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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post-Mission 24] Edges (YE 38)

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Eucharis 4th Deck

Aikiko saw the other disperse from the entrance to the P.A. Bay. She rose silently using her innate ability to manipulate gravity and movement in zero-g. She glimpse into the P.A. Bay in passing, seeing only the back of Mao. Since no weapons were drawn, she continued on up pass the third level, putting her UOCPF service energy pistol away in her satchel amongst the stuff she carried with her.

As she landed on the second deck, lounge side of the central passageway. She saw that the Shosho was busy with the departing Candon and the XO and their attention mostly focused on the deck below. She just moved on without acknowledgement; unless they addressed her first; as if they were crew members busy with matters that didn't concern her. It was her way of showing polite respect to others.

She felt the eyes upon her as she moved with a casualness that no matter how much military training was instilled in her could erase as she, with practiced ease, ignored the 'watched' feeling. Moving with a slowness without a worry or care in the world. In this case, universe, floating in space.

The red neko just gazed at Taharial for a moment, not sure of what to say. Tsuguka was no armor designer. This simplistic suit was meant for the nightmare... A concept that would remain a daydream, probably, but one she felt like she could share. The hand still holding the communicator simply deactivated the display, and placed it away again wordlessly.

But, what did the winged girl actually want?... Her abs contorted within the woman's thighs, as her mind ran through the clutter of combat tactics, untried melee attacks, unconventional uses for firearms that filled her head. Taharial may have subdued the woman's feeling of obsolescence, but that cold logical background noise was still Tsuguka's lifeblood.

How could she explain the random and baroque emotions that simply came to her, without her own understanding? In that instant, the former automaton began to understand why it was said every person was an island.

"...I had a dream last night..." The lynx made a somber face, looking slightly away whilst running her fingers through the angel's hair again. "We all gave up fighting on the Eucharis, and moved into a vast mansion. It had a huge dirty underground cellar. Rows of ancient pillars. I get the room on the third floor, which is very old, with mahogany wood plus grey paint on the walls. I feel something is wrong, but fall sleep on the bench regardless..."

"In this sleep-within-a-sleep, I fought these white phantom vines. They wanted my body. We fly about the vast cellar. There is no real conclusion, but I see it's face in the black... Then, I awake back to the first dream, but nobody will talk to me, as if I have done something terrible."

"What do you think it meant, Taharial-Hei?"
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"I'm totally fine with being a weenie," he responded almost casually, "I didn't think the reactor heat would be a problem either until it cooked everything in my chest. Nothings perfect, even insulating materials get hot."

'Why Hanako-Hime, WHY!!!' he thought to himself, sharply exhaling frustration as Wazu spoke. He just couldn't understand why the man had to ruin a moment of triumph with his presence. "Good evening, Mr. Bazu," he greeted as neutrally as ever.

"Jackson-Chama, you've done it," He said patting Jax on the shoulder, "This is perfect, how long do you think it will take to build and install these on all of our primary armors?"

Jax smiled, and for laughs, stuck the baseball to the vent, then watched it melt off when the grille was activated. He giggled like a child.

"All of them...?" he pondered. He took a moment to scratch his chin. "Eh, gimme three days, tops."

"Alright! Next on the list..." Jax exhaled, turning to face Wazu. "A medical device?"
YSS Eucharis, Fabrication Bay

"Very good, arigato Jax-san. I'll be sure to note your assistance with this project," Candon thanked as he headed for the exit. The work of a starship engineer primarily took place before a battle and it seemed Jax had plenty of it. If preparations for the Samurai's Sarah hadn't taken place it was surely not because Jax had been slacking. He would see to it himself.

Candon made his way to the PA Bay, making sure to give Wazu 'the stare' as he passed.
YSS Eucharis, Fabricaiton Bay

"I am looking to make...." Wazu's voice trailed off a bit as he exchanged stares with Mr. Suites. Wazu did not blink, did not look away, just returned the stare back at him.... wondering what he was supposed to be doing in this situation.

He would then turn back to Jax,

"... looking to get a device that can cut up and scan in the Rixxikor body we have to make a 3d model. Rather than having it shipped here I wanted to see if we could get it built and you are the ship's resident fabrication expert."

Wazu would hand one of his datapads over to Jax. On it was a picture of what looked like a Deli slicer attached to a medical scanner.

"It is basically a Deli-slicer attached to a medical scanner," Wazu explained, "It would slice off a thin layer of whatever, scan it in, and then discard the material. I am certain Charisma could layer the scan slices to build a very detailed 3d model. This one looks like it was designed in the 10's or 20's... back when Zesu was popular... I do not think we would be able to find or have made a one molecule thick Zesu blade... but I am certain we can find something else suitable. Scanners are really good and we should be able to get DNA level resolution off slices even if they are a bit chunky."

Taharial noticed a little thing about what she thought was a new type of MCAS and tilted her head as she Tsuguka turned off the communicator and knew then that what she said was wrong, she would have to make it up to the woman with something at a later point "Sorry I got what you were showing me wrong, I really liked it though."

She had wondered what the lynx was thinking band then her companion revealed an interesting dream that the girl had "So that is a really weird dream... It seems that you are worried that the crew wouldn't treat you like before as there is a lot of new crewmembers that you haven't talked to..... I have the feeling that the white vines and the face may be yourself... Well the part of you that I saw in the crystalline hive... The person who would stop at nothing to do her job, from what I saw of you on our last mission, you have changed that idea" She gulped and looked at her friend.

Taharial hugged the lynx tightly and kept hold of her "I think your dream is your subconscious trying to tell you that it isn't always good to hide yourself from your friends...." She looked at the girl "That is my opinion of your dream, I haven't really had to do that before so I wasn't really sure what to say apart from my opinion" she smiled slightly at the Neko "I am always going to be here for you no matter what happens."

She couldn't tell her friend about her dream, anyone who heard it would think that she was insane, all that blood and what she was doing, it can't of been her, it just can't of.

"..It's... It's okay. Thanks for listening. I guess I'm saying a lot of weird things." Tsukuga just shrugged again, her grip tightening slightly. "I had a lot of dreams before I was transferred, the last time. I guess they make me kind of paranoid."

Bringing her face back into alignment with Taharial, she examined the woman's sleek facial features up close. The slightly rounded cheekbones, the way her eyes slanted softly downwards towards the outer edges... More feelings the nekovalkyrja didn't quite know how to place.

"On top of that, guess I've never really been good at talking to people, you know?"

She could recognize what her friend was trying to say, but the soldier didn't really know what the distinction between her outward personality and her inner feelings really was. The warrior part of herself had been programmed first, that was an undeniable fact. But did that make the new, more sociable personality the invalid one?...

Suddenly drawing herself out of her neurosis, the red neko put both hands around the angel's jawline and kissed her more deeply this time, intent on making it last longer... She wanted to know how the elysian did it, thinking and living in the moment so utterly. This trait above all others was mysterious and beautiful to her.

"My given name is Toyoe, I don't think I ever told you." A brief respite, rough her forehead remained in contact with her companion. "You can call me that if you wish, if it makes you feel less formal..."

With the sense of imminant danger gone, Natsumi had let her grasp on her NSP go and let out the breath that she had been holding. She raised a white eyebrow to Candon's brief explanation, then turned her attention to Hanako as the Shosho asked her about the location to hold the promotion ceremony.

Natsumi smiled, "I think that would be a great idea" she replied. "Getting some fresh air and a bit of time planetside would be a nice change of scenery, especially after the visit to the Rixxikor colony ship," she nodded.

"Shall I find an appropriate landing spot and take the ship down?" she asked.

"Hmm," Hanako thought. "I had had been thinking of using a shuttle but landing the ship should be fine too. We will wait until the main shift is back on duty. Go ahead and start looking for a suitable location where current weather and temperature conditions will be nice tomorrow morning and make the announcement that we will be in Class A uniforms then," the Shosho ordered. "Later that day I would like to start some training exercises. What do you think of the idea of some cross-specialization training? It might be useful if all of our crew members had some knowledge on another occupation. For example, we could have the medical staff train infantry in basic trauma care, or have the have the medics trained to repair hull breaches."

Next, Hanako floated up into the wardroom. "Hello, Tsukuga-Hei, Tahariel-Hei," she greeted.

Taharial giggled as her companion talked to her, she loved the way the girl was always logical even when they were having a 'girly' talk in the wardroom, but the giggly Taharial stopped when Tsuguka studied her face and her cheeks went to a red the same shade as her wings "Can I share with you what I think of Nekos, I believe they are created with what was needed to start their career but how their personality develops is who they really are, if you take it in terms of me when i was 'created I had to learn everything and while I grew I got a personality with likes and dislikes for my life."

She blushed as she suddenly was drawn into a kiss with her companion and she loved it she pulled Tsuguka close as she kissed deeply back, her arms wrapped around Tsuguka's waist, she didn't want the kiss. She wanted to stay kissing the red skinned Neko forever she loved the feeling of the Neko's lips against her own and didn't want the feeling to go, when Tsuguka pulled away to talk she whimpered a little in protest but then smiled as she listened to the Neko "Well I could call you that Toyoe, or I call call you something more endearing like kitten, darling or love.." She blushed deeper at the last one as she was really happy that she said it.
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Jax scratched his head and looked over the design. With a flick of his wrist, he transfered a copy of the schematic onto the larger viewing screen next to him. He handed the data pad back. Wazu was right; Zesu would be pretty difficult to come by.

"Well, yama-dura might do the trick. It's pretty easy to make. I don't think it's quite good for precision surgical applications, though..." Jax pondered aloud. Then, he tilted his head. "What about osmiridium? Tough, easy to make. SSS uses it a bunch."

"That's it. I'll do osmiridium." Muttered the tech, who floated up to the second level of the fabrication area. By the way, he'd learned to fly in his free time to avoid embarrassing himself again. Jax gracefully landed in front of one of the many large machines that lined the upper deck. He punched in a few buttons and the fabrication machine hummed to life. Jax double checked to make sure everything was working how it was supposed to, then came back down to Wazu.

"It'll be ready in an hour."
YSS Eucharis, Fabrication

"I will have faith in your expertise," Wazu replied, "Thank you for the help..." He would check his datapad, looking for his next task. He also had his pad look up what Osmiridium was, along with a refresher course on materials science. He was just about ready to turn and leave when he realized he was about to use and discard Jax like he would a junker drone.

"I also have not gotten a chance to really say hi to you either. Want to meet up for lunch sometime?" He would turn to look over at Umeshu and Mao, "I would like to extend the same offer to you two as well, Umeshu and the new Samurai... assuming you have free time from your duties."

Still mulling over the prospects of what Taharial was saying about nekovalkyrja, Tsuguka suddenly being confronted with the concept of love itself seemed to lock her mind into a sort of wild-eyed trance. She couldn't even choose a code name when Suites had asked her, and now someone who had grasped themselves so close to their heart was putting even more weight on a single word?...

The surprises weren't over. Tsuguka's hairs stood on end as she heard the familiar voice of Hanako entering the chamber, which her urgent eyes confirmed as being in full uniform no less. Every ounce of her being demanded her to step upright and make her perfectly practiced, spiritually ingrained salute; Which she did, only this time still clasping her free hand with that of her feathery new object of adoration.

"Shosho. I hope you found my performance on the last mission to be satisfactory." If somebody wanted a diagram for how to make a person look conflicted, this was it. Her new love and childhood hero were standing in the same room. "I never had a chance to thank you for not passing over my re-assignment here."

Something happened that the red neko did not expect. Through she hid it utterly, cutting off Taharial without giving her a proper answer left her with a pit in her stomach that she couldn't explain. Best she could do was grip that hand resolutely, and tell the girl she was not forgotten, protocol or no protocol.

On the positive side, maybe, just maybe, it would give her time to think of a proper answer.

"Quite so," Hanako nodded curtly, followed by a slightly raised eyebrow at the situation at hand. "Perhaps you can thank me later," the Shosho suggested. She could see Tsuguka was already occupied with a tender moment. The Shosho swiftly proceeded past the couple and into the forbidden territory of the ship's galley, where she met with Mango to discuss the dinner.

"Good evening, Mango. What are you making tonight?" Hanako asked, finding Mango, an android, and Victory working in the gallery.

"Shiso gyosa appetizers, spinach goma-ae salad, hijiki no nimono, katsudon bowls, tsukune yakitori, and mountain roll deep-fried sushi, with sweet potato ice cream dessert. We also have an alternate hamburger meal for more Nepleslian tastes," Mango answered. "I should mention that that Wazu character was in here raiding my coffee stocks without authorization, Shosho."

"I see," Hanako rubbed her chin. "The food sounds wonderful. I have never tried hijiki no nimono."

"We will have everything on the buffet in about ten minutes," Mango added.

Hanako surreptitiously glanced out the galley door to see if the red couple was still at it.

Taharial smiled as she cuddled the Neko, she knew the Neko will need timeto work out what she wanted the angel to call her but she was fine with it "You can take all the time you need, if you want you can call me Rial it is what my close friends call me, or you can choose one yourself."

She had been forced to slip under the table because of Tsuguka's sudden movement, she stood up a bit annoyed and looked to who her companion was saluting, oh damn it she thought to herself, she still looked like she had just gotten out of bed but now her wings added to the look as well but she still saluted with the hand that wasn't already engaged in other things "Hello Ma'am, good news from the Medical Lab with both the Rixxikor and my little side project."

She smiled and sat up properly at the table this time but instead of letting Tsuguka think about anything she pulled the Neko into her lap and kissed her deeply without much warning and when she pulled away she saw Hanako was still watching them from the galley but she just smiled more and said "I will give you the information in person later or over a written message."
Akiashiro/Howard Quarters

Aikiko changed from her UOCP garb into the more acceptable SAoY uniform. Then securing her clothing where they belonged, leaving no traces of her UOCP clothing as they went back into the footlocker that was stored under her bed. She glanced at the time taking note. She scowled as it meant that her presence was expected to get the latest news, and what was on the agenda for the following shifts and the following day.

She secretly hoped that they was going to leave orbit and see some action. But her track record in getting injured was good. Her training as infantry was done the old fashion way instead of being programmed in. A crash course with field maneuvers to put classroom teachings into action to see what it was like and get experience first hand before heading out on assignment.

"Yeah, sure!" Jax replied. He turned and headed back up to the second level of the room, where he wiped himself off as best he could with a towel he kept just for that reason. Then, feeling famished, he headed for the corner, where he'd made a small napping spot with snacks, tucked away in a cozy little hovel amidst the machines. It was perfect for catching a few winks while the fabricators were milling out pieces of armor. He'd gotten the idea from another little stash he'd found while crawling through the maintenance tunnels. He'd never taken anything from it, or messed with it, lest its creator get pissed and leave a trap.

Jax munched on a potato chip, and pulled out his communicator to check the time. What he saw caused his jaw to drop, and he resealed the bag of chips, tucking them into the makeshift shelf.

"Food!" he yipped gleefully. He quite literally flew out of Fabrication, headed up to the wardroom to bathe, change, and put away as much food as minkanly possible.


Within minutes, Jax was scrubbed clean, dressed in a duty uniform for dinner, and eagerly waiting in the lounge.
YSS Eucharis, PA Bay

Sure enough there hadn't been a station reserved for Mao's Sarah yet. No matter, the armor stood in the corner of the bay locked into a brand new armor dolly. Candon ultimately decided to assign the armor station closest to the center of the ship to Mao. In the event of another attack on the PA bay it would be the safest and gave her the ability to exit from both the port and starboard side...
'Hmm, I guess thats why its right next to mine. Maybe if I put her across from me.. nope, then I'm a pervert,' Candon's thoughts made him rub the temples of his head, 'I should've left this to Jax. Whatever.'

It was done, he typed the data into the armor rack next to his. If they were the heavy-hitters their armor needed the most protection. As he approached the armor dolly he noticed a sticky note on its chest:

'It's been an honor to serve a Ketsurui Samurai. Please enjoy this bottle of wine with our highest respects.'

It was signed by the shuttle crew and although he didn't see a bottle he knew it was most likely inside the armor. It was a good way to give a soldier a surprise gift if it was done right. Though he was sure(somewhat) that it would make Mao's day it was a little depressing for Candon. People would praise a person with unimaginable strength, speed, and toughness simply for their relation to a prestigious name but for someone who does the same job without any of those abilities or honor there is no fanfare or appreciation, simply the next mission and another enemy.

The man shook those thoughts from his head, they would be of no help. Grabbing the dolly he wheeled the machine to its station where the robotic arms and clamps took over. Done.

Next up on his list was a letter. Standing in front of the Sarah he telepathically accessed MEGAMI and composed a message for Hanako:

From: Candon H. Suites Nito Hei
To: Ketsurui Hanako Shôshô
Subject: Modification Clearance

On Higaflan the enemy used a weapon we've taken to calling a 'glue grenade'. Although it is primarily an inhibitor of of movement the substance found it's way into my Intake which lead to an overheating failure in the aether reactor. I had an idea to correct this and submitted it to Howard Hei who built a device to counter the glue should it obstruct the vent. The device is a yamatium grill that covers the intake and is equipped with a heater to burn off the substance. The unit has been tested and is ready for production. The armor teams primary PAs can be equipped with the device in three days.

We're requesting authorization to proceed with this modification.​

Done, now what? This was the part he dreaded, free time. Fortunately he had a project to take his mind off of things he didn't need to think about. He just needed his datapad. After storing the dolly he headed for the exit toward his room.

Natsumi made mental notes for the upcoming tasks to find a good landing spot and distribute the orders for class a uniforms to be worn the next day. She followed Hanako to the wardroom, listening to the Shosho's suggestion of cross training the crew, an idea she liked a lot.

She herself was a proficiant power armor operator, a good many of her early missions aboard the Eucharis had been spent functioning more as infantry than a starship operator. Those skills and experiances had served her well.

"I think cross specialization training would be incredibly valuable" she replied to Hanako's suggestion and taking note of the others in the wardroom as Hanako entered the wardroomand crossed to the galley. She opted not to comment on their activities or make them uncomfortable by staring or the like, rather she waited outside in the main passage this also kept her out of the galley. Natsumi had seen how furvently the cook staff protected their domain and did not like intruders within it's borders, save for Hanako The snowy haired neko had no intention of getting on Mango's bad side.

She paused her responses to Hanako about the training, her red eyes lingering on the shining white walls of the passage as she mentally accessed the computer, calling up possible training scinarios they could run after the promotions tomorrow and querying Charisma for a terrain scan and weather map of the planet below.
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