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RP: NSS Inquiry [Post Mission-Two] Debriefing : Blink of an Eye Briefing

Factory Dock

Linda glanced over the area and double checked to make sure there were no Elefirn alive. It did not surprise her that they were unarmed, with how unpreared for attack the base seemed, but it did not bother her at all, the intention in the end was to blow the place up. If they succeded in their mission of infiltrating stealthfully these ones would've died anyway so it did not effect her. Instead she looked for any data pads or teh like to get a shipping manifest. They didn't have time to check everything but knowing what was being shipped could be valuable in case they can't pull much data from the factory servers for whatever reason. "Secure the perimeter, make sure no one wanders over, and look for any data pads. We don't have a lot of time but I want to know what all this is."
He stabbed the defenseless Elefrin one last time and smeared the bloodied blade on the bodies. He gave a few extra kicks as if to ensure they were dead but inside he already knew. He felt dirty knowing that the alien tried to control him or at least compel him with that damned look. He tried to think if they were briefed on that but he shook it off mainly out of not really caring.

"Sergeant," Adam called as he walked to the dented factory door, "We got a peepshow, free of charge." The lean man closed with the hole and took a glance inside.
Snipers Nest

He watched Vizil with approval, she seemed to be getting better. Before he could say anything, he heard a noise and look towards it. There was a truck approaching the compound at high speed. He keyed his communicator.

"You got a truck in coming. High speed, abnormally high speed." It was going too fast for him to try and stop it. He turned to vizil. "Pack up, lets regroup."

As he took off towards the main compound, he keyed his communicator one last time. "We are regrouping on you, be there soon."
Factory Unloading Dock

Alec looked over the scene with a mixture of confusion and concern. The current mission wasn't sitting well with him. Why did none of the workers have sidearms? Why was a security light? Why did this feel like they were walking into a trap? He shook the thought off as moved around the scene to make sure it was clear before stacking up with Adam by the door.
Factory Unloading Dock

Mark trained his weapon down the road the truck was supposed to be coming from. ready to lay hate on whatever bastard came down this way. "Well whatever is in that truck is in for a nasty surprise if they keep coming this way" he said with a chuckle at the thought of putting more of the elefrin six feet under.
Snipers Nest

Vizil found herself aiming her sights upon the Elefirn transport, but catching Jared's words turned her head as the vehicle was swiftly making progress away from them. "W-wait, we're not going to shoot the fucker? We can still get him if you shoot them and I give a follow up shot!", the sound of confused shock rang in her voice as she stepped closer to Jared.

Factory Unloading Dock

While giving out her commands, Linda was able to confirm the termination of Elefirn hostiles effectively, and as she did this Linda noted that the gunner team and the workers both had noticeably damaged fur in comparison to Vizil. At the same time, it was also possible for her to keep an eye out for any possible datapad that any one of the Elefirn workers could carry, and easily located the only datapad near one of the stacks of metal crates. Unfortunately, the screen had been shattered in their attack, as one would expect a datapad to be if it was grazed with Nepleslian firepower. Whether or not the data from the datapad could be retrieved would be a matter that would require additional speculation.

Bending slightly to see inside the hole with the Adam's helmet proved to be a simple challenge to overcome, and Adam could successfully make out an incredible amount of Omin style Elefirn fighters packed tightly together and hanging vertically from the ceiling. Munitions containers for the aircraft could also be spotted from one side of the unloading dock's warehouse. From the diagram Adam was shown, this could reasonably one of the two warehouses he saw. The rest of the facility view was intercepted by a small squad of Elefirn medics running towards Adam's direction carrying a stretcher. Only one of of the group of five carried a familiar looking aether rifle, however with Alec at his sixth, that still made two guns vs one should hostilities arise, as it seemed like things were going to be headed as one of the Elefirn reached for what appeared to be door controls.

Mark set his weapon down towards the road, providing overwatch for the rest of the team as the truck approached. Beside him, Glynn lined his grenade launcher the same way Mark was doing. Mark could hear Glynn utter a simple sentence "I shall assist, and provide additional covering fire for you."

It wasn't long after that the Elefirn vehicle wildly began to appear from a distance, smashing past of some of the strewn about lifts, roughly guiding the vehicle to the dock while it increasingly became more beaten and bruised from the impacts. The sounds of said impacts were still masked by the machinations of the factory, as well as the long distance fire from both Mark and Glynn which they brought down on the out of control convoy. Their gunfire tore through the shell of the vehicle, eventually toppling it over as it crashed into some larger lifts and abruptly halted. Some of the contents of the convoy had flown out of their containers as the Vehicle crashed, and strange alien fungi littered the floor around the crash site. Surprisingly, the Elefirn driver lived, or at least it appeared to be alive. The creature showed heavy injuries and light movement, as the truck slowly began to combust, along with the flammable fungi it contained.
Linda clicked her tongue as she picked up the data pad and stored it away. Damaged was better than nothing, but she really preferred if it wasn't. That was the least of her worries though, the incoming vehicle was destroied, but the amount of noise made in doing so pushed things up a few clicks on the schedule.

"We've made too much noise, get ready for combat everyone, this is a smash and grab now." Her voice over the radio was still calm and collected, almost like her plan had never changed. "Barret get here quick. Everyone else, we need that vehicle checked to make sure it's clear, and turn that gloryhole into a doorway. We need to get inside."
Factory Unloading Dock

"Aye boss!" Alec shouted as he stepped out from behind Adam a few paces and facing the door. "Adam, I'm gonna bust a hole in this thing! When I go through, I'm going low, so aim and don't shoot any of the munitions!"

As took a second to steady before rushing forth, using the Raider's propulsion system to accelerate himself as he charged into the door head-on. Once he was through, he dove down into a prone stance before letting off a burst with his LCA towards the armed Elefirn .
Snipers Nest

He turned to Vizil as he heard the truck crash and overturn. He shrugged. "Its too late now." He heard the call over the radio. "Lets go."

He took off running towards the unloading dock, sure the alien was close by.

Factory Unloading Dock

He made it to the dock and surveyed it. There was still a injured alien crawling along, but it would probably not be alive for too long. He walked over to it, and struck it with his rifle, attempting to knock it out. Didn't want one to leave one un-dealt with. He turned to Vizil. "Tie it up, try to keep it alive. Maybe we can get some useful info out of it." He pointed at the alien.

Jared walked up to Linda. "Where do you want me?"
Factory Unloading Dock

Mark moved towards the crash site, weapon ready, and methodically worked his way around the vehicle. He cleared the burning wreck and checked to see if any of the contents of the containers could be salvaged before everything was engulfed.

With the momentum of his propulsion system, Alec bursted through the industrial grade doorway. His massive frame easily bored a sizable hole as if it were made of butter, allowing him to quickly see the expressions of shock given off by the Elefirn medical team as he dove toward the ground with fragments of the door flying past Alec. His gun aimed at the Armed Elefirn also bored a few holes within the dainty alien frame before flying towards the ground, lifeless.

Factory Unloading Dock

It only took a small amount of force for Jared to easily knock the Elefirn driver into a dark and unconscious state. The Elefirn itself was already beginning to sleep away on its own accord. However Jared's fellow alien companion looked shocked, and horrified at his words. "B-but I'm not a medic!" she hopelessly yelled at Jared, but it was to no avail as he was already heading towards his commanding officer and away from Vizil.

With no other option, Vizil dragged the Elefirn driver away from the wreckage, and attempted to treat the wounds as best as she could with the little field dressing she was given. Both dousing out the flames that tugged at the Elefirn's fur, and attempting to halt the bleeding with an extreme lack of finesse.

Mark moved quickly and sorted through what he could from the transport. With the aid of Glynn, Mark was able to recover a few metal crates stuffed to the brim of multicolored fungi, although four fifths of all of the fungi was completely eradicated. The rest of the salvageable wreck consisted of heavily damaged lighting equipment, pumps, and nearly empty containers of strangely colored water.
Loading Dock

Linda looked at Jared and his equipment, and took a moment to sort things out in her head. "Barett, head inside, but keep to the back, try to get line of sight on entry ways and stop reinforcements before they can crowd the room." She then turned her attention to those at the tank. "Boys, get that thank disabled and cleared quick. You're soldiers not Prima Donnas, don't be late to the party!"

After her words she stepped in to the warehouse with her AS4GS at the ready. "Vizil, you got any idea where the troops might put their command room in a pale like this?"

Alec grinned that the plan of his surprisingly worked. He scrambled to his feet, keeping his rifle trained on the unarmed Elefirn medical team and point for them to hit the deck. His eyes scanned around the room, looking for any other movement to make sure that it really was just them.

"Boss, got some unarmed tangos, look like medical team. What's the play on them?"
Unloading Dock

Mark secured the crates as best he before moving out, fully intent on coming back for the contents. He moved up behind the others, weapon at the low ready as to not have his barrel into the backs of the rest of the team.

"Vizil do you know what this fungi and nasty ass water is being used for?"

Linda looked at the medics and thought only a moment before giving a response to Alec. "Don't waste the bullets, Private, we have a lot more to shoot at later."
Adam had purposely not relayed the information that the Elefrin inside the warehouse were unarmed hoping that he was going to help massacre them. He was ready to bust through as per Linda's orders but stopped once Alec began trying to give him orders. He huffed as he watched the marine step around him and try and tell him how to engage.

Whoever this guy thought he was, he certainly was not Adam's caliber (at least to Adam). He simply stood aside as he let Alec barge in and show off his best dive. With a snort he simply stepped in to the warehouse with the others and scanned inside for any further enemies. When Linda spoke up about not wasting bullets he took out his machete, "Sure thing, deer kabobs it is then," and started toward the medical team.

Jared stepped inside the warehouse following orders. As the other soldiers held the medic team up, he stepped to the back, finding a sturdy box to use. He laid his rife on it as a makeshift tripod, and then surveyed the area. He was ready in case others came in. The crashing through the door was not exactly stealthy.

Jared slowly shook his head as the Adam moved in on the medics. It was a waste of time and energy, they weren't being aggressive. He kept his eyes swiveling over the warehouse, watching for any sudden movements that might happen.

Adam began to walk towards the Elefirn prisoner as Judge, Jury, and Executioner. Only one brave Elefirn immediately understood what was going to happen in the next few seconds, and she quickly jumped to her flighty feet as she, quite literally, turned tail to run. Yet as the only one who moved, she became the first target Adam began to cleave into and sprayed her blood over her shell shocked sisters. When he began to twist his blade to the rest, they had already collapsed to the ground, clung together in a small group with unnatural twitches in their legs and necks. They didn't even suffer a scratch before Adam confirmed their death.

To Alec, their cause of death was obvious. Suicide. By what method? That part wasn't really clear, he had kept an eye on them before and after they became limp. So while Adam made sure he was thorough with his handiwork, Alec observed the inner workings of the facility. He managed to spot six large drones hovering deeper inside the facility, three of them were busy re-containerizing the crates the Elefirn workers were moving. They extracted the raw materials such as the strange fungi and small gas tanks before moving them away to the western portion of the facility. Another two drones were busy carrying some sort of wreckage to the Northern portion of the facility. Oddly enough, some explosives laid haphazardly strewn about the floor on the path northward. The last drone preoccupied itself by carrying what appeared to be the body of a deceased Elefirn worker to the Eastern portion of the facility.

Unloading Dock
The bloody body of the Elefirn was bleeding profusely as Vizil was clumsily applying bandages around large gaps inside the body in a vain effort to contain the blood. There is a little bit of a struggle before the dying Elefirn, failing to cling to life, exhaled a final breath with a slow motion before she went limp. A small pile of bandages and constriction bands laid on top of the Elefirn corpse, an excessive amount for anyone who was trained in field medicine.

"Ah~~ Shit." Vizil whispered to no one in particular, "She's fuckin dead, fuck."

She slowly stood up and faced Linda when she was prompted with a question. Vizil looked at a distance with her closed eyes focused, "A command room? A command room, fuck... I don't think we really had a command room, at least one I've seen. I mean, if you are looking for something with a lot screens, then I think there were some to the... western part of the factory I think? OH SHIT!" Her eyes opened wide and outstretched her arms towards Linda, she waved her gun around carelessly, "YEAH! There were a bunch of fucking screens that a bunch 'o bitches would look at all day and yell at us because we didn't meet any of their 'quotas' for their guns and other crap. Sometimes some of the Kuv ass hats would come from the eastern part of this shithole and talk to who-knows-the-fuckwit. But it was always alone with none of around, and they'd never tell us why, and if we'd ask they'd drag our sorry asses away. We'd never hear from those girls again..." Vizil slowly silenced herself.

Yet Vizil shot back up again with a fury "But fuck them! I can show you the way!", she started marching forward before being halted by Mark.

Back peddling from where she was, she looked closely into the weirdly colored water, "Ummmm, well, um. It's definitely treated water, I heard we had a farm, maybe they put chemicals in the water for the farm? I dunno, they do a lot of weird shit here."

After looking at the water, she approached the fungi Mark held, and began to sniff it.

Then she began to gag. Horribly. Almost to the point of spilling out her insides with every other cough before slowly regaining her composure as her coughing slowly subsided, even the facility's loud screeches didn't faze her.


She gripped her chest as if she had the wind knocked out of her body "Urhugurgh, I've never seen that shit! IT'S FUCKING GROSS, AND IT DOESN'T BELONG ON THIS PLANET! GAURH!"

She took a few steps back from Mark in complete disgust.

"I've never seen such vile shit in my entire fucking life! It smells like the taste of what the Kuv fuckbags were force feeding us!"

Manufacturing Facility

A low buzz rang underneath the sounds of the facility as it began to grind to a slow, then silent, halt. It was hushed as the voids of empty space.
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Jared watch everything that happened silently, still keeping an eye out for anything moving out of the ordinary. He felt bad for the little alien that had tagged along, Vizil. Everyone was asking questions of her and ordering her around. Jared was going to make sure that the next time they had a minute, he would give her a quiet "good job". She was putting up with a lot, he also wanted to reassure her that he only asked her to try to save the alien in case they needed to interrogate her, it wasn't a big deal that it didn't survive.

That would have to wait til later, for now, he got back to surveying the warehouse, wondering what the next thing that would happen would be.

Alec looked over at the mess Adam was making as he walked over the drone carrying off the dead worker. He felt his stomach churn with disgust at the scene, the savagery his fellow marine was displaying. He wanted to stop this, but orders were orders. "Fucking animal..." The medic muttered to himself before switching his comms on. "Boss, got a whole mess of fungi and explosives in here. Gonna follow this drone and see what's in the east part of the facility."
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