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RP [Open RP] Yugumo Corporation Armaments Systems Catalog YE44 Model Search and Shoot

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"Wonderful," Cecily states when Mishitari approaches and takes her side. An idle gesture is made, but one of gentle affection that anyone could pick up on. The executive's fingers brush gently along the Consort's wrist, just making contact and establishing some warmth and to remind her personal assistant that she's not only welcome, but appreciated. "If you wish to adjust the terms, then in addition to providing oversight on the weapons to be used as 'props', I will add additional services to that. It would seem as if I should be along for the ride anyway, this should not be any extensive inconvenience." She trusts her staff but being on call and on-site does give her a better opportunity to ensure the models and other staffers know how to hold the weapons naturally--and safely.

Then she folds her hands in front of herself and nods to both the Julius and her personal assistant. "In addition to the cost of services rendered," she begins, "I would retain the right to refuse suggestions of outfits and poses based on my personal and professional standards, as well as the right to review any final product that includes myself in. In short, I have final say on if your vision of me gets seen by the rest of the galaxy. And you..."

She takes a hesitant breath, then sighs, seeming just the slightest bit defeated. She knows that more than a few people would love to see her posing and wearing any number of outfits while cradling heavy artillery close to her bosom. "...get a fox. Agreed?"
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Delmira showed up for the shoot and followed the directions given to her. "Hello my name is Delmira Brhunhilde Lulie i'm here for a shoot." The neko was dressed casually in a shirt that that the logo of the REsurgence something you may get at ike an airshow or something. Black pants and hiking shoes completed her outfit for the day. Her swished behind her adorably betraying her excitement.
The blue-haired young Minkan woman behind the desk looked up as Del approached the round reception desk in the center of the lobby. "Oh! Hello, yes, welcome to YTP Entertainment! Let me just check your identification to the list, just broadcast it near-range... oh yes! Security, one to the studio!" There was a musical chime, and a volumetric display lit up on the floor, a trail of arrows of light pointing the way.

Within the studio, a pair of Consort drones with a heavily-tattooed Nepleslian woman began scanning immediately. "We're getting you a full set of Paradin kit, and a Tenshi armor ready. Read this," she pushed a tablet in Del's direction, "Sign the release and contract, then review the manuals for everything immediately following, hair and makeup is two doors down on the right."
Time saw Yue being escorted from the Hanabi to the shuttle which would take her where the photo shoot was, and during the trip, Yue sat back in her seat as she prepared herself. She thought it might be fun, but the 7th princess was worried that she won't be a good fit. Fortunately, she heard a sound box that had Tachiko and a few others say words of encouragement and it cheered her up. “Yeah they are right, things will be fine! I’m helping mom and the rest of Yugumo corp, and the clan will be proud of me.”

The consort drones sent a message ahead that she was to be expected, apparently, it had caused problems when Yue tried to be a normal girl that tried to work around others rather than they work around her. Ah, the hallmarks of being a Motoyoshi. Yue thought it was an odd thing, but that was her life now.

“At least now I can ask Tachiko-Chan or the others if the displays depicted real battlezones if they show it. I want to be authentic with respect to the brave women in the clan.”
[ooc: sorry if I am too soon!]
The Julius straightened himself to his full two-and-a-half meter height and shook his wings, then performed a flourishing, deep bow towards Cecily. "Of course The Julius trust your artiste as he trusts his own! Haha! Yes! Let us make art... TOGETHER!"

From the reception hall comes running an assistant, a young Nepleslian woman with close-cropped hair dyed bright bismuth-pink and sporting a visible ocular augmentation. "Director, Director! The Seventh Princess is here!"
Delmira was distracted by the attractive woman in front of her but snaped out of it when the forms were pushed in front of her. "Paladin and Tenshi." She said as she skimmed over the release form and followed by skimming the manuals. She filled out the consent form and started to read the manuals in detail. Delmira had confidence she could operate the Tenshi and wear the paladin. "Two doors down on the right you said? What about your door?"
It took the woman a few moments to realize exactly what Delmira was asking, but after the somewhat awkward pause she blushed, the pink a contrast to her blue hair. "Ask me again when you're a famous model, Lulie-san!" She winked and returned Del's paperwork. "Hair, makeup, wardrobe. You got a lot of prep before they let you under the studio lights! I hear there's a live-action bit for commercials, too!"
Delmira smiled "I will take you up on that." She said and gave the other woman a playful wink before taking the paperwork and headed down the hall to hair. She never had her hair done before so this would be an adventure. She knocked on the door before entering the room. "Im here for my appointment with the stylist."
The receptionist smiled back politely then shook her head once Delmira's back was turned, stopping herself from giggling out loud. Within the stylist's studio were the various expected beauty devices. There were old-fashioned salon chairs, but also full-body scanners, hair-implement-wielding drones, and makeup printers that looked like face masks on articulated arms. Other models leaned into the latter, there was a mechanical sound, and they emerged fully made-up. It was the first of these that Delmira was ushered into first.

"I'm Juliana. I run the backstage half of this. Take it all off, put it all in the locker with your name on it, then get on the scanning platform, please," the fashionable but somewhat annoyed Elysian Patrician woman with an avant-garde hairstyle politely but perfunctorily gestured to the areas as mentioned. "The skinsuits are a close fit so we're going to scan you for measurements, as well as your facial structure for makeup and for your lighting and camera drones. We have hair-elastics in that bin by the platform. Put your hair up in a bun so it doesn't get in the way of any of it." She seemed to have this down to a science, given the steady stream of efficiently-processed models going through this station. Possibly even better than the Star Army does at this sort of thing, half the time. It seems like this is either a very big cast for a photo shoot, or YTP Entertainment has a lot going on.

Scanning isn't something that takes a long time. At least four get through in the time it would take Del to undress and put away her things. Waiting on the other side of the platform, by the exit, was an nearly-equally-fashionable but less avant-garde Caelisolian by a folding table replete with luxurious purple spa robes for the recently-nude and freshly-scanned. They even had everyone's name embroidered above the YTP Entertainment logo above the right breast pocket, in shimmering gold thread.
The Sleipnir made all it's landing checks and passed the security scans without a hitch, though there were oddities aplenty. What was once a base model Kuma shuttle now bore the wings and thruster modules of a Tenba, among other things. Small cargo pods were secured under each wing to hardware that was more commonly used to hold down missile pods, though besides the mis-matching paintjob it passed every check a small cargo vessel needed to.

With her work-in-progress project safely tucked away Ms Remy Belmont made her way into the foyer to check in and hopefully get pointed in the right direction. Knowing she'd not be wearing this outfit for long the greenette had chosen a nice, comfortable outfit comprised of a white satin racing jacket with a yellow scorpion across its shoulders and a pair of lightly distressed skinny jeans that showed off her wonderfully toned legs, stretching and warping slightly with each ever-so-slightly sashayed step.

"Hello!" Remy piped up with a cheery little chirp as she approached the receptionist's desk, mindware already preparing to send over her ID details as she offered the other woman a warm-enough grin, green eyes adopting an almost fibre-optic glow as Remy's internal systems did their thing.

"Remy Belmont, I'm here for the photoshoot? I was hoping to arrive early but there were some problems with the security scans of my ship, some of the parts I put in it might not be as brand-new as some vendors promised," she began explaining in that lightly accented voice, offering the receptionist an apologetic little shrug as she waited.

There was a little bit of contraband hidden within what just seemed to be a quite dense support beam, but it wasn't contraband here and therefore Remy kept that card close to her modest chest.
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"Ah, Ms. Belmont, we've been expecting you." The tattooed Nepleslian receptionist tapped a bit at the volumetric display. "Security, one for studio! Two doors down on the right, just follow the volumetric arrows on the ground!" She smiled, then turned to help the next person who came in.

YTP Entertainment Landing Pad

The confused valets kept a respectful distance from the Sleipnir, sparing it the cleaning and fueling services that were supposed to be gratuitous for those arriving to the shoot with their personal vehicles. It's almost if they were afraid it could explode any time.
On arrival, Yue was quick to make it to the receptionist area. “I’m Motoyoshi -Igarashi Yue here for the photoshoot. “ Yue said in her usual soft tone of voice. Yue felt confident if she needed to hold a weapon, she could do so properly, having asked Freydis and those clan members on shore leave for help in that regard. Yue glanced to Remy and found the Belmont to be pretty, though in her mind no one compared to her Tachiko. Though Kazumi was also beautiful too of course. The Nepleslian replied to Remy first but since she appeared to be going the same place, she followed Remy, along with her guard. Her guards were another benefit to being a Motoyoshi, It was to prevent those other than Tachiko and Kazumi to have their way with her. This was what she understood about it.
"Thank you, have a wonderful day~" Remy thanked her tattooed guide with a suppressed snicker before following the indicated path, through one of her ship's hull cameras she watched for reactions to her rough-around-the-edges vessel, and found them more than a little amusing. Of course, her ship wasn't a seamless piece of mass-fabricated crap designed to please the statistic masses, it had character.

With a few polite nods Remy entered the studio, hands sitting snug in her pockets, trying not to disturb the various juggling-acts co-existing around her, instead opting to wait off to the side for someone to tell her how to proceed. She was a Belmont, sure, but not some spoiled brat who demanded a room's spotlight, plus there'd be a lot of talk if a mere Belmont was spoken to before the Motoyoshi in the room was addressed~

So Remy held the door open with one gloved hand and waited patiently, remotely connecting to the communications array on her ship to check up on various things.
They were waiting for Yue when she arrived, of course. The Motoyoshi in the room was't just a Motoyoshi. She was already one of YTP Entertainment's biggest stars, being a member of Midnight Express, as well as a member of the family who owned the company. "Ah! It's the Yue-chan! OH. MY. CHIHARU. I am such a big fan! We've got everything ready for you!"

They went right past the politely-door-holding-Ms.-Belmont without even looking in the direction of the room everyone else was using. She was escorted to a different area by a throng of attendants, avoiding making things crowded for everyone. And avoiding being extra-annoying to the already-stressed Juliana. Instead, Midnight Express had their own dressing room, own stylists, and Yue's measurements were of course already on file.
Remy let out an honestly? quite subdued sigh before letting her gloved hand retreat, allowing the door to roll shut on silent bearings. This was nothing new, it still felt a bit shitty, but it was nothing new. Remy flicked her green hair back over her satin-clad shoulders and regained the small bit of lost composure, straightening her posture and trying to smile before approaching a clearly very busy Juliana.

"Excuse me, ma'am," Remy spoke as she stepped her pear-shaped silhouette into the Elysian's peripheral vision, trying to get some of her attention.

"I can see you are busy, I'm just wondering where exactly I'm supposed to be going? my instructions kind of ended at the door and most of your assistants are otherwise occupied~"
Yue had to admit, it was entirely thanks to the security and the escort and the piloting skills of those securities that she’d been unaware of what it might be like to encounter fans. So when she met her first fan, she blushed in response. “It's nice to meet you! I’m happy I have a fan!” She said and as they passed Remy, she sent her an apology telepathic message. She thought it had been nice of the Belmont to hold the door so politely. She knew she’d get fans being a member of Midnight Express, and being a Motoyoshi, but she also hoped she’d get fans for the other things she’d created as part of Yugumo. Yue looked around the room, then to the stylists. “Alrighty, so what outfits, should I try on first for the photoshoot?” She asked, since she thought that if she could curate a rep of being humble and polite, that might be good.
"Not even going to offer dinner before asking me to undress?" she teased and undressed before putting her hair in a passable bun. She moved to the scanner and stood still so her scan could get scanned. When she was done she went over to the table to get her robe. "Huh didn't think i would be getting my own robe." She said and put it on. "All this for a modeling gig, i dont suppose you are part of the package?" Delmira asked the Caelisolian woman.
Nearby the landing pad a massive ship was moving to land, Lenna had forwarded the needed adjustments that would need to be in place for her unique ship. Jet engines work hard as the frigate moves in for landing kicking up a cloud of dust as the engines sprew fire as the afterburners slow down the massive ship for landing. The afterburners cut off about 50 feet from the pad as the grav-drive and jet engines slow down the Sobek, small blasts from the maneuvering rockets happen while still up in the air. Then the large craft moves to settle down on the landing pad and latch onto the stand, Jet engines wind down as cover moves over all the thrusters as with the jet engines. Lenna and Nikicon move from the craft and head into the building.

Nikicon looks over to Lenna and then says " thanks for dropping me off, but you don't need to stay with me I'm not sure they will let you follow me in even if you are my captain, and driving me from place to place. "

Lenna smiles and then moves to place a hand atop her head and rub her some " If they don't let me in I'll just wait here for when they are needing to go to the photo shoots. "

Nikcon meeps some as her head is petted and then looks over at the desk she smiles some and then says "Hi hi Nikicon swiftfoot, I was selected to be part of the photoshoot. " Then moves to the side and introduced Lenna, " And this is Lenna Fuji, she didn't apply but she is my captain and has offered to fly me where is needed on our transport frigate. "
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TO: YCAS Catalog YE44 Model Search

FROM: Alastair Belmont, Captain YSS Koun, Belmont Corporation

SUBJECT: Yugumo Corporation Armaments Systems Catalog

To whom it may concern,

I am in contact to submit myself to the be show cased in the catalog. I am a prominent captain in the greatest army in the universe, Star Army. Please find attached my full in uniform picture plus a bonus picture. While Star Army is a professional military, we also know how to have fun. As a special bonus, you will find yet another image showing off my smile, signed by yours truly. I look forward to being a shining example of what it means to be Star Army!
In the busy landing pad, a small non-descript shuttle landed. But as if with sheer contrast to the run of the mill transport, the passenger was very noticeable. Standing over 6 feet of lean neko fighting muscle, displayed by her clothes. Her powerful legs were revealed by her denim shorts, thigh highs and ankle boots. A tank top covered her voluptuous bosom and a bomber jacket completed the ensemble.

As non-chalantly as one could be, Freydis Inugami approached the receptionist. "Yo, I'm Inugami. I was told this was the place?
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