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RP: 188604 [Post USO X Heartbreaker Crossover] Recreational Killing

Hunting Ground

Corgan stepped out of the shuttle to watch Uso roll around in the dirt. "That's a good look for you." He said, whistling appreciatively. The Nepleslian was oblivious to the noise or the fact that there was even a noise. He definitely heard the response. Startled, he turned towards the sound. It seemed like it was coming from several places at once.

"I'm not going to hide. She said it's a trickster, it could be anywhere. What we need is someone to draw it out. Set up a kill zone and lure it in, then ambush it." Corgan suggested. "I'll be the bait if no one else will."


Takeshi heard the high-pitch noise. It was more annoying than painful to him. He tried in vain to identify the animal from the call. His attention returned to Skade, he replied, "Perhaps not as fun as time alone with you, Skade-chan."

In a louder voice, he said, "I do believe that the Colonel's plan is sound, but I don't think he can move fast enough to avoid injury. If anyone is bait it should be me."
The hummingbird took a brief leave of her current conversation, turning her upper body to face the people talking about a distraction.

"If you need someone to lure it out, I can fly. It'd be pretty easy to avoid getting eaten in the air." The silver-eyed girl followed her statement with a shrug, almost as if she was asking what could go wrong, before turning back to her original conversation partner.
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Base Camp

Isao finished his immediate work and settled his gaze on the happenings of the cook and the I'ee, looking extremely observant. He didn't say anything, just looked with a washed out, tired expression. He began to wonder why he came down instead of either pulling watch on his new NMX Neko charge or just sleeping. He dismissed the thoughts to stay on his watch of the area, being the 'higher man' and just letting his job come first.
Hunting Ground

Cyrus stepped off his shuttle and strode over to Errowyn, and smiled at her. "Are you ready?" He asked as he approached her. He took in the scenery of the old city, and listened to the sounds coming from it. "It's kinda nice in its own way." He said to no one in particular.

He placed a hand on Errowyn's shoulder as he moved to stand next to her.
Old City - Entrance

"It eats flesh," Gut-Stripe answered Spacecase. "But it has a particular taste for nervous tissue. Do not be taken alive." The I'ee then turned to Alex. "The creature you will be hunting makes that sound," she answered, evidently misunderstanding his question. "You may use your craft as an observation device, though I am not sure how well it may serve in that role."

The I'ee then rose the volume of her voice to address the whole group. "Enter the city when you are ready to begin. I shall follow and seal the gates behind us. Move in the direction of the city centre: This was your quarry's last known location, and the location of its cry supports this."

Base Camp

The I'ee squeaked excitedly as cheese was served to each of them, plucking slices from the plates with their claws and touching them with their antennae before curiously nibbling at them. They each seemed interested in the consistency and texture of the cheese, and let out squeaks as they tasted it. It seemed they were enjoying trying this new type of food.

As for the Ee'ith serving Kiko, she squeaked and danced happily upon hearing the neko's appraisal. "Yay!" she cheered, before displaying an open-mouthed expression on her mask at Kiko's question. "A name? No! I don't think any of us ever thought to give a name to a fruit before. I always called it the 'squishy green fruit'." The I'ee then displayed a smile. "Would you like to give it a name, Miss?"

Isao, meanwhile, was disturbed by another Ee'ith female, who approached him timidly with an artificial smile. "Excuse me, sir?" she asked. "Is there anything I can do for you? Are you hungry?"
Base Camp

Isao snapped out of his internal silence and looked down at the Ee'ith female. "No, I'm fine." He wasn't hungry, just tired. His gaze showed that he seemed to have the thousand parsec stare, but considering what he had went through that might be excused as his regular stare. His stoicism was momentarily broken with a slight smile followed by a warm, "Though I appreciate the sentiment." The smile stayed for a while before it slowly began to fade away again, but the warm thoughts remained in his mind.
Base Camp

Kiko raised an eyebrow. The fruit had no name?- it struck her as rather odd, but she supposed they didn't necessarily need to name the fruit in the traditional way, "Give it a name, huh?", her tail swished with excitement, this was a grand opportunity!- "I'll have to think on that one!- maybe we can name it together!" She offered, thinking over all the marvelous qualities of the fruit, "Perhaps something to do with honey? Do you have honey here?- maybe under a different name? It's sorta like the juice from the fruit! Sticky and sweet, but it's gold in color."
Base Camp

Kiwi seemed amused by the reaction of the I'ee to their little snack, watching them steadily clean their plates. She glanced over as Kiko began to consider a possible name for the fruit whose juice she'd just guzzled. "...yeah, it's like honey, but it's more liquidy. Like all wet and dewy..." She emphasized the word before trailing off, trying not to smile. "It's some kinda...dewy-honey. From a melon." The Neko bit her lip to hold in a giggle, as Pecan rolled her eyes in the background.
Base Camp

Kiko let out a soft snort, and looked over at Kiwi with amusement, "You know, you're totally right, but I'm fairly certain that there's already a fruit with that name, and this isn't it." She waved her hand playfully at the other cook, "Something to work with, I suppose..." She rubbed her chin in thought.
Base Camp

Alex sent his mecha into a leap, and then it transformed into a fighter. It began to search the city by flying in an outwardly expanding spiral, scanning for heat since it had no aural sensors sensitive enough to search through those means.

Meanwhile, he stood around with everyone else, unsure of what else to do.
Hunting Grounds
Spacecase would begin off into the city at a jog. He wanted to be the first to see what kind of creature could make such a piercing sound. He was also eager to prove that he could hold his own in close combat and wasn't just some coward who liked to sit some where safe while others did the heavy lifting. "If you hear yelling it means I found it!" He would yell back as he ducked into an alleyway.
Old City - Entrance

Hasewega took a brief headcount of the current hunting group as Araxie interjected before adding in. "You both should go as a pair seeing as how you two are probably the fastest out of all of us." She cast a glance towards Spacecase as he started off towards the hunting ground. "...And we shouldn't be going off on our own anyways..." She added with a mutter.

Clearing her throat, she continued. "Since we have a ship searching the area, we can use it to pinpoint one of the creature's location. Araxie and Takeshi can draw it to us, then we all attack before it can get away. We should still fan out in small groups and search the area quickly in case there's gaps in the sensors. I'd Araxie recommend Takeshi depart immediately before anything happens to our solo compatriot." The last part of sentence seemed end with a bit of a hiss.

"This is, of course, with everyone's blessings and haste on the matter."
"I'm game." Said Jay.

"Bout time someone came up with a plan."
Errowyn readied her camera as the others made plans. She smiled as she felt Cyrus's hand on her shoulder. "I'm ready." She watched Spacecase take off. She smirked. It wasn't about bravery, but having a good time working together. She would let Cyrus take the lead as she hung out with him.
Old city, entrance

"Does anyone want to look around with me?" Alex asked. "It seems like we're pairing off."

Alex really thought he'd rather not be alone with something running around out there.
The Star Army Captain slowly smiled. "I could watch you hide, Tasuki Uso."

"OH I could do all sorts of things to you," Uso replied, finishing her wallowing. Her bodysuit was now caked in green and brown... the neko remaining on the forest floor, sitting as she stuffed branches and leaves into the webbing on the shoulders of her outfit.

"But first, gotta show these guys why I'm still useful to have around... You new-models got any new tricks for thing hunting?" Uso asked, standing up now that her change was complete. She certainly smelled like her surroundings, her outline now broken up by the bits and pieces pinned against her shoulders. Her knives would soon return to their holsters, the shine now removed with a thin layer of dirt... her spear ending up in hand."

Uso then watched spacecase run off.

"... We should get going. Spacecase is fantastically eager, but green as fuck..." Even before she had finished, Uso was heading off after him.
Hunting Ground

Skade chuckled at Takeshi’s remark. “Good to hear I’m more fun that hunting a monster that can justify a rocket barrage,” she said, shaking her head at his next sentence. “But do you really have to be sticking your neck on the line, Saba-kun?”

Before he could reply, the Neko turned and watched the Freespacer run off towards the city. “What in the world does he think he’s doing?” she asked, rolling her eyes as she lifted off the ground. “Whatever you guys are doing, hurry it up. I’ll make sure Mr. Jenkins doesn’t get eaten.”

At that, she set off, flying at a decent clip until she caught up with Spacecase. “Get bored enough to get yourself killed?” she asked, looking down on him as she got her rapier ready.
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Hunting Grounds
Spacecase would sigh. "Boredom might have been a part of it. But for the most part it's because my occupation is a scout." Spacecase was relieved that he wouldn't be alone.
The nth Hungrr Games Arena

With a wave of parting the lanky caelisolan hefted her spear and jogged off into the city, following the growing group around Spacecase for the time being.

"On second thought, if we get more eyes from above we'll probably find this thing faster..." Birdy looked upwards, estimating how high the buildings were, how long it would take to climb them. She periodically checked the doors of nearby buildings, jogging around the group like an electron about an atom's nucleus, more than once leaving their field of vision.
Since no one seemed to be pairing up with him, Alex brought his fighter down, transformed it, and hopped in one of its hands before walking over to where Araxie was.

"You said you wanted to get some height?"
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