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RP: YSS Kaiyō Post-Mission Five: Wabi-Sabi

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Riku had been trained to be a communications operator, specifically trained to key in on patterns and conversation to ensure the maximum amount of information was taken in and relayed to his command. He had an empathetic mind, impartial to the callings of emotion, which allowed him to assume the meaning of the physical contact Yoshida placed upon Meissa. He was a Minkan, after all, and he himself also had access to telepathy. If he was anyone else, perhaps he would have been a little shamed to see she wasn't ecstatic about the approach, brushing it off with a casual and professional 'orders are orders'.

Instead, he smiled demurely and nodded, waiting patiently for them both to finish. They seemed to know each other very well, after all.
Yamatai, Downtown Kyoto

Mitsuko nodded at both messages, filing them away for later. "Don't think you've escaped your scholastic duties so easily, William. I will be sure to contact the school's staff and return with the proper guidelines and materials for your further education. Between myself, Rei and the other crew members, I'm sure you won't be lacking for instructors." She smiled, before beginning to walk off, rolling her luggage behind her.

"Teien-Taii, if I may make a recommendation...the Ketsurui Resort Hotel in New Kyoto, on Hanako's World, would be a fitting location for any festivities. The PAINT system would allow the crew easy access to the planet or other possible destinations. This, combined with the natural distractions of the planet itself, would do well to keep the crew out of your hair during your...time away.

If our VIP would lend her name to my requests, I can make all of the arrangements. I have done so before. I merely request that we limit the number of princesses in attendance.'
"Alright, you seem fine now, Yoshida. Talk to you later!"

Meissa waved as she walked away with Mat, hopping on a new tram towards her home.
Downtown Kyoto
Dress Shop

Eden turned on a facial scanner located on her bracelet and sent the results to Hanna Madsen with an appreciative message.

Santo Hei Hanna Madsen,

Thank you so much for your offer, again. I have sent the results of the facial scan to you and am sending Deio Asuka to your location to pay for whatever you buy on my behalf. She also hasn't had much time to spend with me, her friend, since my relationship with Saki began and could use someone to hang out with for a little while. Do you mind?

Your Captain, Shosa Teien Eden

To be frank, Eden was struggling with where to take Saki. But the pieces of the puzzle all seemed to fall into place when she received Mitsuko's message. She sent back one to the logistics Neko.

Santô Juni Murakami,

Thank you for the idea. I will consider it, but I am leaning heavily towards taking your advice. Cloud Temple Retreat is where I will be taking Saki, now that you mention Hanako's World. Can you do me a favor and cancel my reservations at the Galactic Hotel and book a floor for the crew in the Ketsurui Resort Hotel? It would mean a great deal as I am somewhat... occupied at the current moment. Despite that, I should inform you of certain aspects of our future together.

We have word of a planet in Westerly space with several million, if not billion, life forms, Murakami-juni. The traffic between them and known Kuvexian assets is high. We will be going there next. I want you to be prepared to lead an away team and if you so choose, you may decline to do so and the responsibility will fall on another.

Your inkling about our guest is indeed true, but for security reasons, I believe she will only be joining us for the ceremony. That is an assumption on my part. No extraneous princesses will be in attendance, only our own.

Shosa Teien Eden

She then turned to Saki as a sales woman approached and asked her fiancee, "Is it really bad luck to see the bride in her dress before the wedding? Maybe we shouldn't help one another choose." She watched the way the lights shined off of the white dresses around them and cast a glow on Saki's cream-colored skin and smiled. "You're so beautiful, my love. Thank you for wanting to marry me."
Downtown Kyoto
Dress Shop

Misaki smiled and kissed Eden on the cheek, taking both of Eden's hands in her own. "I have the best luck in the galaxy, I have you." She smiled again as she added on, "Though I'd hate to lose it, so we might want to keep our dresses a surprise and get some help." Saki let go of Eden's hands and crossed her's over her stomach while looking at some of the dresses on display while listening on what the sales person had to say.
Downtown Kyoto
She turned to Aiko, eyebrows still knit together and said to her, "Ketsurui-sama, we should retire to our rooms for increased safety. Do you agree?"
"I will retire to the palace for now," Aiko said definitively. Eden-taii had, of course, reserved an apartment within the Kaiyo's block for her. But even though it was especially expansive and luxurious, few places befit a Princess of Yamatai like the Imperial Palaces. "I must visit with my clan and hopefully pay respect to the Empress before the Teien occasion. When I arrive to my home, you and Wil are free to return here and use the quarters provided for me as you see fit. Or do whatever you wish. The castle guards can take care of me during my stay."

On Eden's orders, Aiko was out of uniform today. She wore a rosy red kimono, deep and rich—but not quite as dark as Ketsurui crimson like her eyes—with a pattern of light pink petals that rose up from her feet and dispersed by mid-thigh, giving the illusion that she was walking through a sea of freshly-fallen cherry blossom leaves. A thin black kimono was worn underneath and a wide golden obi belt fastened with a red cord held it all together at her waist, from which a carved wooden seal of the Ketsurui Clan hung. Her white sword was held in her left hand and the two Imperial Bellflowers adorned her hair, as always.

"I have no qualms with releasing you now, Rei-san," Aiko thought aloud, sounding herself unsure whether the idea was proper. "You and Wil deserve your leave as much as any of the crew. I would not want you to feel absent in your duty, though I am sure I could make it to the palace without incident."

If only Eden hadn't ordered them to wear civilian clothes! Then there would be even less risk that anything could happen to her. She looked over to her friend William and smiled, recalling their "inconspicuous" outing to explore Kyoto's nightlife before shipping off.

"Today, nobody will mistake me for a common Neko," Aiko decided.
Downtown Kyoto

Rei looked to the princess and shook her head, making her long ponytail sway one way and another. She closed her eyes and it almost looked as if the samurai was going to laugh at the thought. Then, she grew stoic before speaking, hands on her obi and feet spread.

"Iie, you are to remain safe and within my line of sight until protected by your esteemed clan. I have duties to attend to and old friends to see at the palace, anyway. I will escort you, Hime Kesurui Aiko. Later, tomorrow maybe, I have a special treat planned. I would prefer to continue to serve as your guard outside of the palace walls, though. Ijo desu."

Having just said more than the usually terse Eihei spoke, she closed her eyes again for a moment before opening them, her seemingly iris-less eyes sweeping the crowd, ready and willing to dispose of any threats while she began walking the princess to the palace.
Throughout the meeting, Abart'huse had been a bit absent-minded, only half paying attention to the Taii's meeting here in Kyoto. Instead he was more taken in with the city itself, while Essia's capitals were fairly impressive, even the greatest ones paled in comparison to the one capital of the whole Yamatai star empire. He couldn't help but feel like an alien who stepped foot in a new world for the first time........which was sort of true, now that he thought about it.

As the Taii wrapped up and wished the rest of the crew a nice stay, he produced a note from the pocket of his pale orange vest with striped black trimmings along the ends of the sleeves and the bottom, draped loosely over a more vibrant red shirt which was a bit longer than usual, also trimmed with black, but instead as a thin, solid line along the edges. On his back he had a fairly normal looking grey backpack, only set apart by the small black and yellow nylon braid on one of the zippers.

He had done some investigating beforehand, looking out shops and stores that looked like they would be interesting. This included several craft shops, jewellers, bookstores, as well as some restaurants that had dished with the most intruiging applications for eggs, all dotted down on his little note. He had been going easy on his meals for the past few days so he could really stuff himself with all the delicious foods this bustling metropolis had to offer, and the tip of hit tail wiggled in delight at the thought.

He looked over his note for a while, trying to remember all the places, which ones looked the nicest and where he would go first. Soon enough the rest of the company started spreading..... quickly calling him back to attention.

"Eh? .....ah.......forgot to ask someone to room........ crap."

While not everyone was gone yet, the others did seem kinda busy, and he wasn't sure how to approach them like this. The exited tailswish from before slowed down to more of a nervous fidget. He simply spoke up, not directed at anyone in particular.

"Uhhh....... i-is someone still up for a roommate? Ehehe......"
The smol, having taken it upon herself to actually put on something a bit more formal than the standard uniform - if you wear something long enough, it doesn't feel all too special anymore - and opted for a lavender dress reaching just below her knees, a frilly and quite fluffy ordeal with an open back to make plenty of room for her wings. Tugging on Mochi-Mochi's hand, Arb-Arb led the couple off into the city, planning to spend the first day exploring the largest known places-especially the ones that screamed out, tourist trap.

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Sutahira listened to the Captain's speech, and watched everyone depart with their roommates. It would appear he did not have one. "That's fine. I need to visit my mother anyways." Sutahira said to himself, taking his own leave as the Captain and Saki departed. His combat boots clicked on the stone and his bare arms stretching out of his blue t-shirt that complimented his tight (though not too tight) blue jeans, embraced the cool springtime breeze as he made his way for a tram station where he could get a ride to Downtown where his mother lived. He boarded the tram, sitting next to a young lady who moved over slightly to allow him to sit. He placed his duffel on his lap and crossed his hands over the duffel. He leaned on the seat, and began to think about the events that had taken place over the last couple of weeks while the woman read a book on a tablet. Her brown hair flowed over her shoulder, and her green eyes scanned the screen. He also peaked over at him from time to time, and he did the same.

Downtown Kyoto

The Human known as Sutahira Medikku exited the tram, the crowd overwhelming him. His first assignment had been against the Mishhu. That had left him rattled. Luckily, he was a medic. He was able to mentally file away that day, locking the drawer. He walked with a duffel over his shoulder, getting looks from passersby as he walked the streets to his mother's apartment. It was much bigger than the apartments that the Star Army provided, and he couldn't wait for his mother's homemade meals while on leave. He would, however, need something for the wedding.
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The blonde scientist had been standing by, listening to the goings on more quietly than normal. He took more than a few scratches from their last engagement with the enemy and it was taking him longer than he'd like to put it behind him. Dressed in a dark jumper and jeans, his smol birb leaning gently against him. With one hand the Doctor had wrapped an arm around her warmly, after a few minutes she began moving off - taking the Juni's hand. She looked amazing as always, royal purple dress swishing in the light breeze and bright auburn hair streaming as the pair made their way towards the crowds.
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