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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post Mission 20] Back on Hanako's World

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Mitsuko was sandwiched between Takeyu and Misato as they moved further into the ship. She just kept her eyes on the path in front of her, nodding slightly to her roommate's rant. "I'm sorry, ma'am. It won't happen again, Heisho." Her voice was defeated, lifeless. Eventually she came to a stop in the Wardroom, barely lifting her eyes for a moment before her gaze settled on the ground again. She was glad she'd left her sunglasses on. "I'm sorry, sir. I understand, sir. There won't be any further incidents, Taii." She didn't sound sarcastic or petulant, just dispassionate. Her orders, what was expected of her, had been made clear. Fighting it wasn't going to accomplish anything.

Misato heard and saw the defeat form her roommate. Of coarse she would be upset over being told not to be an ass to company but really, she needed to get over it. Though when she used Misato's new rank Misato cringed a bit. She truly hated the sound of it. And If the Taii released them then she would have to meet up with the other Heisho, she kept putting it off, not that she really wanted to interact with her, she yelled at her the last time.

Takeyu nodded and placed a hand on Mitsuko's shoulder. "If you ever have problems with someone, be it a crewmen or a guest, never hesitate to talk an officer about it." He then looked over at Misato before going to leave the wardroom, he had a few things he needed to take care of before leaving the ship again. He did have to inform Hanako about what had happened, just so that she wouldn't be caught off guard in case any rumors or gossip started.

Misato was left there alone with Mitsuko. She really didn't know what to say or do. She wanted to reach out for her, but the distance gained in the past bit was a gulf she was afraid to cross. Dropping into a seat she dropped her head down on to the table to hide her face. lucky she only started to tear up after her forehead was resting on the cool surface. Every was screwed up, the promotion didn't help, if it wasn't for that she would have been there to stop Mitsuko from being such a brat, and maybe would have kept everything form exploding.

Above everything else she knew waiting out there was Heisho Junko, wanting to talk to her. Misato probably screwed something up and the NCO wanted to bitch her out for it. Well maybe the Heisho would demote her or something.'Hell Misato thought, 'Maybe i cna get a transfer some where else far away from all of this. Maybe some front line or something.' though the thought of going back to that ice ball of a planet with the rippers sounded grand also.

"Thank you, Taii." Mitsuko still didn't look up, nodding in response to Takeyu's parting suggestion. She heard him leave, sighing to herself. She just stood there for a few moments, gathering herself after this encounter. So far, this vacation hadn't gone very well. The Neko finally began to move again, looking up as she headed for the exit. Only to stop a moment later as she spotted her roommate. Mitsuko chewed her lip as she looked down at Suzume, not sure how to proceed.

"...Misato-Heisho? Are you...when you get to the hotel..." Her voice was still weak and tired, finding it hard to work up much strength after all of this. "...did you still want to share a room? Or...or are you staying with the Taii? Or Takeda-Heisho?" Mitsuko fidgeted with her sunglasses, which seemed a bit silly right now. "...d-do you need help packing?" She almost squeaked this out, unable to keep from worrying about her roommate, even with everything that had happened.

a small voice came from out form under the table. "I don't know... I really don't know." It was strained and drawn out, she wasn't sure she wanted to be around Mitsuko. "Do you even want me around?" She whispered as she sat there trying to figure out everything that had been piling up on her. She sat up, her face glistened from the tears.

"I mean, I can't deal with you hating people and doing things like that. I don't care for Sienna but she needs something more then where we found her. Why is it wrong for us to help her." Her voice was raising but it no longer held any strength. "We have everything here, and yet you can't share?"

Leaning to one side she drew out one of her pistols. and tossed it on the table so it slid over to Mitsuko. "Here make room for her, I'll give up my rights here if it make a difference." Misato's eyes glared at her friend with anger and fear. "I won't stay here if you can't accept people. I can't live with out giving, everything I do is giving my self for others. You, Bors, the Taii and Shosho, I would give everything for, including my life. I can't deal with it."

"Of course I do...I thought you didn't want me hanging around, bothering you." Mitsuko felt tears welling up as she saw Misato's own tear-streaked face. And then the moment was ruined. She couldn't believe Misato still wanted to berate her for this. She just turned away as her roommate glared at her like that. "There will be no more problems, as you requested, Misato-Heisho." The Neko headed for the exit. "Excuse me. I need to recover my luggage before anything happens to it." She quickly turned to give the other Neko a hasty bow, before leaving the room to head for the Cargo Bay. It was no use talking to anyone on this ship right now, obviously. She'd just concentrate on getting to her hotel room and hiding out there for the rest of the day. Mitsuko wasn't looking forward to dinner, but there was no way she'd turn down Sune's invitation.

Misato sat there for a few minutes letting tear fall. She stared at the pistol she had place on the table. It was tempting, but she knew it would just jump her back to the tube. She picked it up and dropped it into her holster as she stood and walked to her cabin.

She tossed a few of her clothes into a back and then sent a message to the Heisho.

 Ma'am I am sorry about the timing so far, is there somewhere you would like to meet.
I have nothing left going on for the rest of leave. So anywhere at any time you want me to 
report to you. 

With a sigh she sent it before grabbing a few last things before heading out the door.

As she approached the cargo bay she raced out and down to the Sho'sho', "Ma'am permission to debark the ship." She only then realized there were still tears rolling down her cheeks.

Deziarra gave Chieko and Kale some space, but kept reasonably close so they would not get separated. She too had nothing formal to wear other than her uniform.

"I think it would look good on you," Deziarra remarked to Kale. "How much you want to spend is up to you, of course. While we're here, I should get something formal for myself. Any recommendations?"

Although she valued their opinion, they could not decide her own personal tastes. Ultimately it was something she would have to decide for herself.
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Shinjuku Market District

Junko stepped out onto the sidewalk and took a deep breath. She was feeling a bit weighed down by the numerous bags she was carrying and a touch forlorn at the heft of her KS card, which she could swear was lighter than when she had started, but all in all she felt good. It had taken a bit of money, sure, but that was what it was for after all. The taxi was still idling as she had requested and the driver hopped out to help her with her bags as she approached. Once they were all arranged inside the aircar, Junko entered herself and sighed contentedly as she settled into the seat.

She had a new, fresh set of uniforms and equipment from a Star Army Clothing Store and thanks to the last store, Rindle Sisters, a few tasteful pieces of civilian clothing of varying degrees of formality. The skirt suit she had chosen wasn’t particularly high fashion or flashy, but it was pretty and Junko was happy with it. The most expensive purchase was settled around her left wrist: a shiny new Type 34 Multifunction Bracelet. The item was very useful to be sure but in all honesty it was mainly a new toy, a treat for herself.

Distracted by her new purchases and the taxi’s progression toward the hotel, Junko missed the new message at first. It was only when she linked her bracelet to the network and synced it with her message traffic that she noticed it. She was surprised but gratified to see it and let herself hope everything might go smoothly after all.

To: Misato Suzume-Nito Heisho

Nito Heisho,

I am pleased you have found the time to meet with me. This is not a formal meeting so no official
reporting in is necessary. In any event, I was hoping that we might meet before the dinner tonight.
I am presently arriving at the hotel so perhaps we could meet in the main floor bar. Please inform
me if this is suitable and how soon you might be able to meet me.


Takeda Junko-Itto Heisho

No sooner had Junko sent the message than the taxi pulled up at the main entrance to the resort. She didn’t even have a chance to open the door herself before a valet had whisked it open while a bellhop began collecting her bags. Assisted by the sturdy young men, she made it through check in and to her room in no time. She appreciated the special attention that being a guest of the Shosho afforded her, even if it was a bit embarrassing; she made sure to tip the youths well before they left.

Not wanting to bother with her bags for the moment, she headed straight back down the lobby. The hotel’s restaurant had a bar of its own but the crew would be spending enough time there later that night. Instead, she found a quiet corner table in the bar area on the main floor, ordered a cup of tea, and settled in to wait to hear from Suzume.
En Route to Town

Sienna nodded in agreement with Natsumi. "Makes sense," she replied. In truth, she was more concerned over selecting her new sidearm, and didn't want to be rushed. There would be a staggering array of options, given what she'd seen so far of this place, and she had no idea when or if she would ever have the chance to return to any place like it. It was a decision that would have to be made with the utmost of care, taking into account the weapon's weight, comfort, power, concealability, portability, capacity, and perhaps most importantly, the simplicity of its design. She could ill afford to spend a huge chunk of money on a flashy new weapon that would be rendered utterly useless on the fringe worlds if it were to malfunction and there was no one who had the know-how or the parts to repair it. She may have never had much of an arsenal at her fingertips aside from her wits, but she was no stranger to weapons.

Dresses and fancy-pants, however, that she was a total stranger to. She wouldn't even have any clue where to begin, and she worried that even with Natsumi's help, she'd likely be completely lost. She didn't have any idea what was considered fashionable in Yamataian society, locally or universally, or even much of Nepleslian society for that matter. Neither did she know how well-versed the white haired Neko was in fashion sense, but she felt that she was slightly more secure in putting her faith in Natsumi's advice as she was in trusting a stranger at a sales counter trying to push her most expensive wares on her.

"So," she said as they walked, clapping her hands and rubbing her palms together. "You know your way around. Where do we go to get gussied up?"
Cargo bay

As Misato waited for Hanako to respond she received and returned a message back to the Heisho.

 I will be there shortly, I am traveling there via Hover bike so it shouldn't be long.
Again I apologize for the delay.


She stood there in the sun, she felt the need to hide from everything but the only thing she knew would work is throwing herself back into work. If she was going to be the new hate NCO then there for that was what she had to work on.

"This was a terrible embarrassment to have you arguing within earshot when I was there handling first contact with our alien guest," Hanako complained to Mitsato and Mitsuko. "What kind of first impression do you think that would give someone? Get yourselves together and start acting like professionals! You are dismissed and may debark."
Cargo bay.

"Yes Ma'am."

Misato bowed and then turned, heading off towards her bike. luckily she had everything she wanted to bring in a backpack. Throwing her leg over her bike and throttled it up. racing through the streets she sent a message to the Heisho that she was on her way.


She landing her hoverbike on front of the hotel and handed the keys off to the valet. When the man came to take her bag she declined. "I'll hold on to it for now, thank you. Which way to the bar." The young man point to a side room and bowed as she started off towards it. Before she entered she took a moment to square herself. A deep breath and popping her neck she started in and found Heisho Junko.

"Reporting as orderer... err Here i am Ma'am." She stood there trying not to stand at attention. It looked pretty awkward, that mixed with her puffy eyes and tear stains she looked a fright.

Ayumi watched for a moment how Izokia was acting. Her own dislike for crowds not showing simply because she wasn't being engaged by the crowd. She nodded in the direction of the desk, letting Izokia know which direction she was going in, "I will check us in, you may stay here." Moving within the large room full of people seemed like a bad idea for Izokia, so Ayumi began cutting across the crowd silently, without breaking it. It was mere moments before she was at the desk, giving her and Izokia's names, their ranks and so on. She retrieved two room keys, and then set back across the lobby to find Izokia again.

As she came up on her colleague she held out the second key, and shared the map of the hotel as well as their room location wirelessly. It seemed odd to her that any soldier would actually be afraid of crowds, but perhaps it was different since she was a medic. With the slightest nod Ayumi lead the way into the elevator, and pushed the button to go to their respective floor.
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko thought she'd been moving fast enough to leave the ship before Misato caught up, but they were both in the empty Cargo Bay long enough to be caught by the captain. Everything that had happened so far left her reaction somewhat dulled. "Yes ma'am. I'm sorry, Shosho." She'd been expecting to hear some sort of chastisement from Hanako, and Murakami just seemed resigned to her fate. Making sure she bowed even lower than Misato, she retrieved her luggage and exited down the ramp.

Misato's hoverbike zipped off into the distance as she paused near the Eucharis. Shrugging, the Neko simply began walking. She had no plans and no one to meet. A long walk sounded quiet and peaceful, after all of this. Maybe she would stop for a snack, since she'd skipped breakfast to help Victory get everything settled in the Cargo Bay.
Shopping District

All thought of guns, firearms and pistols was pushed to the back of Yamashiro Natsumi's mind as she, Sienna and Bors arrived in the shopping district. "Well, getting all gussied up is easy really, once we have all the right parts" she grinned to the Nepleslian. "First we need to find a nice dress for you and me, then we can pop off somewhere and get our hair n makeup all done up" she explained. "There are plenty of places that will do all the hard stuff for us, will be fun to be pampered a bit, especially after all we've been through" While she was always cheerful and bubbily, Natsumi was not often girly like she was operating now. Most the time she stuck to her uniforms and attention to duty, but now on vacation, she could relax and indulge a little.

Natsumi came to a stop in front of one of the shops that she had bought clothes from the last time the Eucharis had been to Hanako's World. It mostly sold woman's clothing, but it did have a small men's department, enough she figured to keep Bors entertained, she hoped. "Lets start here, they have all kinds of nice stuff here" she stated and dragged bother her companions in as she still held onto their hands.

"Now remember Bors-San" she turned to her roomie, looking him dead in the eyes. "No peeking when Sienna-San and I when we change, or Imma get you good" she said in mock seriousness, then laughed, she figured this would round out enough pestering of Bors for now and turned her attention back to Sienna. "I think we need to find you a nice evening gown, something elegant would do for you" she grinned, already thinking of color combinations that would go well with her hair and eyes.
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Kale stiffened slightly when he felt the hands land on his shoulders, though after a moment he relaxed somewhat.

"Reminds me of home" he said absently, the fabric was the same colour as the sunset over the lake that was right by his ancestral home. "And yes I think I will. Kale looked over at Deziarra with a somewhat critical eye. "I think midnight blue might suit you well, perhaps if you like more metallic colours bronze or silver. Depends what sort of style you like really. I'm no expert when It comes to picking out clothes."

Entering the store he spoke quickly with the one of staff members on duty. Apparently, according to the old lady he spoke to, the shop was a family run business that designed and made all their own range of clothes. She motioned another woman over, more of a teenager actually who was apparently her grand-daughter, the one who had designed the suit that Kale was interested in. Having taken the suit from the display and tried it on the young technician found it fitted very well for a start, the auto-fitting nanites changing some of the dimensions of the fabric to suit his lithe frame. To finish off the ensemble the owner handed him a gold belt.

"That looks nice dear but I think that this will complete the picture," she paused as Kale fitted gold silk strip about his waist. "Ah, there we go young one."

Kale turned to his companions, a wide grin on his face. "Do you like it?"

Izokia breathed a sigh of relief as she got into the elevator. She looked at Ayumi "I'm sorry I don't know what happened there. I just do that sometimes, civilian life wasn't really for me." She was horribly embarrassed that Ayumi had to see her like that, even though shes already witnessed Izokia at her worst.

When the elevator reached their floor Izokia stepped off first and began her trek to their room. "So what should we do after we eat." She was feeling more relaxed since the number of people in the hallway was incredibly smaller then lobby.
Little Family Run Shop

Chieko smiled more pleasantly at Kale's response and let him go as Deziarra asked her question. She could see the colours Kale suggested, but she wondered if the darker ones would make the Neko look too ghostly.

"We should check a few colours against you to see how you feel about them," the scientist offered the female technician, "Styling would have to depend on what features you wish to emphasize, or de-emphasize if you are more reserved about them. Although, looking at you, the second option would be a shame in my opinion."

The academic entered after Kale and looked around to see what else they had while he was getting fitted. The place was quaint, but Chieko found very little wrong with that. She ran her hand over a rack of dresses looking for colours that popped in her mind and textures that made her shiver with delight. When the male Minkan was shown off again, the young woman looked over and smiled with surprised delight for mere seconds before adjusting to something slightly more wicked.

She gave a wolf whistle and came forward complementing him, "You really do look good in this. It would be a shame if you don't pick it up."
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