Star Army

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OOC (OpenRP) Survival thread gooo!


Well-Known Member
Survival what? Why should I care? Just open rp? Aren't you that weird lady that writes all that porn?

In due time, kids. But first, let me explain the idea here. Some of you may have already heard me brainstorm this idea, but I'm tweaking it all to keep it fresh.

Essentially, this'll be a thread detailing the surviving employees after an accident in a research facility. (Those darn mad scientists!) causes everyone to black out. As you, the players awaken, you'll find the situation is much worse than it originally seems.

How I'm handling it is kind of more akin to a tabletop game. Make too many slipups, go left three times, or turn out the lights when Grues are around, and I can and will kill you. Not to say I'm out for your characters, I'm not, but part of survival is the threat of death. Obviously I'm not a fan of instadeath traps. I'll give you a couple strikes and leave you going, if hobbled a bit. But I want you to consider what your characters would do to live in a dangerous situation. Of course good story telling may make me more forgiving of unintelligent moves by dumber characters. ;)

So here's the deal. My little corner of the universe, Malaise, is in Nepleslian space, so that means most races are welcome barring things like Nekos. Everyone is essentially entry level employees of some sort. Maybe a shift manager, but no one that gets to see the real work that's being done in the science station. You're the help. Unfortunately for everyone else, the help is mostly what makes it through the initial chaos. What I want of you, the players, is a short little character submission. This can be anything from security, to mechanics, to techs, to just about anything a normal land based station would need to function. If you want to make Jim the Janitor, or Barbara the Gyrating Gyros lunch lady in the facility, go right ahead.

Here's what I need specifically, if you're interested. No need to fill out a whole character app, just this little bit here:

Personal effect: This means a handy little thing this person might have on them. You all start out off duty. Not on your shift so no security guard is going to have their rifle on them, and the mechanics aren't going to be carrying their toolkit to their bunk.

(Optional) Short bio/appearance/whatever fluff you want

If you have any questions on the setting, which I'll describe in detail in the main thread, or anything else about how this is going to work, please ask!
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Ooh, this sounds intriguing. I'll give it a try as the panicky, annoying, useless-unless-properly-inspired receptionist. :)

Name: Nailah Kaphiri
Gender: Female
Race: Nepleslian (Modern-day Egyptian/Arabic equivalent ethnicity)
Occupation: Receptionist
Personal Effect: EM-G8 Datapad with customized pink protective cover inlaid with a gaudy number of white, sparkly jewels, and biometrically locked to her fingerprints and retinas


Nailah is a pretty twenty-two year old young woman who fancies herself as much more high society than she actually is. She is typically seen wearing designer clothing and trendy jewelry, and fanatically stays abreast of current fashion trends and pop culture news. However, her expensive tastes, while they do give her a very attractive, wealthy, and "hip" image, have sunk her in a considerable amount of debt, as she lacks discipline and structure when it comes to budgeting her finances. She is very friendly and outgoing, making her ideally suited to greet visitors, answer telecommunications, and pass messages, but more insightful people may see through her friendly veneer to see a rather shallow person more concerned with social status than with personal fulfillment. While she does tend towards concern for making other people comfortable and happy, she does have a judgmental streak, and is a notorious gossip.

She has a petite build with modest curves, often wearing clothes that flatter her figure. She is dark-brown skinned with big, deep, chocolate-colored eyes beneath plucked eyebrows, and her teeth are a brilliant white, especially when contrasted against her dark complexion, making her dazzling smile very noticable. She has a sharply angled nose and defined cheekbones than narrow down to a delicate chin. On the day of the incident, she is dressed in a short-sleeved, deep maroon button-up dress shirt with mildly frilled plackets, unbuttoned down to her sternum to display her black camisole and a bit of push-up cleavage. Her thick, black hair is pulled neatly back into a high ponytail, and obviously treated with very expensive beauty products. A pair of small, dangly silver-and-diamond earrings hang from her earlobes, and a matching elaborate necklace hangs on her upper chest. Multiple silver bracelets are hooped around her wrists, and each of her hands sport a flashy-looking ring on one of her manicured, red-painted fingernails. Her face is treated with just enough makeup to highlight her eyes, lashes, and cheeks with tastefully contrasting blacks and blushes, and sublte pink lipstick is on her lips. A black, knee-length skirt hugs her thighs, and a pair of open-toed high heels are on her small feet.

(Will write at a later time if necessary)
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Ha, a receptionist! Very good, very good. I can think of a couple uses for her. Everyone knows the receptionist, perhaps her connections with the staff may come in handy.

A bio isn't really necessary but you totally can if you want! You've more than met the minimum requirements. I'm glad there's already a bit of interest. To clarify to people as to what the Malaise system is like, is that it's a developing system. Most of the economy is centered around building infrastructure, but also a huge black market hub. So things like Ms. Kaphiri sampling the high life and placing herself in debt is not unheard of. It is a bit of the frontier, but open violence is very much not tolerated in spite of the unsavory sorts, which the local senator is said to even work with to keep the area's growth moving.

Also very hush hush, the whole facility. The Non Disclosure Agreements in your contracts are rather brutal, even if you're just the guy that fixes the air conditioning.
I glanced at the wiki article and figured it wasn't a particularly wealthy system, so I'm glad I wasn't wrong. :)

I left the bio empty for now just due to my relatively unfamiliarity with the region, but as I learn more (and possibly as the RP progresses) I'll add to it as necessary, unless I get struck by a sudden bolt of inspiration. :P
Name: Chisa Bockwinkel
Gender: Female
Race: Geshrin
Occupation: Intern Chemist
Personal effect: Access to some of the basic chemical supplies closets and cabinets, largely for utility sanitation - she has a lanyard with a scan-able barcode to help her check chemicals in and out for the cleaning staff or for the now dead or imperiled scientific staff.

An eccentric, geeky, and excitable woman, Chisa is gung ho about her internship with the company/organization/plot-Illuminati-group. While some find her enthusiasm over simple actuarial responsibility and mundane chemical check-ins to be humorous, they tend to find it uplifting despite it all, and endearing. She is terribly optimistic, but also a bit of a chicken shit in the face of confrontation. Her timidity lends her to going around obstacles, and her positive nature keeps her personal morale up despite everything that may be happening around her or to her. A bit of a clown, she's prone to goofy jokes, especially when feeling nervous, self conscious, or anxious. While easily excitable and easily spookable, she manages to continue thinking the present moment through; this isn't necessarily grace under fire, but it is keeping her head processing options under panicky or stressful conditions.

Appearance: Chisa wears a long, white lab coat with deep side and breast pockets for her pens, calculator, scanner and other errata equipment to do her job. Beneath the coat she wears a loose fitting, blue, pastel blouse and dark brown pants with brown loafers. This gives her a somewhat austere, business-like air, but her small stature, and tendency to roll up her lab coat sleeves makes her appear the shabby, urbane, intellectual. Blonde haired, blue eyed and fair skinned, Chisa does have an attractive appearance, but its buried beneath her self presentation. She keeps her hair cropped short in a Wedged Bob style, and her clothing is always a bit relaxed in fit, hiding her figure some; this has led to speculation, and co-workers (janitors) going out of their way to eyeball measurements. The going word is that she has a "Butt that won't quit". Not one for jewelry or knick-knack wear, Chisa isn't trying to draw attention to her appearance, but to her work.
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Very good! Though the setting doesn't technically have 'humans' Your girl would be either nepleslian (Baseline like a human, though females are semi-rare) or Geshrin. (biologically hardier, but still pretty ordinary, and where most nepleslia's female population lies.)
Name: Darian Sternn
Gender: male
Race: Geshrin
Occupation: Janitor
Personal effect: A datapad with several action movies as well as his work on his comics on it. He also has a mop made out of real wood that has a dark varnish to it, if you ask he says it was handed down from a long line of warrior janitors. The truth is it was from a felled tree and he thought having a real would mop would look cool.

An action movie loving armature comic book writer, Darian is not like typical Nepleslians. A friendly guy who tends to keep to himself and and avoid trouble, which is how he ended up with this job. He figured no one really cares enough about chemicals to try and rob the place or anything, and scientist always get kidnapped in comics, but everyone ignores the Janitor. Yep he actually chose to be a janitor consciously but to him it's no big loss, it means more time he can spend working on his comics that he believes will one day make him famous. He tends to draw inspiration from his co-workers as well, especially form the receptionists and young female scientist when he needs a sexy heroine or villain. Sometimes if you're lucky you'll catch him reenacting scenes from movies with great detail when he thinks no one is watching.

Appearance: Darian is somewhat short for a Nepleslian male, standing only 5'8", which is not small, but when standing next to those who break 6 feet, and ID-SOLs that break seven, he seems like only half a man. To add to...or rather take from his image as a man, his frame is light with barely any muscle, he couldn't pass of as an armature league athlete let along a soldier. He had jade green eyes and short sandy blonde hair that he lightly gels. He had just arrived to work when the incident occurred so he didn't have time to change and is wearing a pair of charcoal denim jeans with a maroon zip up hoodie and a blue shirt with the color so faded it almost looks white.
Hee, finally a janitor! I love him, and hey... Maybe he doesn't have to pretend anymore and can be a real hero now!

Thanks so much for your interest. I'll be putting up the start of the thread later today most likely. But let me be clear; This does not mean that apps are closed by any means! Indeed, until you all get out of the starting area, you are free to hop in and and come to alongside your other survivors. And even afterwords, the facility is rather big. It is entirely possible to find other people hidden away in other rooms, at which point other players can join in at any time! (Incidentally, this is also how I intend to let people join back in if they manage to get their character killed.)

I'll be using a program called D20 to make a map of the general area you're at, adding more as you go. (Find a map or data of the facility and I'll give you a lot more!) I'll either post it in the thread itself or here, depending on how its acquired.
Starting up the thread now, may take me a while to write it. Keep those apps coming though! People will be coming to as we go, so don't feel left out!

Aaand done! Here is the crudest of maps, but you'll all be waking up here. those of you giving apps a bit late, just wake up alongside everyone else. Not everyone has to come to at the same time, you know! The only exceptions, are you cannot wake up in the hallway to the lobby, or the Medbay.

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Will this do?

Kees Slater
Gender: Male
Race: Nepleslian
Occupation: Station Supply Truck Driver
Personal effect: A pendant made of a dark purple crystal, its exact composition remains unknown to him. Despite having worn it constantly for as long as he can remember he isn't too clear on when he first obtained it.

Personality: A positive and gregarious disposition has earned Kees a reputation for being exciting and pleasant company. Frequenting social gatherings of all sorts he is especially fond of parties always eager to be at the center of the excitement and expand his ever growing pool of friends and acquaintances.

Physical Appearance:
Of slightly above average height and with broad shoulders Kees would normally be a rather intimidating figure if not for his warm habitual smile and kind eyes decorating a somewhat square face. He is currently found dressed in a grey driver's uniform that appears to be a size or two too large for his frame and a pair of comfortable black boots.
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Mm, back up a bit, there's something in the hallway before you reach medbay, sorry to say. I need to be better about this kind of pacing. Forgive any roughness, as this IS my first time GMing here.

Everything else is good though. I suppose I should mention that now. Kitchen, beds, and rec rooms are safe places to wake up. From this point on though, try not to assume anywhere you go has nothing there, and let me inform you if its safe to progress past. This includes hallways.