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Pirate group


Inactive Member
Me and a friend were discussing the feasibility of a pirate group operating within this particular world setup. The group would consist of a shuttle/freighter of some sort that can hold a few suits of power armor (potentially modified, you know how outlaw techs love to mess with stuff). They would use the guise of a damaged freighter/shuttle to lure in passing liners, and then raid them.

The question is feasability wise:

The hyperfold technology, is it a straight linear jump between world A and wolrd B not affected by other bodies, or do you have to have a series of jumps to get where you are going? This is vital because if you were going to fake a damaged freighter, it doesn't make sense to have it near a planet, so if you can simply jump from planet to planet, that kinda ruins the idea.
Uso Tasuki said:
In conclusion STFU....newbies.
Banned. Not for just this...it's the just the drop that made the cup overflow. I won't allow people to drive away new members on account of them still learning the game system.

Anyway, as far as a pirate group is concerned, the lower technology of civilian and corporate starships means a much higher chance of success against them than against government ships like Star Army and KFY ones. The Star Army can't be everywhere at once, and as pointed out, blocking communications is key. The majority of space piracy occurs in zones not patrolled by the Star Army (Nepleslia, for instance, maintains its own territories [to include its space] with its own military) and along the outer edges of YSE space where fleets aren't stationed (raiding corporate ships).