of her crew didn't act the same way and she was often annoyed by their behavior. Their undisciplined actions had caused her to tighten up and be less open with people. She didn't want to be see as too causal like they were. She wanted to be the opposite.

She listened to Lane's explanation of his caretaker. Or rather his lack of explanation. Seemed even he didn't know why. It was interesting though that his Uncle was enlisted in the Star Army. She smiled at that. "There are definitely worse jobs than becoming a soldier." She considered that for a moment. Maybe that would be a good fit for him?

Sanda idly played with on of the pretzels a moment, as if she were thinking about something. "You know I was about your age when I joined the Star Army." He eyes didn't seem to focus on anything for a moment and her voice had gotten softer, just barely loud enough for Lane to hear. "For the last few years leading up I had been very rebellious. I was mad at everyone and everything. I had been kicked out of two schools and just barely graduated high school. I was hanging with a gang. My poor sister, she tried everything to keep me out of trouble but I was too stubborn to listen to her. We had a big fight..." Even after all these years she still hated to think about how close she had come to losing everything. "I was mad and I wanted to hurt my sister."

Sanda shook her head, this was part of her story she very rarely shared with others. "I decided the best way to do that was to become fully initiated in a gang." Sanda paused for several deep breaths before continuing. "My 'right-of-passage' was to go with three others and jump someone. Rough them up some and steal whatever they had. We staked out this bar and a lone soldier came out. He had an eyepatch and had an arm in a sling. We thought he'd be easy pickings. Ha!" Sanda snorted. "The man was a Joto Heisho, a senor NCO named Trowa Yamamoto. We came at him armed with knives and a club and he pulled out a knife of his own. In less than five seconds he had put two of us out of action. I held out for about 30 seconds before he disarmed me and I had a bad cut on my arm. The fourth guy, incidentally then guy who first suggested we go for the one eyed guy, had fled, leaving me alone. I had never felt so low then at that moment and I knew I was in serious trouble. My sister wouldn't be able to get me out of this mess. I had attacked a Star Army soldier."

Sanda looked up at Lane. "Instead of having me arrested, the man asked me where did I live then walked me home. He bandaged up my arm and told me we would talk later when I was better. My sister ran a restaurant and I helped out whenever I wasn't in trouble. He started coming around the restaurant a lot and talking to me and my sister. He said he had been impressed with my fighting skills and thought I'd make a good soldier. He talked of his experience with the Star Army. He was a starship operator and he made the Star Army sound like the best thing ever. Eventually he convinced me to enlist. Even went with me to the recruiting center." Sanda laughed again. "I came home from basic and found that he and my sister had really hit it off. They were engaged to be married. He is now my brother in law."

Sanda took a deep breath. It was both exhausting and liberating to share. "I'm not saying you should enlist, but you know, that SA is a pretty good life. They have lots of occupations, not all of them direct combat. You can travel to distant planets. Meet new people. And the SA is a big organization. There are all types. I don't think you would stand out near as much there as you do here. Pale skin and red eyes? Please, there are way more exotic and weird creatures out there than me and you. Lighting tattoos, cybernetic arms?" She said holding up her right arm. Even though it looked like a flesh and blood arm it was cybernetic one. "The reason I stand out on my ship is I'm the tallest girl by a good 6 inches!" She had been rather proud of that fact and was secretly annoyed with the fact that two of the male crew members were taller than her.
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At Sanda's comment, Lane let a smirk briefly slip onto his face. It was quiet for a moment longer before she decided to open up. Lane stopped stirring his water glass to pay attention, especially when her emotions dared to surface. She was far better composed than he was, and her internal struggle made him sit straighter. His feelings seemed to drain away as he focused on her, attempting to be as much of an emotional support as possible.

If he thought his life was tough, he couldn't imagine her situation at all. Living in poverty and struggling to survive sounded horrendous. He lived in the shadows, no doubt, but Richard's generosity kept them from sinking that low below the line. Lane's eyebrows cinched together as he listened intently. He couldn't help shrinking into his chair when Sanda spoke about her gang life casually. It shocked him how she willingly gave into that lifestyle, and how hopeless it made her situation seem. He knew where her story was headed, the point she was going to make. Muddling through the thick of the narrative still unnerved him.

At the apex of her story, wide red eyes stretched wider. With the direction she was heading, Lane believed she was about to give the disturbing story of losing her arm. His gaze began to waver and he shifted in his seat. Fortunately, his theory was wrong, and she merely received a bad cut instead of full-on dismemberment. He visibly sighed in relief, and his nervous adjustments stilled. That man, Yamamoto Trowa, saved her life and showed her kindness. Gave her that second chance. Lane couldn't help the smile creeping onto his face. A small smile full of empathy, and it widened into a grin when she explained how Mr. Yamamoto was now part of the family. He liked that part the best, and part of him wished he shared similar luck.

"That's incredible," he commented. He was so enamored by her story he didn't realize the waitress stopped to refill his glass. He wouldn't notice for a while longer.

When Sanda began promoting the Star Army, Lane naturally leaned in. He was very curious about it, especially when Uncle Richard visited and entertained him with his "war stories." While the stories themselves were trivial and had nothing to do with combat, the genuine enjoyment in Richard's voice inspired him to ask questions. Of course, Gemma shut down any talk immediately and put a lid on the subject. One time Richard became fed up with her antics and took Lane out to lunch. There, they could talk about it all they wanted. Gemma wouldn't follow them, and they knew it. While it felt devious to a 13-year-old Lane Ruskin, he liked the thrill of it too. And he enjoyed Richard's opinions due to being enlisted by the Army, instead of mulling over speculation. Lane realized he was overthinking again and stopped so he could listen. When she assured him his appearance would be the least of his worries, he became inspired. And he flashed a grin when she boasted about her height.

"It seems too good to be true," Lane mused.

He thought back to the time Richard drove him by the Recruitment center, trying to muster up his courage and get him to enlist. At the time, the 15-year-old was not as brave as he was now. He believed going behind Gemma's back was like asking to be murdered. Richard didn't push the matter, but staring down that building? Glimpsing the interactions from other citizens through the glass? It put a rock in his shoe, and the rock stayed there for five years. He decided he was tired of going crazy, tired of being held back and desiring his independence for too long. His gaze zeroed in, gaining an intensity Sanda didn't see previously. There was fear there as well, but it was pushed down by a grim determination.

"What do I need to do to join?"
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Sanda smiled. It made her happy that Lane seemed to becoming more relaxed around her. And also seemed to be getting some courage. Although she was surprised that he seemed so eager to figure out what he needed to do to join. She had finished her drink and waved for another while she thought about the enlistment process. It had been so long ago. Really it hadn't been that long, but a lot had happened in that short amount of time.

"As I remember there is an interview. They ask you some questions like have you ever charged with a crime? Do you owe money? Have you ever been a part of another army? They will ask you your date of birth and nationality. You must be a citizen of Yamatai but if you're not they can get you sworn in in the same building. They'll probably ask you why you want to join and if you have any skill sets or preference in assignment. Finally they'll have you take the loyalty oath." Sanda smiled. "Pretty simple stuff."

Sanda thought a moment then said, "I'm sure you'll probably want to talk this over with Gemma, but if you do decide you would like to enlist I'd be happy to go with you. For moral support."
Lane nodded as Sanda explained how the enlistment process worked. It seemed straightforward and simple, his confidence strengthening as he answered her questions mentally. No crimes committed; check! No money owed; check. No military background in this kid, if he could even admit to having a background at all. But then, as she rattled off basic information, his confidence quickly withered. He didn't know his birthdate, and he assumed he was Nepleslian based on where Richard and Gemma came from. At the mention of being a citizen, his confidence withered altogether. Lane's focused gaze averted, bouncing back to her when she mentioned a solution to his problem. He relaxed, thankful for a way to become a citizen and employed all at once. In his mind this was a dream come true.

"Sounds straightforward to me," Lane admitted. At the mention of Gemma his features soured. He rolled his eyes and huffed through his nose, "Yeah. That's not going to be a fun conversation."

Yet as he spoke an idea came to mind. It wasn't an honest idea, and under the right light it would be considered a 'white lie.' Under the wrong light it looked downright devious. But for a young man desperate for a change, was it expected of him to act that way? Or was desperation influencing him? He wouldn't know the answer until later that night. He nearly missed Sanda's latest comment, surprised by her willingness to help him. Wonder softened his red gaze, and he studied her silently for a moment. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to meet her. A blank stare slowly eased into a smile. A real and genuine smile.

"I'd like that," he answered. "Thank you, really. I feel I could do a lot of good, working there. And I'd get to see Uncle Richard more often, too."

A rogue thought suddenly appeared in his head, whisking away the good feelings. His smile faded and his eyes widened as he remembered something, dread swirling in his chest.

"Oh, no," he muttered. He looked about frantically for any device telling the time. How late had it been? Certainly more than an hour! How was he going to explain being gone so long? And was was Gemma thinking, sitting at home and awaiting his return? He met Sanda's eyes quickly. "Sanda, I have to go home. It's late; I don't know if being gone this long is what Gemma expected. She's probably worried sick about me!"

He slid off the high chair and landed on his feet smoothly. He made sure he had everything he needed as he mindlessly straightened his clothes. He was about to high-tail out of there until he remembered his manners. He turned towards her, unsure if she would accept a handshake or expect something else. In the end he decided to bow respectfully, knowing she was a soldier.

"Thank you, Sanda, for everything. I know where the Recruitment center is. Can I meet you there tomorrow morning?" Lane figured it would take all day to get every single bit of paperwork completed and filed. He straightened up when she answered him, genuine appreciation flooding his features. He danced between saying something more and simply nodding his goodbye, and ended on the latter.

As he walked home, nervousness swelled his chest and chilled his lungs. He couldn't believe all that happened tonight, how he had the worst and best luck occur within hours of each other. It still seemed too good to be true. A part of him thought this was a fluke, and that he shouldn't have taken her at her word. But once his mind went through all she talked about, all she revealed about herself, and the level of commonality they shared, he couldn't deny the reality of it all. But the cold breath gave way to warmth and hope. Finally, he had a chance. A chance to become a working member of society. A chance to see the world and all it had to offer. He didn't have to get violent in order to see it, he just had to be a willing participant.

He couldn't believe his luck as he jogged down the steps of a Donghua Tower, the one he and Gemma lived underneath. It would be a long, likely sleepless night, but he didn't mind. Tomorrow, his life was going to change forever. He couldn't wait any longer.
Sanda returned Lane's smile. When she had come out to the Candy Festival the last thing on her mind was meeting someone like Lane but she was glad that she had. She gave him her personal com number so he could reach her if anything happened. "I'll see in the morning soldier." She laughed as she returned his bow with an informal two fingered salute.

After he had left Sanda remained for awhile alone and just watched people pass by. It was good to just relax. She again thought back to Trowa and the life changing moment he had given her. It felt good to be able to return the favor. Sanda pulled out her com and sent Trowa a quick message. Just saying that she missed him, Estrella and Elanor Aeon. That she really appreciated what he had done for her all those years ago. She ending by sending her love and hoped to see him on her next leave.
Luxury Barge
"All the boys?" Chiyo echoed gently, raising a sculpted eyebrow in amusement. "My Mr. Black.. Are you jealous?" She smirked, knowing he hadn't meant it, but of course Chiyo was very particular with who she spent her time with. They both knew that, but it was fun to tease Donvan nonetheless. Chiyo took the offered seat gracefully, immediately looking like a queen surveying her domain. Donvan's saucy comments provoked a bashful smile from the blonde, whom poured herself a glass of water without leaning forward, sipping it delicately. Perhaps to cool down in more ways than one. "As fun as that would be, if you make a scene you'll regret it." Chiyo's beautiful eyes flashed with challenge as she met Donvan's gaze.

"Conflict? Ah.. I see." She hummed, crossing her legs gracefully under the table. Chiyo hadn't been keeping up on the squabbles between the fox-people, they were famously insular and had never had formal contact with IIS. At least, outside of a couple at the old collaboration base on Uso. "That's right.. You've managed to get into that market, I think?" Chiyo ran a manicured fingernail around the rim of her glass, listening to Donvan talk about the sake. It was nice to see him try to impress her, even in the little ways. When you could wave your hand and get anything you ever wanted, gestures and thoughts mattered more than anything else.

Once Donvan admitted he needed some to calm down, Chiyo smirked. "Of course. I wouldn't want you too nervous around me, would I?" The tanned woman winked playfully, accepting the potent alcohol, lifting it an inch or so off the table. "To good health, and better memories." The Iemochi offered a toast, as if it was second nature to her to be in such a noble position.
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