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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post Mission 20] Back on Hanako's World

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Cargo Bay

From what little Junko knew, Mitsuko seemed to be a little timid and skittish, but the potential for exacerbating personality traits didn't seem to be quite enough to explain away all of the behavior she'd seen. Moreover, the logistics specialist's reaction to her query didn't exactly set her mind at ease either. She sighed a little; she knew from her own past just how hard it could be to admit who one was really feeling sometimes. The only thing to do now was to press on.

"Just a little anxious? Is that really all?" she asked, gently. The younger neko wasn't going to get off the hook quite that easily but there was no sense in being callous about it. "And by everything going on, do you mean shore leave and the promotions? Typically those don't engender feelings of anxiety; quite the opposite really."
Cargo Bay

"Thank you," said Nito Hei Deziarra Lansky when it was her turn to receive her new symbol of rank.

She hoped she could prove worthy of it. After giving it some thought, she guessed she already had. She turned her attention back to Kale and Chieko.

"Do you mind if I tag along?" she asked.

Takeyu's eyes fell over the unusually empty bar, minus the few there, when he noticed Misato he moved toward her and motioned to the bartender for a non-alcoholic drink; he may be in a bar but he wasn't interested in drinking right now, especially given that his sisters would be coming soon. He walked up to Misato, glanced at the bar-tender, then took a seat and smiled at her. "So, what's eating at you?" he asked, noticing the girls expression.

Misato dropped into her seat again and slid her pistol back into her holster under the jacket. "Yeah well... I don't know what to make of this promotion. I really don't think it was such a good thing, sir." She sat there playing with the empty beer bottle and staring at her margarita.

"My friends... Mitsuko... won't think of me the same will they?" She looked up at him hoping he would have all the answers she needed to make this all work, and if not she could always hit him and be thrown into the brig and most likely have her rank stripped.
Landing Area

Natsumi smiled and wondered what generosity Sune had bestowed upon Sienna. Money she figured since he was departing the ship and there was no time for him to take her out shopping. "Let's go back on the ship for a little first, I need to pack" she smiled and started back up the cargo ramp. "I wanted to ask about a couple days ago...when we were all on the dreamworld" she continued.

Takeyu listened, and leaned in closer to the bar. He thought about what Misato was saying and it had made him wonder, what exactly had 'he' done to deserve his promotion to Taii awhile back? "We never truly know what it is that makes us deserving of our promotions, officers tend to have different expectations for their crew. Shosho Hanako most likely felt that you deserved this promotion based on your performance, and while you may not feel you performed well, she may very well had. Remember one thing, we are our own worst judges, while we may think we didn't do well or that something wasn't good for us, others may feel otherwise."

He watched the bartender out of the corner of his eye set down his drink, a regular soda, on the counter. He picked it up and swirled it around in his hand before taking a sip. "As for your friends, there's one thing I learned a long time ago when I used to be a civilian working on a large mining ship - promotions should never be frowned upon, if a friend of yours is giving you a hard time and thinks of you differently for the promotion then they may very well not be a friend. A true friend would congratulate you, would applaud it, and help you out and continue to support you regardless of the rank. For example," he took another sip. "Sune-Chusa, despite him being above me in rank, we never treated each other differently but always the same way; always as friends. He's been there to help me out in times that I've needed him, your friends should be as well."

He looked at the glass, then smiled. "I for one am proud to see you ascend the ranks," he then looked over at Misato with that same smile on his face. "For as long as I am able, this friend of yours will continue to be there to support you, to be a shoulder you can cry on if needed, to be someone who you can talk to if needed."

"But She didn't want anything to do with me, and am i even allowed a relationship with an enlisted?" She frown and took a large gulp of her margarita and then looked at him. "How am I suppose to give an order or something of the like, to them?" she wasn't sure even how to ask these questions. "Maybe asking to meet you was a bad Idea." She stood like she was about to leave. "Maybe I should just go spend some time away from everyone."

Takeyu sighed and drank more of his drink before continuing. "I'm sure that's not it," said Takeyu as he turned toward Misato. "Sometimes, people aren't always capable of relaying their emotions or how they feel to one another, this is more so the case due to us being in the military, we have to be careful with relationships as they can often be used against us and there is nothing wrong with having a relationship, so long as its kept professional," he smiled again. "What you should do, is talk to her and take things carefully."

"And worry not about giving orders, if she respects you, then she'll follow you."

"And Bors, we were both joking and bitching about NCO's this morning at breakfast. How am I supposed to hang out with him" She threw her arms up in frustration. Maybe she shoudl just hit him and get put up on charges. "I'm not sure about anything any more. Hell as of this morning I was planning to use my leave to go back to that ice planet, and finish the mission there." she frowned and looked down at her feet.
Cargo Bay

She nodded a bit, even as Junko sighed at Mitsuko's sorry state. "Y-yes, that's it. There's just a lot happening. Changing." She fidgeted with the items from the ceremony, which she was still holding. "My...um, Misato-Hei...sho and I were trying to make plans for leave. And then she got promoted, and she started making other plans, a-and then she left with another officer..." The Neko trailed off, trying not to get too worked up. She tried to steer the conversation to a different topic. "And now they're tearing apart my Cargo Bay and getting everything unorganized! And being loud." She frowned, almost pouting, although she knew the temporary inconvenience was for a good reason.

"I wouldn't worry to much about that," Takeyu said while still looking at Misato. "We all talk about the ranks above us and how we feel about them, hell, I did when I was in the enlisted ranks," he took another sip of his drink, then stood up from his seat. "Being alone right now, away from everyone, isn't a good idea; it will only make your mood worse." He stood there in thought for a moment, then beamed when an idea came to him. "There's a restaurant that overlooks the beach, the change in scenery might do you better than this place," he looked around the bar although gave the Bartender an apologetic look.
She stood there frantic over everything she really wasn't thinking over what he said. "Sure, keeps me from going back to the ship anytime soon, worst case I can leave grab some gear form a store and go away still." She turned back to the bar and payed her tab. "How far is it from here, I got a bike if you want a ride."
Cargo Bay

Junko frowned slightly as Mitsuko stumbled around Suzume's name; her expression wasn't displeased, but rather quizzical. She didn't want to presume too much from Mitsuko's response but it certainly didn't seem like the amount of concern one cabinmate, even a friend, might show for another. It seemed to be touched with a hint of personal betrayal, and the implications of that told Junko this situation might be even more complicated, and messy.

"Murakami-Hei, have you actually talked about any of this with Misato-Heisho?" she asked softly. "It hasn't exactly been that long since the ceremony. It's usually best not too leap to conclusions with actually checking with the other party first. And yes, I saw Nayasecen-Taii appear to follow after Misato-Heisho. But the Taii has experienced accelerated promotion before. I have too, and I know that I wanted some advice when it happened to me. I'm sure that's what the Taii is there to offer."

She paused and looked intently at the younger neko. She did indeed hope that Takeyu was giving Suzume some solid advice, but was now even more sure of wanting to talk to the new Nito Heisho herself and so composed a brief message to her.

Nito Heisho Misato Suzume

Congratulations on your promotion. I hope you are cognizant of the great trust the
Shosho has placed in you. I would like to speak to you soon and offer you my
welcome to the NCO corps. Please let me know of your earliest convenient time.

Itto Heisho Takeda Junko

Mentally sending the message, Junko continued to watch the neko before her. She wanted to will the Hei to buck up, but sadly her telepathy didn't quite work that way. Instead, she drew herself up straight and let her expression turn serious; only her eyes showed the kindness behind it.

"Murakami Mitsuko-Joto Hei. I recommended and the Shosho saw fit to enact the special recognition of you and your problem solving capability attendant in your promotion. Are you going to prove us wrong? Or are you going to handle this in a manner befitting a soldier in the Star Army in whom her superiors have placed their full faith and trust?"
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As Misato stood there waiting for Takeyu's answer a message beeped on her communicator. Excusing herself she looked down at it, and frowned. "Why the hell would I want to talk to you?" She growled at her communicator before she started typing in a message of her own.

Itto Heisho Takeda Junko

Thank you. I'm not sure when that will be. I am considering my leave options and at this time they may lead me away for a bit of time. I am sure that once I do return to the ship I will be more then welcome to give you any time you require.

Nito Heisho Misato Suzume

She hoped that would suffice until she decided if she was going to return peacefully or in handcuffs. She wasn't sure if the Heisho was going to welcome her in or expect her to play ball against the enlisted, namely Bors. If that was the case the senior NCO would be sadly mistaken.
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko couldn't seem to get away from the current situation. She shook her head. "No, she went to change, then left almost immediately. I...I'm sure he's helping her get up to speed." Glancing aside at the rapidly emptying storage area, she seemed to space out for a few moments, as Junko sent her message. The Neko was pulled back to the present as she heard her full name and rank, nearly snapping to attention. The change in tone did stiffen her back, at least. "N-no ma'am. I mean, yes ma'am!" She blushed, losing track of which question Junko wanted answered.

"I will definitely do my best, Takeda-Itto Heisho!" Mitsuko crisply bowed, straightening up again quickly. With everything else going on, she'd barely even registered her own promotion, even though the item's she'd received were still in her hand.
Cargo Ramp

Sienna's elation dampened just a bit when Natsumi mentioned (finally) discussing what had happened on the dreamworld, but not very much. She had expected this sooner or later, and it didn't come as too much of a shock. Still, she couldn't say she was particularly excited to talk over what she felt like was water under the bridge by now. At least, she reasoned, it was Natsumi herself wanting the conversation, rather than one of the higher-ups demanding an explanation she didn't have for actions she had no memory of.

"Sure," she answered, still grinning, but not sounding overly excited to go back aboard the ship when the weather was so pleasant and inviting on the planet's surface. Nonetheless, after panning her head slowly to take in another look at the scenic vista, even if it was only the spaceport, she sighed contentedly and turned to follow Natsumi up the cargo ramp.

As they entered the cargo bay, she noticed Mitsuko and Junko conversing not far away. From the way Mitsuko was squirming and stumbling over her words, Sienna thought that either Junko had asked her a difficult question, or the timid cargo custodian was simply afraid of her. The Nepleslian still had the self-satisfied grin plastered all over her face as she walked by, a step behind Natsumi.
YSS Eucharis – Zero Gravity Passage

Hanako stood up as straight as she could, using her body’s gravity field to anchor herself on the “Permission granted. I am going to miss you as a friend and because you have been an exceedingly capable first officer,” Hanako told him. “I will also miss you as more than a friend,” she added with a soft smile. She gave him a bow and then wrapped her slender arms around him for a long final hug. “Safe travels, Sune.”

Cargo Bay

Afterwards, Hanako went back out to the cargo bay and sought out the Chelti merchant. “Haka-san?” she called out over the sounds of the cargo bay activity. There was some noise as the “Troll” tank drove past on its way to the storage hanger where the ship’s inventory would be sorted. She saw Cherry’s head sticking out of the open driver hatch, instantly recognizable because of the pink pigtails. “Haka-san?” Hanako said, following the tank to the bottom of the ramp. She ran into Sienna on the way. "Have you see where the merchant guest went?" Hanako asked.
Cargo Bay

"Last saw him out in the crowd, just before the ceremony started," Sienna replied, nodding towards the airfield behind her, slowing to a stop with one leg propped a step higher on the cargo ramp. She slid to the side to make room for the tank rumbling down the ramp. "Had on some kind of jerry-rigged envirosuit," she continued, craning her neck to watch the war machine.

Sune returned Hanako's hug. It was bittersweet to say the least, holding the woman he loved, and having to let her go. "I leave a big part of my heart with this ship. I am sure that our paths with cross again in our service to the Empire. Take care my Princess. "

He let her go, "I do hope you are coming to the dinner tonight." He said, with a smile that did not quite reach his eyes. He turned and headed for the cargo hold.
Cargo Bay

In the direction Sienna nodded the tall alien stood out in its strange suit and looked mildly gormless as it stood in the sunlight. Its ear flicked as attention turned to it and its eyes flicked over to the cargo ramp and it turned its head towards the captain and the scientist. Lacking much better to do it walked over to meet the captain.

"Ah, please forgive my difficulty at being found. I simply wished to make certain I would not unexpectedly expire on this strange planet." The alien greeted as it walked up, covering one of its eyes with the palm of its clawed hand. "Does your kind always live close to the oceans? How do you keep the Krauls and Lagimopes away?"
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