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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post Mission 20] Back on Hanako's World

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Natsumi glanced over to see Bors "Hey" she smiled at her roomie. "Was going to take Sienna out shopping" she replied to him, then the door opened and she turned her attention back to it.

She smiled as she saw the grin on Sienna's face. "Nice huh?" she asked. "Want to go out and get something nice to wear to Sune's party?" she asked.

In any other circumstance, Sienna would have quizzically looked down at what she was wearing and idly wondered what was wrong with what she already had on. But since she had just been dropped into a luxury suite, given a fistful of cash, and invited to a dinner party, she was in far too good a mood to argue the point. Given the swanky nature of this place, as well as the fact that the Hanako was apparently feeling like a money tree at the moment, it would only be prudent to milk it for everything it was worth. She didn't know if she would ever have this sort of opportunity again; for all she knew, they were still on the dreamworld and this was all just a lucid fantasy. If it was, she hoped she never woke up from it.

Her grin broadened at Natsumi's silly observation. "'Nice'? That's all you got to say about it?" she chided her. "Y'all do this every year, and all you gotta say about it is that it's 'nice.' Hah!" She stepped across the threshold of her door and let it fall closed behind her, too excited to bother checking to verify that her keycard was still in her pocket. "Hell yes," she continued, practically bursting with excitement. "Let's go see what other 'nice' things we can scrounge up." Finally noticing Bors, she turned her head to him, her lip-tearing smile never fading, and gave him an uncharacteristically friendly wave before she combed her hair out of her eyes with her fingertips. Taking a deep breath and standing up straight with her shoulders back, she pursed her lips, still unable to suppress her smile, and made it known that she was ready to go.
Cargo Bay

Shosho Hanako accepted the sauce from Hanako with her free hand. "I will not waste it," Hanako assured Haka. She was confident the ship's culinary exports, Lime or Mango, would be able to figure out how to prepare it properly. Searing sounded good. But Hanako's concerns were not about the meat, but about the future of this alien who was so far from home and had lost everything not in that rolling cart. He was a traveling merchant but she couldn't help but also think of him as a homeless person.

"I took the liberty of registering you with the Empire's identification system," Hanako told Haka. "You have a guest visa to stay as long as you want as long as you stay within the laws of the Yamatai Star Empire. I also put 3,000 KS of starting-out cash on your account, which any SYNC-connected merchant should be able to charge to even if you do not have a KS card on you. You can use it to buy food supplies or a communicator, or further transportation."

With the last of the Eucharis' cargo now offloaded, the bay was suddenly still and empty. Victory-Hei stepped forward. "Haka-san," she addressed the Che, "I have your cart ready to move, but I am not sure where to take it. We are able to provide transportation anywhere you want to go, but you cannot stay on the military base. Where should I take you?"

Natsumi grinned. "Okay, let's go then" she nodded. "I know a couple nice shops from las time I was here that we can start with" she said to Sienna.

She turned her attention to Bors, "We can find you a nice dress too?" she giggled at him and made some mental notes on size and shape as her big red eyes did a quick visual appraisal of the Nepleslian soldier. "Maybe something in pink with lace" she added with another giggle at Bors expense. Of course she was not trying to be mean to her roomie, just having a little fun. That said, she told herself, pink might look good on him.
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"Oh yeah, and something low cut and sleeveless, that would be great. Really would show off the ink." He said sarcastically, pulling down the collar on his shirt down partially revealing some of the tattoos that covered his torso and arms. "Though I don't think pink is in style right now, so darn have to pick a new one." He added dryly letting the elastic collar snap back before snapping his fingers in obviously fake disappointment.

"Well you seem to be in an awfully good mood." He said noticing Sienna and her kid in a candy store attitude. "Finally glad to be back on Terra Firma, or are you just swept up in the atomosphere of this place? I mean its the ShoShos planet after all and she is a princess, doubt we will be staying at any Motel 9's anytime soon with her on the roster." Bors chuckled a bit at the idea of the Captain in a budget hotel, he didn't know why it was all that funny to him but it struck a chord.

Sienna let slip a snicker at Bors's comment, thoroughly amused at the thought of him in a dress of any kind, let alone one with a plunging neckline. "Oh, I dunno," she jested, raising an eyebrow at Bors with a sly grin, making a show of her eyes wandering in mock lust over him from head to toe. "It doesn't have to be pink, as long as it's got slink. Figure like that has to be put out there for all to appreciate."

She shrugged at his next observation, and her face practically glowed through the smile. "Hell, pick one," she replied, waving her hand dismissively. She was about to say something further when her words caught in her throat, and she did a double-take back at Bors with wide eyes. "Wait, she's a what?" she asked incredulously. Before he had a chance to reply, she looked over at Natsumi, then back at Bors, then at Natsumi again. Surely she'd heard that incorrectly. If she hadn't, that would mean that not only was her benefactor the commander of the starship that she'd hitched a ride on, an admiral in one of the largest military forces in the known galaxy, and a respected politician, but the reason she was so idolized in Yamatai space was because she was literally royalty. There was no way her luck was that good.
Cargo bay

"Sounds good"

Kale set the datapad to stream GPS data directly into his neural space. From his perspective a little map interface appeared in the top right hand corner of his vision.
'Welcome to the Interactive Mapping Service. At the end of the road turn right and then veer right.' came the voice of the route planner.

"I'm all set, so if you two are ready lets get this show on the road."

Kale made his way down the cargo ramp onto the landing pad. The sun gave a pleasant warmth across his face and he closed his eyes for a second basking in it. It felt at least somewhat like home. Letting off a little sigh of contentment Kale began to walk along side his companions towards their first target of the day.
Just Outside The YSS Eucharis

Deziarra kept pace. She wondered if it was always warm and sunny without being too hot or if this was just an usually pleasant day. In either case, she was glad for the fresh air. Their pace was brisk but not too brisk to take in the sights and sounds around them. Looking up at a cloud, she noticed how it resembled a bird of some kind. Another cloud resembled a mountain and yet another resembled a tree. She turned her attention back to their destination.

"It shouldn't be too much longer," she remarked.
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Natsumi laughed. "Bors-san, I think the dress would look good on you, you have the legs for it" she then turned to Sienna. She could almost see the mental collision going on inside the woman's head as the fact of Hanako's status hit her like a ton of cinder blocks. She smiled at that. She guessed no one had disclosed that minor detail to Sienna at any point during her time aboard the Eucharis. She guessed that having their Captain be a high ranking Admiral who happened to have a planet named after her had been enough for the time, this must have just overloaded her system.

Natsumi grinned broadly at her new friend. "Yeah, Shosho Hanako is a Princess" she confirmed. She put a hand gently on Sienna's shoulder, just in case the Nepleslian woman decided to fall over or something, though that she would be very surprised it it happened with Sienna's rugged constitution. "So it's pretty cool" she added. "Shall we head out and go shopping, or you need a minute to steady yourself?" she asked, then turned her gaze back to Bors, "Coming along?" she asked him.

Bors shrugged at Natsumi's question, "Might as well, I have to swing by gun shop anyway." Putting his hands in his pockets he looked towards Sienna who still appeared to be a bit dumbstruck with the situation. "Didn't really expect you to know, hell you've only been with us for a bit didn't have that knowledge engrained in you during boot, or while living on the planet like I did for a bit." Taking his hand out of his pocket he put it underneath her chin and pushed up closing her mouth, "And try not to look so shocked, makes you look like a yokal."
Hospital Center

Junko blinked, the blackness lifting only to be replaced by a fog. That too lifted shortly and she glanced around. It seemed that she had been transferred to a recovery room while unconscious. She was lying in a comfortable bed in a curtained-off area, wearing the same hospital gown she had donned before the transition. Something seemed wrong though, as if the light slanting in from the windows was subtly off-shade, or the fabric of the bed sheets was slightly too rough or too soft; she wasn’t sure which.

She lay there, aimlessly rubbing the sheets between her fingers and repeated widening and narrowing her eyes in experimentation until a busy looking Shoi in Medical teal bustled through the curtains. The neko gave Junko a once-over before tapping inputs into her ICP.

“Well, Heisho, how is everything?”

“Fine, ma’am… though might the calibration be a little off?” Junko replied, a little hesitant.

“No no,” said the Shoi, not bothering to look up from her display. “Your readings are all solid. Femtomachine statuses are all green. You’re perfectly normal; anything odd is just psychosomatic.” She looked up with a half-hearted, rote smile. “Welcome to the future. The nurse will get you checked out.”

Turning, the doctor passed back through the curtains as quickly as she had come. The nurse came in a few minutes later and, after taking a few final observations and notes, gave Junko the electronic status update and dismissal paperwork; the former would pass along her new body type information to the Eucharis and Personnel Management, and the latter would let her escape the hospital unmolested.

Out of the hospital gown and back in uniform, Junko gathered up her bags and traced her way to the exit. She had confirmed, with extensive examination in the mirror, that her appearance was identical post-transition but for all that the doctor had reassured her it was in her head, she was sure that she could actually tell something was different. That went for her emotions too. She felt fragile, brittle, caught between a sunny day and a looming storm front and had no clue which way she would break.

As she rounded a corner on base and the landing field came into view, the Eucharis perched in the distance, she was grateful that at least the open emotion, the tears hadn’t returned. She could admit she was having a tough time and admit that it was going to take a while to get everything sorted out in her head, but she would be damned if she let a single piece of that interfered with the performance of her duties.

The tarmac fell away beneath her feet and in a few moments she was back ascending the Cargo Bay ramp. It seemed some of the crew had already departed, but her mental cataloguing was interrupted by the sight of Suzume and Takeyu double teaming Mitsuko. She frowned; the logistics specialist had seemed to be getting her head on straight when last she’d seen her, so why a public confrontation over what had seemed a simple, solvable moment of interpersonal doubt between roommates was suddenly required was beyond her.

She came to a stop a couple meters behind the new NCO and officer, seeing no reason to further gang up on Mitsuko. Dropping her bags on the deck and settling her hands on her hips, she listened with one ear even as she mentally queried Charisma to get caught up.
Cargo Bay

Misato was so grateful when Takeyu took over. She was truly about to lose it, she even felt the warmth of a few tears starting up in the corners of her eyes. Then the Itto Heisho showed up and stood there judging her from behind. She hated everything going on at that moment. She knew she should have just ignored the message and ditched Takeyu. But there she was stuck in the most horrible situation she could ever be in. Facing down the NMX was less stressful.

"Sir Maybe we should take this some where private." Misato spoke up hoping that Takeyu would get it and jet them at least away for the Heisho.
Outside the Eucharis

Akane carried her bag over one shoulder and had her easel collapsed under her arm. She had with her a black box with a handle on top, a piece of luggage just for her own painting supplies.

As she saw the sunlight and the scenery around her, she started to wonder where she should go first. Before her liberty ended, she wanted to have an idea of what to paint next, if not some progress on the scene.

Her crewmates moved all about, confident in where they were going. Akane, for a moment, wished that she knew they ways they went. Seconds later, she thought better of it, deciding that adventure was its own reward.
Cargo Bay

Takeyu didn't need to glance to notice that Junko was behind them. With a smile he nodded at Misato and then looked at Mitsuko, "Let's head to the Ward Room then," he said to the two, looking at them in turn, before glancing toward the hold's exit and beginning to walk toward it.

Sienna was in too good a mood to balk at Bors's statement, and so her smile remained although on reflex she jerked her head away from his touch. "No, I'm good," she replied to Natsumi, beaming. "Come on, then. I got some money burning a hole in my pocket." She waved them along, motioning for Natsumi to get along with their outing. She'd never been shopping for clothing that was anything more than utilitarian before, and she was rather surprised to find herself bursting with excitement about the prospect of buying something that would make her look like a woman rather than a ruffian. Perhaps it was because she had never had cause to in the past, or the fact that such an opportunity was so far out of reach for her that she didn't know any different. Whatever the reason, she was going to go for broke.

Taking a few steps past Bors, she paused and looked back at the big Nepleslian grunt. "Oh, and Bors," she said with her back to him, peering tauntingly at him over her shoulder. "You can tag along, but I catch you looking at anything you shouldn't be, you can't even imagine the ways I'll hurt you." She grinned and winked in a manner that left it quite vague as to whether her statement was a joke or an actual threat, and continued behind Natsumi.
Cargo Bay

"Yeah, let's get going," the academic smiled as she adjusted her duffel on her shoulder. As they continued through the bay, Chieko noticed the growing group of leadership surrounding Mitsuko and nodded inside. She gave the group a respectful bow as she passed by, however making sure to interrupt as little as possible.

Chieko's next stop was Hanako, to pay proper respect prior to leaving.

"Pardon my interruption, Shosho," she bowed, "May I have your permission to leave the ship?"
Eucharis Cargo Bay

"You have my permission," Hanako nodded to Chieko. "Be safe and enjoy yourself. I will see you tonight at the party."
Cargo Bay

As the data came flowing in from Charisma, Junko's hands fell from her hips and balled into fists. Her eyes flashed dangerously as they snapped up to focus on Mitsuko. She sat on her temper enough to stop from marching right up to join in and instead captured her hands behind her back in a very stiff parade rest.

She noted with approval Misato's question and the Taii's response; as this was not the lover's quarrel she had first assumed it to be but rather something altogether more serious, moving to privacy seemed appropriate. As Takeyu began to move, Junko unconsciously took a step forward as well, but stopped herself short. The new Joto Hei before her needed straightening out, for sure, yet there was some other use that might come out of this.

"Misato-Nito Heisho, a brief word, if you please."
Cargo Bay

"Doumo arigatou gozaimasu, Shosho," the scientist bowed with a smile, the excitement of exploration bubbling under the surface, "Such are most definitely my intentions. See you at the party."

Chieko offered a third bow in parting, then grabbed her duffel again and made her way down the ramp. She had noticed her party had already made some headway once back on the tarmac and increased her stride to catch up. It took a while, including the wait time checking out at the gate before Chieko finally caught up with Deziarra and Kale.

"Running off before paying proper respects," the academic grinned behind them, "Not the most polite way to go. Are we close?"
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko lightly stomped one foot on the floor of the now empty storage area, pushing her sunglasses up on top of her head with one hand, revealing those slightly glowing eyes. "Why should I have to ignore all the...the stupid things she does, then go out of my way to make her comfortable? If she doesn't know how to act and is so uncomfortable, maybe it's because she shouldn't be here in the first place!" The Neko was starting to get all worked up as the argument continued, frustrated by the fact that they were even arguing about this. Looking past the two officers already scolding her, she noticed Junko joining them. After a moment, she looked just as upset as the others.

Her face red, Murakami looked down at the floor of her Cargo Bay. It was over. She'd given up. For reasons she couldn't understand, they'd all taken Sienna's side. Chosen the civilian over her, after she'd spent her entire short life serving the Star Army and following its rules. Now that she'd stopped fighting it, this all made sense. She never understood the captain's logic, either, which was always getting her in trouble as well. Actually, now she was surprised Hanako hadn't piled in with the others. Her treatment of the outsider was what had started all of this, so she'd likely have something to say to Mitsuko once she heard about this.

Head down, expression sunken, she wordlessly turned to follow Takeyu as he headed back into the ship. Her luggage was left standing right in the middle of her empty Cargo Bay, handle still extended.
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