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RP: SRSS Yggdrasill Picking up new crew

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Noelani gave a little bit of a musical laugh to Toshiro. "That's me... little miss stowaway... but don't you worry, kahuna. I got the skills as well as the gills, fer sure." This was followed by a quick thumbs up. "So... is it OK if I can get a little bit of salvage to play with? I've got a rad idea already how to help the ship out and pass some time till all the things you mentioned I need are ready to go." Letting her hand relax, it drifted back to her hip. "Now don't take this the wrong way, but the water here is pretty stale. Believe me, I know! How about I go to work installing a set of native Azorean water purifiers in your recirculation systems plumbing. The H2O supply you've got now will be at least doubly as oxygenated, plus a lot more of the gnarly impurities blocked from getting through to the taps."

Giving a confident grin, Noelani puffed up proudly. "This is obviously for myself, but the whole crew's health would really benefit, too! I bet you'd totally want to start bottling the stuff once you get a taste of some real water. This recycled runoff just isn't in the same league." This last point was emphasized with a swish of her shark-like tail as it swatted disdainfully at the bathtub's side with a thump.
Toshiro smiled at the thought.

"I have no problems with that. What parts do you think you'll need? We probably have a water purification system or two around for you to mess with..."
After finishing off the last piece of tagging and sorting the salvage, Dasanteki decided to get something to eat before heading back and continuing repairing the salvaged items. Over his meal he finished formatting the last report on current salvage.

After finishing his meal, instead of bothering Toshiro, he just sent it direct to Yggdrasill to bring to his attention later.

** Repaired / Cleaned **
Type 28 NSP, missing power cell, stained with blood - (stripped, cleaned and working)
Bullets for Type 28 10mm Mass Production Pistol - (checked for damage, all pristine)
E-Knuckle Duster - (cleaned but not tested)

Control panel, cracked - (repaired using components from existing salvage)
Volumetric display projectors - (working)
Graviton beam projector - (working)
Holographic Projector with internal speakers - (repaired - works superbly)
Optical sensor, intact - (working)
Intact Telepathic Activity Scanner - (not tested)

Mindy armor's helmet, good condition - (cleaned)
Hatch from a ship - (intact)
Hull pieces, interlocking Neriumium - (some intact but most warped from battle damage)
Scalar Pulse Cannon components

Battle tank - (untested but excellent condition)
Fully intact shuttlecraft - (all systems power-up0
Survival kit - (not complete)

Oxygen canister - (fully charged)
Oven - (cleaned but not tested)

** Repairable **
Large viewscreen, some scratches but mostly okay - (some parts to be used from shattered viewscreen)

** Unrepairable / Junk **
Shattered viewscreen - (salvaged components)
Matress from starship bunk - (ripped and stained)
Pillow from starship bunk - (tatty condition)
Frozen food from a ship's galley - (ruined)

** Dangerous / Unknown **
Random Torture Device - Mod selected - (unsure what you wish to do with this)
Crusty green hull parts - (I believe to be Mishhu hull fragments)
Random severed chunk of flesh - (unidentifiable part)
Disgusting biomass
Intact container of Mishhu Toxins - (unsure what you wish to do with this)
Antimatter glob (dangerous!)

After getting a recieved confirmation, he headed back to the bays and carried on.
"Sounds like a plan! Give me a spare or two lying around and I'll tinker around with them. By my figuring you've probably got a simple, brute force distillation method going on aboard the Yggdrasil. All I'd have to do is add two more stages to it, the first being an all-natural reverse osmosis membrane... I've actually got a few reserve pieces of it for my wetsuit here I can use. And I bet 'Shana here could always grow more if I give her the recipe, since it's organic!" She pointed to the mesh-like membranes covering her gills on the side of her abdomen that filtered the air and water she breathed through the full body suit.

"If that works, then I'd add on a second electrodeionization stage for the real kicker. It'd increase your power consumption by a little bit on the DC input side, but you'd barely notice with a ship this big." Noelani then shrugged, before adding: "I could use a variety of things as containment here, but I'd just wing it with whatever I could get my hands on that wouldn't oxidize too easily, really. No sweat."
Suzune had been gaping slightly at how fast Noelani was moving in the conversation. Water filters? Azoreans? What the heck was going on? But... but... she was asked a question - she should answer.

"O-oh-oh. A Syntelligence, Synthetic intelligence, it's a type of AI, based on.. ah, neural networks. Like brains, y'know. I was able to build a new body for someone like that. And, ah, I'm Otomo Suzune - that's Suzune, since you probably don't recognize Yamataian name order and all. So... ah, well, we need to work on stuff sometime!
The windsurfer gal heard the other engineer present pipe up and blushed a distinct shade of brownish purple, realizing she had gone off on a tangent in her excitement to please Toshiro and ignored the fellow engineer who seemed to be into robotics. "Ahaha, sorry, Suzune... I'm just so stoked about trying to be helpful to you guys and gals! You and Toshiro are the first Yamataians I've met so far, so sorry if I'm a little awkward with having to use two names for you." apologized Noelani, diverting her attention back her way.

"So, you can make AIs that work like artificial brains and all... And bodies too? That's pretty intense." commented the blue-skinned hitchhiker to Suzune. "Does the Yggdrasil have something like that aboard managing everything?"
"Yggdrasill's AI is similar, maybe...I've never compared it to a Synthetic Intelligence. But it is based on an autonomous alien biological ship called a Sourcian. There aren't too many in the known universe though..."
Suzune looked at Toshiro for a second. She had never heard of those aliens either! What a strange ship this is...

"Sourcian?... Oh, I... I don't think I've ever heard of them. But if they have their own AI protocols..."

But she then moved back to Neolani, realizing what the Azorean had tried to attribute to Suzune. And if there was one thing Suzune was, it was constantly trying to balance humility and boastfulness.

"Wha-wha-no... I... didn't mean that! I've never designed a Syntelligence before, they're... they're made by the Freespacers. I just know how to work with its neural command architecture - make a body that responds to its commands, that sort of thing. And..."

Turn. Suzune felt busybusy, turning from person to person to address them!

"...Captain, I would imagine Yggdrasil is nothing like an SI to be frank. It's... an entirely different design paradigm! Pretty sure that from what I've been told, this, ah, Sourcian AI sounds like a very advanced software architecture, while SIs require very specific neural hardware to propagate. I'm sure I'd love to dig into the specs more later though~"
Toshiro looked to the Yamataian engineer...

"...That seems true, since Yggdrasill can interface with both biological and electrical systems. The original ship, Maras, was a bio-based whip which could accept electronic systems. I wouldn't want her harmed though, and it's her choice if she wanted tinkered with."
"Interface with biological things? Ah, so it was directly controlling those weird bloater squids that float around." mused Noelani, before smiling a bit towards the commodore. "The way you talk about the Yggdrasil, she almost sounds more like your main squeeze than just a ship. And with an AI that advanced, she probably could be!" Toshiro felt a jovial pat from her free hand upon his shoulder, as Noelani was obviously joking around about him dating his own vessel. Guess male captains equating their ships with women was something that existed universe wide after all, though...

The Azorean then looked back towards Suzune, a realization hitting her. "Oh hey. What's a Freespacer by the way? They sound cool..."
Agrael just stood there, absorbing the conversations round her. A vague thought of if she should let her hair grow out longer passed through her mind, but it didn't doddle for long there. The main issue of her thoughts at the time was getting back to her children. The Elysian decided that she would just go on ahead of Noelani if she still wanted to come along.

"Noel-dear," she said to the skinny Azorean, "I'm going to go now, but if you want to still come along, you are welcome. If you want to stay for a bit more, then that's okay, too. I'm sure that the ship or someone here will be happy to point you in the right direction." Her smile was warm and pleasant as she said this.
Lyshana headed to the medbay, with some scans she had surripticiously taken "Oh, hello Mel." she says "Cute kids. Maybe I should enhance them?"
Toshiro blinked, processing this for a moment.

"Actually, she recently picked her own gender, and she's called me her father from Day 1. I refitted this ship and built the computer system she lives in, and am one of the main influences in her life..."
"Mmm... sorry, Agrael. I just can't seem to tear myself away from this tech powpow just yet with my curiosity piqued. I'm sure your little ones must miss mommy, though.. don't let me keep you from them. I'll stop by in a few, promise." With that she bowed her head a bit and gave a good-natured smile.

As the truth of the commanding officer's relationship with his AI (which was already a fascinating thought to Noelani in itself) became clear she made a little musical coo with her voice. "Aww. Ain't that such a sweet story. You sound like you're a real primo father-figure to everyone on this ship, too."

The she pointed a slim blue finger to her chin in thought. "Hmm... I hope I didn't totally hurt 'her' feelings when I was being all on the down-low and sneaking around..." This was accompanied by a moment of Noelani's eye lenses opening and closing meticulously as she gazed at the floating bloaters and spoke to them for a second. "You gettin' an earful miss Yggdrasil? Just want you to know I'm like, totally sorry for not saying hello before. We can still be buds though, right?"
Agrael nodded, understanding completely. "Oh, no worries! Talk to you later!" The last part was pretty much to everyone, including Noelani. The Abdiel walked with a spring in her step back to the medbay. She had no idea about Mel's lullaby singing voice, but she did know that the busty medic was enticingly motherly and wouldn't let anything happen to the twins.
Mel could continue to enticingly sing to the little baby, still rocking her gently. The sounds still echoing softly through the room and could be heard just outside of it when Agrael got close to it. It would be an adorable scene, with the busty elysian sitting in a chair, rocking the little cherub in a tender, matronly way. She was so into it at the moment that she wouldn't realize just what was around her until someone got her attention.

When she registered Lyshana's question she hugged the little baby closer to her protective but very gently. "That's out of the question!" she said, outraged and stood up to gently put Gabbie into her crib. The little baby hadn't woken up and was apparently having good dreams now, her little wings flapping gently.
Agrael heard the enchanting voice before she saw who was making it. The pretty Elysian blinked, utterly astonished at what Mel was doing. "I didn't know you could sing, too, Mel-dear.." she whispered a little loudly at Mel while entering the medbay and poking the medic's wings with a smile. She hadn't heard what Lyshana had just said.
Suzune had kind of been taken aback by the revelation about the AI. It was... that advanced? SIs don't really count on grounds of being based on dead people, but an AI, installed whole cloth? Impressive. But... she did have a question to answer.

"Ah, and the Spacers are these... well, they're kinda strange folk. They can all, like, share their thoughts, and they have tons of sentient robots - they even revive their dead into robots! Other weird stuff about them, like how they live entirely on starships. But yeah, when we run into them you'll hear more, y'know?"

But even so, she turned her attention slightly to the whole matter with Toshiro and other similar business.

"Aye, I'd not mean her harm... It's rather very fascinating, to be honest! Even if I don't have an AI to interact with, I'd love to have that kind of closeness to the ship I run.
Noelani continued prodding at the floaty squid-like beings another moment to see if the ship's computer would respond, but was obviously listening to Suzune as well. "Really now.." commented the Azorean about her explaination, "We have any Freespacers on this crew I wonder? I might want to ask more about their technology by the sound of it. Plus living on a starship permanently? My people have only just begun to get into space and face its challenges... so maybe they'd have some good pointers about handling life out there for long periods of time? I certainly could use the advice at least!"
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