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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post Mission 20] Back on Hanako's World

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Cargo Bay.

Misato turned to the Heisho, "i'm sorry, I have to go with the Taii, when this is settled maybe there will be time." She gave a sallow bow and followed Takeyu out of the hold towards the Ward room. She had heard Mitsuko try to defend herself, but her augments were defeated buy Misato's first words. It seemed that Mitsuko was such a bigot that she couldn't even see the simple truth before her. "It isn't a question on how you feel or how you felt you were treated, this is about duty, duty to one's self, their crew, the ship, the Shosho, and the Empire. Your actions have tainted all of that. We all have to ware the mantle of dishonor. Why is it you are letting your personal bigotry before anything else?"
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Natsumi grinned back at Bors. "Well, I don't think that's something to worry about" she said to Sienna. "I've lived in the same cabin as Bors for two years and I have not caught him peaking once, yet" she stated and shrugged. She was happy with that fact. It had been odd at first being assigned to share a small cabin with a male member of the enlisted company rather than another Neko like herself. She had, at first, been worried about the atypical male trying to sneak an eyeful of the unsuspecting female roommate, but this had never happened, or if it had, Bors had done a fine job avoiding being caught.

She was already going through the list of shops she had visited the last time the Eucharis had landed on Hanako's World, making note of what ones she remembered had evening wear compared to what ones did not. There were a couple shops that were close bye that they could reach soon enough, one even sold clothes for men.

"Okay, there are a couple places nearby that are good for us to start with" she said as she lead them into the elevator and selected thee lobby.

"Asides from that, aint nothing I haven't seen before." Bors said shooting her a sly grin of his own, "Plus maybe I'd like to see what you'd do to me, could be fun with your creative punishments."

Chuckling a bit to himself, he ran his mind over what Natsumi said had he really been roomates with her for that long? It had seemed like just yesterday that he joined the SAoY, shrugging a bit to himself he continued to follow the two ladies.
Cargo Bay

"You have my thanks." The big alien replied to Hanako, standing upright. "It will not be wasted."

The aliens head turned as Victory addressed him, looking behind himself at her with one eye before it turned back to Hanako. The alien bowed its head. "Forgive me, it seems a fitting time to leave. Until we meet again."

Righting itself and turning it dug out an oxygen tank with a bite-piece out of its cart and walked with Victory over to the light truck, its voice slowly fading from Hanakos hearing. "Perhaps you have a market district here, yes? That will be fine. Also, could you please tell me how much this fish can be exchanged for three thousand KS?"
Hotel - Elevator

Sienna semi-feigned an indignant scoff at Bors's disinterested reaction. "You ass!" she snipped with an open-mouthed grin, balling her hand up and jokingly holding it as if to backfist him in the forehead. "Who says I don't got anything you ain't seen before?"

Filing into the elevator between Natsumi and Bors, she shook her head in chiding disapproval at the big Nepleslian. She folded her arms across her chest and watched the Neko push the button for the lobby and the doors whoosh closed. Looking sideways at Bors with a raised eyebrow, she pressed him further. "Hmph," she pretended to pout. "Either you've seen enough skin to get bored with it altogether, or you ain't got a single clue how to talk to a woman." Her grin widening, she glanced over at Natsumi. "Or maybe, if you ain't caught him looking even once in two years, maybe he just fancies men, instead?" she added just before looking back at Bors with a teasing twinkle in her eye.
Hotel elevator

"Oh... I hadn't thought of that one" Natsumi replied thoughtfully. She turned her big red eyes to Bors, studyinghis reaction to all this with very much seriousness.

"Bors-san" she began. "Do you like men better than women?" She asked in mock seriousness. "Is that why you've never tried to sneak an eye full all this time we've shared our cabin?" She laughed and leaned back against the elevator car wall, she could feel the slight vibrations from the elevator as it traveled down.

"I guess I understand. You like the big strong manly type" she grinned at her room is. She only pestered him because she actually really did like him as a friend.
Hotel elevator

"Hate to ruin any fantasies for you, but I'm not into guys." Bors said rubbing the bridge of his nose between his fingers while shaking his head. "You also, forget that we have communal showers on the ship, So I have seen most everyone even if I didn't necessarily want to."

Bors sighed a bit before continuing, "Plus why would I sneak a peak at my roomate? If I pissed you off I really couldn't sleep at night then. Be too scared of a Marshmallow white poofy haired daemon with red-eyes trying to stab me in the middle of the night."
Hotel Elevator

Natsumi rolled her eyes. "Eh there is too much steam in there to see anything anyways" she commented. "And that's not the same" she shrugged and laced her fingers behind her head and relaxed against the wall the last few moments of it's trip down. The doors slid open with a ding of a bell, revealing the lobby once more. Natsumi's eyes snapped open and she kicked off, walking out of the elevator car and into the open and ornate lobby. "Well, shall we walk or get a cab to the shops?" she asked. "They are not far away so either will be quick"

She had a map of the area pulled up in her mind, locations marked out with directions ready if they needed them. She turned back to face the others and smiled. Reaching out she grabbed both their hands and dragged them along to the glass doors that would admit them back out into the open world.
Hotel - Elevator

Sienna wrinkled her forehead at Bors in condescending jest. "Like hell you're shared a shower with me," she scoffed. "I don't even go in there when the women are present, let alone you."

His next comment, however, made her look over at Natsumi, pause a beat, and sputter through pursed lips with a burst of laughter. She'd never thought of the white-haired, red-eyed Neko in that light, and now that Bors had pointed it out, she could see that Natsumi certainly could have a rather menacing appearance when irked, thanks to her coloration. But the way her bubbly, sickeningly outgoing and cuddly demeanor practically changed how she appeared on the outside contrasted so sharply with Bors's imagery that it was probably more comical to her than Bors had intended.

Wiping a few tears of laughter out of the corners of her eyes with the backs of her hands, she chortled a few more times as the elevator reached the ground floor. As Natsumi pulled her along, she replied with a shrug and an ear-to-ear smile, "Just lead on. I'm right behind you."
Hotel- Entrance

Izokia and Ayumi entered the Hotel together. Izokia was rather intimidated by the area, she moved closer to Ayumi since she was the only person she actually could recognize. "I think it would best if we found the restaurant. I feel like we are in the way."

Without waiting for a response from the fellow medic Izokia lightly grabbed her colleague and moved off to the elevators. The idea of being in a large room filled with people sent her paranoia into overdrive. She took a deep breath and composed herself as best she could. "I'm sure we'll figure out where to go...soon" She was constantly hoping for Ayumi to take the lead so that she could stop panicking for a minute and allow Ayumi to take charge.
Outside the YSS Eucharis

Deziarra sadly nodded making a mental note of her mistake.

"Not the most polite way or the most intelligent way to go," she agreed before answering the question. "Yes, we appear to be getting close."

She considered whether she was actually going to buy anything or simply browse. It would depend on what the stores had to offer, the quality of the products, and the price.
Hotel Lobby

"Well I'm glad you think its funny." Bors said mockingly to Sienna as he followed Natsumi out of the elevator. "This may be a serious issue for me in the future, hell with the way you're talking sounds like you want me to catch ya in your birthday buff so YOU can stab me. If you can't tell I'm not a fan of the stabbing." Bors shook his head, realizing that he might have just dug himself a deeper hole. Quickly changing the subject in an attempt to drive their attention away from he just said, "I just want to swing by the gun store, wanted to pick up a new piece for later bit of a present to myself. So either way is fine with me."

Kale blinked, "Now that you mention it, we didn't and it wasn't... guess I'll have to apologise this evening when we see the Shosho again."

The trio rounded the corner and entered a modestly sized plaza. The large and colourful displays at the other end denoted the front of the mall. There was somewhat of a crowd dashing about, doing their daily buisiness. One store proudly announced itself as being a supplier of 'Clothes for Special Occasions', they weren't exactly lacking either, a rather nice red and black oriental silk suit was hanging in the window. The main reason he was drawn to it however was because of the fact that it had an ornate dragon embroidered on the front in gold thread. He knew that he didn't have much in the way of formal attire with him save his uniforms and thus it might be prudent to purchase something nice for the dinner later and for future formal occasions. the price tag was an above average 200KS and Kale wavered for a moment, but it was a very nice suit. Like most clothing stores this one had nanites for fitting clothes, so getting the wrong size wasn't an issue.

"What do you two think of this one?" he asked.
Leaving the Hotel - Hanako's World Resort

Sienna jammed her tongue in her cheek as she looked back at Bors again, grinning even harder this time. There were so many things she could have said to that, but given how he had just softballed that one in like that, she almost felt bad taking a swing. It would have just been too easy. Instead, she only laughed again and shook her head, clucking her tongue a couple of times at him in a "tsk tsk" fashion.

The late afternoon made her squint as they walked back out from under the porte-cochère at the hotel's main entrance, but its warmth coupled perfectly with the sea breeze and distant sounds of the water ocean. It seemed like everything she'd experienced since getting away from the Eucharis was fueling an upward spiral to her mood, an seemingly self-perpetuating feedback loop of unprecedented good fortune and freely-granted luxuries of which she could only dream in the past. Every little thing lifted her spirits, which made her even more receptive to being cheered further by the next. If only Olaf could see her now.

Or Jacob, for that matter.

Her face fell a little bit when her thoughts involuntarily turned to her brother for a split second, but it was such a tiny change, and she was carrying herself with such silly excitement that she knew neither of the other two would notice. She had given it so little thought of late, with all of the constant excitement aboard the ship since she was taken aboard, something which now brought a heavy weight of guilt on her shoulders.

But such a time and the company she kept at that moment didn't call for such things. And there would be numerous opportunities to distract her mind on this dream world. Looking back at Bors, she nodded, again, still grinning and on the tail end of a laughing fit. "We'll drop you off there, then?" she asked, looking at Natsumi with raised eyebrows for confirmation. "I wanna get myself a gun too, but I think Natsumi has grand plans for me at the moment, at least up until Sune's shindig."
Outside the Hotel

Natsumi shrugged as she walked along the smooth paved sidewalk, enjoying the warm sun and cool sea breeze. "Well, guess guns and things that go boom are more your thing that pretty dresses and lace" she commented to Bors. "But, if you wanna take a look by there for a shooty thing of your own, we can before we go to Sune's dinner" she added to Sienna. "I think we should get the clothing out of the way first though, in case we run out of time"

The white haired neko had another file open in her mind, the one with the location and time for Sune's dinner party. It may very well be the last time she would see their now ex-Executive Officer and she did not want to miss it or be late. "I wouldnt mind taking a look at shooty things myself now that I think about it" she added offhandedly. She had her own service issue NSP of course, she was packing it at the moment even, but she wouldn't mind seeing what there was, pistol wise, beyond the current standard issue service pistol.

"Should we not find our rooms first?" Ayumi asked softly, her dufflebag slung heavily over her shoulder. It didn't bother her, but carrying it would probably get in the way. She looked at the other medic, her gaze drifting over Izokia's posture and her chest which was rising quicker due to her nervousness, then she settled on her face, "Are you not good with crowds?" She asked, running her fingers over her dufflebag's strap thoughtfully.

"Perhaps the best place would not be a restaurant then." Ayumi offered, "If you are hungry you could call for room service." There would certainly be less people in their hotel room... She hoped. If there weren't she'd probably have a complaint to file.

"I'm sure others have done worse with out an excess of problems afterword," the academic offered as kindly as her confidence would allow, "Let's see if we can find something nice to apologize in then."

Chieko smiled at how busy the shopping centre was and began to take note of the various places to check, building a hot list for the items she figured she needed. The young woman was part way through cataloguing her targets when one of another kind seemed to be fixated by something. She made her way closer to and behind Kale, then gently rested her hands on his shoulders - her chest stopping just short of touching his back - as she checked for what he was looking at.

"It looks good," she replied behind his left ear, "however I'd recommend going in and trying it on."

The scientist grinned devilishly with the delivery as the idea improved from soaking in her mind. Of course Chieko could easily imagine him in it, and admittedly the male technician would look cute in it; but she also knew that such things were better experienced than just seen.

Izokia collected her self long enough to offer Ayumi a reply, "No not really...There's just so many people. And you're probably right about that lets find the rooms...." Izokia thought she could hear a hint of concern in Ayumi's voice. She considered the fact for a moment before she noticed the next crowd coming out of the elevator. She held her bag against her chest, "I'll just follow your lead on this."
Cargo Bay

Junko’s eyes weren’t flashing now. They were hard, steely, and cold. It seemed to her that the good Nito Heisho had some problem with her. That was twice now that she had been blown off and she pretty sure she didn’t like it.

She took a moment, once the trio had all departed the Cargo Bay, to take a few deep breaths and working her hands to relax her physical tension. With her temper firmly sat on and her demeanor visibly calmer, she stooped to grab up her bags and, bowing politely to the crew still present, strode down the ramp to the tarmac. She wirelessly hailed a cab as she crossed the flight line and it appeared, perfectly on time, as soon as she left the landing field. She gave the driver the resort hotel’s information, but asked to be brought by a clothing store first. Her collection of civvies was minuscule, but moreover lacked anything formal enough for the Chusa’s dinner party.

The taxi pulled away from the curb and Junko leaned back in her seat. She had honestly just wanted to welcome Suzume to the NCO corps and ask how things were going, but it seemed that things weren’t going to be that simple. Eventually she’d get the new NCO face-to-face and sort everything out, as long as she could keep a lid on her temper. She smiled to herself at this brave new world of emotional ranges and interpersonal conflicts. If nothing else, it certainly gave her more things to fix than just starship systems.

When the three had gotten to the Wardroom, Takeyu waited and stood by the window before turning toward Mitsuko to address the last thing she had said. "It is not your decision to make on who stays and who goes, that decision is left entirely up to the captain and in some cases her First Officer," he gaze turned toward the door. "Sienna has problems, that's a fact, but she's also a civilian and you can't expect a civilian to just fall in line with us military folks."
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