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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post Mission 20] Back on Hanako's World

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Natsumi lead the way back through the ship, talking as they moved at a casual pace. "Shouldn't take me long to pack, I already got most stuff set aside last night" she said to Sienna.

"I figure you will want to get your stuff too?" she asked, deciding not to bring the subject of the dreamworld back up yet, not till they were out of the public spaces anyways.
Cabin 2

Bors was in the middle of a sneezing fit and he tossed the rest of his civy gear into his dufflebag.

"Need to clean in here more, must be some damn dust." He said to himself wiping the end of his nose. Satisfied that he had everything, he zipped up the bag and through on his leather jacket over his black t-shirt and donned his shades. Bors smiled as he swung the bag over his shoulder and made his way back down through the ship and towards the open cargo bay. Once outside he messaged Sune that he was going to show up at his little dinner date before hailing a cab to drop him off at the hotel that they were staying at while on planet.

"Twenty minute ride, shouldn't take us to long," Takeyu's attention was diverted when he heard a soldier complaining about something, he turned to see that it was an NCO who was standing by the bar looking at something; he couldn't make out what the soldier was saying at first but then as he listened - realized that the soldier had forgotten something back at the port. With a sigh, he walked over and handed the NCO the keys to the bike he had rented. "Here, take care of whatever you need and then turn in the bike, ok?" he smiled at the NCO, who thanked him and took off.

"Guess I'll be riding with you," he winked at Misato.
Reactions: Wes
Cargo Bay

Oh, there he is, thought Sienna as the alien strolled up to them, having apparently been nearby all along. Satisfied that Hanako had what she needed, she nodded to the admiral and continued following Natsumi. "Yeah, may as well," she replied. "It's safe to assume we won't be back on the ship for a while, I guess?"
Ayumi blinked for a moment in Izokia's direction, the other medic's statement fully processed even as she tried to figure out why, and come up with a proper answer. She had no dislike Izokia, in fact she rather liked working with her for all the bungles and the high strung personality. The idea of having someone "spend time" with her was rather foreign however, and she was unsure how to handle the request. Did she even want to spend time with someone? At least if it was Izokia they would surely have something to talk about.

"I will be taking supplementary medical courses once we have leave... This liberty however..." She trailed off, glancing off to the side as she thought about what it was she even wanted to do, "I admit," She started softly, "I have never had the chance to spend time in a place like this." For a moment she worried her teeth on her bottom lip, then turned to Izokia. "If you have any suggestions, I would be open to them."
Reactions: Wes
Cargo Bay

Junko nodded sternly, replying, "Very well." She was happy to see Mitsuko showing some pride and confidence. Self doubt could be crippling, as she knew only too well. "Keep in mind that Misato-Heisho was among those I recommended be watched for advanced promotion as well and clearly the Shosho decided she could handle it. You ought to have even more confidence in your friend than we do."

Noting a bit more traffic in the Cargo Bay, Junko relaxed her stance somewhat, not wanting to give anyone the impression that she was seriously reprimanding Mitsuko. She was sure she already had a reputation as a hard-ass from the wardroom incident, unfortunately, so her concern was more with making sure the junior neko before her wasn't looked at askance by anyone. Junko didn't know her too well, but she rather suspected she was going to like the logistics specialist. After all, anyone who viewed their duty area as affectionately and possessively as she viewed Engineering was all right in her book.

"Look, I'm sure that if there are any problems, the Taii will make sure she gets squared away. And if not, just let me know and I'll straighten her out, one way or another." The words might have been ominous but the wry smile on her face gave the lie to any notion she was making a serious threat.

Misato eyed the Taii for a moment before responding, "Guess you are..." She forced a bit of a smile and then turned to the door and her bike. On the way out she had a thought to ask, "What do you know about Itto Heisho Takeda Junko? She just messaged me about wanting to talk to me in private, you think she still on the whole wardroom incident?"

As they reached the bike she thought for a moment wondering if it would be polite to offer the key to Takeyu or just drive the bike herself. "Would you like to drive or," She voice grew abnormally quiet and almost mousy like Mitsuko's would have, "can I drive?"
Reactions: Wes
Cargo Bay
Sune walked over to his luggage to grab them and spotted Sienna. He picked up the small package and walked over to her.

"Hello again Sienna. "Here is the KS Card that I spoke to you about. It is in your name. The first time you use it, you will be able to enter your own biometric data and password. Also it dawned on me that you do not have a way of contacting the crew or vice versa. Here this is a Personal Holographic Computer. It functions as a communicator when in a city with a good network, a computer that you interface with via holographic display, and it even keeps time like a watch." He said with a grin.

"I am hosting a dinner at the Princess Dunes restaurant tonight at 8pm in the Ketsurui Resort Hotel. There will be plenty of food, and drinks. I hope you can make it. If you choose not to, then I wish you good fortune Sienna." he said.

Sune then turned and walked over to his luggage. He slung one over his shoulder and pulled the the others behind him. He walked briskly until he was halfway across the tarmac. He turned back to look at the Eucharis. He used his PHC to capture some video of the Gunship sitting with the sea and sky behind her. It was strange to see her sitting unmarred after a mission.

Time to find me a taxi, and get to the hotel. Lots of preparations to make. He thought as he turned away and set off again.
Reactions: Wes

"You drive," Takeyu said and got on the back of the bike. "As for Takeda-Heisho, its been a long time since her and I have talked so I'm not sure to be honest. She probably just wants to chat about something, wouldn't hurt to talk to her." He looked down the street in the direction they'd be going and pondered several things that were on his mind. "She is an NCO after all," he said, "she most likely wants to provide you with some advice and offer to help you out, being an NCO is quite different from being Enlisted."
Getting onto the bike Misato told the Taii to hold on tight. Before a second passed she had the bike shooting down the street and a most unsafe speed. "That is my point, it will be different and I may not be the best candidate for the job. Hell look at what happened last time I took charge. I almost lead everyone to their ruin on that Ice ball of a planet. If it wasn't for you showing up we would all been waking up in a tube."

She She slid the bike into a turn and shot out racing towards the beach areas of the town. She was seemingly trying to set a new land speed record in town.
On the road

"We all make mistakes, its what makes us human," Takeyu said and relaxed at the cool breeze he felt. "Its that we learn from our mistakes that helps to improve who we are, but we never let those mistakes bring us down, never let them define us. "Slow down a bit, don't want to be pulled over," he grinned when he noticed how they were going; and he also doubted the Shosho would take kindly to one of her officers being involved in a traffic ticket. "Never be afraid to ask for suggestions either, when commanding, we may not always think the obvious in a given situation - that's why you may sometimes find officers often asking their NCO's for advice or suggestions, especially your more experienced NCO's."
Slowing a bit Misato rolled her eyes at the thought of asking the advice of the senior NCO. "I'll have to keep that in mind." She answered as she continued to drive the bike down the streets. She did notice though a hiker's outfitters on the way. Maybe she would hit them up later. "I get asking normally but what about the heat of combat, My choice is to always throw myself forward, but now i got to worry about staying alive to keep the rest of the team alive." She growled and slammed her fist down on to her thigh.
"It's the nature of the beast," Takeyu smiled. "Our jobs involve us ensuring that we get everyone including those under our command back in one piece, if that means 'we' return in pieces while the rest return in wholes then that's the sacrifices we make."

"Although it isn't a good idea to just throw yourself forward without a plan of action. I used to do that, nearly got me killed a few times."
This made Misato laugh a bit. 'nearly' she found that amusing. She wished she could have still said the same. She slowed and landed about where the directions he gave her told her to. "Oh I always have a plan. It is very simple plan." She turned and looked at him fairly seriously, "To do all the damage i can before my next card is drawn." After a beat she smiled and stood up off the bike. "Guess this also means I'm in charge of the infiltrate we have isn't it? That's a bit intimidating, hell dealing with Bors will be easy, I just point at something that needs to go away and the pull the ring. But the others?"
Winter Festival, Chieko hadn't come around to that idea yet, but it was another good point in terms of getting some shopping out of the way. Deziarra's request to accompany the two however, caused the academic to curse internally - though she kept her confident and content face outward. Her hope was to squirrel Kale away as much as possible until she had him; but today was only the first day, and there would be many more opportunities later.

"I'm ok with it if Kale here is," the scientist began with a smile, "I will need to pack first, and I would like to change though. Also we ought to ensure we formally request permission to leave the ship. How about meet me in the rear Zero Gravity Passageway in half an hour, pay the Shosho our respects, then take off?"
Izokia breathed a sigh of relief, she was honestly expecting Ayumi to reject her in favor of organizing the med lab or sitting quietly like she always does. "Well... if you had said no I was just going to eat alone in one of the restaurants here. I never planned that far ahead actually." She looked down at her feet still concerned that Ayumi would just go off to do something completely incomprehensible to her.

"If you would rather train I can always go and wander the area instead." She felt guilty to be pulling Ayumi away from training.
Bottom of the Eucharis Cargo Ramp

"Sure thing. Friends don't leave friends behind." Kale said smiling a little. "I also need to speak to the captain about whether the pets rule applies to non biological entities. And if it does get the little guy packaged up for shipment back to Tatiana. All the cabins are right by the lounge anyways so we might as well meet there. Saves standing around while waiting for people and those sofas are nice."

Despite the mostly calm atmosphere Kale could detect social tension a mile away. Having been a usual cause of it for the past few years. He hoped he wouldn't have to resolve any fights between his two companions, at least, not today.
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Cargo Bay

Mitsuko nodded as Junko spoke, relaxing slightly when she did. The Neko wasn't quite sure how to react to the seemingly friendly threat, though. "R-right. I'll, um, be sure to speak with you if I have any problems, Takeda-Itto Heisho." She managed a weak smile in return. Murakami wasn't sure if the officer had more to tell her, and she was somewhat afraid to add anything more at the moment. This left a rather awkward silence...
Cargo Bay

Sienna and Natsumi hadn't gotten far when Sune stopped her again. The grin spread across her face again, both because she knew what he was bringing her, as well as out of utter amusement at the fact that the crew that hadn't said more than twenty words to her since she'd come aboard were all suddenly so chatty since entering this world's orbit. She accepted the finance chit eagerly, but not without remembering at least a show of gratitude, naturally. Her grin morphed into curiosity, however, as Sune went on about having a way to stay in touch with the crew, and handed her the PHC. She took it in her other hand, turning it over a few times and examining it as he explained its function, and with her other hand, still with the KS card pinched between her forefinger and thumb, fiddled with a few of the dials and buttons, testing their function and watching with mildly entertained interest as the device reacted with various volumetric menus and features. She had no clue why Sune felt like she had any desire or reason to stay in communication with the Eucharis crew while they were scattered about the resort, but then again, she wasn't sure why she'd earned the admiral's favor or why Sune had given her such an exorbitant sum of money either. It was best she just went along with it - she was holding a good hand right now, and there was no reason to spoil it.

"Thanks," she told him as she switched off the PHC, looking back up at him with her head tilted slightly to the side, her hair hanging off her forehead as she did so, with a distant expression of farewell on her face. "I'll make sure I put 'em both to good use. It ain't like I have anyplace else to be, so unless something happens, I'll be there," she continued. "If not, take care of yourself."

As Sune walked away, she turned back to Natsumi, giving her a toothy, exaggerated grin with both eyebrows raised high, her jaw clenched, and her eyes wide open, as if she had just won a contest and was wordlessly throwing her excitement across the room to a friend but didn't want to make too big a fool of herself. She trotted to catch up with her. "Right, lead on," she said, continuing to grin.
Outside Eucharis

Ayumi tilted her head slightly, considering Izokia's words again. "No," Ayumi decided outloud, "I had no plans for this time, I was going to wait until the holiday to do my training." She stated calmly. "If you had plans, and you wouldn't mind terribly, I could join you." Somehow Ayumi had managed to rephrase the question so that it looked like she was imposing on Izokia. She folded her hands over her lap, waiting patiently for anything which Izokia may say.

It had never occurred to Ayumi that she may be spending this time off with another person. She hadn't even thought past landing, not really liking the idea of being out of her space in the Eucharis.
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