Star Army

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RP [Open RP] Welcome To The Kikyo Sector

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Sanda listened first to Kozakura share her story then to Kwabba-an smiling at each in turn. It felt good to sit and talk and be open. Sanda laughed out loud at the idea of Kwabba-an joining the Star Army. She could just imagine the poor thing at boot camp, a trying to climb a rock wall while lugging her interments. "You do that, you little music bug. I'd be quite honored to serve along side you." She raised her glass to Kwabba-an and sipped it, enjoying the warm liquid sliding down her throat. She glanced at the bug lady's empty water glass. Picking up the bottle of Rum she held it up and said, "You want a hit of this, Soldier?"
Kozakura nodded, "It's not an easy path, yet I think that makes it all the more worthwhile." With that said she fell somewhat silent for a time before adding, "If we cross paths again I'll be sure to join in a chorus with you." Though after that she yawned and shifted in her chair somewhat. It was getting late and she'd probably be wanting to catch the last train out or find a room for the night.
Steiner was back at the outskirts while his drone went and found the captain. His attention was on the vehicle in front of him. Apparently it was a Big Cat, and a rather nice one at that. The problem was that he had little use for it; if he got one of these 'body transfers', he had no intention of staying on Yamatai. He also began to go over the ticket information-as he did not need this hanging over his head.

His solution at the moment was to sell the vehicle, pay whatever fines that would be levied against him, and get the transfer. Though there was the matter of the Warden-he could not leave it un-attended-even out of sentiment, given that most of the technology was considered aged by these people's standards-he'd taken a look at some of the machines used in this universe and was extremely impressed. If they'd had access to even a fraction of the many advancements these people had accomplished, the Company may not have fallen, the Schism would not have happened, they could've even helped rebuild...

He put aside such hopeful thoughts-the peoples of his home had their chance and more likely than not it would've drawn those power-hungry, ambitious individuals who would've likely used the technology for their ends which would've seen them destroyed that much sooner. Setting an alarm for when the drone reached its destination, and securing the car-setting it close to him, with a mechanized hand blocking, along with a motion detector that if anyone got within 3 meters of the thing would also wake him the former mercenary settled in just outside the city for the night tucked away near an overpass-hopefully no one would bother him for it.

He dozed, dreaming of a better time as the city bustled in the distance.
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Kwabba-an lifted one of her playing hands from her instrument and took the proffered bottle of rum from Sanda. With a flick of her thumb, she uncorked it and lifted it above her head where her antennae wiggled around its open end.

"Mmm," she sighed. "This smells delightful."

The ant woman poured a splash into her glass, grabbed the cork from the table, re-corked the bottle, and passed it back to Sanda. Then with the same hand, she lifted the glass and drank. A fraction of a second later, she began to cough violently.

"What a despicable substance. It was so sweet in the air but it burned in the mouth," she said at first, then seemed to consider it further. "That said, as my mouth is beginning to regain feeling, the sweet aroma lingers."

Kwabba-an turned and considered what Kozakura had said.

"It's not an easy drink, but perhaps that makes it all the more worthwhile," she riffed on the other woman's words, trying to match the way she said them. "I would like to join in a chorus with you, Tatsugami Kozakura. But I sense that this encore is reaching its resolution."

The musician stood, and bowed her head to each of them, giving them a final farewell before she went to carry out her equipment.

"Until we meet again."
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"I'm Fiamma Pooehncer lettle lady, and you shooehld be mahre carefoehl. Angels were meant to stay oehpright. Now where can I take you dis eve-", the anthro girl said before mister patchy the ganger interrupted her. "You owe greatly fahr dis, dahn't prahve tryin to be nice, mahre trooehble den it was wahrth. Go ahead if you moehst, I 'ave dings to tie oehp befahre we go." The feline woman was very displeased, a very slight feline growl given to herself at her usual terrible luck.

She was hoping to actually get somewhere on her vacay, maybe meet someone. But no, as always, trouble found her, or her luck was shite as always. It was times like these that she wondered why she even tried. Rather depressed, she gave the man one more slight glare, before turning back to the figuratively out of reach maiden in her arms.

"Apahlogies loehv, seems me loehck is terreble, and me time fleetin now as usual. What can I do fahr you, if dere is anythin you wooehld like to ask o' me?"
With things calmed down again, both Eileen the medic and Giada the Kitsune ordered drinks and grabbed some available seats at the bar while they were still open. Since she was finished with her drink, Teal-haired Kalena offered her seat up and went out onto the floor to mingle.

OOC: Drink art stock by Gormstar on DeviantArt

Meanwhile a couple more Star Army soldiers came into the bar, got drinks, and then grabbed a table with Giada the long-haired cook.


"It looks like lot of people are getting are new assignments in preparation for the new year," a dark-haired supply specialist noted to the technician next to her. "This place is filled with other Star Army soldiers."

"Look, a Starship Operator? I hear there's a new officer program from Star Army personnel. They might all be officers soon," a technician observed.

"Bridge crew always were always in their own world anyway," chef Giada grinned.
Delmira gave one last look and switched vision modes back to normal she was still on alert how ever.

"I think my sister's waiting on us!" Kinie told Delmira.

Delmira will look back at Kinie and nod her head before takeing the others hand and will walk with her. "So where are we heading to?" she asks giveing a happy purr.
"Any angel could have landed more delicately than I did," Thia laughed, then put on a serious expression that looked like it didn't fit her very well. "Thank you, Fiamma."

"It's much appreciated, sugar plum," Thia said to Eileen. "Call me Thia. My ankle doesn't feel like it hurts, exactly, but the cold feels good."

"I'm worried that it will feel awful come morning," she continued and then smirked and looked over to Pidole. "I will just have to make the most of my time until then."

Thia took a moment to study the red-haired technician carefully before speaking again.

"Don't worry, ginger bug," she ordered Pidole in a reassuring tone. "I'm still going to your hotel room tonight. And you can introduce me to that beetle of yours. What was its name?"

"Cutie pie," she motioned to Cassie. "Be a darling and help me to our room. I can hop on my good foot if it helps."
"Her name is Bidole," Pidole introduced her blue beetle buddy. "She just showed up one day around the time I joined the Star Army. I gave her food and we became friends. She follows me everywhere. I am not even sure what species she is," the red-headed technician explained. "I think she likes me because I'm the first person who gave her a chance and didn't treat her like a pest. She's very smart, too. Really smart! She can even help me make repairs. I trained her when I was in my Star Army career training. I suspect she maybe be genetically engineered. Because she's small I can smuggle her almost anywhere."

"I'm not gonna guard your bags all night!" Euikoshi called out through the bustling din of the bar.

"I'll help you," Pidole offered, letting Thia lean on her. "I think Cassie left with a man a short time ago. It looked like they made a connection." She walked Thia to the bar door, where Euikoshi was waiting.

"Great," Euikoshi said, "Kinie can you get Pidole's other bag?"

"Sure," Kinie offered, grabbing her bags (a rolling one and a duffel) and Pidole's rolling luggage. "We got a room for the night to party in!"

They went around the corner to the hotel entrance. Euikoshi grinned. "We'll get one for Pidole, Thia, and me, and one for you and Kinie," she explained. But the hotel desk clerk told them that two infantry men had just got the last regular room and the only room left was the big honeymoon suite with a bed nearly the size of a Kyoto microapartment and a mirror on the ceiling. It had a living room area with a pull-out sofa bed which would let them comfortably sleep 2 in it and 3 in the big bed so it would get the job done. Entering the room it smelled clean and felt cool compared to the sweaty bar. Pidole got undressed and started the giant Jacuzzi, then invited the others in. It was the start of a very fun and sexy night.

OOC: Fading to black here! <3
Roughly a half hour before dawn the next morning, a silent alarm went off in Thia's cybernetics, sending impulses into her optical and auditory nerves. The alarm ignited a struggle for control in her mind. On one side, a part of her felt sleepy and warm and safe and had a vague understanding that all of this would go away when she woke up. Ultimately, however, it was the other side, her sense of duty and desire to be paid, that won.

When Thia was awake enough to click her jaw, silencing her alarm, she found that although she was wrapped in blankets and the warm breathing body of at least one other person, her world was full of pain that radiated up her leg from her ankle. She took a deep breath and accepted that it was about to get worse. As carefully as she could, she extracted herself from the nest they had formed atop the enormous bed. Once she reached its edge, she took a deep breath before she pulled herself upright, putting all of her weight on her good ankle.

The room around her wore a veil of darkness, but she just switched her cybernetic eye over to low-light mode. She bit down softly on her forearm in case she lost her balance and put weight on her ankle, then half-hopped and half-limped out into the living room. By the time she reached the small table by the front door that had a datapad, dawn was just starting to light up the sky outside, and she switched back to regular-light mode. She pulled a cable out from behind her ear and jacked in, uploading her video feed to a simple video editor where she cut out the footage of the giant mech stomping around Ternifac. This she uploaded to an auction service where she hoped that someone, perhaps a news agency, might pay for it. She also made a second cut of her footage, including everything from the moment she stepped into the bar to the moment she left with Pidole and the rest. She uploaded this second cut to a secure endpoint over an encrypted connection.

Breathing a sigh of relief, she unjacked herself and started the long journey back to warmth.

Almost half the world away, on the roof of a skyscraper looking out over Kyoto, there sat a modest house surrounded by a garden that looked like it belonged in a different time and place. Snow blanketed everything, except for a koi pond from which a gentle mist rose. A piece of bamboo filled with water, tipped over on its hinge, dumped its contents, then tipped upright again with a hollow thunk.

Inside the house, a man in a robe sat at a table and watched a video feed. When it ended, he sat quietly for some time, then started sending a memo to his assistant.

"When the market settles after the morning rush, start buying everything," he stated in a slow, measured voice. "I'm expecting a rally."
Steiner awoke-thankfully no ruffians had thought to meddle with him out of fear of invoking the mech's wrath-either that or he was deluding himself into thinking he was an intimidating sight. Perhaps the old battered machine was taken as not being a threat, or they had taken pity on him and left him be-and on top of that-the drone had gotten lost and returned to him. Breaking it back down, he shook his head, sending puffs of white snow. Guess it was best for him to get on with his day.

Hopefully the local population and authorities would leave him be while he figured out what to do.
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Alima slipped into the bar, she was looking for a bit of fun after another fruitless day of looking for her daughter. Before she even got to the bar, she gave a wink to someone who caught her eye. Then she ordered a shot to get herself into the mood.
When Kozakura stood saying she needed to leave Sanda looked at her own timepiece. "Aw man, I didn't realize it was so late. I've got a train to catch as well." She nodded to Kozakura and said, "See you around movie star." Sanda then turned back to Kwabba-an and laughed as she tried the rum. "No, it's not easy but it is smooth." With that she finished her own drink and set the glass down on the table, savoring the burning and the aroma of the rum. The tall Nepleslian woman stood up and through Kwabba-an a two-fingered salute. "See you on the battlefield music bug." With that Sanda headed out, stopping briefly at the bar to pay for her drinks.
Son after the other two said their goodbyes Kozakura simply got up to leave as she was already all paid up. Though she paid one last look to Kwabba-an before actually leaving. The walk back to the train station was cold and rather lonely but she was used to that. 'See you around movie star' stuck in her head, jumbling about annoyingly. She frowned as she walked, a passing drunk telling her to smile caused her to frown harder. Had she made another mistake? Only time would tell.
Alima slipped into the bar, she was looking for a bit of fun after another fruitless day of looking for her daughter. Before she even got to the bar, she gave a wink to someone who caught her eye. Then she ordered a shot to get herself into the mood.
Irchaet smiled at the new face and got Alima her drink.


"Where are ya from?" the green-skinned bartender asked her to strike up a conversation.
"Great, so moehch fahr me vacation. Certainly can't stay over night now danks to dat.....Gah, joehst wanted to go to de damn 'ahtsprengs." Fiamma groaned in her thicc accent after having caught a random woman's wink. Returning to the bar, she knew her time was now limited, so at least she could get drunk before she left. And who knew, maybe this random woman was her next love interest, "Barkeep, anahther dooehble please. An poeht whatever de ravenette is ahrderin ahn me. Least I can do fahr 'avin lesten to me gripe like a betch."

Alima smiled shylu at the Veridian bartender, considering the question. "Most recently, Ralt. But I've lived all over." she said with a slight Nepleslian accent.

She struggled to understand what the anthro that had sidled up next to her was saying through their thick accent. Admiring the fiery red hair and cute face. "Alright, Angel-face, you got my attention. Gripe on."
Re-entering the Bar, Erinthel returned to his place at the bar nodding for another drink."i remembered. The young lady's drinks here are on my tab. Its the least I could do. And as for you miss pouncer. Take your time I don't have anywhere to be. " He smirked, seemingly opposite of how he left.
"Lahve space travel, 'ate de boehllshit dat combs wit it. Especially in me line o' wahrk 'ahney. Boeht, i'd like to get away frahm it fahr a while and enjahy myself, like back when I was joehst a lab intern." Even though she was told to gripe on, the kitty still toned it down some for her companion's sake. Frustration had just worn her thin on top of the stress already present.

The alcohol was certainly loosening her usually stiff ways, even as she finished her current drink. Three down and already ordering the next one, she was hoping this would last longer then her other attempts tonight. Even Adler seemed like a viable option, despite his crazy antics, something she was still cooling over. "Bahld man, buyin drenks fahr two ladies. One might be dinkin dat yooehr 'ittin ahn oehs bot. Sure you can 'andle de bot o' oehs? I 'ave a feelin 'er and I wooehld be dooehble trooehble.", She said with a sideways smirk towards Adler at her other side before returning to Alima.

Something dawned on Fiamma however, that this woman looked so familiar, even as a total stranger. ".... Actually, 'ave I see you befahre luv? You look like sahmeone I know, ahr 'ave met befahre. Ever been to ahsman?"
Erin laughed, looking back to the two."I am not worried about drinks for either of you. Its the least I can do." He said with a smirk growing on his visage." As for the both of you. As you saw, I don't mind trouble so I don't believe that will be a problem. The man shifted his weight, taking a sip from her drink, setting it back in front of his new companion.
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