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RP: 188604 [Post USO X Heartbreaker Crossover] Recreational Killing

Ee'ee Old City
Landing in the city Spacecase would come over the ship's PA system. "Thank you ladies and gentlemen for flying with Freespacer Airlines and we hope that you enjoyed your flight. We have reached our destination." Spacecase would then get out taking a look at his surroundings. "I've seen worse but this place is almost woods again."

He would then head over to where Gut-Stripe was. Seeing the large land vehicle he would whistle. "Guess this will be enforcing the 'no guns' rule."
Alex flew to the landing zone, careful not to dislodge his passengers on top. After landing he hopped out and retrieved his swords.

He walked toward the vehicle and gathered with everyone else.

"Woooooooooooooooooooowwwww.... This place is really pretty." Alex said as he looked around the city, wide eyed.
Kiko watched with interest, the fruit was quite odd, and watching the I'ee squeeze the gooey insides of the odd fruit into a cup was fascinating all on its own. It looked quite thick, certainly not anything she eas used to, but she was determined to try it!- especially since the I'ee all seemed so adamant about being such wonderful hosts! Besides, trying new things always excited the neko.

"Thank you!- very sweet of you to squeeze it fresh for me!" She gratefully accepted the cup, and held it up to her face. The cup met with her lips and she tilted it back to guide the goopy juice into her mouth
Errowyn tagged along flying using her neko abilities to manipulate the gravity around her and her self to get to the meeting place where the vehicle was at waiting for them. She checked out her camera, making sure everything was operational with spare cards and batteries for it.
Jay casually dismounted from the fighter, slightly shaken from the ride but ready for whatever might be waiting in the forest.

"Yeah, nice place you guys have here." He said as he retrieved his weapons from the ship.

"I didn't know there was this much green in the whole galaxy."
"No promises, besides aren't you soldier types supposed to have thick skin? If these guys can get you riled up then you're in bigger trouble than... if... you.... were not as easily riled up." Uso said, suddenly looking a little nervous, her head tilting away for a moment before her attention refocused on Tsukisaki, "Sorry, I thought I was going somewhere with that..."

Uso paused for a moment,

"So who are you anyways? Looks like you were flying an older ship... means you're probably not a princess. SAINT agents love being SAINT too much, you would have told me if you were that already. That means what? Regular army doesn't roll around single-ship like that and you don't seem special-forcesy... some kinda scout? Are you with the SSS?

More importantly can you just order them to wear those animal hide bikini's or are they doing that on their own?"

Uso's rambling came to a close just as the ship doors of Spacecase's craft started opening. Uso's eyes would widen once she saw that familiar bug,

"GUT STRIPE! HOW'S IT GOING!!!" She shouted, waving her arms at the warrior-bug.
Transitioning to the actual fight area, that old city place

Araxie left the android to hitch a ride towards the hunting grounds themselves, not wanting to be left behind trying to talk to him. She landed with the rest of the hunters, stretching her winds out again and flapping them slowly to warm them up as she walked over to the main group of hunters.

"I'm assuming nobody's found the target then. I didn't catch any information earlier, do we know anything about the prey or no?" The cobalt angel asked these questions to nobody in particular as she approached, using her spear as a sort of walking stick.
Geometric City – Interior - Entrance

Takeshi followed Skade onto the shuttle. He wondered what had driven away the Elysian. On the flight to the hunting ground, he remained silent, watching the landscape underneath them change from a window. This was only his second time on a planet, and he wasn't sure if he liked it yet. It was certainly better than the beach and the snow-covered mountain so far.


Once the ship had landed, Saba filed in behind Skade. His excitement grew when he noticed the armaments on the vehicle. "Skade-chan, I think this is going to be fun."
Spacecase's Shuttle

Hasewega looked over at Skade with some resignation before giving her a nod taking her seat. She stayed quiet on the short flight over, her arms crossed as she watched the exchange between Uso and Tsukisaki. As much as she wanted to urge Uso to be a bit more professional about this little excursion, she sat back and kept her mouth sealed.


As the shuttle landed and everyone began funneling out, Hasewega took a moment to take in the environment. The mixture of an overgrown pine forest clashing with the old I'ee architecture seemed to have a bit of a calming effect on her. While forests were nothing to her, she couldn't help feel a little more at ease environment. Her hand managed to stay away from the scabbard as she looked onward.

As the Elysian landed by asking about the quarry of the hunt, Hasewega took a break from the environment and her general silence to answer. "We have not been informed on what exactly we're hunting. All we know is that we will know it when we see it." She said calmly, before turning to face her. "I trust you can use your judgement?"

"That implies either we're hunting something large or something marked. Possibly both." The hummingbird was only partially turned towards Hasewega during the beginning of her sentence, coming full front by its conclusion.

"Araxie Serai, at your service." Extending her right hand for a shake, Araxie's silver eyes scanned the basic charictafistics of Hase's body, focusing of course mostly on the face. Aside from the fairly neutral-looking synthetic outfit she wore and the shortened, lightened spear in one hand, the Elysian carried nothing with her on the venture-she decided to trust '604 to run itself for a couple of hours more than normal at least...
The Neko silently stared at Uso as her first attempt at small talk trailed off, expression remaining fixed. She eventually spoke up when a more direct question was asked. "I am Taii Tsukisaki Valesti, Captain of the YSS Heartbreaker." This was something the other USO members were well aware of, as she had introduced herself to them several times, and somewhat seemed to enjoy officially stating her name, rank and assignment. "Have your subordinates shared none of this information with you?" She frowned at the thought. "...of course, I am well aware of who you are. As are my superiors." She let that hang in the air for a moment before Uso continued with her questions.

"I am not a princess." That was said rather flatly. "We are tasked with exploring areas outside of the control of Yamatai, Nepleslia or other major powers. This has brought us into first contact situations with several intelligent species like the Vekimen and I'ee. Which directly leads to our current involvement." She grunted at the final question. "Santo Hei Uesuno Veronika and Santo Hei Uesuno Bettie felt more comfortable in these garments. As the crew will be released for liberty after we have fulfilled our obligations to the I'ee royalty, I consented to their request."

Hunting Area

As the Freespacer's shuttle landed, the Taii walked out along with the other crew members that had come along for the ride. Veronika and Bettie hopped down from the strange fighter craft, their hair a bit tousled by the wind, but the two otherwise seemed to have survived the strange trip none the worse for wear. Bettie in particular seemed even more excited, somehow, as the groups mingled together again in front of the main gate and the massive vehicle guarding this entrance. "Look! That one's a killer bee!"

Base Camp

"Try some? Oh, sure." Kiwi smiled at the eager I'ee who were practically drooling all over the cheeses she'd laid out, mandibles clicking anxiously above the spread. "We've had Sally and Yui on board long enough to know that most Yamataian food seems fairly safe for you. Right, Ki-Hei?" She looked at her fellow cook, blinking in surprise as Kiko so eagerly guzzled down the juice sample. "We're not quite as familiar with your traditional foods, but..." Hopefully the other Neko would be okay. They were basically immune to poison and could digest almost anything. Although the experience might not always be particularly pleasant.
Base Camp

The translucent, goopy juice was sweet. Very sweet. It's texture and viscosity was similar to honey or syrup, but its flavour was distinctly fruity. It was probably simply too sweet to enjoy on its own, especially for Kiko; trying it for the first time, but it would possibly make for an interesting dessert dressing. The I'ee who had served Kiko the juice waited anxiously to see what she thought of it, as still as a statue. The others all hung around Kiwi and Pecan, curious as to what the cheese they had brought was. Despite their excitement at the prospect of trying cheese for the first time, each of them waited patiently for it to be served to them.

Old City - Entrance

"No, the rules will not be enforced through arms," Gut-Stripe answered Spacecase. "This vehicle is for unforeseen contingencies." The I'ee warrior paused as Uso screamed a greeting to her, turning her head to observe the neko before responding. "Oh. Greetings, Uso," she responded, sounding unfazed, even in response to being labelled a 'killer bee', before addressing everyone present.

"Before you all enter, I will demonstrate to you the cry of the target." the I'ee announced, signalling to the cabin of the vehicle behind her. A dish-like emitter on the roof of the vehicle swivelled to face the city and let out some sort of sonic blast. Those with advanced enough hearing would hear the sound as an immensely high-pitched shriek, though it appeared the I'ee could not hear its frequency, and did not expect anyone else to. The signal rang out across the old city, causing vines and detritus to tremble. Finally, just as things were beginning to calm again, a scream rang out. It was a bizarre chorus of almost-human wails, as if four separate creatures were singing out instead of just one. The four wails began at one pitch, before each varied; some going lower, some going higher, until they gradually petered away into mere echoes.

Having produced what she was listening for, Gut-Stripe pointed to the old city in front of the hunters. "That," she declared. "That is the cry of the creature you must kill. It is a wily trickster, and more than capable of hiding its large form beneath and within this city. I shall follow at a distance within this vehicle, but I will only provide direct assistance unless it is absolutely necessary. Any last questions?"
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Old City
Spacecase would think on the sound. It reminded him of something bad. But he couldn't remember exactly what it was. "What does it eat?"
Geometric City Outside

Skade stared up at the sky as the Taii and Uso talked, more uncomfortable then anything. If I’ve learned anything in my year of duty, it’s that it’s always better to not get noticed by the higher ups, especially when they’re two very different Nekos.

Slightly bored, the technician looked at the gigantic vehicle. Like all the weapons and the size of the thing. But wheels on legs? Doesn’t that just make for the worst features of both. She shrugged and thought, Guess it works for them.

Smiling at Saba’s remark, the Neko looked up at him, patted him on the shoulder, and said, “That’s the plan, Takeshi-kun.” She was going to say more, but she flinched at the high-pitched shriek coming from the I’ee’s vehicle. “What in the world is that supposed to…” she started, before silenced by the wailing chorus. “Ohh…” she continued, blinking a few times before looking up at the android again, “What’s your definition of fun? Just wondering if that still fits.”
Kiko's eyes went a little wide, she had expected sweet, but not quite that sweet. It was definitely quite good, but it wasn't something she'd drink a whole lot of, "I like it! Very sweet, just as I had expected. Is there a name for it?" She asked curiously, as she offered the cup back to the I'ee, "It might make a sweet sauce to glaze meat with, or as a dessert topping. Either way, I'd love to get my hands on more."
Uso nodded at Tsukisaki, "Got it, you love that procedure stuff. That ex, *BLAAGGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHG*"

The neko immdiately cringed as she felt the high pitched screeching of the I'ee device, quickly moving to cover her ears with her hands. She would look around, making note of just who could hear that high pitched shreek.

"OK... so... ow..."

Uso would pull out her knives one at a time and toss then blade first into the dirt, followed shortly by the spear she had brought, shaking off the sudden auditory pain.

"You don't seem to be the kind to enjoy coming out here to hunt. I take it that means you have orders to conduct most honorable diplomacy with the I'ee? Score points with Thi-Thi? You remind me of someone I know and they'd hate this kind of thing."

Uso would then get down on the ground and roll side to side, smearing dirt and grass on her outfit,

"I take it you don't have an aversion to killing. I should be thanking you for your help with that big Mishhu too. We were really running out of ships and I'd have to have seen this place exploded...

... speaking of, this sounds like its going to be a hidey-thing. Just flushing it out with loud noises might not work."
Alex winced, able to hear the cry though the sensors of his craft and his neural link to it.

"What kind of creature makes that sound?" He asked.

"And if it likes to hide I could send my fighter overhead to scan the city for it if that's allowed. "
Hunting Area

"Jôtô Hei Hasewega Sara." The minkan said, taking Araxie's hand for a firm shake. Her blue and grey working uniform seemed to clash against the urban and forest terrain. The pouches on her belt were noticeably empty. The only thing of not in her possession was fabricated katana at her side.

"You didn't answer my questio-" Hasewega started before wincing and covering her ears as her calm expression dropped to pain. She turned out towards the city, looking towards the run down structure left nature with bit of concern before breathing in deeply and regaining her composure. "It seems like we have multiple quarries on this hunt." She said, turning back to Araxie with the calm expression back on her face. "I guess we will probably be forming hunting parties if that is the case."
Returning her hand to her side, the civil engineer of '604 seemed uneffected from the sonic assault which had been shredding the ears of most of the synthetic organisms in the area. "Are you alright, miss Sara?"

Clearing her throat, the Elysian glanced about the recovering parties, simultaneously sizing up the overall numbers and also making sure the other people were not incapacitated... "Likely we will split into smaller groups, correct..." As her voice faded into an awkward silence of sorts, Madame Serai idly shifted her weight about.
Base Camp

Kiwi watched Kiko carefully as she guzzled the fruity drink, hoping she wouldn't have to call Cosima and Isao over. Pecan began setting down disposable plates, one for each I'ee, although she made sure not to actually hand them over or bump into any of the aliens. She was still a bit skittish. Satisfied that the other Cook was in no immediate danger, Kiwi produced a set of shiny silverware with Star Army markings and began slicing up chunks of cheese to dispense onto the plates. Once these had been parceled out to let each I'ee try every type of cheese, she stood back to observe their half of the taste testing.

Old City, Hunting Area

The Taii winced slightly at the high-pitched noise, making a sour face but otherwise staying composed. "I appreciate formality, but I am a soldier, not a diplomat. Others were created for that, and I was born for this." She simply stared as Uso began wallowing in the dirt and mud, the Captain wearing her spotless and regulation-perfect Duty Uniform, as always. "...killing Mishhuvurthyar is a service to the galaxy. I would never shy away from it. And I also...would not care to see the I'ee destroyed. They are..." She seemed to have an odd, thoughtful expression on her face for a moment. "...they are the type of being whose existence seems to create a desire to protect it. Like...a small child. Or a defenseless animal."

She cleared her throat. "I am no hunter, but I believe there is a difference between hiding and stealth." Tsukisaki did not seem like the type to 'hide' from anything. "Our subordinates seem to have the right idea. Split our forces into smaller groups, perhaps one or two members from either side. To surround our prey. And keep an eye on each other."

The Star Army Captain slowly smiled. "I could watch you hide, Tasuki Uso."