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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post Mission 20] Back on Hanako's World

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Cargo Bay

Natsumi was going to make a comment to Sienna when Sune issued the command to fall in. The Operator quickly fell into place according to her rank with the crisp precision that would make any academy drill instructor smile with satisfaction. She took a deep breath and awaited what was coming. She knew there were going to be some promotions to fill in gaps in the command structure. Who, she did not know, but she did know the Operations department was missing out on a department leader since Ramiro had left the Eucharis
Cargo Bay

Once the crew was assembled, Shosho Hanako stood off the the side and created a small 1x4 formation out of the ship's officers. "Eucharis officers, fall in! Dress right...dress! Ready, front!" Hanako was on one end, followed by Sune, Takeyu, and Blackberry. Meanwhile, Junko, as the highest-ranking NCO, would lead the enlisted formation. Hanako hastily sent everyone a diagram image of how the formations would end up outside, with the officers up front to hand out the promotions and the enlisted in a block formation.

At this point, the band outside began to play a drum-heavy marching tune.

"Officer group! Right...face! File from the right, column right! March!" Hanako maneuvered her small group, leading her way down the cargo ramp and out onto the airfield to a position under the ship's port-side wing. "Group, halt. Left face!"

As the band played, a small crowd joined them on the field, made up of local officials, journalists, and fleet and local Star Army personnel, hoping to see the notable crew and captain in person.
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"Well we better hop to shouldn't we?" She said to Bors before she put her breakfast stuffs away. She hurried down to the cargo-bay.


Misato stood there watching the group mill around until the Shosho called for the officers to fall in. Misato stood there quietly and watch waiting for the NCO to call for her to fall in. All the while she had wondered who was going to get rank advances and who wouldn't.
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko was quite relieved when Sune appeared and took command. Settling into formation and following commands was something she could handle. The Neko could think on her feet and do what needed to be done in emergencies, when she was forced to, but she was never very good with surprises. It was always much simpler when she had orders to follow. Only Chieko and Victory were there at first, but soon the other Itto Hei crew members stood with her.

She watched the officers head out first, blushing at the crowd milling about outside. This was going to be even more embarrassing than the ceremony on the space station, especially if she started crying in front of all these strangers.
Cargo Bay

With Hanako’s instructions fresh in her mind, Junko turned toward the assembled enlisted crewmembers.

“Eucharis enlisted, fall in!” She took the lead position in the file and had her shipmates dress down as the officers formed up and marched out. Satisfied with their condition she called out, “Ready, front. Right, face. Forward, march!”

Her marching steps were precise, a sort of mental metronome counting out the cadence in her head as she issued the orders to follow the officers’ formation. It had been a long time since she had had any practice in close order drill, but today they were upholding the honor of the Shosho and the Eucharis in front of all of these people and she was not about to let anything mar that.

Seeing the officers halt, she marched her file with the officers a couple of meters to their left.

“Column, halt.” Her feet slid together with a click and she straightened her spine at the position of attention. “Column of twos from the right, march!” This maneuver was slightly more complex; Junko stood fast with the front half of the file while the rear half performed a Column Half Right, marching up alongside the front half until coming abreast of her.

Waiting a beat after the second column halt, Junko drew in a breath. “Left, face!”

She pivoted sharply, bringing her feet back together again with another click. With any luck, her shipmates had remembered their close order drill and the officers would now be presented with the ship's company in two crisp rows facing them at attention.
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Cargo Hold

Even though it had been years since Sune had performed close order drilling, it was easy with a digital memory to recall every move. He was however just a little surprised by Hanako mentally broadcasting to the crew. She rarely ever would communicate with that method. 'She must have some idea of who is behind this, and wants to make sure that the crew looks good for them.' he thought.

A few moments later they were standing out in the open, feeling the sunshine, and sea breeze on their skin.
Cargo Bay

Sienna shoved her fingers into her pockets, hooking her thumbs through her front belt loops as she watched from behind the rank-and-file procession marching as one entity down the ramp and out into the airfield. Pouting her lower lip out slightly in a mildly impressed expression, she couldn't help but find the way they all managed to move their legs at exactly the same moment, range, and swing. Even their arm swings were in unison. It was interesting to watch, she had to admit, but in the same sense as watching a juggler perform tricks with flaming knives. It showed a lot of dedicated practice and was neat to look at, but ultimately served no real purpose that she could understand. But the entourage gathering in the field that stretched out before the opening to the cargo bay looked impressed enough, as their applause and cheers crescendoed into a small roar once the parade of soldiers stepped into the sunlight.

She casually strolled down the ramp after the two phalanxes had set foot on the ground and smartly turned for one of the ship's wings, her fingers still jammed into her pockets, and looked up at the pristine sky. She drew a deep breath of the salty-sweet air, and closed her eyes as the warm yellow sun's rays caressed her face, neck, shoulders, and arms. She hadn't been dwelling on it until now, but the incredible sensation made her impatient to see the world's oceans. She had only seen an actual water ocean once when she was very young, and she scarcely remembered the experience. From what she saw from orbit, this planet was shrouded in them.

The cheering of the gathered crowd swelled again, and she looked back down, surveying the airfield around her. Even the spaceport looked spotless, like it had been scrubbed, polished and carefully manicured every single day of its existence. She'd never seen anything like it. She looked out into the people massed around the ship. Most of them looked important, or at least they were dressed snappily enough to want others to think they were important. Several wore Star Army uniforms, and many others were in civilian clothes, pushing and straining over one another as they shoved vidcorders and microphones over each other's heads and between shoulders, trying to capture a recording of the Eucharis crew. Sienna raised her eyebrows again. Her benefactors seemed to be celebrities, apparently.

Not far away from her, she spotted the robed figure of the alien they'd taken from the dreamworld, taking in the sights as well, holding a couple of funny-looking implements in its hands on whose function Sienna could only hypothesize. She tilted her head slightly, squinting in the bright sunlight as she watched it curiously for a second, before turning her head back to the formalities unfolding under the ship's wing.
Cargo Bay/Parade Field Thingy.

Quickly after taking his spot, Bors was marching down the cargo bay in formation to the beat of the marching band.

"Damn dog and pony shows.." He thought to himself as they marched past the throng of people and came to attention facing the officers. Part of him actually kind of enjoyed these things, but for the most part he wanted to get this over and have leave started, he felt like having a coconut drink with the atmosphere on this planet.
Cargo Bay

Kale fell in next to his crewmates. He wasn't used to this sort of attention and was sweating slightly under the gaze of the waiting natives. Thankfully he had managed to fight down his furious blush between leaving the wardroom and forming up, marching with the rest of them he had to admit that it made for an impressive sight... for those who had never been in space themselves that is. He could see more then one face in the crowd looking on at the captain in something approaching awe.

He stopped and came to attention as the column halted. Thankfully due to his, rather prone to anger, superior officer at the academy marching formations were one of the things that he had made sure to memorise. After all If not executed properly it reflected badly on the crew and its captain, and captains didn't often respond well to being embarrassed, especially in the public eye.
The band played the national anthem. As it finished, Hanako's voice boomed out from some wireless speakers that had been wheeled out for the occasion. "Testing." Blackberry handed Hanako a stack of badges and patches.

"Thank you everyone for coming. The Star Army of Yamatai exists to ensure the survival of our nation and to fight our enemies by using skill, thought, and effective action to combat our enemies and aid our allies. Without the combined and coordinated efforts of individual soldiers, the Star Army would not be able to function. As soldiers in the Star Army there are great expectations put upon you as outlined in the Star Army creed," Hanako opened.

Together, the crew recited the creed as a group:
  • I am soldier of the Star Army of Yamatai…an expert in combat and exploration; a warrior ready to destroy our enemies where ever they are found.
  • I am a dignified professional, highly trained and highly disciplined – I will act in a manner that reflects well on the Star Army. I will maintain my mind, body, and equipment in constant readiness. I will take pride in my starship or unit and work hard to make it the Star Army’s finest.
  • I am loyal to the Empress. I will follow her orders and the orders of those appointed over me. I serve the people of Yamatai; I will never betray their trust in me and I will always do what's right.
Hanako continued: "Those of you who continue to meet these expectations, who take charge and are proactive, and perform expertly in your occupation will be recognized and rewarded. On this day it brings me great pleasure to reward the continuing service of my dedicated crew through these dangerous and uncertain times. The trust the Star Army and I place in their valor, loyalty, and professional excellence continues to be proven and I hope that they continue their path of growth in skill and character. In view of these qualities and demonstrated, battle-tested leadership I am promoting them as follows...
  1. Misato Suzume, from Itto Hei to Nito Heisho,
  2. Riko Bors, from Itto Hei to Joto Hei,
  3. Yamashiro Natsumi, from Itto Hei to Joto Hei,
  4. Murakami Mitsuko, from Itto Hei to Joto Hei,
  5. Koizumi Chieko, from Santo Hei to Nito Hei,
  6. Orshiro Izokia, from Santo Hei to Nito Hei,
  7. Satonaka Ayumi, from Santo Hei to Nito Hei,
  8. Namach Kale, from Santo Hei to Nito Hei,
  9. Deziarra Lansky, from Santo Hei to Nito Hei,
Ketsurui Hanako
Commander, YSS Eucharis."

The Shosho smiled. "At ease. Congratulations, everyone," Hanako told them, applauding them along with the crowd. "Promotees, please come up to get your new rank pins and patches."

As each crew member came to go down the line of officers, Hanako shook his/her hand and handed out the new uniform sleeve rank patches and a metal rank badge.

Once everyone had got their promotions, the band began to play the tune of the YSS Eucharis ship song for the crew to sing along to:
  • Eucharis, Eucharis, we love you!
  • You're strong and tough in all you do,
  • Eucharis, Eucharis, we love you!
  • We'll take good care of you.
  • Eucharis Eucharis, we love you!
  • You keep a very lively crew!
  • Serve the Star Army! Fight the enemy!
  • Charisma, do the best that you can do!
"Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today's ceremony. Thank you for attending and be sure to congratulate our recently-promoted crew members," Hanako closed. "Fall out!" she commanded the formation.
After the ceremony Sune took a moment to congratulate each of the crew members who received a promotion.

He walked over to Hanako and gave her a bow.

"Ma'am, I am relinquishing my claim on the Firebird. I would respectfully ask that when she is next in for service that the
Mnemosyne Rosalba be replaced with a standard model, and returned to me on Yamatai. I need to go back up my effects. I will say my goodbyes once I am done."

He saw Sienna standing off by herself. He walked over to her. "Hello Sienna. I am leaving the Eucharis. However, I still wish to assist you in getting a firearm of your own. When I get my possessions, I will have a KS Card with me in your name. It will have 10,000 KS on, which should be sufficient to purchase whatever firearm you want, and have some money of your own for whatever you wish to purchase. Once again, you have my sincerest thanks for your assistance." He said with a simple bow. "I will be back in a few minutes.

He then made his way back into the Eucharis. He took out his communicator and sent a message to Takeyu. "Hey, I am having Emiko bring the ISC Raia here to pick me up. If you wish I can have her contact your sisters and bring them here so they can spend the holidays with you. If you want? I do not know what plans you are making. Just let me know. I have retired from the Star Army. I need to go pack up my personal affects. We need to get together tonight perhaps for a meal or at least a couple of drinks. " He then contacted his charity and requested a KS Card in the amount he specified for Sienna.

Sune returned to the cabin that he had shared with Hanako. It had not felt like home yet, but it had felt pretty close. He thought.

He set about the task of efficiently sorting out his possessions into two piles. Personal and military.

Sune then changed into a pair of black slacks, and a teal shirt. He put on the Personal Holographic Computer that had been a gift on his wrist. He put all of his personal items into the rolling luggage that Hanako had given him a year ago. Items that were too large for the luggage he put into a box for shipping to the hotel he was going to stay at.

He laid his communicator on the top of his uniforms along with this standard issue side arm. He took the NSP-27, and NSP-28 he had acquired and placed them on the bed. He wrote a note and laid it on top of them.

I acquired these over the years. As I am now leaving the military I can not keep such weapons. So I am giving them to you. Perhaps you can use them in your memorabilia collection.

Sune then picked up the various issued items and took them down to the hold. Attached was a written inventory that he had signed, along with a note to Victory to dispense as appropriate.
He then carried the boxed items of his possessions down to the cargo hold, he stacked them near the ramp so that logistics could get them easily and ship them.

He returned for the last time to Hanako's cabin. He grabbed his luggage and made his way back down to the hold. Along the way he spoke with Charisma. "It has been an honor to serve with you Charisma. Take care of Hanako, and yourself. "

He then left the room his luggage in tow for the hold.
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Takeyu smiled at the list of promotions, everyone deserved them considering the hell they've been through. When the ceremony was over, he congratulated the newly promoted and was about to walk away when he got Sune's message. A big smile appeared on his face for a moment as he glanced upward toward the sky and nodded, then he tapped his communicator to send a reply. "That would be a great idea actually, the two haven't been off Yamatai in awhile and I'm sure they'd be happy to come. And it would be great spending some time with them, they've also asked about you in their letters, I think they miss you."
Digital memory certainly was a beautiful thing as the commands began and continued; but in a group executing movements so precisely, each synchronous bang and step. It was all Chieko could do to keep from smiling too much as the Minkan felt as if she had grown two inches in her mind when they were finally standing in rank again. The feeling continued through the Star Army Creed, to the point where she felt she may burst.

The promotion however, was the final nail and the scientist began to visibly fight with the smile on her face. She went about receiving that promotion in an orderly fashion when her time came, happily bowing receiving the congratulations offered along the way until returning to her original place in the formation. Chieko then gladly sang with whom ever else did when the band went into the ship's song.

Once the command to fall out was given, the academic targeted Natsumi, Izokia, Ayumi, and Kale, but made sure she gave congratulations to the others whom had been promoted. She also gave Misato an extra special congratulation that almost ended up shaky, as she recalled the phantom ripper conversation she had with the Neko before. Upon noticing how she delivered it, Chieko admonished herself inside, but pulled herself back to her usual confidence before seeing what everyone else would do.
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Marching was simple enough, Ayumi's memory fairing her well as she and the rest of the crew were marched out after their superior officers. Her expression remained even, calm, and completely neutral. Reciting the creed was a second nature to her, her memory once more delivering the information she needed without complaints or problem. The medic was struck a little bit shocked, however, as her promotion was announced.

It was with slightly widened eyes that Ayumi walked up to accept her promotion, bowing lowly to her captain before offering a salute. She looked down at her patch and pin with the softest smile on her face, and then returned to her place in rank. She received her congratulations from Chieko, returning a soft, almost embarrassed, one of her own. It was only a single rank, but Ayumi was humbled to have received it. She had not felt like she had done anything note worthy.

The medic also offered a shy congratulations to Izokia, before her gaze turned forward and she watched the ceremony finish. She offered her voice to the song only softly, her singing voice certainly not one of her strong points. Upon being dismissed, the medic continued to stand where she had been, feeling confused as to what to do now.
Misato Marched and quoted and sang. As Bors would have put it "the puppy and horse shows." She stood at attention planning out the best escape routes to a bar after this ceremony got over, but then her name was call, and the new rank. Misato's eye grew three sizes that day. Walking up to receive her pins and patches she realized she had skipped a whole rank. Maybe she could ask the Shosho, to officially give her that rank for three seconds or something so she could have the patches and pins for her collection.

Bowing to the Shosho as she received the promotion she thanked her then turned back to the lines of troops. Some of them where now hers. The combat teams... Oh lords, Bors! She wasn't sure she could ever order him around, they were partners in crime. Not NCO and Enlisted. Then there was the problem with her and Mitsuko. She was full of thought as she stood there back in line.

Her final decision came when the order to fall out came, she would talk to Takeyu, about all of this, he would have the right answers.

When Chieko congratulated her, she was too shaken up over the whole idea that she didn't notice the biologist's own shakiness. Or she might have leaned and warned her again about he boogie rippers and their favorite hunting spot, tropical planets.

She looked around at the crowd and the people around her. spotting Takeyu she sent a message to his communicator.
 Sir, uh.. can we meet up in a bar or something soon, I would like to talk to you... it's urgent.

Then she turned to both Bors and Mitsuko, "Congratulations you two.... I hope you guys wear those proudly. I will never make that rank." she tried to joke as she fumbled with the rank concepts even more.
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Sune sent a reply to Takeyu. "Okay I will instruct Emiko to pick them up. Kindly send them word that she will be coming. I am going to be staying temporarily in the Ketsurui Resort Hotel. At least until I am ready to leave for Yamatai. "

He then using his PHC he contacted the Resorts network site. He made arrangements to reserve an activity room in the Princess Dunes restaurant for this evening.

Sune then had Charisma send a message to all hands.

To All Crew Members of the Eucharis
Subject: Dinner

You are all invited to come to the Princess Dunes restaurant tonight at 8pm in the Ketsurui Resort Hotel.

Jalen Sune.
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"Will do Princess, pardon me for my rudeness Princess Heisho" Bors said chuckling and patting his friend on the shoulder. "They had to put someone in charge of us rag tags and I couldn't think of a better one."

Feeling his communicator buzz, he whipped it out of his pocket and took a look. Reading Sune's message he came up with an idea.

"Tell you what Boss... no can't use that already use that for Takeyu, I'll think of a better one later... Tell you what I owe a few people some drinks I'll get you one as well as a congrats after dinner tonight..."

Bors was about to go on but his communicator buzzed again, taking a look his cheerful expression was replaced by one of a bit of concern and worry as his eyes scanned the typed script.


Congrats on the promotion, it looks good on you in that uniform though I prefer you in the one you wore about seven years ago. Meet me at the Tower Suits off Juno at 11pm.

An Old friend

"Hate to do this but I'm gonna have to reschedule for later this week, something just came up."
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Natsumi grinned as Hanako gave her the new pin and patch that now denoted the snowy white haired operator was now a Joto Hei, a senior enlisted woman.

"Thank you, Shosho" she said, blushing and bowing deeply to the Admiral.

She was in a daze for the remainder of the ceremony, carrying on with the others in the songs and pleasantries. Then they were dismissed. They were free from duty. She smiled broadly as she looked at the shiny badge in her hands. Then Chieko came and congratulated her.

"Thank you!" she said to the scientist, "Congrats to you too, Nito Hei" she grinned. So much was happening in a short time. She wanted to go back to her cabin and get her stuff packed and get into her civilian clothes and be ready to go on leave, but then a note came in from Sune about dinner. She knew he was leaving the ship and dinner with him and the crew would be nice.

"I will be there"
she replied to him wirelessly.
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Had been shaken after the whole experience on the dream world and hadn't spoken much since. But when Hanako read her name off in the list of promotions it sent her mind back into it's usual somewhat nervous state.

"Congratulations to you too Ayumi." Izokia was also lost as to where to go she didn't really have anyone to follow at that moment. She looked for Ayumi who also appeared to be lost in group, "Ummm what do you plan to d with your leave time." She asked her colleague in her normal quiet voice.
Landing Area

Sienna watched the ceremonious proceedings with detached attention from the edge of the gathered crowd, her stance relaxed and shifted slightly to the side with her fingers still in her pockets and thumbs in her belt loops. The song they sang was... interesting... to say the least. She had never known a ship whose crew had dedicated a song to it, so she certainly didn't know what she had expected, but it wasn't that.

Regardless, the chestnut-haired Nepleslian stood silently watching as the promotions were rattled off and everyone went up to claim their shiny new uniform ornaments. She applauded when everyone else did, albeit unenthusiastically, mostly just to keep from appearing to overtly insult the new promotees rather than from any true sense of pride or congratulations. Soon enough the pomp and circumstance ended, and the crowd started to mingle and gradually disperse as everyone congratulated each other on their new ranks and some newly earned down time.

Before she had the chance to blend into the crowd, she spotted Sune walking purposefully over to her, so she offered him a nonchalant nod. She raised her eyebrows when he told her he was leaving the ship, both because she was slightly surprised to hear it, and because she wasn't sure why he felt obligated to tell her. But then he continued, reminding her of his offer to purchase her a firearm of her own, and she couldn't help but grin a little more. tilting her head slightly to the side as she placed her palms on her lower back, listening. "Glad I didn't have to force you to make good on that," she teased.

When he told her about the sum of money he would be giving her for said purchase, however, she almost swallowed her tongue. As Sune walked away, she could only stand there, her eyes nearly bulging from her face, and her jaw slack as she watched him go, completely at a loss for words.

Ten... thousand?? she thought.

She'd never seen that much money in her life, in any currency. Surely he was kidding with her, despite the fact that she'd never witnessed him have a sense of humor at all in her presence. She clamped her mouth shut, trying as hard as she could not to let her joy bubble out of her in an idiotic display of excitement, but despite her best efforts, a little squeak managed to leak out of her throat as she tensed up with her fists clenched, shaking slightly as if she were about to burst. She had no idea what she'd done to gain such a prize, nor did she care one whit.
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