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Osaka's doodling

I've been watching a playthrough of Nier: Automata and the flight gear in that game reminds me a lot of this.
Oh right, yes yes I do like that very much. But you must understand -- the face this robot has is not the user's face: It has an AI of its own, with its own personality. Its not even a mask as the pilot's visor is actually inside the frame's neck.

The pilot is 1000% enclosed. Right now I'm figuring out the transformation and some of the shapes and personality. Life's finally calm enough so I can spend more time doing this stuff and I'm learning about morph mapping and morph targets so with luck we'll have moving parts that aren't just simple mechanical joints soon.

Meruu fact of the day:

when they get lonely, they hold their own hands and rub their palms with their thumbs to alleviate stress and anxiety
common to the solitary life-styles of the animals which take many years to adjust to as they are highly social in their infant forms.

Minor note: There was a wiki entry for this animal, but the bot that deletes all pages with only one or less links deleted it. Oh, I have a backup but that bot has deleted so many
subtle articles about culture, animals, rituals and objects I've written over the last decade that you would not fucking believe.

That is a fairly big part of my decision.

You guys need to actually start giving a shit about what's already here instead of always scrambling to the next greatest thing. Stick around and appreciate what already exists and don't
be so callous as to throw the baby out with the bath-water by fucking up the wiki's search system to reduce overhead or by outright mass-deleting articles automatically based on
some incredibly stupid idiotic criteria.

Much love anyway.​


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@Doshii Jun as basically the comandante of breasts I need some feedback. I've used a mirror polish shader so you can see the contours better.

I don't normally make them this size so I am WAY out of my comfort zone.

As for why, they're untextured and this is what they look like normally:

Minor note: At this point they're surfaceless sculpture rather than imagery of breasts (which I wouldn't put here) so they're not NSFW for the same reason most greek statues aren't.​

The cause is not popsicles. Not being sick anymore is pretty great until sleeping with someone has consequences.

Sorry, Aiesu.​

Figuring out the design language for future Lorath ships, of which there are going to have to be a lot now we've got somewhere new to explore, nudge nudge wink wink.

Lots of space for the big beefy centrifuges, the same engine prong hardlight array as the Val'ta, the same twin-hull arrangement, some nice lines and forms, big beefy L-Mark II's paired with R88's and a detachable front section - with the rear section being interchangable and the prongs being movable on rotary axis..​
Minor note: To anyone who's wondering why my work is often monochrome, I suffer from a form of color blindness called cerebral achromatopsia which deals with how the brain interprets signals from the eye!
The work is so detailed that I genuinely never questioned it... Like, y'all gotta call the effort quits at some point.

Kinda rad that you work around it so well, actually. *_*
That's a really cool ship, Osaka! Reminds me of a new take on the old Ayame-class Cruiser.

It gives the impression that it could function as an ekranoplan in oceanic environments, too!
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