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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post Mission 20] Back on Hanako's World

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Ayumi looked up at Izokia spoke to her outloud, her eyes wide for a moment before she relaxed and looked back down at the patch and pin in her hand, "I have no plans." She explained softly, looking over the items with extreme scrutiny. Her clear fascination with said items showed that she was not nearly as calm as her stance, tone, and expression suggested. In truth she was absolutely over the moon, she had properly represented her ship and had been rewarded for it, there was nothing better.

After a moment more of taking the whole thing in, Ayumi looked back up at Izokia, her head slightly tilted, "Do you have plans?" She asked, pressing the items in her hand into her skirt pocket and turning to the other medic. She wondered if Izokia had family, then if the rest of the crew had family. She was just a young Neko, she had no biological family, and certainly no one to go gallivanting off with. Perhaps having a few weeks to relax and settle down with a good medical text would be a good idea. Maybe she'd set up some supplementary medical training to further her knowledge.
Takeyu stopped and listened, before turning on his feet and looking up the ships ramp, he then accessed a list of bars in the area.

There's a bar not far from the port, would you like to meet there?

He attached a map showing where the bar was, it wasn't that far from the port at all; a good five or ten minute walk. After that he had a message sent along the public line to his sisters, which given what it was currently on Yamatai, would probably be getting home from school right about now.
Misato looked down at her communicator and read the message. With a nod she thought for a moment and then responded.
That would be perfict Sir, I would like to change out of my uniform first though. Give me maybe 20 minutes and I'll be there.

She Started thinking about what she would put on. She just got a tight body suit she could wear under her leather jacket. Maybe even pull the pins and patches off that NMX field cap she got for Yule last year.
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko moved down the ramp with the others. The lines and columns reminded her of her training during those first few months of life, dulling her nervousness just slightly with a bit of nostalgia. She hadn't been expecting to march in her Duty Uniform, but the skirt didn't give her too much trouble, thankfully. It was somewhat relaxing to have Junko's marching orders to follow, moving mechanically in response as she tried to calm down. The crowd wasn't helping her relax. Her blush remained firmly in place for most of the walk, not comfortable with so much attention. Did the people gathered here actually know who Murakami Mitsuko was, who any of the crew members were, or were they all here to see Hanako?

The ceremony was familiar, with only a few twists from the last time they'd done this. Of course, Mitsuko wasn't expecting to hear her roommate's name read first. The rank announced after it was even more surprising, the Neko's eyes widening behind her glasses. She almost didn't hear her own name, dimly registering her new rank. She moved to take her new accessories when it was her turn, too distracted to get all sniffly this time. The lack of a hug, which might have been a bit too informal in this public setting, also helped her maintain her composure. Once again she found herself busy thinking, worrying while she sang the ship's song, blinking in slight confusion as the others began milling about.

She couldn't manage more than a weak smile and nod for most of the crew. It was easy for Misato and Bors to find her. "Oh!" She stood up straight as her roommate congratulated her. "Th-thank you, Misato-Heisho." Mitsuko even bowed, still flustered. This was all so confusing for her. Riko didn't seem affected at all, of course. It was strange that he made plans and cancelled them so quickly. Sune's message barely registered, as she stood quietly next to the blue Neko. Murakami noticed her roommate looking around, eyes settling on Takeyu, checking her communicator. Of course. It made sense after a moment. Suzume would be hanging out with the other officers now. "Excuse me, Misato-Heisho..." The Neko bobbed another bow, intending to head out of the Cargo Bay to her cabin. However, the items Sune had already deposited here made her pause.

Mitsuko could use a distraction, and this was good enough. Why was Sune leaving all these boxes for Victory? And what were these others here for? Now she had a moment to examine his message, too, which only made her more curious.
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Having Mitsuko Bow then retreat from her really hurt Misato. She raced up to her cabin and worked on getting change. Her world was collapsing and she didn't want to be around for it.She quickly donned her body suit and her leather jacket, she didn't want to be around long enough to fix her hat up so she just grabbed a standard hat she had and raced off the ship. Once she was off the base she rented a hoverbike and raced over to the bar. She wasn't sure if she was even going to be going back to the ship.

She got there early. So she went up to the bar and ordered a few drinks for herself. A large margarita and a beer. Bors taught her well last time here.
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Kale was slightly uneasy when getting his new rank patch. He had been on-board the ship for less then a week and didn't really feel that he had earned the honour yet. He didn't let it show on his face but he resolved to prove to himself that he was qualified for the position on their next mission wherever that may take them. He left the stage with a serious but slightly subdued expression on his face.

He watched the others get their new badges of office. He didn't personally know that many of the crew but he made sure to congratulate Izokia, Chieko and Deziarra during his round of the crew. Ending with a congratulations to the science officer. His expression relaxed and he let a smile through his stern facade. Glad that the whole debacle was coming to a close.

"So? Wanna see what the area has to offer before we all head off the the captains resort?"
Cargo Hold

Sune walked to the end of the hold right at the top of the ramp. He put his bags next to him, then turned around to look at the hold. He could see in places the scars of the many battles that the Eucharis had been through. Just as it was possible to patch up a soldier's body, there was always some residual damage that remained, he thought.

Looking back out across the tarmac he saw the courier approaching. He also realized that Sienna had not received his invitation because she had no communicator. He opened the smaller bag and pulled out a small parcel. It was something he planned on giving to Emiko, but he could easily get her another one before she arrived.

Sune sent a message to Emiko via his PHC mentally. There was one last thing he had to do before he could leave. He asked Charisma where Hanako was, and found out that she was still outside with the locals.

He picked up his katana from his luggage, and slung it so that it was across his back over his right shoulder. "Guess I should rescue the Princess one last time." he said out loud to himself. Seeing Victory in the hold he called to her. "Victory-Hei, come with me. Time to rescue the Captain from her admirers." He said with a grin.

Sune walked with purpose with Victory in his wake and quickly crossed the open tarmac and arrived at Hanako's location. Or rather as close as they could due to the locals. He made his away around and then moved into the group politely but firmly asking folks to move. Until he and Victory were finally standing along side his friend. "Ketsurui Hanako-Shôshô, sorry to have to interrupt but your presence is needed back aboard the Eucharis. There are a number of things requiring your attention before the crew leaves for Shore Leave."
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"Excuse me, governor," Hanako apologized to a stern-looking blonde woman in a kimono. "Thank you all for coming," she thanked the crowd as she ducked away and went with Sune back into the ship, careful to avoid the path of moving cargo containers being hauled out of the ship. The cargo bay was filled with the sounds of moving hydraulics, clanking metal, and the beeping of warning alarms, and its still smelled of mop water from yesterday. Hanako wrinkled her nose and pressed forward into the zero-G passage. Once the hatch was closed, she turned to Sune. "You have some things on your mind?"

Once they returned to the Eucharis, Sune paused briefly to thank Victory for accompanying him. He then followed Hanako into the passageway.

"Just a few. The first is taking care of the last of my duties. Some of the crew has started leaving the ship. However, you did not leave any specific instructions for them regarding security and such. So I am as First Officer bringing the matter to your attention.

My retirement orders have come in.

It has been an honor and a privilege to have served aboard the Eucharis under your command. I have learned much serving in the Star Army and grown as a person because of it. The Eucharis has been a home to me these past years, and the crew has been my family. I am honored to count you among my closest friends.

So for the last time, Permission to Leave the ship, Shôshô." he said with a bow and straightened.
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Natsumi turned to head back to the ship. She needed to pack and get ready to go. It was then she spotted Sienna, who looked to be in shock or something. Natsumi raised an eyebrow and walked over to the Nepleslian.

"Everything ok, Sienna?" Natsumi asked as she walked up to her.
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Takeyu watched Misato leave quite hurriedly; causing the Taii to stand there and rub his chin curiously, though also worriedly. It was one thing for a soldier to go on leave excited after everything that had gone on, but Misato's body-language pointed to something else going on. He made haste to his cabin where he changed into a more appropriate outfit for todays activities, then he grabbed a bag that had his ICP and a few other items in it and headed back toward the ramp, he stopped short when he saw Hanako and Sune and gave them both a courteous bow. Then sent a message to the two of them so that it wouldn't disturb their conversation.

There's something off about Misato-heisho and how she left, I'm rather worried about her and going to see what is going on. My apologies for leaving in such a hurry.

With that done he began to walk down the ramp and glanced from side to side, taking care to take in everything that he could see; mainly for his own memories but also in case anything happened. Walking out to the edge of the base, he got himself a bike and asked one of the people there about the bar he was going to, he got a few comments about it - most good which was a pleasant thing considering. He hit the gas and sped off down the street, stopping every so often when needed before he arrived at the bar a few minutes later.

He parked the bike and casually walked into the bar, looking at the patrons there and then looking for Misato.
Chieko smiled and thanked Kale, delivering her own congratulations. What made her even happier inside though, was that the technician asked her if she wanted to do anything with him. It was minor progress for the path the scientist knew was ahead of her; however given her shipmate's disposition, it could be a conservatively good sign.

She also noted the message from Sune and smiled at the idea. "It seems we have quite a decent amount of time before the dinner the Chusa has set up for us all," the academic began.

"I currently don't have much for civilian clothing with me and it looks like we will be here for at least a little while. I should probably see about shopping before getting too carried away with anything else. Would you like to go with me?"
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Junko had been quite pleased throughout the whole promotion ceremony. That Hanako had accepted her recommendations, even about the infantry soldiers having leadership potential, reassured her considerably. Once they had fallen out, Junko had offered her congratulations to those around her. She remembered well her own emotions during her first few promotion ceremonies and was glad to see most of the crew expressing delight, but also noted those who didn’t.

She particularly wanted to speak to Suzume, to welcome her to the NCO corps, but the new Nito Heisho’s departure complicated that. When she saw Nayacesen-Taii appear to follow after her, she decided her welcome could probably wait. She wanted to speak to Bors as well, but Mitsuko’s behavior caught her attention. There was a problem, and she wanted to get it sorted before it became big enough to receive formal attention.

Walking up the Cargo Bay ramp, she found Mitsuko engrossed with some unattended equipment.

“Murakami-Joto Hei,” she said with a small smile as she used the full new rank. “How are you?”
Kale grinned "I think I'm in the same boat as you. I wasn't expecting a port side call and so I think I've only got a single set of plain clothes with me. Either way, I think it's a good idea to get something on our way out."

Kale checked the time on his PDP.

"Might as well head out. Well, unless you have something else to finish first?" the young minkan shrugged slightly. "We might as well get started on getting some gifts for the winter festival as well. I already have a few ideas but I need to place in a few orders for a few things anyway."

He was slowly trying to get past his sister induced block on being more then casual friends with girls. Having only really related much with his sister and their friend Rika in the past this was a taller order then it might seem to the casual observer. He didn't want to throw himself into it and he really couldn't judge how far Chieko's interest in him went. He gave a mental shrug, he guessed he'd figure it out in time.
Local Bar

The bar wasn't all that crowded, Just a few morning drunks and a few SA enlisted drinking their leave away. Misato fit in just fine. Sitting there at a table she was finishing her beer and looking over one of the two new guns she carried. It was a Zen Arms 10mm covert ops pistol. She liked the way it balanced in her hands. Funny she had another 98 like the pair she carried.

As she played with the pistol she was thinking how grand she sould have been feeling over the rank advancement. It was a great achievement. Though she just kept coming back to how she felt she betrayed her friends. She was about to just down the margarita and leave when she saw Takeyu come into the bar. She quickly stood up and waited for him to take notice and come over.
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Landing Area

Sienna almost didn't hear Natsumi at all, and even when it did register in her mind that the Neko was addressing her, it took her a moment to compose herself to the point where she could manage a response other than a dumbstruck, high-pitched stammer. "S-Sune just--" she managed to squeak out before she swallowed hard, obviously fighting back the joyous outburst she was barely keeping in check. She tried to shake her head and wave it off, but her movement was jerky and stiff, and the huge grin that kept breaking through on her face gave it away. "Never mind," she said, and sighed a quick, happy sigh. "Forget it. Nice new badge, by the way," she continued, motioning towards Natsumi's new insignia. "How did you say it again? Jotum Hay?"
Natsumi could not help but tell Sienna was about to burst, giddy with joy. Though she was struggling valiantly to hide it.

"Joto Hei" she said and grinned, holding up the pin. "Senior enlisted woman now" she was pleased with her promotion.

"So what did Sune-san say to make you so happy?" she asked and smiled.
Landing Area

Sienna waggled her eyebrows at the shiny new pin. "Nice," she said in a offish congratulatory tone. "Looks good on you."

She grinned even wider at the question. "Let's just say he was more than generous in delivering on a promise he made," she replied, still barely maintaining her composure. "Mama needs a new pair of everything. You said you wanted to talk to me before?" she added.
Izokia thought for a minute she really didn't have anything to do or anywhere go. "No I was just wondering if I could go along with you on what ever it is you were planning." Izokia was already concerned she offended the other medic
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko turned from the items she'd been inspecting as she spotted Sune returning. He had already changed, and looked like he was packed and ready to go. He probably wanted to get to their hotel to get this dinner set up. He was walking and talking with Victory, probably about the boxes he'd left for her. More things to take to the hotel? Maybe he had storage space on this planet. Actually, Hanako probably had a house here, if not much more.

The Neko was just turning back to the boxes, ensuring they were still properly arranged, when Junko approached her. She let out a quiet squeak of surprise as the officer spoke, quickly turning to face her. "Oh!" It took her a brief moment, one blink, for her to recover, bobbing a slight bow. "Takeda-Itto Heisho. I'm f-fine. Just a little...anxious, with everything going on." Looking around her Cargo Bay, she noted all of the other boxes and items being moved off the ship along with Sune's things. She had prepared for this with Victory earlier, but it was still a bit worrying. At least it gave her something to think about other than her roommate.
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