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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post Mission 5] A Time for Recovery

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After escaping the Veridian System, Eucharis rejoined its squadron and was quickly on its way back to Gemini, via a series of long space folds. Once the ship was back at home base, Hanako had the the squadron's Ikoi Light Starbase dock with one end of Gemini Star Fortress, and then docked the ship inside the Ikoi where it could be repaired in the comfort of an atmosphere. The crew went through a short debriefing on the mission and then released to visits friends and family.

Hanako stayed on the ship for the time being, and headed down to deck six with Blueberry to work on the delicate repairs to the ship's sensors inside the ship's just-replaced sensor dish.
Yaichiro had packed up the items in his room, and transferred his comfort bed off of the Eucharis...he'd debated leaving behind a message like before, or saying goodbye to the Taisa or the crew, but he didn't feel as though he could. It was not his place.

Save for the sprites, who had changed greatly, and the Taisa who also had, it wasn't the crew or ship he'd known. Eucharis was not the Sakura, and he had no home here. Had he known when the Taisa suggested he work to change Yamatai that she would not support him; or that she'd be so cold to Midori after she became broken after serving her, he might have worn a UOC uniform instead.

Still, at this point he recognized that she was right in as much as that leaving Yamatai behind would not solve the problem.

While he still did not want to gain the Taisa's dislike further than he felt he already had, because he still cared, he made a decision.

...Until you start caring for the people around you less fleetingly, I guess I'll have to leave you behind. Sayonara.

With this thought, not spoken nor communicated in any way, he gave a final silent bow to the ship and turned his back on the Eucharis; and his former Taisa.

He went to a ship which would take him to Katsuko, at his temporary station in the 7th SF. After that mission was concluded, he did not know what he would do.
Sune gathered up his possessions and left the temporary quarters on the Gemini station. He inquired as to the location of the Eucharis. He wanted to see the ship prior to it being repaired to give him an idea of what she had been through recently.

Once he made it to the Ikoi repair bay he entered the observation room. Below him the reknowned Eucharis lay bathed in the lights of the bay. Unci. he swore mentally, Whatever they were involved in, it must have been one hell of a battle. Just look at the all that damage. He tapped a command into the console in the room and it showed a diagram of the Eucharis with the damaged sections indicated. It was fair to say that she had more damaged sections than undamaged. That speaks volumes for the skill of the crew and the Taisa to succeed even after sustaining that much damage. He entered another command to check the crew status. It was not surprising that several members were listed as deceased. "Well, I may as well go find the crew. Seems they have taken up residence in the Ikoi, so may as well head to the visitors quarters."
After receiving some information and directions from an officer as to where he was going Ramiro quickly returned to his temporary quarters and retrieved his bag, which he already had packed in case the he needed to leave on short notice. Walking out he noticed that Jalen was gone. I wonder where he's off to so fast, knowing that man he's probably going to be at the visitors quarters waiting for me.

Once out of the quarters Ramiro wandered until he found the Zodiac Light Rail System which he took it as close to the Ikoi as he could. Once he got off the train he looked around and quickly got his bearing at which point he stated off to the visitors area.
Kumiko sat in her room, debating what to do. Everyone she knew had gone to the UOC, or was on the other side of friendly space by now, so She had nowhere in particular to go. She quickly tapped into the systems, and pulled up a diagram of the Gemini station, and looked around to see what there was for her to do until she was needed for the next mission. Finding her location she departed the ship, and headed for her destination. She spotted Yaichiro heading off, with most of his stuff with him, this puzzled her, but with as dejected as he looked as he walked away, she felt it was best not to disturb him. She had never been very good with people anyways, so why not let him sort it out himself. She shouldered her bag, which just had some clothing and a few of her sketchpads in it, and stepped out for her destination, though which of her multiple choices it would be, she had yet to decide. She figured she would decide when she found one, and would speak to anyone who spoke to her, though she doubted anyone would.
Ramiro was walking towards the visitors entrance when he spotted a girl walk out of the docks that the vessel was supposed to be docked in. Also he noticed the patch on her uniform signifying her as part of the crew. Figuring she would be the best source of information he approached her and saluted. "Santo Hei Ramiro Valencia ma'am. I was wondering if I could inquire into the location of the captain of the Eucharis as I am supposed to be having an interview to join the crew."
Kumiko jumped. She really hadn't expected anyone to talk to her. As it was, she was surprised for long enough to miss the first part of his question. However, she did note that he saluted despite their rank being the same, which made her blush slightly. "Umm, no need to salute, I'm only a Santo Hei as well. I was assigned to the Eucharis shortly before this last mission. As to the Taisa, well, so far as I know, she hasn't left the ship. One moment." She paused, and queried the ships onboard AI. "Yes, she's in the ship, on deck six. Would you like me to send a message telling her you're coming?" She smiled slightly at him, her blush gone now.
"Oh, my mistake, and yes, that would be much appreciated." Ramiro blushed a little at his error as he glanced down at her rank and realized his stupidity. Even through his mistake he just smiled and tried to act like he didn't mess up, he hated messing up. "Uhm, and if you don't mind, I'm a little new here so can you quick point me in the right direction?"
She smiled slightly, but on the inside she was grinning full blown. "Don't worry about it, it was an honest mistake."

To Taisa Ketsurui Hanako:

I have just met up with a man calling himself Santo Hei Ramiro Valencia, and he mentioned that he was supposed to have a interview about a position with you. Where would you like me to tell him to go, and is there anything else you would like me to to tell him?

Also, one last thing, but is there anything you need my help on? I don't have anything to keep me busy between missions, so if you need help, let me know.

Many Thanks,
Santo Hei Kumiko Endoh

"There, I have sent a message to the Taisa for you, and when she replies, I'll be able to tell you where to meet her. As to where to go, you just head back the way I came, and introduce yourself to the ships AI in order to be let in. Past there, you can download a map of the ship directly onto your computer pad, or you can ask the AI for your directions once we know where you're going." She smiled again. "What position are you here for? I'm one of the engineers here, with two others, but I'll let them introduce themselves when you meet them."
Ramiro glanced towards the direction that Kumiko had indicated before looking back at her. "Thank you very much, I really appreciate it. As to my position, uhm..." His mind spaced as he silently decided how to word his response. "Well my hope is to become a Starship Operator, but I am not entirely sure whether the Taisa has openings for that position or whether or not she would require previous experience, or whether she would find my abilities more useful elsewhere. Also since this interview is required I may not even make it onto the crew, only time can tell exactly where I'll end up."

Ramiro took a quick second to think back on their conversation before something hit him. "You said that you were relatively new to the crew correct? When you joined were you required to have an interview? Also, did you have previous experience on board starships? I hope you don't mind my asking these questions, but I'm just, you know, trying to get a good understanding of my chances of the Taisa accepting me onto the Eucharis crew."
Jalen saw some movement down in the bay, he noticed Ramiro talking to a young woman with brown hair. Perhaps a fellow crewman, or mayhaps another recruit. He thought. He transmitted a quick message into the terminal.

To: YSS Eucharis

Please advice Ketsurui Hanako-Taisa that Jalen Sune-Santô Hei is on station, and awaits an interview at her convenience. I have taken quarters aboard the Ikoi.

Thank you.

Well may as well go see Ramiro and find out who he is speaking with. He thought exiting the room. Sune made his way down the stairs and entered the bay floor. As he approached he noted the rank pin on the Yamataian female's uniform. Sune stopped a few feet from her and nodded first to Ramiro "Hello again Valencia-Hei." He then bowed slightly towards the young woman out of courtesy since they were the same rank. "Jalen Sune-Santô Hei at your service and what might your name be?"
Taisa Hanako, after receiving the messages, extracted herself from the sensor access tunnels and smoothed her hands through her bouncy sky-blue hair before texting a reply to Kumiko.
Please have the new folks meet me in the wardroom. I am on my way. Perhaps after this, we can go shopping as well as get the new supplies loaded aboard.
The captain then flew up the zero-gravity main passageway and into the wardroom's doorway. When the new recruits arrived, they would find her seated on one end of the main table, sipping on a pineapple-coconut smoothie.
Ramiro jumped a little as Jalen walked up. "Oh, hello Jalen-hei." He turned towards Sune just in time to see him bow to Kumiko. He rolled his eyes slightly, cursing silently in his mind, and then shot Sune a warning glance, hopping he'd get the message. "Sune, this is, uhm....." Ramiro turned to Kumiko, slightly embarrassed. "Come to think of it I don't know your name either."
Kumiko blushed slightly. "Oh, did I forget that again? I'm Santo Hei Kumiko Endoh, Engineering." She paused as she read the message from Hanako. "Oh, and I'm assuming Hanako already knows you're here Sune-Hei. The message I received from her says to have you two meet her in the wardroom onboard." She looked back over to Ramiro. "I'm actually not busy with anything, so would you like me to show you guys the way?"
"That would be most helpful Endoh-Hei, and will help to ensure we make a good impression by not keeping the Taisa waiting." Sune said with a wry smile. "Oh, for your refernce Sune is my first name."
"Yes, that would be very helpful," Ramiro agreed. "Also, two guys on their own following directions would be disastrous. We'd probably get lost and be to stubborn to ask for directions." He grinned as he said this, wondering if Sune was a serious person or could take a joke. "And its alright if you forgot to give your name Endoh-hei, mistakes happened." He grinned at Kumiko's blushing a bit, but quickly covered it up.
Jalen smiled at Ramiro's comment. Did our potential starship operator imply he has navigation issues. Best not say that to the Taisa. he thought with a mental chuckle.

"Then it is decided Endoh-Hei, we will trust to your assistance in navigating the Eucharis."
Kumiko covered her mouth. It would appear as though she was appalled by her mistake, but in reality she was trying not to laugh. "I'm very sorry, Jalen-Hei. And since we have that settled, if you'll follow me?" She turned to go. She was still doing her best to keep a straight face, a twinkle in her eye being the only real sign of her humor at Jalen's reaction to her using his first name to address him. So, willing to trust me to take you around on an unknown ship, but not close enough to use first names, hmm? People are sooo strange.
I thought I was awkward in social events, so far the only two females that I have met on station, ccould not even get my name correct. Sune thought. And Valencia-Hei's response, apparently he has decided to lay some sort of claim upon Endoh-Hei, if I read his glance properly. People are still so confusing. "Lead on Endoh-Hei, no sense keeping the Taisa waiting."
"Yes, please lead on." Ramiro followed Kumiko, making sure to stay slightly behind Sune so he would not see Ramiro grinning. He had noted Kumiko's strange reaction, but decided not to say anything so that way he could bring it up later as attempt to be kind to her. As he walked he had an interesting bob in his step, kind of like a half strut. Ok, I'm good.
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