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RP: 188604 [Post USO X Heartbreaker Crossover] Recreational Killing



Ee'ee Planetside - Geometric City

After the initial meeting with Thi-Thi, the two parties of aliens were allowed to return to their crafts and prepare for the upcoming activities back on the surface. Rather conveniently, the I'ee had arranged for a planetside base of operations within the strange, art city that they had initially met with Thi-Thi within.

Thi-Thi herself wasn't present this time. Instead, a delegation of Ee'ith I'ee were there to meet them, all LED smiles and squeaks, as per usual. The Yamataians and USO members were invited into the large, metal-coated tower. Inside, it seemed there was more to the art show than was initially visible: A large chamber at the tower's apex, accessed either through the landing pad or using a large cargo elevator that lead back down to the surface. Inside this chamber were large, holographic light shows, each apparently depicting an accurate, three-dimensional model of the Ee'ee system's planets.

Kebrenasse's projection was conspicuously distorted and rendered in a pulsing blood-red, suggesting that the projections were in some way based off of some kind of live feed from orbital satellites.

The Ee'ith has been busy constructing a temporary base for the aliens within this chamber. Besides what appeared to be makeshift refreshment stands, similar to what had been built on Antipode for the Heartbreaker's crew, there was a sizable collection of weapon racks with various native I'ee weapons.
Caesti, halberds, spears and rapiers; the selection seemed limited to either short, punching blades or long polearms. The long weapons, notably, had rings set along their lengthy handles, presumably to give the thumbless I'ee better grasp and control.

A few armed Thi-Thi stood nearby, along with an Ee'ith ambassador who looked slightly uncomfortable about being around so many dangerous weapons.

As the aliens entered, one of the Ee'ith tottered over, waving to them in greeting. "Hello, friends!" he greeted. "Welcome! Thi-Thi has asked us to relay a message: To those of you wishing to participate in her hunt, weapons are stored over there." He pointed to the armoury nearby. "To those of you who do not, you are welcome to remain here with us, and we shall do our best to entertain you."

"Additionally," he said, raising a claw. "Thi-Thi wished for us to elaborate upon the rules she has set upon this upcoming hunt: No complex weaponry; this means guns, augmented blades, and the like. Mobility and combat aids, whether natural or mechanical, are allowed to be used." There was a brief pause, where the I'ee tapped his claws nervously together with a frown on his mask. "I, uh... strongly suggest that you adhere to these rules. Good luck to those of you who are taking part!"
Ee'ee Planetside, Geometric City, Base Camp

The Heartbreaker's shuttle had needed to make two trips to deposit their crew members this time, as several more had decided to join them for the hunt. Or at least for the gathering and celebrating parts. Cosima was accompanying Isao, setting up a makeshift medical center within the base area the I'ee had provided. She had no desire to venture out to meet the wildlife of Ee'ee, although Isao was welcome to assist them in a combat or medical capacity.

Kiwi was tagging along with Kiko this time, also eager to learn more about the intricacies of I'ee cuisine. Pecan was warily hiding behind her sister, still not sure about all of the insects buzzing about. Even if they were all overly friendly. She'd heard there would be exotic snacks, and she'd missed the last party the I'ee had thrown, so she'd decided to cautiously join the others at the base camp.

While Rin had stayed behind, in temporary command of the ship, their Captain was surprisingly leading the crew members into battle this time. She had personally overseen Sunny Linn's fabrication of the crew's requested weaponry, and explained to the would-be hunters how important it was to respect the alien's wishes and act honorably during this challenge they had accepted. As usual, Tsukisaki had her ceremonial sword on her belt.

Meanwhile, two other crew members entered the staging area, one of them whooping and giggling. Bettie seemed excited by the prospect of a real hunt, as it had been some time since her last. The two Uesu Neko had been rescued and safely on board the Heartbreaker for some time now, after all. Her and her partner were wearing the rather skimpy animal hide bikinis they had been wearing when originally greeting their rescuers, and were sporting fearsome war paint and freshly fabricated spears. Veronika did not seem nearly as enthusiastic, mostly playing along for Bettie's benefit.
Ee'ee Base Camp
Spacecase would walk in carrying a staff and a wide variety of throwing knives. "Not going to lie I'm actually really excited about this. I haven't used this gear in a long time." He would flash a wide grin. "Still wasn't too sure on my abilities so I downloaded how to use them profeciently."

"So anyways what are we hunting?"
E'ee setup camp place

The hummingbirb stepped out of the USO-affiliated shuttle smoothly, taking her position to the side as she surveyed the staging area. Within about ninety seconds, she identified the location of the weapons store-which seemed to be basically everywhere there wasn't some stall, stand, or other construction designed specifically for the tourists to visit and relax at.

Walking over to the closest respectable collection of spears, Araxie Serai inspected their construction with a remarkable amount of interest but not necessarily much knowledge-the handiwork (is that the right word here?) was remarkable. It wouldn't be impossible for her actions to have attracted the attention of at least some of the carapaced natives.
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Alex had brought down his Unicorn custom fighter. Its appearance was different than the U-1 prototype that the I'ee and the heartbreaker crew had seen at the battle. Its legs were pulled together in the rear, like a traditional fighter, forming the rear of the fuselage. Its wings were still swept forward, and it was painted white, with red highlighting.

As it landed, its VTOL sublegs folded out to keep it steady. Then it transformed into mecha form, and Alex hopped out, waving to his comrades and the SAoY personnel. At the same time, his mecha waved as well.

He then walked over to the weapons and selected two I'ee swords, fit for the natives to use as full sized blades, but just right to be held in either hand and used as shortswords by Alex.

"I hope its okay to use my mecha. I took off all the weapons."
Ee'ee Planetside, Geometric City, Base Camp

Hasewega stepped off the shuttle, her coat and duty uniform switched out for the Type 31 Working Uniform for ease of movement. A unremarkable scabbard with the hilt of a freshly fabricated katana pointing out hung at her waist. While it was a bit larger than the the shinken what she usually worked with, she'd could compensate for the extra length and weight.

As she made her way to the towards one of the concession stands, she looked over at the mecha and the person suggetsing to use it for the hunt before shaking her head. It looked too big and would probably kick up too much noise. But if the I'ee were allowing it, than there wasn't much she could say on the matter for now.
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Jay disembarked from the USO shuttle with newfound confidence. He soon found the weapon racks, and took his time choosing his weapons. Making his way through the swords, he soon found a pair of cutlasses that balanced well on his hands, and fit him well as daggers. He then proceeded to test the spears, he practiced throwing and spinning them between his hands. He finally decided on a light glaive, slightly shorter than he was.
Ee'ee Planetside - Geometric City

Skade looked around the tower with unconcealed delight. “This place is amazing! Why don’t we do more decorations like this?” she asked, smiling as she held her new, arm length, war hammer on her shoulder as she was drawn to the blood red dwarf they had fought around in the last mission. “We could use more ostentatious architecture.”

Yeah, it’s not really practical, like my Mjolnir, but sometimes beauty is the point itself. Like a blue leopard spotted Neko, she thought with a grin. Heh or fur bikini-clad Nekos.

Having more of the Heartbreaker’s crew be down on the planet was a nice change of pace. The Taii’s presence was especially interesting, to say the least. Haven’t seen her ever get down and dirty with the enlisted. The technician shrugged. Guess she has to unwind somehow.

The USO people are as entertaining as ever, she thought, looking at the mech. Unless we’re going after dinosaurs, I don’t think that’s really all that sporting.

In any case, she thought, securing her hammer on her belt as she walked over to the I’ee’s weapon stands and picking out one of the rapiers, might as well take another weapon while we’re waiting. Nodding to the Elysian and Nepleslian, she turned and thrust the air a few times as a test run. “Very nice,” she said, nodding in satisfaction as she picked up a matching scabbard and sheathed the sword. Just glad I got to change back into an actual duty uniform. Somethings really do need to be practical. But skirts are fun, so...

Turning around, the Neko heard Spacecase ask the all-important question. “Yeah,” she said to the Ee’ith in question, pointing at the Freespacer after he spoke up, “What he said.” Hopefully something that I can pulverize.
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Ee'ee Planetside, Geometric City, Base Camp

Corgan stepped out of the shuttle. He looked around for the queen, relief evident on his face when he saw that she wasn't around. The uniform from earlier had been replaced with his usual duster and casual clothes. He wore a knife at his waist instead of the HHG he normally carried. The Nepleslian saw Skade and walked up beside her.

"Interesting choice of weaponry there." He said, pointing to the hammer. "Maybe later I'll show you and Edtoto my hammer," Corgan said with a grin.

He walked over to the weapon racks and found a sturdy spear. It had a metal "lug" on the spear socket to prevent the creature from working up the shaft to possibly injure the user. "This looks good to me." He said, grabbing another spear in case he lost the first.

Turning back to Skade, he noticed the two Nekos wearing fur bikinis. He didn't stare, but he was mentally undressing them. The sight of the Captain surprised and terrified him. He walked back over to Skade. "So it looks like your Captain is joining us. This should be interesting."

Uso got off the shuttle just in time to hear the ambassador's speech, "You make it sound like something else out there might be enforcing these rules. Is there anything in particular we need to be on watch for?"

Uso herself had on a boonie hat with some mesh webbing that had been stapled in place around the top. She also had made a few adjustments to her bodysuit, the color now a bit more of a drab green, with mesh along the exterior of the suit around the shoulders and arms. Resting on the back of her belt was a small pack that was just a little larger than a hand, that was zipped up along with a large water bottle. On the right side of her hips were a pair of daggers made from transparent durandium that had been well polished and had a slick surface.

She also had a second small pack made from a green drab material like the one attached to her belt. She looked at Alex for a moment, then over at Jay,

"Hey! Newjay, hold onto this!" She said, tossing the pack over to him.

She would then turn her attention to Alex, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Alex, we're here because Thi-Thi is looking to recapture a certain feeling. Specifically hunting with her sisters when she was younger. I don't think you should bring your mecha along with us for this one... at least not on the ground. Have it stay out of sight overhead so we can see what is going on ok?"
Alex nodded.

"Okay, but I have a couple ideas for using it I want to try out."

He signalled the craft and it transformed into fighter mode and rocketed up into the sky.
"Later, right now lets enjoy this the way Thi-Thi wants us to enjoy it. You can always go mecha-hunting yourself later... or like, mecha boxing... which we probably should sell seats to at some point. People love combat.... "

Uso's voice drifting off a bit before her attention snapped over to the weapons, "FIRST! I need a real weapon though... well... I guess a fake weapon, but a real-fake-weapon.... vintage...."

"BIRDY! GET A SPEAR IF YOU'RE COMING ALONG!" Uso shouted at her Elysian compatriot as she went and picked up a spear herself...

"Do you ever hunt with real weapons? Or do you only hunt with stabbers now days?" Uso asked, not really turning her attention toward any I'ee in particular... "... and I totally expected Gut-Stripe to be here..."
Staging Room
Spacecase would look around quickly at the competition. He gulped seeing the Warhammer. 'That'll devistat anything it hits.' He thought to himself.

He would quickly spin the staff around him having it spin around his neck before catching it in his hand and pressing the button for it to retract. He then holstered it on his wrist so he could slide it out into his palm quickly. "Not that I want to be an ass or anything but since I am a scout first and foremost I don't do anything without knowing what it is first."

He pulled out some of the larger heavier knives and began to juggle them for a quick moment before catching them between his fingers and putting them away. "Ok now I am confident that I can use these."
Ee’ee Planetside - Geometric City

“Funny,” Skade said, rolling her eyes at Corgan’s euphemism as she adjusted her skirt to take into account the weapons sitting on either hip, “Yeah, we'll have to have that appointment later. Edtoto isn’t coming to the hunt. I think she’s getting ready to head to her people’s new planet.” I’ll miss that lizard. For all her faults, she pulled me out of self-isolation. Wouldn’t have done half the things I have without her. "If you get more kills than I do, I can take an early peek if you're interested."

“Yeah,” she said, after the Nepleslian realized the Taii was there and not noticing Spacecase’s look, “I think we’re all surprised she’s here. Can’t say the same for your boss,” she continued with a small smile, making sure not to show her back to the much older and more experienced Neko. “Guess they have to relax one way or another.”
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Geometric City - Interior

The Ee'ith who had come to greet the aliens displayed a frown at Spacecase's question. "I'm afraid I don't know," he answered. "It might be intended as a surprise. If I had to guess, I'd say it is something large." The male I'ee then turned to Alex, an open-mouthed expression on his mask as he ogled the indicated mecha. "Hm. It is like a large suit?" he asked, tapping a claw on his mandible; a mannerism that most Ee'ith seemed to possess. "I'm not sure. You should ask Thi-Thi when you meet her at the city. I only implore you to consider her rules for the sake of graciousness. Additionally... I would not want to upset her."

Elsewhere, the I'ee manning the makeshift juice bars greeted the Heartbreaker's cooks with as much eagerness as ever: A couple of them were apparently from the same group who had been present during the crew's stay on Antipode, and were eager to learn the secrets of cooking meat from them.
Staging Area
Spacecase frowned. "So we're going in blind then? That sucks." He would look around contemplating whether he should grab more weapons just in case or to keep with his current load out. He finally settled on keeping his old gear but he wanted to bring his airbike but he wasn't sure he was allowed. "Hey...Uh...you would it be ok if I brought my bike? It doesn't have any weapons on board I swear."
'Birdy' the Elysian started when her employer called her out. As she shook herself, Madame Serai reached for a spear, hefting it up a litt-Yeah, nope. Too heavy. Need something lighter... Replacing the first choice, the angel poked about the rack a few more times before settling on a shorter glaive. As she returned to a position somewhat affiliated with the other people who seemed to be joining the hunt, Araxie held the spear-like weapon at a partially ready position, mobilizing her feathery appendages in a variety of directions to make sure she wasn't obstructing herself.

"So, what are we hunting? Or does nobody know yet?" Planting the butt of her chosen strife device into the ground and leaning slightly on the not-so-dangerous part, the girl looked actually rather silly.
Errowyn looked at the weapons offered as she had heard the Ambassadors speech about the high powered weapons they had brought a long with them. She also had the utility belt of standard YSS Star Army survival gear to include a small first aid kit. She wasn't about to give up her service pistol. She just secured the holster flap so that it would be harder to remove.

She moved gracefully at the side of Uso in a manner that still gave Uso plenty of room to maneuver. Giving up the rifle would be no problem. As she was more interested in picture taking than actually gunning down some animal for sport.
Ee'ee Planetside, Geometric City, Base Camp Interior

Takeshi seemed to materialize out of nowhere. He stood behind Skade so Corgan could see him, but the Captain could not. A wakizashi in his hand, he dragged it menacingly across his own throat and pointed at Corgan. It was at least an inch away from touching him but the message was clear.

Corgan shrugged and backed away, meeting Takeshi's gaze without blinking. He finally turned and made his way over to the refreshments.

The android stepped up beside Skade. "What does he think he's going to show you?" He asked, already having an idea but looking for confirmation. "What if I kill more than Corgan, will you let me show you something?" While he spoke, he strapped on a harness similar to a belt with a scabbard on either side. One already held a blade of similar length. Takeshi smoothly sheathed the other without looking.
Ee'ee, Geometric City, Base Camp

“Oh, there you are, Takashi-kun,” Skade said, looking at the taller android with a smile, “Was that really necessary?” Chuckling, she leaned against him, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the relative coolness of his chassis on her cheek. Good to have someone solid behind you. Especially when you don’t know what you’re going up against. Don’t think the wasps would put us against something really dangerous, but you never know.

“Yeah,” she said after a few moments, “We’re going to have some fun later with Edtoto, but I guess he wants some alone time.” Which isn’t the worst thing. Would be my first time with a male though. Looking up at Saba, she smirked as she continued, “Sure, Takeshi-kun. Competition is always good. Any hints on what you would show me? Maybe one of your swords?”
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