Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: Section 6 Operation: Ice Breaker

Kryss looked back at Adria and smiled standing in the doorway, "Well we expected a long opporation so we have some soft drinks, liquor and water along with some easy cook food like noodles and other things like crisps and jerky." she stopped for a moment before considering something, "Oh and Dawn may have predicted you'd make your way onto the ship so we brought some cat treats, hope they're ok."

Leaving the bridge Kryss moved back towards the control room they were working out of without checking to see if Adria was following her, she knew not to push it with the girl and decided t would be best just to leave the decision up to her.
Alex wasted no time in taking on the Kilomishhu. Because it lacked any point defense weaponry or a fighter escort, he was easily able to dodge its laser cannon fire by tracking buildups of energy in the weapons and evading the moment before they fired.

He opened up on it with his coilguns, not bothering to transform into humanoid form to use the cannons mounted on the legs. The gunpods would be enough to take care of this target. His fire was mechanical and efficient. It would only take 8 rounds from one of the gunpods to deplete its shields entirely if they hit, a little over a second of firing.
Kilomishhu is 10 SP, which converts to tier 10. At two tiers below, it takes 8 shots to break its shields.

After its shields were thought to be down, he transformed into mecha mode, the cannons mounted on the legs of the craft tilting forward as the secondary set of 'arms' located inside the knees of the craft took hold of the handles of the cannons.

Two shots were fired, one from each cannon, which ought to be enough to put the Kilomishhu out of commission even if it wasn't outright destroyed.
Kilomishhu is 10 SP, which converts to tier 10. At one tier below, the shot cannon does heavy damage with each shot
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Mikali was unusually quiet during Alex's opening attack, silently providing and updating tactical information and targeting data for him to use at his discretion, as well as informing him of incoming threats. Besides this professional behaviour, she said very little, but still wore a cutesy smile.
The Kilomishhu had been entirely focused on the ISS Araxie, its weapons not even targeting Alex and Mikali as they closed in. The first of the smaller craft quickly being torn apart by his weapons fire, as the second raked its lasers across the Araxie itself.

Though the Mishhu may have been ignoring Alex, the Gigamishhu certainly remembered the Itano, the massive carrier turning away from the S6 fleet to aim its main weapons at the newly arrived fleet. The squadron of red battlepods and bulbous grey battlepods quickly turned around as well, heading right towards the newly arrived ships as the Itano herself started releasing its own missile swarm into the fray.

Even at extreme ranges, the red battlepods were able to launch their own mini-missiles, some spreading out to other targets, and a solid dozen moving towards Alex from different directions.
Adria perked up upon hearing Kryss mention cat treats. "Huh... she did... You brought...?!" Her long fluffy tail started wagging. "I-... I mean uh... Yeah... that sounds... okay..." she said, trying to hide her excitement. Adria followed Kryss, attempting to make it a normal walk, only it came out to be a very quick and excited scamper to Kryss's side on all fours. She stood up and walked with Kryss, a little bit antsy now.
Alex dispatched the second Kilomishuu as he had the first, sending it up in a spectacular and impressive explosion which he flew through in fighter form. As he approached the squadron of oncoming red battlepods, he fired off the EMP pods on the wingtips and fried the missile swarm headed towards him.

In mid flight, Alex rolled and transformed into mecha mode. He took the targeting information fed to him by Mikali, which had prediction indicators for the battlepods, showing where he would need to fire in order to hit them at their current vectors and speeds.

Alex fired off a single submunition dispenser's worth of mini missiles, 44 in total, and said to Mikali; "Take over control of these missiles. Drive them into a predictable flight path."

His voice when he spoke was hollow, as if the personality he once had was vacant and only the killing machine he had been raised to be was left behind.
"Uwaah~ Mini-missiles! How cute!" Mikki squeaked eagerly at the sight of the missiles streaking toward her and Alex, watching as he used the EMP to fry the incoming projectiles, before gasping again when he launched a volley of his own. "Uwaah!~ Mini-missiles for me?!" The AI seized control of the missiles, which each performed a small loop-de-loop before zipping off in pursuit of the battlepods, splitting up into small squadrons which chased the enemy craft like sharks. The tiny missiles worked as teams to coax the enemy into predictable flight paths for Alex to take advantage of.
As Mikali herded the enemy battlepods into easy to hit flight paths, the dull roar of the gunpods permeated the Unicorn. He moved the arms of the mecha slightly after each shot, so that each round flew towards a different target. The battlepods ought to be easy targets as they attempted to avoid the simultaneous threat of the mini missile attack.

Should any of his rounds hit, even a single shot ought to leave any battlepod it hit in wreckage. Alex expended enough ammunition to fire two shots at each battlepod, and reloaded the left gunpod.
As the fire fight in space went on as if to remind USO that it was still active the EM cannon would point to the sky and fire a beam at the Araxie at this range it would only cause power to flicker momentarily but repeated shots could add up and disable the space ship.
The EMP cannon's shot at extreme range would pass close to the Araxie, a reminder that if they stopped paying attention they'd quickly be destroyed. The red battle-pods deciding to ignore Alex's U-1 for the time being...

The pods would launch new mini-missiles of their own, using them to intercept Alex's own as well as the few gun-rounds that he shot towards them. They didn't seem interested in getting within range of Alex's EMP, instead choosing to go after easier targets.

The red battlepods would fan out in front, followed by thousands of the grey bulbous pods.
Alex let out a low growl and barked an order to the U-1 pilots which had emerged from the Itano. "Protect the ISS Araxie. I can't be bothered to worry about it."

He transformed into fighter mode again, and gunned the engines before flying directly into the formation of battlepods. The two gunpods fired simultaneously , sending fire tearing through the ranks of the Mishuu battlepods. He intended to cut a swath through the formation. Each pod he targeted was allocated a three round burst before he retargeted the next enemy.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY YOU BASTARDS!" He shouted, even though they couldn't hear him.

As he flew through their formation, he dodged and juked to throw off the aim of the battlepods, hoping to cause a good deal of collateral damage from friendly fire. After bursting through the formation he transformed and reloaded both of his rifle style gunpods, and fired off 44 mini missiles, which sought their own targets.
Kyrss smirked down at her, "Little excited are we? Well we have plenty and you wont need to share either since your bro didn't come along." She continued onwards down the hall noticing the swishing tail and obvious build up of excitement growing, it wasn't long before they reached the temporary Tac room where the Dawn system had been setup for the duration of the battle. Once there the door slid open silently as she stepped into the room, "We're back, and I say we as I have acquired us a furry friend who's here for the cat treats."

Riccard looked up from his screens and smiled at Adria, "Welcome to our humble abode, it may be small but it's the best we could get on such short notice so please excuse the clutter, cooler is in the corner if you want a drink and make yourself at home." Turning back to the screens he waved Kryss over so they could discuss some of the developments and some of the bugs that had occurred while she was out.
Mikali frowned as her missiles were intercepted and destroyed, grumbling in irritation. "Baka..." she muttered softly, instead focusing her attention of providing targeting data for Alex.
----÷[S6 tactical comms]÷----
Hammer: okay, so remember that one ship? There is now a whole fleet.

Mark: what?!
Jack: ×combat: comms limited×

Hammer:.... yeeaaahh, so...orders?

Mark: Well engage damnit!

Hammer: eh right, right, right.

Mark: go multy axial. Hit them in a mass crossfire.

Hammer: Understood! Fleet going to combat status, Hammer actual out.

------∆end of transcript∆------

The Section 6 fleet began to move, the ships spreading out to head around the planet in every direction. Their targeting systems would link as they reached their respective points, triangulation becoming increasingly accurate with every added ship to the link. As the Albions took their places at the planets axises, the fleets would fire their main guns at the NMX forces. Other weapons and secondaries firing as well.

Their guns would silently thundered in the void as kinetic and energy rounds would sail towards their Mark's. From the itano fleet with the naked eye, it would be as if equal distant points were streaming crossing paths of fire from the opposite side of the battlefield. The angle of the S6 fleet's barrage would ensure that they did not hit the allied fleet.
Scanners would read a large energy spike coming from the surface as the EM cannon charged up using all the energy available besides basic systems.

Jack would receive a transmission. "Hello there commander. We have some of your men here. If you want them back alive you will let us leave without incident. Some are already dead however as they didn't want to comply. The others' fates are in your hands."
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{{{{{{{{{emergency channel | all channels}}}}}}}}}
(Warning | battle net update: all units move to yellow alert.)

÷Reaper1 comm link re-established÷
Jack: To all forces, stand down. All offensive actions are to cease effective immediately. Psychopomp is in full retreat, primary objectives successful. All Psychopomp forces are to be granted safe passage, and not engaged. I repeat, cease combat operations, the battle planetside is over. Fleet is advised to engage NMX units if hostilities persist, but all Psychopomp units are to be watched, but not engaged. This Reaper1, out.

[^end of line^]
∆∆∆Message received on all channels∆∆∆
Adria looked surprisingly like an ordinary little girl (maybe she looked more mature, but she sure didn't have the height to show it) aside from the wings and the tail and the antennae for someone wanting cat treats. Nevertheless her tail wagged around forming a wavey pattern as she excitedly asked "So... uh... where are the treats?"
Kryss stood from the table and moved back over to Adria giving her a little pat on the head before putting an arm around her shoulders and leading her over to the cooler in the corner. "My my someone loos excited, well no need to be ashamed of that we have plenty of snacks, and cat treats." she said opening a small bag beside the cooler and retrieving a large bag of the treats she so longed for.

"You want anything Dad?" she said opening the cooler and grabbing an alcoholic iced coffee,
"Uh no thanks, too early for me to drink being such an old man."
"You aren't that old yet." Kryss said popping the cap and taking a swig before looking back to Adria, "So, you like them my fluffy friend?"
Psychopomp would finish pulling out as the ships would take off and head out to orbit for a jump. After the jump the EM cannon would finally overload and melt down destroying the upper floors and surdasu as well as take out the main power grid. The elevator would be ruined and the secondary generators would start up granting power for the next 24 hours.

The Giga-Mishhu certainly noticed the S6 fleet moving into a defensive position around the planet. It was already heading away from the system towards the Itano when the spread of weapons fire started coming towards it... the ship phasing out and disappearing to leave its smaller Kilo-mishhu escorts behind. The unguided and kinetic energy rounds had little chance of hitting at this extreme range, giving the NMX nearly a minute to dodge with no ability to track the target after they had been fired. With millions of kilometers to work with, the smaller NMX ships could remain at a safe distance for the time being.

Similarly, the S6 fleet was out of range, so long as they could maneuver there was little chance of the NMX weapons hitting their targets.

Unless of course, the target couldn't move.

A target that they'd still need to protect.

The Gigamishhu would phase back in, nose pointed towards the planet, firing off an extremely long range salvo towards the PsychoPomp base....


Red Battlepods

As the Itano and her escorts moved to put themselves between the battlepods and the Araxie, the Red-battlepods started to break off. They had gone far enough, having escorted their payload of the bulbous battlepods to an appropriate target. The red battlepods would turn around and head right back towards Alex. The pods themselves would start launching their own mini missiles, targeting Alex's projectiles.

The dozen pods then grouped themselves into units of two, one lead fighter than took aim at Alex, looking to fly by him as close as possible, their main weapon firing out a thin strand of high speed metal, the 6 pods creating a lace pattern around Alex while each pod's wingman held back slightly to cover their flight lead.

"Kyaaaa!" Mikali cried, firing an EMP burst from Alex's mecha at the battlepods' missile volleys. Each mini-missile sputtered and tumbled out of control as their guidance systems were fried, rendered useless and flying drunkenly, flying right past the projectiles they were intending to hit and giving the battlepods minimal time to evade. The leading battlepods would only have a few moments for their wingmen to shoot down the incoming projectiles with their own metal lace. One battlepod erupting into a brilliant blue fireball, while another four started trailing smoke.


Grey Battlepods

The grey battlepods would continue forward, not seeming to mind losing a few to Alex's missiles. First they would charge through the massive swarm of missiles the Itano released, impossibly bright flashes going off as the swarm of defensive missiles impacted the swarm of attack pods.... the smaller number of ships getting through would be moving along with a giant cloud of expanding debries

Even fewer would get past Indigo squadron, their gunpods and missile launchers taking a further toll on the thousands upon thousands of battlepods.

By the time the cloud of debries and pods reached the ships it was getting hard to pick targets. The Itano would move between the cloud and the Araxie, while the C5 drones would move out in front, their lasers spreading out to swat down incoming targets.

As the cloud began to impact the ships' shields, so too did the battlepods. The first one slamming into the side of the Itano's barrier with a blinding flash of light.... more would soon follow, more than a dozen battlepods hitting their targets in the span of a fraction of a second. 4 of the 5 C5 craft had been cored, while the Itano herself now had a perfectly burnt hole right through the lower radiator.