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RP: 188604 [Post USO X Heartbreaker Crossover] Recreational Killing

Ee'ee Planetside, Geometric City

Cyrus exited the shuttle after tieing up a few loose ends. Raphael and Ulysses had taken their leave and headed back for 188604, leaving the CEO of Ragnarok to mingle and participate in the hunt. He had traded out the dress uniform he was wearing for some standard Ragnarok combat fatigues. His short sleeved BDUs showing off the worn synth skin underneath. As he approached he smiled and walked towards Errowyn and Uso, laying an arm across Errowyn's shoulders.

"This looks like it will be interesting..." he said to Uso and Errowyn.
Errowyn was constantly looking around as she paid attention to what was happening around her as both crews began to appear for the hunt. Her eyes narrowed a bit when Corgan had a blade placed against his neck.

Could she shoot a Star Army Soldier, when she was still one technically, even though rogue at the moment. Conflicting emotions raged through her as she had been in battle supporting Corgan in ground operation from the air. And at times he may had her back either intentionally or unintentionally. His mere presence helped to protect '5' when it was parked at the palace before she had gotten her Island base at what seamed to be the only fresh water lake on the planet big enough to have islands.

She relaxed her stance when Corgan moved away. It was a relief, yet she still wondered if she would come to the aid of her comrade that wasn't part of the same Star Empire that gave birth to her, against an organization that she was still technically part of. But deep down she was glad that today wasn't the day to find out. Even though there was the unwritten future that it could happen still.

Errowyn looked up at Cyrus when he put his arm around her. She snuggled in closer to him as she wrapped an arm around his waist. "Hey..you ready for this fiasco?" Errowyn spoke softly, looking up at him with a soft smile and troubled eyes.
Ee'ee Planetside
Medical Station

Much like the medical Neko, Isao did not wish to partake in the hunt. He personally viewed it as trivial and wanted to be back into his medical capacity more than the fighting. He'd been shelled in to a ship locked in survivalistic combat for too many years and playing doctor again was too much like R&R to be doing anything else.

"Give me a quick check off of what we brought down equipment-wise, and you're in luck I'm not going out so you have someone to talk to or not." He looked over to the Neko and gave a smile which had more or less gone unseen to the entire crew except her. He looked back out towards the scenery as he pondered what they were hunting and how long it would be until something went wrong.
Geometric City - Interior

Kiko originally had wanted to join in on the hunt, she'd never participated in something like that before!- at least not like how the I'ee had planned for it to go. She was trained in close-combat, but outside of training she'd never had to actually put those skills to use.

That didn't exactly matter at this point though, the I'ee working the juice bars quickly grabbed her attention and she left the group of soon-to-be hunters without much of a second thought. It would be more fun to talk with them and socialize with the I'ee than go on a hunt, at least in her personal opinion. Picking up new recipes and making new friends was always exciting to the Neko cook, and perhaps she'd have the opportunity to entertain them with the Ukulele she had brought along with her for such an opportunity!- She had even brought along a container of the powdered chocolate she used to make hot chocolate, having remembered how much Sally had enjoyed it.

"So!- You'll have to tell me about these juices you have here.."

Perhaps she'd make a good impression yet!
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Geometric City - Interior - Juice Bars

Kiko was greeted by a female Ee'ith, who had the usual smiley face displayed on her mask, hopping excitedly in front of her. "Hello, Miss! You are one of the Yamataian crew, am I correct? It's so lovely to meet you!" she chattered eagerly, taking Kiko's hand in her little claws and leading her closer to the juice bar, where a similarly excited and eager staff of I'ee waited.

Behind the I'ee working were several clear containers all filled with differently coloured juices: As might be expected, the nozzles that dispensed said juices were controlled by valves. "The lady wants to know all about our juices!" the Ee'ith holding Kiko's hand declared to her sisters, who each squeaked and hopped up and down eagerly.
"I'll do it!" one of them announced, pointing to the left-most container, which held a mostly-clear, but faintly lime-green liquid. "This one is sweet! It's also very thick and... um... 'goopy'?"

One of the other staff I'ee held up a green, leathery-skinned fruit roughly the size of a basketball, to which the I'ee giving the juice-tour pointed. "It comes from this fruit! And... this juice," she pointed to the next container, which had an opaque, thick yellow juice with visible pulp floating inside. "It is slightly, um, 'tangy', but also sweet! The smaller fruits are the most sour." She held up a golf-ball sized fruit that looked remarkably like a terrestrial lemon, besides being spherical. "It's, um, not a good idea to bite into them." Her sisters all nodded with solemn frowns displayed on their masks.


Meanwhile, the I'ee male that had greeted the aliens watched as each of those participating in the hunt found themselves weapons to use, his mask smiling at them. "Well... I suppose there's not much more for me to say," he said, again tapping a claw on his mandible. "When you are ready for Thi-Thi's hunt, take your craft and head to the old city. You can see it from the landing pad. Thi-Thi will be there to meet you... somewhere. She'll probably have something to mark where she wants you to begin your hunt."
Staging Area
Spacecase would start to make his way back to his ship. "Anyone coming with me I'll be lifting off in 5 for the Old City."
Alex landed his U-1 nearby in fighter form.

"I've got a passenger seat if anyone wants to ride with me."

He looked around as he said so, before striding over to his craft and storing the two swords in his cockpit.
Kiko beamed at the Ee'ith, her tail curling up with excitement as the little lady took her hand, "I am!- One of the ship's cooks!" She waggled her free hand at the staff of I'ee, "It's a pleasure to meet all of you!" She nodded, she absolutely did want to know about the juices! "Oh! You can call me Kiko." She said, as she leaned down to examine the green, goopy juice.

"I see!- from I've come to understand you all seem to prefer sweet foods. I could see how you wouldn't enjoy something very sour!" She idly squeezed the Ee'ith's little claw, "I'd very much like to try some, if not all of the juices you have! I brought something with me that you all might enjoy as well! It's very sweet!" She motioned to the bag she brought along with her, "I think we're going to have lots of fun!"
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Jay strode over to Alex.

"I'll take you up on that offer. It would probably do me good to see this thing flown correctly."
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Cyrus smiled down at Errowyn and kissed the top of her head. "Ready when you are." He said giving her a squeeze. He noted her troubled look and frowned slightly.

He began walking with her towards the Ragnarok shuttle, "Come have a seat with me." He said moving toward the front of the craft and taking a seat offering her the seat right next to him. "What's bugging you sweet heart...?" He asked while they were still alone. "Somethings been off with you... don't think I didn't notice that little outburst at our meeting with the queen. Are your sisters giving you grief again?" He asked.
I'ee Staging Grounds

That landing was pretty obvious. Arx was considering asking about the second seat until that new guy-Jay, was it?-beat her to the pilot.
Well that's a bust. These Yammies don't seem to be the most aloof of the bunch at least, maybe... The angel drifted about in thoughts for a few minutes, drifting towards the nearest Heartbreaker crew member(s). After a short internal debate, the... Least immediately dangerous person was chosen.

Takeshi could probably know the silver-eyed Elysian was approaching even through this crowd, stopping but two meters away and swaying gently in the wind, her cool-toned feathered appendages swishing gently in the breeze.
I'ee Staging Grounds

"Alex, you're killing me here.... what's the point of those cargo pods if we can't use the U1 as a shuttle..." Uso said, more to herself as Alex was already well on his way towards flying off again.

She'd head towards Spacecase's ship, walking backwards while shouting towards the crew of the Heartbreaker, "NEED A RIDE?! MIGHT AS WELL GET TO KNOW ONE ANOTHER!"
I'ee Staging Grounds

Hasewega felt like the black sheep of the Heartbreaker crew as should stood out on her own among the chattering group of would-be hunters. At least the others seemed to be having some interaction with the other crew, albeit a little more hostile than she thought it'd be. Still, it's not like she saw them really helping their images with such ill-preparedness for a simply hunt.

As the I'ee envoy said they'd need to fly their way to old part of the city, Hasewega turned and began making her way to the Heartbreaker's shuttle till she heard Uso offer up some seats on their ship. The minkan debated it for a moment. While one one hand it would be a good learning to see how the other group really are, it was also very possible that she'd be in a floating liability surrounded by more psychopathic liabilities. Looking over the remaining group, she figured she'd might be able to handle a couple of them in the close quarters of the shuttle. Turning on her heel, she made her way to Spacecase's ship. "I shall take you up on that offer." she said, trying not keep her hand off the scabbard on her side.
Ee'ee Planetside, Geometric City, Base Camp

Pecan continued to peek over Kiwi's shoulder, as the Cook followed after Kiko, carrying a large box of supplies. As the I'ee began their fruit-focused presentation, she played the parcel on the nearest table. Pecan was slowly relaxing, as the aliens discussed relatively harmless things like juice. Which looked appealingly sweet and tasty. "I'm sure the Taii would appreciate us taking a few samples back for study at the end of all of this, right?" Kiwi nodded at Kiko as the other Neko got wrapped up in the conversation. "She had me and Pecan grab a few things. Mostly from that, uh, grab bag of stuff dumped in the Cargo Bay..."

The two began unpacking the container, putting the items out for display: a meat grinder and sausage making kit, several blocks of assorted cheeses, bottles of soybean oil and a large selection of various common spices. "This is barely even putting a dent in the mess..." Pecan finally piped up, frowning absentmindedly at the assortment of mismatched items. "But, if they're hunting something, we're probably going to eat it after, right?" Kiwi patted one of the countertop cookers they'd unpacked, as backup in case the I'ee really had no fire pits, ovens or other ways to properly prepare the potential upcoming meal. "And then, leftover sausages!"

This conversation was easy enough for Isao to overhear nearby, as Cosima assisted with the setup of their makeshift medical station. "Ah, um...yes...let's see..." The reserved Neko held up a datapad, looking over the equipment they had assembled as she began reading off a list of supplies.

Tsukisaki stood alone, arms crossed over her chest, solemn expression on her face as always. Uso's outburst finally sent her into motion, arms uncrossing as she gestured towards her crew, and their 'half' of the area. "Agreed. This will be twice we have fought together. I trust your colleagues will be less...openly insulting this time?" One eyebrow raised, before she motioned for everyone to follow her towards the indicated craft. Although Sara had already hopped out in front. The Taii spared a moment to turn to their resident combat android, the only one of them still fully armed. "No disintegrations."

With that warning, she advanced towards the shuttle. Given the go ahead, Bettie whooped and dashed forward, hopping...onto the top of the transforming fighter. Her chosen seat seemed to be right on top of the cockpit, the Neko's bikini-clad rump blocking most of Alex's view, although he certainly had plenty of sensors to rely on. Veronika sighed at the enthusiastic and not very well thought out decision, taking up a spot standing further back, artificial gravity anchoring her feet to the surface of the craft, free hand on a stray fin for support.

Once on board, Tsukisaki stood close to Uso, greeting her with a nod. "Captain." Her arms crossed again, gaze wandering to Errowyn as she walked past to another shuttle...eyes narrowing...
Kiko nodded her head at Kiwi, "Mhm, that was the plan, if these juices are as good as I have a feeling they'll be the crew will thank us later! Figured a taste test would be in order first though." The smile on her face grew, "Glad she did, It'll be lots of help. We'll have more things to share, and it'll be easier to feed everyone. Assuming that they catch something sizeable! Sausage sounds perfect, actually."

Kiko quickly scanned over everything the two had brought, and then gave the I'ee her attention again. She looked eager to give the presented juices a try, and perhaps just a bit enraptured by how cute the I'ee were. It didn't seem possible for am entire species to be so nearly-overwhelmingly adorable.
Alex spoke over the speakers on his craft. "I don't think that's safe miss. And watch out, I need to open up the cockpit."

At Alex's behest the metal covers slid open to either side, revealing the glass canopy that opened backward, spilling Betty on to the back of the U-1.

"Sorry..." Alex called out.
He then beckoned for Jay to get in.

"I'm not sure how much you'll be able to learn."
I'ee Staging Grounds


Corgan decided to try one of the juices the I'ee were displaying. He overheard one of them mentioning that one of the fruits was extremely sour. That sounds like a challenge, he thought. He walked up to the juice bar. "I want to try one of your sour fruits. The most sour one you have."

When he realized everyone was leaving for the hunt he sighed. "Nevermind, I'll have one when we get back." Corgan said. He turned and hurried to the Ragnarok transport, taking care to give Errowyn and Cyrus a little space.

"As the Nepleslian might say, I was just screwing with him. He is a good soldier for a mercenary. I am.. not against you getting pleasure from others." Takeshi responded to Skade. "And yes, I could show you my sword, but I think you have seen it before. I have fought with it in your presence before." The reference went right over his head. "No, what I want to show you is an attachment I have found. With a little modification, I believe it will aid our fun."

The android was alarmed to hear one of the mercenaries address him. He turned to respond to the Elysian. "Greetings, meat bag." Takeshi said cheerfully. After a few seconds, he laughed, which was to say he just played a recording of people laughing. "Hello. Do you require assistance?"
Juice Bar

"We can make some for you, fresh!" the I'ee behind the counter declared cheerfully, taking the soft, leathery green fruit in her claws while another I'ee produced a cup made of plain, white plastic from beneath the counter. The Ee'ith holding the fruit grabbed what looked like a straw made of hard plastic and pressed it against the fruit: It seemed soft and squishy, as if it were rotten, though it appeared to be its natural state. With a bit of pressure, the straw created a neat, circular hole in the fruit, which began leaking a gooey, sap-like juice.

The I'ee then squeezed the fruit over the cup, pushing the sticky juice out in thick rivulets into the container while the fruit deflated like a balloon. A few black seeds also came out of the fruit, which seemed to be mainly composed of its sticky juice. "This is for you!" the I'ee squeaked, placing the straw in the now-full cup and offering it to Kiko.

The other Ee'ith not occupied with serving Kiko reacted with delight as the other Yamataians brought food and drink of their own. "Oh my!" they squeaked. "Yay! Can we try some of this?" The excitable insects were already curiously hovering their antennae across the cheeses laid out.
One of them spotted Corgan approaching and moved to serve him with a smile on her mask, which turned to an open-mouthed face when he said he needed to leave. "Oh! Take this with you, Mister!" she said, tottering after him and holding a particularly small specimen of the sour, yellow fruits to him. "Good luck with your hunt!"


Those who had chosen to join the hunt had to fly East from the Geometric City, where, beyond a tall, pine-like forest, loomed the old city where the hunt would take place. As they approached, it could be seen quite clearly just how old it was: Plant life ruled the streets, with branches poking out of windows and entrances, roots cracking stone and concrete from below, and tall trunks protruding from collapsed roof tops. The architecture of the city was familiar in the sense that it was functional, but with enough quirks and differences to be clearly alien in origin. Despite being reclaimed by nature, a few distinctly I'ee structures loomed; pristine and new. Most seemed to be small listening posts to watch the city or transmit information of some sort.

Surrounding the city was a large, metal wall, featureless and topped with nasty-looking razor wire, also of I'ee construction. At the gate to this wall enclosing the old city waited a large, wheeled vehicle. At two stories tall, it was almost too large, its chassis perched high atop long-legs with large, heavy tires. It was visibly armed, with one side of its body possessing cannon and missile turrets, while at the front sat a driver's cabin.

As the visitors' craft approached, an I'ee popped out of a top-hatch on the vehicle's cabin and fired a bright, red flare into the sky from a handheld launcher, signalling the aliens to land nearby. A ladder extended from the cabin, from which the crew of the vehicle climbed down to meet the aliens on the ground. USO's people might be surprised to see Gut-Stripe in charge of the vehicle crew, her bright-red war paint glistening in the sun.

"It is good to see you, aliens," she greeted once everyone was present. "The hunt my mother has planned for you is ready. You will proceed on foot into the old city with your chosen weaponry." Gut-Stripe pointed to the gate in front of them, whose thick, metal bulk began to slide open. "When you have found the target, pursue it and kill it. It is a large animal, and it cannot hide forever in such a place as this. If you need a place to hide, the city's old underground is still accessible."
Geometric City – Interior - Entrance

“Sounds like fun, Takeshi-kun,” Skade said, smiling as she pat his metal thigh, “Beat Corgan and we’ll get to try it out sooner rather than later.”

Seeing the crowd moving towards the USO ship, she straightened and said, “Come on, Saba, let’s get going,” as she walked towards the group’s ride, nodding to the Elysian as she did.

Catching up to Sara, the Neko pat the Minkan’s shoulder. “Relax, Hasewega-hei,” she said with a grin, “I doubt that they bite without asking first.” Would usually commend caution, but being apprehensive would probably just make things worse.

Once secure in the shuttle, she smiled at her fellow passengers. “So, ready to kill whatever we’re killing?”


As they listened to Gut-Stripe talk and the I’ee’s defenses registered, the technician’s eyes slowly widened. What in the world are they keeping in there that they need a missile launcher for? Dinosaurs? “So, any hints on its weak points?” she asked, raising her hand.
Ee'ee Staging Ground, Complete With Murderbots

"Meatbag...?" The young 'mercenary' tilted her head to the side at the name. Sure, she had gotten a... Unique variety of nicknames across the years as a freelancer and even more with Uso in command, but meatbag was definately the newest one in the 'strange' category...

Araxie cleared her throat and her mind, before continuing, "Actually, no, I was just trying to... Make some... Conversation..." The silver-eyed angel seemed to get more nervous the more she realized her conversation partner was... Not entirely natural. As if most nekos weren't bad enough... Serai played with some of her golden strands, isolating them from the brown and twisting them around her fingers somewhat idly in an attempt to settle her nerves.