Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP [Origin] OIF Reaper; Genesis


Retired Staff
RP Date
Mid YE 40
RP Location
Asteroid field, southwestern area of the Kikyo sector
After the transit time, everyone had been able to finish making adjustments to the glorified space suits that were their base model impulse armors, and the Master Sergeant had been able to brief them on more of the particulars of their current mission, or job, if you preferred to call it that. armed with knowledge and (mostly) properly fitting suits, they readied themselves in the cargo bay, and the Reaper began its trip into the dangers of the Asteroid field to get as close as possible to their target before sending the team out. It would be slow, stressful going, and would take a while as the Reaper used a combination of graviton beams and mechanical arms to move small to medium asteroids out of the way, the bridge crew doing their best to not get the ship beaten up by floating space rocks.

Truthfully, it was boring for the recovery crew, other than the odd shaking and occasional grinding sounds resonating through the ship, there wasn't much affecting them. However, suddenly, without realizing they had stopped, the recovery crew watched as the forward hatch opened up, an atmospheric containment field preventing the air from rushing out through the large opening at the front of the ship.

Before them, was the confines of an asteroid field, large, floating boulders and the like of many different colors. Directly ahead, perhaps a kilometer away, if that, was an especially large asteroid, and, attached to its side was an odd, almost bird- shaped form, in SAoY colors. it was, of course, their target.

"Well, folks that there is the YSS Genesis, a ship that Origin made and loaned to the Star Army, which ended up in here. and it's our job to get it out of here and fix it up enough to go back and get properly repaired. you all ready for it?" the Master Sergeant explained, then asked.
"She," Ventriss muttered, zooming her helmet's optics in to get a better look at the distant ship before explaining herself. "A ship is a she, treat the gal with some respect," she chuckled before turning to face the Master Sergeant with that funky-looking GP1 across one armoured shoulder blade, giving her head a slight tilt as she rather enjoyed the feeling of the Impulse's padded insert against her exposed limbs and neck - it was giving her an idea but that could wait for later.

"I'm ready sir but, is there some specific maneuver or approach you have in mind other than trying to not get crushed?" Ventriss mused, answering his question with one of her own - a fair trade in her opinion.
"As much as you may annoy me, Ventriss is right, ships are shes." The short man would have asked about their plan of attack but that had already been taken care by the minkan girl, she was definitely no idiot, just didn't consider his view on the whole short situation it seemed. Well maybe they'd get past it but it seemed like she knew how to hold a grudge, and to a degree he couldn't fault her considering he was mostly the same.

"Let's just get this done, I don't like hanging around asteroids longer than I need to."
The master sergeant though about the questions as he put the helmet on his armor and twisted it, clicking the seal in place. "Well, I usually have my suit's computer display the general speed and direction of ever asteroid in my vicinity, but I have it displayed as a plane. asteroids coming from different directions simply read as different speeds, so you can figure out where you need to go relatively easily. Or, you can just fly straight at it as the predicted paths of asteroids around here is stable due to the graviton beams from the ship." Trey chuckled a bit, motioning with an upward palm to the fact that none of the asteroids directly between them and the Genesis seemed to be moving.

"Also, we'll have a couple of OriSec guys posted along the route to neutralize stray rocks. I'd like you two to go ahead, and try to get into the airlock doors at the back end of the ship. Once you're inside, relay the condition of the interior and see if you can't unlock the front hatch and open that door enough to get a 4 meter cube inside."
Raffaele nodded and looked at Ventriss, "Want me to take point?" He said cooly, not conveying any mockery or insult, it was just a genuine question. He thought she may not trust him to do the job anyway despite having his own combat experience, but he could understand if she'd rather go first, his stature wasn't exactly reassuring in a combat situation to anyone he hadn't worked with before.
Ventriss thoughtfully balled her hand under her chin as she took a few steps back, "Alright sir that sounds like a plan," she spoke before her helmet pivoted across to face Raffaele's suit of half empty armour.

"Oh by all means you can go first... if you can catch up, limp-dick," the redhead shot back with a wink despite wearing a helmet as she broke into a sprint and leapt through the threshold of space and their ship, firing up her thrusters as the Minkan followed along one of the paths she had picked just before - once their boss gave them the rundown her eyes had been all over that shit, she was just trying to make sure she didn't get crushed or drop her fancy rifle along the way.
Raff shook his head despite cracking a slight smile in his own helmet. She was definitely something else but the insults might get old soon if she kept it up at this rate, he told himself he would do better to avoid being the same and just take them on the chest. Easier said than done but at least she hadn't joked about his size again, on one hand he was still angry about her earlier comments but on the other he sort of wanted to see her in action and see what she was all about.

"Well I'll cover our 6 then." He said simply resigning himself to the back of the pair and checking behind them incase the asteroids decided to attack them, they were crafty things those chunks of rock. "I'll follow your lead, you seem to have a path already." He said over the comms now that there was a little distance between them thanks to her shooting off suddenly.
"Speaking of which - heads up, or rather down then up," the armoured redhead gave as some warning before she curved underneath a chunk of space-rock and then arced her form to rocket upwards once more and even out, she was a bit of a dickhead but not enough to risk somebody breaching their suit when that could be avoided - even if that person was Raff.

"How are things looking back there? You'd best be watching our six and not just staring at my six," Ventriss called out teasingly as they continued toward the derelict ship, making slight adjustments to her trajectory so she stayed on track.
"Roger that" Raff said turning to see the space rock, these things were craftier than the devil himself. The Nepleslian followed her lead and ducked under and then back up on the other side, turning to check behind them once he'd done so, happy to see that no rocks had tried creeping up on him. "Trust me I have plenty of good reasons to be keeping an eye on these crafty space rocks rather than your rear." He said back with a slight chuckle, deciding it was probably better to let these kinds of jokes slide, since they were just jokes after all.

"How far out are we Ventriss?" He asked, sweeping his gaze over the path they'd traveled, seeing flashes of the ship through the floating death boulders. He didn't like being out here without his mech, although he had to admit it was easier to avoid them like this.
"Now you say that..." the Minkan woman trailed off intentionally as glanced down to her hud and checked the distance, they were going fast sure but these suits are not exactly the fastest on the market. "Well we started one click away and we haven't gotten too much further but we're making progress, do you just like hearing my lovely voice or did you forget to set a marker on the lady we're going after?" Ventriss asked, vocally prodding the short man in his big boy pants as they weaved around another rock.
“Well you’re not the worst sounding woman I know, I’ll have to show you the real back end bars some time on karaoke night. And yes I haven’t set a marker, I’m not used to this kind of suit all my experience in space was in mechs or ships.” He explained, narrowly avoiding the same rock she’d just missed as he caught a glimpse of it in the corner of his eye. “At this point I’m following you, any idea how long the rest of the distance will take to cover?”
"Think of us more or less at the half-way point," Ventriss shot back before she spoke to the master sergeant, feigning worry in the redhead's voice, "Sir I think Raff's suit is bleeding air, he is threatening to kill me with his voice - please advise? over."
"I think you two are full of it," was the response from the Master Sergeant, who shook his head as he went back to working on making sure that all the systems on the flying rig for the generator were working properly. He'd have to be sure that he had plenty of room to maneuver it to avoid damaging the unit on its way over to the Genesis. "You guys look like you're just playing around with the rocks out there, but be sure to watch out for the big ones- they move just as fast as the little ones"
the big ones- they move just as fast as the little ones

That phrase bounced around the Minkan's brain for a bit, oh it would have been sooo easy to turn it around to her short partner who was compensating for something by being loud but things were good for now... she still wanted to though and so made a note to ask if big ones or little ones were deadlier later.

"Copy that sir, I'll give Raff the bad news," Ventriss shot back as she curved past another rock, "Heads up Raffie, if you don't die on impact with this rock then the captain said your suit is leaking, have any next of kin I should inform?"
Raffaele scratched his chin thoughtfully, "Well I'm an only child and my parents are a mystery, so feel free to mourn by yourself. Even if it just means you sit there making jokes knowing I can't retaliate, but if I become a ghost I will make sure you don't forget me." He said laughing a little, maybe it was the stress of the job taking his mind off it, maybe the same thing was happening to Ventriss, either way the two of them seemed to be instantly better than earlier in the cargo bay.

"You know Ventriss, I think we needed to get out and stretch out legs a bit like this. I know I can be rough most of the time, you can be quite the bitch too actually, but when it comes down to it we ain't doing half bad so far."

Another thoughtful rub, "And I still don't have a nickname for you, considering you've already picked one for me it seems." He said with a snicker.
"Awwww, and here I was thinking you didn't have anything to bring to the table other than asshole, now you've evolved into a sharing asshole," Ventriss chuckled in response as they continued to arc between the space debris and gain progress toward the ship that they were being paid to bring back from the dead.

"I don't really have anybody waiting for me either as far as I'm aware, but it'd be appreciated if you at least spat into my grave or onto my mangled body," the armoured redhead admitted, hell there could be some rich family waiting for her with open arms and a sizeable inheritance but she was none the wiser to any of it.

"You can sure as hell bet I'd haunt the shit out of you too."
"Yeah I think I can do that." Raff replied as they continued forwards, asking someone to spit on your grave was definitely a new one to his ears but he was pleasantly surprised to find that more and more this girl seemed to be easily able to hold her own in the work environment they'd both stepped into, the insults probably wouldn't go away anytime soon but there was definitely less malice from both sides now.

"Hey watch yourself, got a fast moving football coming at you from 8'o'clock there." The nepleslian said as he caught sight of the small yet speedy rock crossing into their paths in front of him.
"Keep your eyes on the prize, kids," Trey warned the now dynamic duo over the comms. They were, of course, nearly there, and if they focused on their target instead of talking, it would be but moments before they arrived. "I need you guys to work quick, since I'll be launching the first generator in a few minutes. My ETA to the Genesis is about Ten mike, so be ready for me since it's too big to stop quickly" The Master sergeant pushed a message onto both of their HUD's highlighting the specific airlock door that they would need to use to get in. "Once you get to the door, use the IHVC plug from one of your backpacks to power the airlock door so you can get in. A 30 second charge should allow it to function long enough for you both to enter"
Kids, kids! After what had happened earlier Raff didn't think Trey of all people would go calling him a kid. The nepleslian visibly stiffened as he went silent, trying to decide how to approach this situation, he could shoot back towards the ship but that might just get him kicked out, yelling would probably work better, why was he even having an actual thought over this?

"I'm sorry I didn't realise I joined up to have the whole world against me, you know what screw your generator. Since everyone seems to think I'm such a child I may as well behave like one, and a child wouldn't have any idea of how to do any of that shit." Raff said, his voice straining as he started slowing down and falling behind Ventriss, so what if he got kicked out it's not like he had any obligation to these people, employers could be found all over if you knew where to look. Maybe he could just go join some midget boxing club and take out his anger of those idiots.
Ventriss managed to duck under the mineral-laden pseudo missile as it streaked past, she had been about to shoot a confirmation message back to their big man in charge when Raff's fuse was suddenly lit - the redhead let out a groan of annoyance as the little guy started spouting off what she honestly felt was just petty nonsense, there was a better time and a better place to get offended about an off-handed comment.

"Copy that sir, give us a moment," she sent back over comms before swapping her comms so that only the nearby impulse could pick them up. "Raffie, dude, so what if you're short?" the Minkan began speaking as she slowed her own speed, quickly trying to follow up the statement with something else.

"I'm a bitch, you said it, but as far as I'm aware you're big enough to deal with my crap so just shrug it off and get the job done - you can at least get paid before deciding to jump ship, it'll suck to see you go but might as well leave with money in your pockets yeah?" Ventriss finished, hoping she had gotten through to the little guy with enough anger to choke an ID-SOL.