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RP: SRSS Yggdrasill Picking up new crew

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"Oh, good... Just slang... M...Mell... you're.. A medic? I'm in medicine too, though mostly for the biological stuff.. A little psychology as well, though my specialty is biological engineering. Learned the basics from my father... you know.. I always thought that a Patrician would be more stuck up, and would try ordering me around..." Lyshana says, still nerviously "I'm half Pleb, and... I don't even know if Plebs are genetically forced to follow orders..." She sighs "I really don't know much about Elysia.... I was raised on a mostly human world. I admit I'm jabbering a bit but you make me nervious. Aside from my father, Patricians have always been my boogy men." She sighs, still wiring the room.

Toshiro thought a moment.

"I'll likely have you act as evaluation and transport. You see, this ship gathers the material, and stores it on the Sojourner. You could evaluate the equipment we find while the Yggdrasill is working on other loads. What do you think? Afterwards, I may have you assist me in rebuilding some things we find."

Yggdrasill laughed a bit, as Lyshana manipulated the wiring.

"That tickles!"
Mel pulled the curtain open a bit and looked over at her from the tub, but just showing her face and nothing more. "So you're a bio scientist?" she smiled prettily at her and chuckled softly. "That's understandable. I know how you must feel but believe me, I don't like the throught of trampling someone else underfoot just to advance myself." she said.
"I see. That would be great. I get to do a bit of piloting and possibly tinkering, er..I mean rebuilding," chuckled 'Teki. "When do you wantr me to start?" he asked Toshiro.
"We'll start salvaging very shortly, actually. Yggdrasill is getting some new systems installed, as you can see. Elysian bio-science is a fascinating thing."

He said, indicating the purple bloater...

"Also, keep in mind that you may be called to medical duty at any time...when we search for MIA goods, we eventually run into MIA personnel. Sometimes on escape pods, in stasis...it doesn't happen TOO often, but it has happened...so medical knowledge is a MAJOR advantage to any given crew member. Be ready to administer first aid if necessary."
"I had noticed it, will need to read up on them sometime soon," he said while looking the purple blob over.

"What is my station at the moment? In the shuttlebays?" 'Teki asked.
Lysana looked at Mel's face, and blinked "You're... rather pretty" she said. "Much more so then me" She posed to demonstrate, her compact body, and large wings, spread.

Her own face was nowhere near the usual perfection for an Elysian. Her left eye was gray, with subtle swirls of color. Her right eye was vivid green. Her nose was small, and her lips were thin, and hard. Her eyes were large, and her cheekbones high. Though all of these traits were individual pretty, all together they leave her looking very odd. She was wearing a somewhat slimy overall, with biological nutrient fluid splattered on it. Her hair and wings were a bit disheveled from the work she had done, and her earlier nervousness. Under the translucent red jell of the nutrient fluid splatters, she had dyed her normally white feathers brown, with the patterns of a kestrel.

She gave Mel a serene, almost exhausted smile. Then she scowled at the chuckle "What's funny?" She asked "Think I'm not capable? I'm probably smarter then YOU!" From the way she said it, it sounds more like a knee-jerk reaction then like she actually means any of it. Clearly she had dealt with being called stupid or foolish for many, many years of her life. She shook herself, her wings ruffling and resettling.

She sighed "Sorry, I'm a bit tired, hence I'm slightly titchy. That was more work then expected. And I still have many rooms left to hook up... Hrm... Yggdrasil, could you use the greens to hook up my bio-sensors, and the reds to carry them now that you've watched them installed? I need a shower."
"At the moment, your station is in the cargo bay, yes. until we get the first load of items ready for transfer, I recommend you read up on the Yggdrasillian Grappler system, a customized internal cargo control and external capture/manipulator system. You'll be using it extensively to move large objects."

Toshiro replied.

"Of course..." Yggdrasill replied, and used its connection to the Mother unit to manipulate the bloaters as ordered.
Mel actually looked a little sad or hurt at her words, they were probably true though. Mel wasn't that good at the mechanical things, even the bio-mech systems. She was a doctor and would know more about how a living body worked and how to treat it. "Well you probably are." she smiled at her. "We all have our strong points, we all have something we're good at and something we're not so good at. If we work together, we can cover each other's weakness and come off stronger for it." she said.

Noticing that Lyshana was tired and covered in bio goo, Mel herself shifted and roseout of the tub. The water drippling off her figure as sh estepped from the tub and brought a moist cloth with her, her large boobs bouncing slightly as she walked toward her. Mel may have been drop dead gorgeous like this but didn't seem to pay any heed to it and gently wiped the fluid off Ly's face. "That would probablybe a good idea, you can use the tub I was just using if you want, the water's still warm and the candles there should help you relax a little sweetie." she said pleasantly and headed off to find a towel to dry with.
"Thank you..." Lyshana said "Sorry 'bout the outburst again..." She sighed. "You don't have to leave your bath. It would be rude...." She said, though she strips readly. There's an intricate blue dragon tatoo up her left arm. She was blushing a bit, red from her face to the tops of her breasts. "Ach... you're the one who's being nice, and I'm being techy..."
Mel looked at her as she dried herself off. "And it's ok to be techy like that. We all have those moments, even me." She said and smiled at her. She looked at the girl's body art for a moment and blinked a bit. "didn't that hurt?" she asked curiously. "getting that tattoo..."
"Mm? oh! the tattoo! It didn't hurt much" she says "I had the artist using special inks that contained viruses that would change the pigment of the skin in that location semi-permanently. It kinda felt like pins and needles when it was being done, and after it was a bit sore while it was healing." She laughed "I'm a sucker, though, for getting art done on my body... hence the current patterns on the wings. I'm not that pretty alone, but I think I make an alright canvass."
"Understood. I'll head down there now and get myself familiarised with the system," replied 'Teki before turning round and heading off the bridge, watching the floater follow.
Mel looked at her with the towel now secured around her figure. "Aww don't say that. I think you're a pretty girl." she said and smiled a bit to Lyshana. "The body art just makes you even more unique than you already are." she said.
Lyshana shakes her head "Uniqueness isn't beauty. Oftentimes it's regarded as the opposite" she says "I'm a genetic abnormality, there's probably all sorts of stuff wrong with my system I don't know about. I know you're trying to be kind, but people aren't attracted to people with 'deformities' like my shortness by looks" she says "That's the facts of the basis of the mate finding instincts."
Mel giggled. "Agrael's twins are 1/4 plebian you know. They're father was a half-half like you are." she said. "And I pulled up his medical files and it says that he was terribly burned across a part of his face and he still found someone." Mel pointed out. "So there would be hope for you to find someone you know, not necessarily elysian either. afterall, culture only says you have to be monogamous to another elysian lover." she pointed out. "so feel free to dapple and play around with lesser beings." Mel said, showing alittle patrician arrogance. "OH! I'm sorry, did I actually say that?" she said, ashamed of herself for a moment.
Lyshana sighed "It's how... common attitudes like that are on elysia. That's part of why I was treated the way I was where I was raised. I had my one shot. And I lost him, he left, and he's either dead, or he's forgotten me. It was sweet while it lasted." She frowned, then grinned halfheartedly "Kids" she says "Tell Agrael if she needs a babysitter, I feel my uterus twinging and my... admittedly slightly warped maternal instincts awaking."
Mel waved to her and started to exit the shower room and paused in the door. "Well there's a lot of fish in the ocean Lyshana. Just because one guy dumped you doesn't mean they all will, sure you gotta throw back a few small fry but you eventually catch a sea bass." she smiled and headed out and nodded again. She'd head back to her double room to change into something comfortable after grabbing her robe from teh changing room.
Dasanteki was in the cargo bay familiarising himself with the layout and equipment. In his hand was a datapad with the operating manual for the grapplers open and glancing at it every now and then while walking around the bay.
"This is your Commodore to all hands....we have arrived in Albini, and are initiating salvage operations...prepare for the taking in of salvage."

As it began, the Yggdrasill deployed its grapplers, two long arms which grabbed things and brought them in through the rear airlock. In the airlock, internal cargo crapplers would grab the salvage, seal the external door, run a basic decontamination and scanning procedure, then bring it inside.

Within the very first few items was what would be recognized as an unfired nuclear missile, as well as a light Positron Cannon...these set the mood for this lucrative run, as other items began to fill the cargo bay.

A huge Yamataium Armor Chunk was one of the things found, useful to 'seed' Yggdrasill's hull to a superior hull material. A Hydrogen-powered car was also brought in, a 4 door green sedan with some nice trim...it even had an additional hydrogen cell.

A ship's bridge was moved to enter the shuttle bay, as it was a larger opening in the ship, and an SMX flash missile was carefully brought in...this wasn't everything, but it was the highlights of the first haul.

"...First run complete. Dasanteki, please prepare to transport salvaged materials to Leviathan for processing."

OOC:  First load of 30

Trash  (S Albini, TC: 88-3, IC: 233-60-81)
Unfired Missile (S Albini, TC: 71-48, IC: 3394-153-111)
Light Subspace-Encased Positron Tunneling Cannon (repairable) (S Albini, TC: 93-82, IC: 7590-303-164)
Coffee Machine (S Albini, TC: 33-26, IC: 882-161-56)
Damaged Control Panel (S Albini, TC: 78-20, IC: 1539-157-89)

Graviton beam projector  (S Albini, TC: 46-32, IC: 1529-249-73)
Lubricant (Mechanical, not personal) (S Albini, TC: 28-12, IC: 365-141-37)
Huge Yamataium armor chunk (S Albini, TC: 91-66, IC: 6063-585-146)
Diamond Composite Armor chunk, some holes (S Albini, TC: 74-55, IC: 4127-552-121)
PRISM Software (S Albini, TC: 15-76, IC: 1197-817-90)

Em-01 Hydrogen Car (S Albini, TC: 15-90, IC: 1407-1047-104)
Sex Droid (S Albini, TC: 13-95, IC: 1292-1197-107)
Optical sensor from power armor or pod, intact  (S Albini, TC: 41-62, IC: 2599-863-99)
Wad of burnt plastic  (S Albini, TC: 88-1, IC: 57-71-79)
Wad of burnt plastic (S Albini, TC: 26-1, IC: 57-72-24)

Airlock for starship hull (S Albini, TC: 71-94, IC: 6731-1561-157)
Graviton beam projector (S Albini, TC: 9-51, IC: 516-924-59)
Someone's desktop sculpture (S Albini, TC: 33-93, IC: 3126-1731-123)
Hydrogen Cell (S Albini, TC: 17-49, IC: 890-988-65)
Complete Zanarium plate (S Albini, TC: 59-77, IC: 4600-1597-129)

Large viewscreen, some scratches but mostly okay (S Albini, TC: 29-91, IC: 2696-1968-117)
Type 28 NSP, missing power cell, stained with blood (S Albini, TC: 83-42, IC: 3460-981-116)
Disgusting biomass  (S Albini, TC: 49-2, IC: 106-103-46)
Mini Fridge (S Albini, TC: 35-50, IC: 1772-1257-81)
Processor (Scalar, Vector, or Quantum) (S Albini, TC: 82-92, IC: 7601-2357-165)

SMX Flash Warhead (S Albini, TC: 75-83, IC: 6282-2215-149)
Silver dining utensil  (S Albini, TC: 47-18, IC: 856-543-60)
Ship's bridge (S Albini, TC: 33-97, IC: 3258-2773-127)
Neutronium bulkhead (S Albini, TC: 89-75, IC: 6732-2232-154)
Electronic Alarm Clock (repairable) (S Albini, TC: 7-32, IC: 274-1017-39)
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