(-:-[S6]=[Comms-uplink 7-2|Theta]-
[Message sent............. received]
[#line established#]
+Hammer actual | HA.........../link start/
°°°°°comms recording start°°°°°
Jack and Mark:{"Excuse me?"}
HA:{"Scans confirmed. One ship, and one fighter. The Araxie and Unicorn."}
Jack:{*frustrated cursing*}
Mark:{"Is he serious? What good is that going to do?"}
Jack:{"Nothing! We're in the middle of a operation, and he wants to go solo. What the hell."}
Mark:{"Maybe he is leading them away?"}
HA:{"uuuuh, yeah...... we'll just monitor for now. Permission to provide support if they get overwhelmed?"}
Mark:{"Yeah, permission granted Hammer actual."}
Jack:{"Heh, that won't take long. Make sure all IFFs are visible to allies.......*faint gasp*. Amit's been located by Vier. Gotta go, Reaper1 out!"}
Mark:{"Good.....I hope the warden knows what he's doing.
May the wings of our angels guide us. Go with the warden my fallen brothers."}
Mark:{"Just a pray for a friend."}
[End of line]